anamirza @ 2003-03-31 16:18:00 |
taking the plunge
Mood: nervous
I always get very nervous posting to a community but here goes.
I know we are all looking for clues about what happened the night of the party and I was wondering what people thought was the meaning of Ginny's poems.
The first one, Ok, I think is pretty clear.
Heart warmed to its core;
Hidden under the willows,
Swaying with the breeze.
The second two I'm not sure on: are they referring to past events I have forgotten or are they referring to recent (party?) events?
Mosquito bitten?
Red bird laughs as white ferret
Bounces down the hall.
Moon, heavy and sweet.
His insides are in your hands,
The wreckage in mine.
(I hope that formatting worked right.)
xnera @ March 31 2003, 19:06:19 UTC My interpretations... |
Heart warmed to its core;
Hidden under the willows,
Swaying with the breeze.
Yes, this one is obvious: Ginny is writing about her talk and make-up with Cho.
Mosquito bitten?
Red bird laughs as white ferret
Bounces down the hall.
White ferret obvious refers to Draco. Draco has described Ginny's breasts as being like mosquite bites. I think "red bird" is Cho, as one of Cho's icons is of a bird, and the color red reminds me of Cho's heritage.
So, I'm betting that at the least, Cho and Ginny had a laugh at Draco referring to Ginnys' breasts as mosquito bites. But didn't they run into him on their way back from the housewarming? The "bounces down the hall" kind of implies he was stalking off in a huff, doesn't it?
Moon, heavy and sweet.
His insides are in your hands,
The wreckage in mine.
This one is a toughie. Moon obviously makes me think of Lupin, and his relationship with Sirius is rather heavy and sweet right now. But I have no idea what the wreckage could be.
Otherwise... well, Draco has the coloring of a moonchild -- all pale and blond. "His insides are in your hands" sounds to me like somebody's emotions are being tugged by someone else... perhaps how Harry seems to be tugged by Draco? "The wreckage in mine"... well, Ron's all upset about Cho & Ginny, which has been having an effect on Ron's other relationships, I think.
Just some thoughts on this one. Have no clue how close I am to being right.
By the way, just wanted to give a shout-out to everyone who plays a character on Nocturne Alley. You rule my world.
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Anonymous @ March 31 2003, 19:08:18 UTC Re: My interpretations... |
There was a party event about the moon.
(parent)xnera @ March 31 2003, 19:31:50 UTC Re: My interpretations... |
You mean the Lantern Festival? That was the one Millicent made her jack-o-lantern for, which would certainly fit "His insides are in your hands". *grin* And didn't someone accidentally break a lantern? Anyone remember who that was?
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nefeleo @ March 31 2003, 19:48:01 UTC Re: My interpretations... |
The moon festival involves mooncakes, presumably sweet ones, which have messages inside them.
These are all about Cho, as far as I can tell. :) These two are so sweet.
<3 Cho.