sistermagpie @ 2003-05-28 20:55:00 |
(no title)
Mood: worried
Uh oh. Should we be worried about this?
I'm thinking like maybe this has something to do with M.B.'s charm?
Edited to add that we probably should really be worried about this! Death in NA!
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hobaggins @ May 28 2003, 19:25:45 UTC |
I think it's interesting that she posted it in NA not in her own journal... I wouldn't have guessed it was her if you had just given me the entry to read...
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 19:34:37 UTC |
I can. Notice the music. It's not "Nine Inch Wands", "Weird Sisters", a band name that's the magic equivilent of the song name, or some really old music.
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hobaggins @ May 28 2003, 20:22:03 UTC Re: |
Well minus that. Her music choice is very specific
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 20:39:48 UTC |
My problem is this: I have no idea if/what "Smudge - Song too" is about/referential too. And I want to know.
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Anonymous @ May 28 2003, 20:35:11 UTC |
Actually it is an equivalent gourp/song, with Blur - Song 2.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 21:04:14 UTC |
That's not what I meant. I understand it's a wizarding equivilent of a muggle song/band. The thing I said it wasn't is something like "Wingardium Leviosa - Flying Away with you" or something like that. And thank you.
(parent)agenthelen @ May 28 2003, 22:12:20 UTC |
smudge are an australian indie pop band, who are *incredible*.
i'm currently looking to see if they have a song named "song too" if so, i would like to be lisa turpins penpal.
hang on, they don't, or i couldn't find it on their website. maybe there is some other band called smudge...
i just thought they might be a muggle band she was in to :) or maybe she did ye olde indie joke of making up a band and song name to be obscure?! hee hee.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 22:53:15 UTC |
Well, I think it's conclusively established that it's Blur - Song 2.
Also, I don't think Lisa is that Indie. You'll notice that while she talks about "mainstream" she is an acciohead/radiohead fan when she speaks of this. She's a music snob, but not really indie. Those are different things. One is about the quality of music, the other is about the outsiderness and niche appeal (I like indie bands and indie rappers etc, nothing wrong with indieness).
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 19:43:04 UTC |
Or maybe Lisa's just saying "So Draco, Harry, Ron and Seamus had a big fight on the shirt thread... now is a bad time." and then noting that the new clothes are nice. You'll notice that the response is from Padma talking about the clothes, rather than some kerfluffle or charm thing. Though the charm is still killing me, and if this leads to understanding what's going on with the charm, that would rock, so I kinda hope you're right.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 28 2003, 19:59:25 UTC |
Phew--looks like you're right and she's just referring to the fight. I thought perhaps M.B. had...done something to them.
In other news I was terrified for a few moments that Narcissa was dead and it really upset me. I was surprised how much! ((Hugs Narcissa))
tabiji @ May 28 2003, 20:06:09 UTC |
Me Too!
Nice way for Lucius to break the news to Draco, eh?
*hugs Draco and Narcissa*
sistermagpie @ May 28 2003, 20:10:30 UTC |
Looks like it. Perhaps the detective got close to something dangerous and she killed herself! Or maybe Lucius offed her!
Sorry. Couldn't resist the idea with this family...
untiemybinds @ May 28 2003, 20:12:57 UTC |
Well, for a minute there I was thinking Narcissa's mom's owl said N was actually a Muggle-born and Luciud offed N.
Hmm, I'm curioud still.
sistermagpie @ May 28 2003, 20:17:59 UTC |
I wonder if anything will be revealed in the will!
