slinkhard @ 2003-05-15 13:03:00 |
(no title)
Potterstinks has updated:
Edited to note as has
Seems Draco and Harry had fun at Draco's.
orpheusinjapan @ May 15 2003, 07:18:55 UTC |
Okay. So if he was meeting Harry at 9, how did he make it to Colin's meeting at 9:30? That's a pretty quick astronomy project.
Obviously I'm missing something. Open to suggestions.
tabiji @ May 15 2003, 07:35:14 UTC |
Hmmmm. He was right there and didn't go to see her. I'm torn between hoping he was enjoying his time with Harry too much to want to leave, and wondering whether it's intentional, due to the adoption thing?
sistermagpie @ May 15 2003, 08:35:57 UTC |
I think Draco's meeting with Harry was "after nine" so he probably decided to be fashionably late and make Harry wait around (giving Harry a chance to make a nice, homey study area I'll bet!). He stopped off at Colin's meeting on the way, stayed ten minutes, then left to see Harry is my guess. Surely Harry would be pestering him for some kind of report. I can see him proudly telling Harry how nobody knows how to hate him but himself-and making Harry laugh and feel better about the whole idea of Colin's club in the process.
I'm beginning to really wonder about the Narcissa thing. I don't think it's got to do with the adoption because he started ignoring her before that. It seems to me that ps has, in his mind, decided he's going to ignore her until she does something or shows some sort of understanding/remorse for something known only to himself at this point. There are two things he's repeatedly referenced regarding his relationship with Narcissa: that she didn't notice/care he was missing for several days and that she didn't know his age. Her protestations that she was distracted by other things or nervous do not impress him. So I think he sees these things as showing something significant in the way Narcissa feels about him/sees him and he's decided not to speak to her until there's some change in those things. Or until she comes to an understanding of why these things are hurtful to him and wants to make that better. The last thing he asked Narcissa was "why do you always make up excuses to make yourself look good?" and she answered (under veritaseum) that she wasn't making up excuses but telling the truth (of course to a Narcissist "excuses that make one look good" are truth anyway). That answer made him stop talking to her again.
tabiji @ May 15 2003, 09:39:36 UTC |
Yep...that's what I don't get. He knows she was under Veritaserum when she got all mushy and apologized for not being a better mother, yet he's still ignoring her...yet he seemed to fawn over Lucius (complete with signing "your protege, your pride and joy", etc).
You're probably right about it being some sort of slight that is only known to Draco. I was thinking that maybe she'd forgotten his birthday...which ties in with the age thing, and fanon!Draco is often thought to have an April birthday.
*eyes birthdate in his profile*
*scratches head*
ungemmed @ May 15 2003, 10:51:36 UTC |
I doubt it's that. We'd have heard about his birthday through other channels, I think... PS would probably put up an aggreived post about everyone forgetting. Or perhaps Pansy would make a big deal about it... it doesn't seem to fit with her "Draco's girlfriend" persona for her to act any other way, and she's too careful an actress to slip like that. Actually, probably both would happen.
(Because after all she would probably bake for him. And he has repeatedly stated that he wants no pies. ^^)
bookshop @ May 15 2003, 11:16:41 UTC |
His birthday is in December, I think it's on Dec. 31--that's the number that's stuck in my head. He posted about it back then, I believe.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 15 2003, 11:39:30 UTC |
But her attitude probably isn't any less hurtful to him under Veritaseum. In fact, it's almost worse because it shows that she honestly has no idea why it's wrong in her not instinctively care about him more intensely. He was missing for several days and she she never once worried about whether he was okay or tried to find him. That's pretty significant. This kind of issue is usually something, I think, that younger children deal. Draco seems a little developmentally delayed (okay a lot) in this area. But still it seems like the point is the same: child runs away to test whether parent will come after them. And Draco did run away like a child--he didn't leave the grounds. It's like "A Baby Sister for Frances" only with a teenager.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 04:23:38 UTC |
I always give Draco a July/August birthday - dammit J.K. give someone other than Harry a birthday!
It fits to me because then
a) He'd be a Leo which fits his personality down to the ground
b) Same as Harry ;)
c) He'd be one of the younger ones in his year, explaining the fact he's small and has Crabbe and Goyle to protect him.
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 05:34:46 UTC |
I just found out today that Osama Bin Ladin is a Pisces and was born only but two days before I was. Look out.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 05:46:46 UTC Re: |
Pisces. Deep people, don't let much out but are emotional, can be psychic, alcoholic or romantic.
There we are, astrology in one lesson.
Perhaps I shall start to ship notapipe/osama, deviating from the more canonical notapipe/non_inferno.
I share a birthday with Jules Verne and James Dean. Hmph.
