notapipe @ 2003-05-12 04:33:00 |
(no title)
Mood: anxious
Sinistra ships H/D. That or she is just evil and wants to see less positive sparks fly.
Something else intrigued me. The "you may not use this time to cheat with your partner" comment, to my addled brain, read as "No, you may not spend this time snogging your partner". This seems suspect, but I'm feeling kinda stupid, so are there alternative exegesises? (should that be exegesii? exegeses?)
notapipe @ May 12 2003, 04:42:30 UTC Dum de dum, here I am, responding to my own post |
How the hell did Rincewind get accepted to Hogwarts school for wizardry (one z)? At least Neville has the whole "Dark Lord in disguise" thing going on, plus Herbology, Rincewind is just incompetant.
I could see Madam Pince as a monkorangutang, however.
delirieuse @ May 12 2003, 05:52:42 UTC Re: Dum de dum, here I am, responding to my own post |
Glee! Glad someone else spotted that one too.
I mean, how come we haven't heard of Rincewind before now? His lack of wizardly power must surely beat Neville's into the ground; if he is enrolled in Hogwarts, he must have more than Filch, for instance, but only just.
morganmuffle @ May 12 2003, 06:06:34 UTC Re: Dum de dum, here I am, responding to my own post |
I'm fairly sure he's been mentioned before...
notapipe @ May 12 2003, 07:43:01 UTC Re: Dum de dum, here I am, responding to my own post |
I think Lupin may have tapped him for the ministry trip.
(parent)delirieuse @ May 14 2003, 01:40:25 UTC Re: Dum de dum, here I am, responding to my own post |
I think you're right, now I come to think of it.
(parent)morganmuffle @ May 12 2003, 06:10:42 UTC |
Should be and interesting assignment... Perfect partners indeed!
Other pairs that could cause trouble/great posts *g*
Macmillan and Parkinson: Potentially explosive I reckon
Bulstrode and Thomas & Boot and Finnigan (I love any interaction between these four)
Turpin and Zabini (just in case Zabin actually turns up...)
anjaliesque @ May 12 2003, 06:14:31 UTC |
Exegeses, I think. Same problem I always had with the plural of thesis.
I'm still reeling over the fact that Sinistra put Harry and Draco together. I think NA usually tends to avoid outright set-ups. Like last time, on that field trip through Muggle London, when everyone of course wanted Harry and Draco together, it was instead Draco and Ron, Harry and Parvati. This didn't necessarily exclude the H/D action, of course.
But I suppose it's something long overdue, and quite the treat for all of us. Considering the strained relations between the two, their partnership will offer much more interest now than it would've on the Ministry field trip.
anjaliesque @ May 12 2003, 06:22:11 UTC |
Also: I think Sinistra just wants amusement, after all. She seems to love all these explosions and arguments. So her partner assignments are all vitriolic mixes. M.B. and Dean will be very interesting, for sure. Maybe Hermione can talk some sense into Lavender. Seamus might beat up Boot some more for what he did to his boyfriend. And Ron and Justin - ha, nothing need be said there. I only hope these partnerships all end up as interesting as Ron's and Draco's adventures in Muggle London with lottery tickets and stew and feminine items. :D
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 06:46:15 UTC |
What's great about this is that it isn't a cheat. That is, you know that Sinestra *would* do this and *why.* It's just just like, "Oh look, Draco and Harry are paired together!" It could go one of two ways: either they fulfill her wishes and make each other miserable or they surprise her.
I don't think it's at all a coincidence that this was announced just when Remus and Sirius went on their honeymoon and so couldn't do anything to stop it. Sinestra's just evil.:-)
sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 08:22:39 UTC |
Ahem. That should read: It's NOT just like, "Ooh, Harry and Draco are paired together."
(parent)kat99999 @ May 12 2003, 09:24:37 UTC |
I think it probably wasn't exactly intended by Sinistra. I mean, I don't think she's plotting anything huge for the boys, heh.
But. Doesn't stop me being farrrr too squee about it! *grins happily and hops about* Even if it only means for four days interaction, be it bad or good, it's still something for us H/D-ers to hold onto! *happy*
sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 09:45:31 UTC |
I think her intention is for the two of them to kill each other for her amusement! I have other plans...:)
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 17:08:16 UTC |
This seems suspect, but I'm feeling kinda stupid, so are there alternative exegesises?
How about, "she was suggesting they not take the time to cheat on their plotting with their partners"?
danibennett @ May 12 2003, 18:03:09 UTC |
Hehehe! Harry and Draco! Warms my little H/D heart it does ^_^
black_dog @ May 12 2003, 18:16:37 UTC |
Well, I've waited my 5 minutes. Draco is dropping Astronomy! Coward. I'm genuinely disappointed in him. Though I guess he can only make so much progress, in so short a time.
(parent)xnera @ May 12 2003, 18:25:51 UTC |
I'm just waiting for someone to tell him he can't drop the class.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 12 2003, 18:51:28 UTC |
Truly a coward. Won't be a man and face up to his relationship problems. *admonishes potterstinks, ignoring protests of "What relationship?!*
No way anyone will let him drop. Maybe he can get around the teachers and doting Mother, but certainly not his venerable and snake-stick-wielding Father.
I think we're all just getting lazy, or waiting for someone else in NrAged to makes topics about the NA posts. Losing our touch, I expect. Go on, somebody, make a post. *tactfully doesn't mention that I'm not doing it myself either* :D
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neveth @ May 12 2003, 20:08:18 UTC |
Sinestra won't let him drop. ^^ This shall be interesting.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 12 2003, 20:23:50 UTC |
I do so adore Sinistra, have I mentioned? She's so ultra .