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ex_meiko437 @ 2003-05-11 03:27:00 |
(no title)
Mood: giggly
Draco shows us exactly WHY he was placed into Slytherin. Taking complete advantage of the situation, something I also would do.
Sinistra likes COLIN CREEVY?
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 00:36:17 UTC |
I was so waiitng for his answers!
Very interested in seeing P_S's response to this new info.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 00:41:52 UTC |
Well you're a dried up old hag who could use a good lay.
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ex_meiko437 @ May 11 2003, 00:46:46 UTC |
portkey @ May 11 2003, 00:42:12 UTC |
"Why did James and Lily Potter die?"
Wow, I really want to hear the answer to this.
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ex_meiko437 @ May 11 2003, 00:53:33 UTC |
I was wishing for a genuine answer, also. Isn't this more than enough information to land Lucius into Azkaban? He's referring to Voldemort as "Our Lord", admitted to a secret panel, and aired the fact that Fudge is a pawn.
(parent)morganmuffle @ May 11 2003, 07:40:47 UTC |
The reply is screened now, can anyone give a recap?
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 00:43:09 UTC |
These questions that he's asking aren't things that people want the general public to know. Who slipped the truth serum into the drinks at The Reception?
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neveth @ May 11 2003, 00:45:13 UTC |
Ron. He was supposed to put it in Looshie's drink but put it in the punch bowl instead.
George and Fred got him to do it.
And now I'm relly going to bed.
jitter_bug @ May 11 2003, 00:43:19 UTC Oh my! |
Yes, he did take advantage of the situation in a properly Slytherin way. I can't wait until everyone answers his questions.
And did you catch Sirius' reply to McGonagall? I think my jaw just dropped.
Honesty is clearly not always the best policy.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 00:46:14 UTC Re: Oh my! |
Madam Hooch's reply was great :D
I for one am surprised you're not volunteering to solve that problem.
vellum @ May 11 2003, 00:46:43 UTC Re: Oh my! |
did you see hooch's response to black's response to mcg? ooooh...
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ex_meiko437 @ May 11 2003, 00:50:06 UTC Re: Oh my! |
how APPROPRIATE and FUNNY, though!!
He's even bedded EWAN MCGREGOR. I was looking for "Thomas Felton" on the list. Dissapointment. Thumbs down. XD
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ex_meiko437 @ May 11 2003, 00:48:48 UTC Re: Oh my! |
I'm very dissapointed with the way some answers are panning out, and his questions could have been juicier.
yes, but this gigantic catharsis is extremely funny!! I really wish I could close this and go to bed.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 00:50:33 UTC Re: Oh my! |
Fred just asked What do you think of Draco Malfoy (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/145109.html?mode=reply)!!!
*prays J_H responds*
portkey @ May 11 2003, 01:41:20 UTC Re: Oh my! |
He did, but it seems as though Remus shut down the computers in the middle of it.
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 03:19:15 UTC Re: Oh my! |
And Draco replied to him!
You forgot 'y.'
Er....ok, *reads too much into it* Double meaning?
notapipe @ May 11 2003, 03:27:50 UTC Re: Oh my! |
I can read subtext into Draco actually responding (and doing so in a neutral to teasing manner!), but I don't see any double meaning to 'y'. Unless you turn it upside down and become all paranoid about gay greek letters. :P
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 03:32:13 UTC Re: Oh my! |
"You forgot why..." Like, you forgot to say why you like me.
Is totally reading too much into it...
*goes to hide*
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 00:53:02 UTC |
Is this sort of like Draco's revenge? For being so humiliated and troucned upon (deservedly) last week? Or was it 2 weeks ago? Whenever!
I do think he is genuinely curious about somethings, esp. the questions he asked his father, which always interest me from a canon standpoint esp. the diary stuff and how many people really know that Tim Riddle=Voldemort...*dweeb*
But it's almost like "Well, you all learned I am a homophone last week, now let's see what nasty things everyone can learn about all of you!.
Of course, now Fred seems to be getting a measure of revenge!
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ex_meiko437 @ May 11 2003, 00:56:05 UTC |
oh, I really just think this is Draco's slytheirn side of his personality asserting itself. He's DEFINITELY curious about everything asked to his father, and he seems to just enjoy having the upper hand in making everyone reveal things they'll absolutely regret later
i took all of that information for granted. I've completely forgotten that no one really knows how Diggory died or that Tom Riddle was Voldemort
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 01:02:59 UTC |
...and I'm curious as to why he asked about Harry's parents.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 10:40:42 UTC |
Sure! Draco's been obsessed with Harry for years and that's always included Harry's parents. (One of the first things he asked/taunted Harry about in canon, in fact.) It's always been obvious that Draco's hatred contained a sincere, sometimes morbid, interest.
Ps has always been interested in just about everything about Harry the boy and so has noticed and thought about things other people don't--usually personal things. Part of what draws j_h to him, I think, is how ps's interest in Harry usually cuts closer to Harry's own issues than anyone else's does. Everyone else sees James and Lily's death as a general case of victimhood but Draco wants to know the details about Harry's life and who he is, just as Harry would.:-)
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luleh @ May 11 2003, 01:06:19 UTC |
The questions to his father are interesting, IMO, because I wonder if the indicate that he might've had some doubt? maybe over the whole death eater business. Will having his quesitons answered change his mind about anything?
(parent)notapipe @ May 11 2003, 03:25:04 UTC |
I had resolved not to comment tonight, since I was going to do work. But I have to say this little childish thing:
"Haha, you said 'homophone'"
It's extra funny because people can't decide if it's pronounced drah-co or dray-co.
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 03:53:51 UTC |
I say Drah-co Dray-co sounds like a name for one of my teddy bears. Of course my friend doe's want me to sing in her band called "Dracy Peraco" which is supposed to be a mixture of the names Dray-co and Percy because she adores that ship.