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 05:58:02 UTC Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
*is off to be a productive member of society with his B.S.B.A. in Astrology, thanks to Crazy Go Nuts University*
Hmmmm, it would be a slash ship (not to mention that notapipe/non_inferno is not canon, merely insanity). Though I doubt he would consider that a bonus.
Albert Einstein's birthday is two days after mine. Which means I am the average of Osama and Einstein. So I either have crazy hair and crazy beard (which is not true, since my body does not like the beards) or want to, and can, build an atomic bomb. Or is that can't and don't want to?
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 06:22:24 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Hmm. Dean of Crazy Go Nuts U. I like that. Might have to put it on my resume.
Not canon?! What you call "insanity" is merely interpretation, or as it also known, "reading". I don't twist the text, I read it, and since every reading of text is different there is no justification for you to call my reading "twisting" or wrong. Remember, there is no perfect aesthetic transaction.
A wise person said that. Don't remember who though. ;)
Mmm, Osama/Einstein/notapipe
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 09:21:20 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
However, there ARE correct and false readings insofaras identifying an author's intent or extracting other "facts" from a text. When we are shipping elements which are, in fact, not parts of texts, such as real people, we move to a different realm of discourse from simple literature to a speaking of facts. Now, while you can find one or other interaction indicative of X for someone, say me, if that someone, as I have, disclaims X (and is not lying), then the inability to have a perfect aesthetic transaction in the earlier place which led to the creation of a different reading (and thus to different "facts") will be basically "corrected".
Though those are indeed wise words (and your ability to find them scares me), they are misapplied.
P.S. I believe Strong Bad is already the dean of CGNU.
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 09:46:40 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Strong Bad, the crusty old ogre.
I want to rebutt to your comment, but I lack the brain power to decipher your academic language, so I'll just say OSAMA/EINSTEIN/NON_INFERNO/NOTAPIPE 4EVA 111111!
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 09:58:17 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Translation to english: "Yeah, but I know the facts, and you're wrong, so nyah."
I utterly reject your square. Mainly on the Osama basis, because A) it's OOC, and B) he's a real bastard.
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 10:02:00 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
OOC - reread your canon, mister.
And surely by shipping H/D you're in favour of a love/hate relationship? Sure, all you have now is hate, but a few detentions together and a love spell gone awry and boom! We'll be writing love square mpregs.
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 10:04:08 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
No. Osama has too large a stick up his ass to have gay sex, is what I meant. Also, he's in Pakistan or something.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 10:11:34 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Love across continents. A beautiful story about how love can overcome all obstacles and lead to a foursome involving a rotten cadaver and a mass murderer.
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 10:17:31 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Oh, with a cadaver. I was thinking he could go very near the speed of light for a while and come to the future. Does he actually have a corpse?
(parent)slinkhard @ May 17 2003, 09:36:31 UTC Re: Do you want to be more awsome? Sure, we all do. |
Of course. Unless you'd prefer me to write Cremated!Einstein, as you, non_inferno and Osama spread him over yourselves, as you pledge neverending devotion.
moonlitpages @ May 15 2003, 11:17:36 UTC |
It seems to me that what Draco might really want is for Narcissa to take accountability for her actions for once. It's always "your father was injured so I couldn't come searching for you; I was flustered by the situation and it caused me to get your age wrong"; there's always an excuse to pass the blame onto the situation rather than her. This is something that Draco has always done as well, always having an excuse for his behavior that doesn't place the blame on himself. He tried to do this with oversleeping the duel- "a student kept me up all night and I over slept", and with the Harry situation, 'he came on to me', etc. And yet lately Lucius seems to be expecting him to hold himself accountable for these things instead- he did not care about Draco's excuse for oversleeping the duel and punished him anyway, and after the outing incident apparently he expected Draco to explain himself and his actions, to 'justify his existence'. Draco hasn't been able to pass the blame off on the situation anymore, he has had to take responsibility for his own actions. And I think perhaps this is what Draco is expecting of Narcissa now, seeing as it has been expected of him. To say "yes, I forgot about you for two days, I should not have, and I'm sorry". But Narcissa is simply unable to do this. Thus, stalemate.
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Anonymous @ May 15 2003, 16:44:29 UTC |
I do agree that his rift with his mother started before the adoption truth came out, but I think that it might be weighing on him and causing him to avoid her more than he ordinarily would (after all, he has been talking to his Father, I don't think it's just the accountability thing--that seems too subtle and abstract a reason for potterstinks to me)
Included in his interests are: "being a pureblood" and "my mother's ancestry" as well as assorted variations on the importance of being Malfoy. Bloodline and family have always been important to him and his self-image. While his Father brings "influence" to the table, it is his mother's "ancestry" he respects.
Many people at nraged have looked at the standard parenting ways in which Narcissa has failed her son. But these may only register as only vague dissatisfaction and frustrated hurt in his mind. The fact that she might be "impure" that *he* might be "impure" because of her... I can see this as something that looms large as a concrete problem in his mind. I can see him feeling betrayed and that she lied and that it will be all messed up and all her fault.