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jgoreham @ May 29 2003, 06:57:16 UTC |
That's what I thought, too! Yearrrg I'm on the edge of my seat >_<;;
(parent)tabiji @ May 28 2003, 20:11:28 UTC |
Going by Narcissa's response I'd say yes, but I suppose it could be her father or another relative too.
babytyggeryss @ May 28 2003, 20:09:40 UTC |
But I do wonder who died. I'm wondering if it wasn't Echo, the dog. In the fable, Echo wasted away because the man she loved never loved her back. Besides, I don't think Lucius liked Echo much; I think he dislikes dog hair.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 20:15:26 UTC |
But would Lucius make Draco come home for Echo's death? No, only Narcissa would.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 28 2003, 20:22:29 UTC |
You are right. I wonder if there will be any battles over the terms of the Lady's will. I'm sure Draco will be getting something.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 28 2003, 21:16:01 UTC |
^_^ Yes, I should have been more specific. I'm sorry.
When people like this die, things never seem to go smoothly. Someone was added to the will, someone was taken out, someone didn't get what they wanted. It's so insane.
But I'm sure the players will keep us well entertained.
mimulus_arbutus @ May 30 2003, 18:08:55 UTC |
but in the myth, the person echo loved was narcissus....
(parent)spoke @ May 28 2003, 22:45:45 UTC me too! |
first thing that popped into my head on seeing that, actually. scared the life outta me.
(parent)black_dog @ May 28 2003, 23:51:01 UTC |
Actually, for one reckless moment I wondered if the charm might have had something to do with this. You know, just Millicent doing something nice for PS and JH. :)
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 29 2003, 07:02:24 UTC |
Just saw that post this morning. It would be pretty funny. Draco don't like anybody dressing up his Harry doll but him.:-)
(parent)black_dog @ May 29 2003, 14:24:21 UTC |
I wonder. Lots of stuff going on in this quiet thread. In the first place, it's evidence that Harry really does look good, and is notice-worthy, in his new clothes.
Which is potentially a nice ego boost for Harry. I thought it was interesting that he responded at all, since he's usually so shy about anything that calls attention to himself and his appearance. So, a small indicator that he's becoming more confident, more sociable, maybe?
Lisa sounds a bit surprised, too, and I suspect the "TBWL" comment is teasing and friendly. Given Harry's new willingness to acknowledge a compliment about his appearance, will he be able, maybe, to respond in the same spirit here?
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 16:19:12 UTC |
I read "TBWL" as joking as well, but I still don't think he'd appreciate the joke. He's sensitive about that sort of stuff. Though if he did, I'd be pleased, if very very surprised.
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 17:45:51 UTC |
When I read Harry's reply, my first thought was that it wasn't really something he would ordinarily respond to. I'm speculating that he still hasn't talked to Draco, and maybe it was Harry's way of posting something (anything) that would tell Draco, "I'm here...I saw your father's post".
(parent)xnera @ May 28 2003, 23:32:21 UTC |
Wait, I'm confused. M.B.'s charm? What charm?
(Not that M.B. isn't a very charming lady. I'm quite taken with her myself, actually.)
xnera @ May 28 2003, 23:41:46 UTC |
Ah, thanks. I vaguely remembered the bit about the charm in MB/Draco's comments, but I missed the discussion of it.
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 08:25:04 UTC A horrible thought... |
What if the P.I. that Lucius hired did tell him something that he didn't want to hear? What if Lucius took it a step further and verified the information with Narcissa's mother, and then found himself in a position where he had to eliminate her for what she knew?
black_dog @ May 29 2003, 14:09:21 UTC |
How is Draco going to react to his Grandmother's death?
We know from this Xmas/New Year's post that Draco was probably very fond of her: she was "just like his mother," she spoiled him with gifts, she knows "all about the atrocities at Hogwarts," he is close enough to her to fink on a servant to her. It was this grandmother who bought Draco the spiders he sent to Ron.
By contrast, when they went to Provence to visit Lucius' parents, things were a little icier: "In such a large manor, it's quite easy to lose your way, so we somehow managed to miss seeing Grandfather and Grandmother too often over the visit."
So this is probably going to be an emotional shock for Draco. I wonder what that will lead to. Some reflection? Greater emotional seriousness? Dare we hope for hurt/comfort?