lunadeath02 @ 2003-05-11 03:19:00 |
last post, i promise ^_^
Mood: tired
Oh my god. Harry's going to stay in the bathroom? He's going to sleep in there?? O_o *wibbles*
[EDIT] And now I officially hate Colin. >:O
elena @ May 11 2003, 01:23:43 UTC |
I sleep in the bathtub with a sleepingbag sometimes. Its a nice change of pace.
However I will sleep in my regular bed tonight WHICH I WILL GO TO NOW AIEEE
bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 01:28:04 UTC |
*wibble scream* And I don't want to turn my back on the computer!
*runs off for dinner* Waaaah.
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:28:14 UTC |
(sorry. Am pouring out emotion of whole night into this post)
God. Poor Harry. I would sleep in the bathroom too if I were him. And never come out. :(
lunadeath02 @ May 11 2003, 01:31:51 UTC |
I know what you mean!
And, OMG... Your Icon!! O_O *loffs*
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:34:44 UTC |
Isn't the picture gorgeous? It was made by the talented ashjay.
I look at it and then I look at Draco not asking Harry any questions. I mean, he could ask "Would you like to be my friend again?" or "Can I grovel at your feet to make it up to you?" >.>
vellum @ May 11 2003, 01:36:26 UTC |
::cries:: and lupin, and creevey says, "I've got a picture in my head of you now and it's not ever going away."
it's just kinda... sad.
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:38:04 UTC |
*wails* and look at this
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The players are so CRUEL! *weeps* Lupin. Sirius. Harry. :(
and I'm like so incoherent right now lol
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:45:08 UTC Re: May I just say that I *adore* your icon?? |
from ashjay's journal. She wrote a fic sort of based on it, and she is probably going to post it tomorrow. Well, today, now. *looks at clock*
portkey @ May 11 2003, 01:44:27 UTC |
I'm just upset that Fred dispelled my dreams of Harry/Fred.
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:45:36 UTC |
You say that now.
You will want in on the Harry/Draco action later, baby.
*flaunts icon*
longtimegone @ May 11 2003, 01:50:37 UTC |
All about the Harry/Draco action.
*loffs said icon*
longtimegone @ May 11 2003, 02:11:44 UTC |
Actually I love *both* of your icons! *friends you* If that's okay...
nightshade24 @ May 11 2003, 01:41:44 UTC |
I started screaming when I saw your icon, thinking at first that it was an actual deleted scene from the movie!
I am either drunk, stoned, tired or all three.
Yet I have not ingested any foreign substances. Weird. *hides*
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 01:47:09 UTC |
thinking at first that it was an actual deleted scene from the movie!
Oh, I so wish! Although with Cuaron directing the 3rd one, there's all sorts of possibilities. Y Tu Mama Tambien, yes. >:D Well, the uncensored version anyway...
nightshade24 @ May 11 2003, 09:41:22 UTC |
Whoo hoo! I so need to see that movie. ^_^
*bows and worships princess_draco for the H/D icon love*
Oh fuck. My back... Can't. Get. Back. Up. A little help please? Anyone?
bookofjude @ May 11 2003, 02:32:48 UTC |
You're such a dilly sometimes, did you know that dear?
Being drunk is contagious.
notapipe @ May 11 2003, 03:30:03 UTC |
[EDIT] And now I officially hate Colin. >:O
You and all of Hogwarts. Except Sinistra.
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hezzabeth @ May 11 2003, 03:41:58 UTC |
I quite like him , his added new depth to his charector tonight.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 11 2003, 08:54:12 UTC |
And I now officially love Colin.
There is no other character quite like him. And I know he's given off serial-killer vibes, but he's representing a part of Harry's wizarding-fandom that is so obsessed as to having a love-hate relationship with Harry and also themselves. He presents such dark twisted personality that I find myself utterly fascinated.
I don't think he's homophobic, either. Now, Lavender, that's flagrant homophobia. But Colin has no problem with other people being gay, just Harry being gay. And that only because of the implications it put on his worshipping self, leading to him losing the suspicious Lessa, the person tied with Harry for all-importance in his life. Losing her, I think, made him realize that Harry is not so very important after all. But since Harry led to him losing her, he lashes out at Harry with self-hate and misdirected blame. He really seems to be torn between jealousy and hate, and his latest posts just offer so much depth and persona that I could just sit and analyze every line.
And now I worship Sinistra too. Her answer to Draco's query of who her favorite student was made me stare and wonder and agree. "Colin Creevey. I could be no more delighted than to see him drag you down to the bottom of the earth."
Draco is horribly hurtful and an overall bastard, but everyone adores him anyway, myself included. So, yeah, Colin could be a stalker, and I'd love him still. Even if his posts do make me cry.
sistermagpie @ May 11 2003, 10:18:23 UTC |
I have to second the praise of Colin and his player. He was fabulous tonight in all his honesty. And yes, there were some truths in there.
I like the way his homophobia is handled too under the Vertisaseum. Homophobia *does* have reasons for the people who feel it, after all, and Colin's was quite understandable. He's worried about being gay himself so when he realizes the person he's followed around for years is gay he's worried his own feelings had a component of sexual attraction. Not that this excuses his comments or makes Harry to blame, but I like that he's pictured as a confused and vulnerable teenager as well as a little jerk. This is part of what sucks about being a celebrity, I suppose, that people want you to live up to whatever they need from you, but still I loved hearing Colin's thoughts on why Harry made him angry. Not just on the gay issue (because there's no much to say about that from Harry's side--Colin's reaction only says things about Colin himself) but on the Draco issue. Everybody's wondering why Harry appears to let Draco push him around.