So he might not want to see her as he is feeling betrayed and seeing her would not only remind his that his beloved Mother is not as "pure" as he thought but also that *he* might not be as "pureblood" as he has always thought.
Sure, he can tell himself that her conservative parents would only have adopted a pureblood and wouldn't they have "known" if she were a dirty mudblood? But he must have some niggling doubts. He may be waiting with baited breath for Lucius' investigators' report to see which way his world will tilt.
That said, I agree with sistermagpie that I don't want the soap opera easy solution that he really isn't pureblood. There's not really satisfaction in him changing his mind that way.
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Anonymous @ May 15 2003, 17:02:29 UTC |
I agree, and I don't understand Lucius's saying that he would love Narcissa regardless. If Potterstinks really is avoiding her because of this, as much as it might be bad of him to do, it's the Draco we know. I don't want to see the Malfoys turn into saints and decide that the different blood classes are fine. I'm going to cringe all over if Narcissa isn't a pureblood. Changing someone's character that much is a little out of line to me, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Potterstinks disown his mother for it. It certainly wouldn't make him a saint, but it would make him a Malfoy, which seems to be less than what Lucius is doing.
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Anonymous @ May 15 2003, 19:30:15 UTC |
Lucius is always one to save face where possible; telling the truth is rather a secondary feature. It would not surprise me at all, should Narcissa not be pureblood, were he to go back on what he says here. Or, if he for example continued to "love her", but saw no reason that meant they ought to stay married.
Also note that Lucius seems to threaten Draco in his response to Narcissa's worries about being disowned. He says, "I could only disown Draco if it came to that." Technically, this is true. He would have to divorce Narcissa, not disown her.
Lucius has also said something to upset Narcissa on the subject, according to Narcissa's own post (I think the one on strawberries). So all is not rosy on that subject.
Wouldn't it be convenient if Narcissa turned out to be a Parkinson?
sistermagpie @ May 15 2003, 17:40:46 UTC |
Totally good points. For a while I was considering the idea that ps was ignoring Narcissa as long as she was at Dogear partially because of his stand against homosexuality but I don't think that's the case.
It's weird that Draco hasn't publically acknowledged the adoption at all...although maybe it's something like Lucius' faux-disowning him before. He just refuses to accept if it's that disturbing. Plus Narcissa knowing that she was possibly not a pureblood is a lot like her sudden turn around on the homosexuality issue where she says one thing and then suddenly something else is true. And he would definitely blame any loss of status or identity on his part to be Narcissa, I'd think.
tabiji @ May 16 2003, 03:55:09 UTC |
Ooh a new post.
I fell asleep in Arithmancy yesterday, and sure enough, when I awoke Professor Vector was there with a scone. I wondered, for a moment, if she'd intended to smash it into my face so that she could laugh about it privately when I awoke with a face full of pastry, but it seemed she wanted only to inquire about my sleeping habits. Having let me out of detention temporarily to work on my Astronomy, I suppose she assumed I was unable to sleep without her advice. I am quite well-rested today and slept pleasantly last evening.
I had hoped to see My Mother last night, but as it turned out she was having tea with Professor Vector.
Now it doesn't sound like he's intentionally ignoring Narcissa. Hmmm...and he fell asleep in Arthimancy.
*crossing fingers and hoping it's 'cause he's just enjoying late nites with Harry*
sistermagpie @ May 16 2003, 07:11:05 UTC |
He's such a little brat, I love him. He suddenly hoped to see his mother but boo-hoo she wasn't there. He's just driving her crazy!
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 16 2003, 07:13:37 UTC |
Here's my question though: Draco apparently didn't get any sleep and he's talked about missing work for two nights so he has to now work extra hard on the project...he is still talking about astronomy, right? So he's basically admitting that he and Harry have spent two nights together and not worked on the project at all? Just checking.
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Anonymous @ May 16 2003, 07:19:14 UTC |
Well I think one of the nights he was talking about was the night before he posted hunting Harry down. I think the project started the day before that so they should have worked on it that night but didn't.
(parent)tabiji @ May 16 2003, 07:33:14 UTC |
That's what I thought at first, but the project was posted by Sinistra on the 12th and Draco didn't post for Harry until the 14th.
I can't help but wonder how much they did get done since he claims he's got to work so hard on it now.
*hoping they'll have to ask for the extension Harry mentioned 'cause they're too busy snogging to work*
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 05:14:40 UTC Re: An apology |
S'okay, I didn't mind. It was my first post (at nraged) - rather shy of commenting. Next time, I'll try and add something else.
