notapipe @ 2003-05-25 00:45:00 |
(no title)
Mood: enthralled
I love the music snobbery. I also love the sport ambivilence. Other things I love include turpinol's new icons, Lisa's interests, and the possible correlation between new icons for her and
hannahabbot with the resumption of their characters.
tabiji @ May 24 2003, 22:42:03 UTC |'s hannahabbott, not
(I clicked on it and was wondering why nobody from NA was on her friends list!)
notapipe @ May 24 2003, 22:58:32 UTC |
Thanks. LJ is being a bitch and won't let me edit, though.
(parent)blankcanvas @ May 24 2003, 23:21:34 UTC |
I love the music snobbery too. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a guy in my French class yesterday. I asked him what label the band he was talking about was on, just trying to make conversation, and he got so pissed that he kicked me. Like, four times. I have a bruise and everything.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 14:29:07 UTC indie, and how! come not near to me; for I be indier than thou. |
So was the band he was talking about so indie that if it were on an indie label you could call it mainstream or something?
(parent)blankcanvas @ May 25 2003, 15:01:43 UTC Re: indie, and how! come not near to me; for I be indier than thou. |
I don't know. I didn't find out much about the band because, after he kicked me, I moved. For safety reasons.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 24 2003, 23:48:26 UTC |
I see that punk rock (I'm assuming that the group Lisa is talking about is punk) with all its rules is the same in the magical world as it is in the non-magical world.
Punk musicians, and their fans, have always been in a group by themselves and since that's where they like to be, I assume it will stay that way until the end of time.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 00:06:32 UTC |
Acciohead? With Thim Polke as an interest? No, that's the Wizard!Radiohead (and Wizard!Thom Yorke). Definetly not punk. But full of snobs anyway (though how, I'm not quite sure. Radiohead is about as indie as an X-Box or Cherry Garcia Ben and Jerry's ice cream, that is to say, not at all.).
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 01:23:45 UTC 666 the Number of the Beast / Hell and fire was spawned to be released |
This is the 666th post to nraged. I can only conclude that Lisa Turpin is the beast. Or I am.
"This calls for wisdom. Let she who has knowledge calculate the number of the beast. It's number is 666." - Revelation
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 01:27:47 UTC |
You think being kicked is bad? I was once at a party and proffesed I did not like "Black Sabath" next thing I know an angry drunk goth guy has thrown a beer bottle at my head.
Needless to say it smashed all over the wall and I got a pretty nasty cut on my leg.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 01:30:40 UTC it's not like they're good enough to get angry over anyway |
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 01:32:32 UTC Re: it's not like they're good enough to get angry over anyway |
Say , you wern't at that party last year were you?
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 02:02:20 UTC nyet |
Even if I were, I am not a goth. (Though I wear black often, it's pretty much all dirty black and is more for the Dean style "I don't give a shit" reasons)
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 02:04:53 UTC Re: nyet |
Good.I dislike Goths.
Yes I discriminate against angsty teanagers , but I also wear lots of blue so shut up and forgive me.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 02:19:10 UTC Re: nyet |
So in short, you discriminate against all teenagers who aren't on massive amounts of Prozac or have already fried their brains with Esctasy.
You know, it's not angsty teenagers who you should discriminate against, but teenagers who feel that their angst is special and they need to display this by wearing black and listening to good music (okay, so that last bit doesn't make sense as a reason to discriminate, but what can I do? I like industrial, and Jack Off Jill is called goth, and even emo is good if it's hard enough, so I can't exactly call it BAD music or anything). What the hell does blue have to do with it?
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 02:21:50 UTC Re: nyet |
Blue has to do with everything.
You know there are teanagers who do not angst constantly , it is possible.
I dislike people who feel the need to be unhappy because they enjoy it ( yes its a contradiction but its also the truth).
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 02:31:29 UTC Re: nyet |
Then explain the blue.
Key word is *constantly*. Occasionally they sleep and do schoolwork. (what the fuck am I talking about? Technically, I'm a teenager. Going to college just makes me forget that.)
You know, some people angst because they're genuinely unhappy and wish to be happy. Just saying, is all.
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 02:34:02 UTC Re: nyet |
And some people angst because they are mearly latching onto a popular form of alienation and they do not want to indicate that their arrogance is not based apon anything even remotely substantiol.
If you would like an explanation for the blue , then you need to read Johnny the homicidal maniac.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 02:53:38 UTC Nny is hot |
That sounds a little like my brother (who is not yet a teenager). He has demonic skater posters right next to a cute kitty poster in his room. It's the most fucking hilarious thing I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen the Star Wars kid.
So this means my explanation will have to wait for August and the hopeful return of the missing issue #4 from Reed's comic book library (I would not go further, on principle). Damn. I knew it would come back to haunt me.
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 03:10:07 UTC Re: Nny is hot |
Well if you must know when I said the whole " Blue" thing I was mixing two of Jhonen Vasquez's quotes togethor.
And failing miserbly , I should quote a fandom more people tend to know about.
Oh and I find the whole " Nny is hot thing" incredibally odd considering his a glorified stick figure.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 03:41:58 UTC Re: Nny is hot |
Yeah, me too. But somehow, he does it. Though considering what some female models held up as standards of beauty look like, it shouldn't surprise you.
Actually, I should be more vigilant in my Vasquez quote identification. Just because people don't know Vasquez well enough (because not enough of us are goths, really) doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it. Because there isn't.
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 16:11:55 UTC Re: Nny is hot |
I find it funny how even Jhonen himself has declared in the directors cut volume that "Nny" is not actually a goth.
People just assume his one because his insane , wears cool boots and runs around killing people.
Now , what doe's that say about the gothic subculture?
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 02:54:31 UTC Re: nyet |
Also, I find your "Don't worry be happy" icon very apt for this discussion. Two claps. *clap* *clap*
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 03:14:11 UTC Re: nyet |
It's always been my motto , I'm not afraid to be content.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 03:37:35 UTC Re: nyet |
That comment is a million times funnier after having just watched a production of Chekov's Three Sisters.
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hezzabeth @ May 25 2003, 03:38:51 UTC Re: nyet |
I would ask for an explanation but my head cold is slowley killing my already sleep deprived brain.
Which means I am off to bed.
Have fun every one.
notapipe @ May 25 2003, 03:44:15 UTC Re: nyet |
Read it. It's hilarious. In short, though: the bumbling fool assistant principal husband of one of the sisters who is a total moron and self-important ass often repeats the line "I am content", especially when he ought not be. It's rather sad, really.
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hobaggins @ May 25 2003, 08:05:49 UTC |
*prays to see Lisa turn emo* Ahahhaahhaaa.... oh man. This is great.
(parent)notapipe @ May 25 2003, 18:50:56 UTC |
OOOH! Broomhandle Confessional is new since I last saw her bio! Is it okay if I squee about this? Becuase I will. Squee.
I think I'm in love.
agenthelen @ May 26 2003, 02:04:46 UTC |
i had a crush on her old icon
also, i was amused by her interest in weezerd! bwahah!! also, note that blushcrush also lists weezerd.
notapipe @ May 26 2003, 09:50:56 UTC |
Especially with the tie. But I like her new icons, the "ghastly" on in particular, more. I think I'm developing a full-blown crush on the new Lisa.