rsiobhan @ 2003-04-01 19:54:00 |
(no title)
Snape's Latest Post
At first I thought he would Reveal It All, and end the horrible build up, but...
He's too cute.
justapresence @ April 1 2003, 19:03:50 UTC |
I think he's lusting over Harry Potter, my, what a bad, bad thought! And this is coming from an H/D Shipper, mind you.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 1 2003, 19:04:51 UTC |
What a pity it's a different conclusion than ours. I absolutely adore how the lead up hypes us all up into thinking- has he alighted on the truth? Is it the truth? Is Harry really- and then WHAM! Merely plagiarism. *sniff*
Considering the circumstances Snape has detailed for us, one's mind cannot help but jump to conclusions. Could it be-?
It is hardly any wonder, then, that so many of Potter's fans are plagiarists themselves.
*snerk* The fandom cowers, Professor.
bookshop @ April 2 2003, 04:26:32 UTC |
Hee. I just saw that. :D :D :D that was a brilliant line!
(parent)greenapricot @ April 2 2003, 06:03:07 UTC |
Heh. *giggle* Had to read that a second time just to make sure that was what he really said.
*loves Snape*
karabou @ April 1 2003, 19:05:30 UTC |
I've got your number this time, Potter, and your ride is running out.
I love this entry! It is too funny.
What are Harry's motives, I wonder? Why has he taken such a keen interest in Potions all of a sudden? Hmmm... :) I can't wait to see the comments on this entry.
The stench of plagiarism is thick. It is hardly any wonder, then, that so many of Potter's fans are plagiarists themselves.
Rotfl!! <33333
karabou @ April 1 2003, 19:10:26 UTC |
And lupercus offers more hobbies! LOL! I can just imagine Snape haunched over a pottery wheel, trying to get his pot just right, or putting together a scrapbook of beloved memories... hehe.
milenalupin @ April 2 2003, 03:28:25 UTC |
Especially because of the ... pottery aspect of the suggestion. *coughcough*
(parent)zhonnika @ April 1 2003, 19:17:33 UTC |
Wait... Harry's suddenly coming upon Potions texts that he's never seen before, and doing well in a class run by a Slytherin? Hmmmmmm... I wonder who it was that helped him with that essay.
anjaliesque @ April 1 2003, 19:23:53 UTC |
Yes, I think Draco's still ignoring him, and doing extracurricular work in Potions is Harry's way of trying to get his attention. It seems to have been actually on Draco's on lj that he
anjaliesque @ April 1 2003, 19:26:14 UTC |
Yeah, and that's such a messed-up link. I meant here. *blush*
(parent)metaphoracle @ April 1 2003, 20:00:47 UTC |
Gee. I wonder who could have given him a Potions text for Christmas.
And why he would mention that fact to Malfoy, of all people.
anamirza @ April 1 2003, 20:39:17 UTC |
Haha. Can't wait til someone tells Snape where that potions book is from. THAT should be entertaining.
mcslytherin @ April 1 2003, 20:11:33 UTC |
If Potter knows anything 'as legend has it', I'll eat my hat.
Did anyone else have a Simpson's moment when they read that?
sistermagpie @ April 1 2003, 20:18:22 UTC |
Oh, potterstinks please come and defend the boy's honor!
It doesn't have to be overt. Something like on the Ron thread. Just something I can hang onto!
I want to see Snape's reaction to that.:-)
Please please please...
anjaliesque @ April 1 2003, 20:22:05 UTC |
Oh, that would just lovely! I can just see Draco reminding the good Professor that that prat Potter is in no way smart enough to read an advanced Potions book let alone copy out of it. *wishful*
(parent)siren52684 @ April 1 2003, 20:30:24 UTC |
AWW! draco doesn't come to the rescue, but ron does! kinda!
(parent)whoyouinvent @ April 1 2003, 21:18:38 UTC |
Hey, look! It's Hermione! But she doesn't comment on the rampant stubbornness of the boys which drives us to wibbles. Boo.
(parent)anamirza @ April 1 2003, 22:23:00 UTC |
Maybe she is ignoring them until they start acting civilly to one another.
Which looks like it may be right around the corner, really, after Ron was defending Harry in the comments to Snape's post.
*still waiting for the revelation of whose Potions book just_harry has.*
bookshop @ April 2 2003, 04:20:39 UTC |
it has to be malfoy who gave it to him for christmas. to my memory, harry hasn't mentioned it once yet to anybody else. :D awwww, malfoy gave harry a present! :) :) :) one he can actually *use!*
(parent)altricial @ April 2 2003, 05:32:32 UTC |
I cannot overemphasise how much I love Lupin. His origami suggestion is killing me. "You're a man with the urge to fold cranes." *bows*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 2 2003, 07:30:21 UTC |
Hee! I know--I will never again think of Snape without knowing he is a man with an urge to fold cranes.