(parent)notapipe @ May 16 2003, 05:28:01 UTC Re: An apology |
There's nothing to be shy about, it's not as if we have standards of journalistic integrity or anything like that. We're squeeing fanboys and girls (mainly girls, but hey, I'm entitled to put who I want first, right?) for the most part, and it's not as if we're going to mock your opinions. (okay, I might a little. But only in the spirit of fun.)
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 05:39:21 UTC Re: An apology |
Ah, if only I had learnt from the fine examples of writing you have so helpfully linked to. ;
Mock away!
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 05:47:33 UTC Re: An apology |
You should. See how it helps me? I learned from a Pro.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 05:51:32 UTC Re: An apology |
Are you that person then?
*small brain befuddled*
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 06:03:34 UTC Re: An apology |
Nein. You should try reading the news. Jayson Blair recently was revealed to have basically made up his stories for the New York Times. He's a lying bastard who violates all the sacred duties of a journalist who probably deserves to be castrated, or maybe given a job at Fox News where he'd fit in (well, he'd fit in if he were whiter).
(parent)slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 06:13:40 UTC Re: An apology |
Reading the news? Next thing you know I'll be up to date with whats happening in the world, and then I might be in touch with reality! *shivers*
Thanks for the link - 'What can you say about a trusted professional who makes stuff up and publishes it as fact?' - isn't that most journalists, though?
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 06:16:33 UTC Re: An apology |
No. Most journalists let Ari Fleischer make stuff up and publish it as fact. There is a difference.
(parent)tabiji @ May 16 2003, 07:38:31 UTC Re: An apology |
News? As in reading a paper? As in taking-time-away-from-slash-to-do-someth
Hmmph. If it's not related to The Obsession, why bother?
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 08:05:44 UTC Re: An apology |
Right on. Although apparently Tom Felton was in the paper yesterday. Got IDed in a pub. Why is that so funny? *points and mocks* Oh yeah, cause it still happens to me at 19. *is mocked back*
(parent)tabiji @ May 16 2003, 08:09:53 UTC Re: An apology |
Did he realllly now? Hmmmmmm. Now I'm having all sorts of interesting thoughts of delinquent-drinking!Tom :)
Is there a link for that?
slinkhard @ May 16 2003, 08:26:33 UTC Re: An apology |
Yup - I believe it was some of the cast as it was raining (are you in the UK? Yesterday it was stormy everywhere) so they couldn't film, so they had to seek refuge in a pub. As one does. I seek refuge in pubs when it's too hot, too cold, a day ends in y...
Dunno if they were drinking or just got IDed for being under 14, as is the law for the day, if you are a USer. More embarrassing if it's the latter.
notapipe @ May 16 2003, 15:13:11 UTC Extra! Extra! Tom Felton eats Seasame-seed bagel! Dan seen with criossant! |
I don't know wether I should laugh or cry.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 17 2003, 09:17:23 UTC Re: Extra! Extra! Tom Felton eats Seasame-seed bagel! Dan seen with criossant! |
Oh you're funny. I'm laughing. Really.
*plots bloody revenge*
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Anonymous @ May 15 2003, 14:54:16 UTC |
I spent much of the evening making Potter get up and fetch me every single type of beverage their kitchens had to offer
haha, gotta love willing!slave!harry <333
sistermagpie @ May 15 2003, 18:01:57 UTC |
Ready, willing and able, apparently. They're meeting in front of Slytherin tonight. Guess they'll head on over together while Vector and Narcissa are having tea.
Um, squee.
flyingcarpet @ May 16 2003, 10:27:17 UTC squee-age |
I will also be at Dogear Wryde this evening. I suppose that I can retrieve Potter early and meet with you, in the kitchens if you'd like. Evidently Potter cooks.
Harry's cooking dinner for him now? Awwww, the romance...
tabiji @ May 16 2003, 03:08:22 UTC |
I wonder if there was any Veritaserum punch left? Heheh...Harry may not be as much in the dark as we are about Draco.
(parent)notapipe @ May 16 2003, 04:16:37 UTC |
*has a vision of Harry as Spike mooning over Buffy!Draco, and singing "Rest in Peace"*
Actually, I think that might be an interesting take on the just_harry/
potterstinks dynamic... Maybe not too accurate, but an interesting alternative take on the effect of the re-emerging JH/PS talkativeness. (Plus, it's a nice alternative to the obvious Spike-Draco and Buffy-Harry connections)
takeonelook @ May 16 2003, 00:31:53 UTC |
I like how Crabbe saw Draco practicing his mirroring charms. Trying to impress Potter perhaps? ;->
or maybe just trying to outdo him.
Eh, I'll stick to the trying to impress theory.
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Anonymous @ May 16 2003, 01:10:25 UTC |
I wonder about PS's current view towards Snape after the outing post and the veritaserum accident. He didn't mention Snape in his recent posts at all.