musesong @ 2003-05-16 01:54:00

Kitten - Lilitou/Lilitu/Lilith.
Mood: sleepy

I expect shusu to smile somewhat with my raising the topic of Lilith here. Given the attention to detail give by NA Snape's player, I am sure the name has significance and adore it sounding like: lily two.

Anon comment perked my interest in the association with Lilith as mythological figure as her demonization within Jewish folklore is a point of interest.

A friend of mine published on her LJ a paper on Lilith and thought might be of interest to some here to see the broader context of this figure/name.


shusu @ May 15 2003, 19:33:33 UTC ...and it deletes both comments!


I haven't checked, have the Snape/Lily types crawled out yet?


musesong @ May 15 2003, 23:47:38 UTC Re: a Lily by any other name.

Not as such. The name relates to potion_master's new kitten whom he has called Lilitou a name he says that surfaced in my reading this evening.

This led to speculation in this forum about meaning of the name and derivation of Lilitou possibly from 'Lilith' as 'mother of all demons' and first wife of Adam etc. in Jewish folklore.

Of course, with our Snape and our/my/his Lilith is his association between her name as evidence by Greetings demoness post.

So more a coincidence than slippage re choice of name. My Lilith being called 'Lily' was not at all my conscious association, came from another player's liking Genesis song - Lilywhite Lilith - and using in writing as a 'pet name' for her.
