nightflight @ 2003-05-12 00:28:00 |
aftermath posts
Mood: tired
And hell, Pansy.
moojja @ May 11 2003, 21:34:31 UTC |
Hi, I'm new, but been following NA for a while. But does anyone else found Lucius's comment: "I could never "disown" you, my love, as you are not my child. I could only disown Draco if it came to that, and I'm certainly not inclined to. " a bit disturbing. I think Draco might have to rethink his bloodline now. He might have more in common w/ Harry than we all thought.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 21:39:56 UTC |
Eep... Pansy scares me. She appears so sweet and kind, but all of her posts still feel... creepy. :O
She linked the name Harry to her own livejournal. I think it's just a mistake, but still... *am probably way overanalyzing* :\
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 21:42:47 UTC |
Um, that was a typo. By me. Not Pansy.
-Pansy's player, who now feels really stupid.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 21:47:17 UTC |
It was just me being too deep, LoL.
I know it sounds fluffy, but I love your portrayal of Pansy. *worships*
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 21:51:19 UTC |
Well I feel stupid because I was not trying to write double meaning.
Thank you.
breeamal @ May 11 2003, 23:51:35 UTC |
First, let me say that it wasn't until I read this characterization on Pansy that I even bothered with the character. You do a fantastic job with a character that I used to find entirely unmemorable and now deeply adore.
Second, as my old dance teacher used to say, "Ladies, if he steps on your foot it is your fault. His job is to lead, your job is to follow and stay out of his way. If he proves himself to be incapable of leading, then take over." Yes she was female.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 00:45:18 UTC |
Thank you. I really don't feel honest taking credit for Pansy, though, because frankly I am just babysitting her right now. I'd rather not say that and ruin any structure, but this isn't Pansy's REAL player. Her real player is busy in real life at the moment and I (and another player) have been filling in for her for a few weeks. I feel funny telling you that, but I feel even funnier letting people credit me for Pansy when I'm just a temp.
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 21:44:23 UTC |
Molly's post made me cry :(
*wibbles* we need some Millicent, methinks.
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princess_draco @ May 11 2003, 21:56:28 UTC |
maybe I should lay off the icons... you might not be able to become alive again 0_0
(parent)imochan @ May 11 2003, 21:57:49 UTC |
death by icon is never a Bad Thing. :D Keep 'em coming.
unravels @ May 12 2003, 04:30:41 UTC Wah!! |
Molly's post made me cry :(
Me too! That was just heartwrenching - Molly's player is incredible. And Arthur's response set me off again. :} I'm still down about missing yet another Mother's Day due to this pesky 3000 miles away thing. I think I'll call Mom again. *wibble*
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 20:20:20 UTC Re: Wah!! |
Me too! Just the bit about writing and looking at her old journals... and the love she has for her children and husband...
She reminded me a lot of a friend's mother here and just...
*feels 500 things at once*
shusu @ May 11 2003, 21:56:47 UTC |
I'd just like to say that Molly's is the best Mother's Day post possible.
.........anyone else notice Bill was born six months later?
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Anonymous @ May 11 2003, 22:58:38 UTC |
I did too, but it doesn't matter. His parents would have gotten married anyway.
(parent)notapipe @ May 12 2003, 04:08:40 UTC |
Narcissa/Lucius/Vector: "For some reason or another I keep getting mental images of the gazebo and of Lucius, myself, and Hilda Vector sharing wine and doing a rather interesting few minutes of wine tasting infused with learning proper anatomy."