dragynville @ 2003-05-31 20:48:00 |
millicent checks in..
I have but one thing to say.. O_O
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:13:45 UTC |
Who were they talking about in the Literati chat? Who's jealous of Draco? Harry?
I love Millicent and Draco's interactions. They have an hilarious type of friendship/connection.
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:27:38 UTC |
Oh, now that makes sense. Considering that in Neville's post he makes note that Ron gets angry when Harry looks at Draco or some such nonsense.
I'd forgot that. Yes, it is obviously Ron.
Millicent says as much. Just put Draco in Millicent's place and it all fits. I love how she does that.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 21:32:39 UTC |
I'm absolutely loving this conversation.
Our recent, yet touching, heart-to-heart talk has caused him to resort to sprinting whenever I am near.
My love for it is eclipsed by my confusion, though. Is she still Draco when she says that?
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:43:15 UTC |
Yeah, I know. NA is a very confusing thing.
She is Draco and then she isn't. Or is she?
Perhaps we will never know.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 21:48:46 UTC |
Well, who needs to know when you can have a shocked Hufflepuff. M.B. and Draco shut her right down, though.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:50:15 UTC |
Love the 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' comment.
Even though I'm not sure what it all means, I love this thread.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 21:57:06 UTC That fickle TBWL. |
I laughed out loud at the 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' bit.
It's really funny the way they're saying "TBWL" over and over. However, you have to wonder how Harry would react to that. And how he'd react to the 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' part.
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:03:45 UTC |
I know, I'm just having a hard time to try to figure out what they're referring to when they say that.
I don't think Harry likes it but I doubt he'll say anything though. Who knows, I'm waiting for him to jump in somewhere as everyone else seems to be doing so.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:08:57 UTC |
No, she knows what it stands for. It's just that it seems like M.B. was talking about some other TBWL at one point. Even though there's only one TBWL.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:14:31 UTC |
Oi. I think they were trying to say that it's all referring to Harry. But.. urgh!
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:14:52 UTC |
You guys are looking too hard for double meanings and metaphors and hidden clues and missing Draco and Millicent entirely spelling things out for you. They are just joking around and saying exactly what they mean, no elaborate entendres.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 21:45:23 UTC |
Is it just me or did PS PROTECT J_H?
I guess that's the charm they were talking about last update.
SQUEES for good measure
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 21:53:27 UTC |
me too. PS doesn't seem to imply that it was all that complex, but I think he was just covering up for the fact he helped J_H. The post seems rather fond 'eh?
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:55:29 UTC |
Yes, I <3 how Draco tries to cover up his obvious mad love for Harry and I love how Millicent teases him about it. (I'm assuming that's what's happening here, as well as them making fun of Ron.)
I really want Harry to jump in at some point.
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:56:32 UTC Re: TBWL |
I doubt he likes that but I doubt he's going to actually say something about it. Stupid Turpin for starting it all up. Poor Harry.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:58:28 UTC |
*cough* Excuse me, we were al just informed that it was actually Lavender who came up with TBWL. It's always her with nicknames isn't it?
(parent)blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:04:41 UTC |
Yeah, when did she come up with that? It was an amazing idea, though, absolutely brilliant. Who would have thought to make "The Boy Who Lived" into "TBWL". The mind boggles; where's the connection?
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:08:15 UTC |
Hahaha. Actually now I think I remember back awhile ago her saying TBWL when referring to him. Maybe during 'The Outing' when she said something like he shouldn't be gay because he's TBWL. Can't remember though.
She's so dumb to think she owns the saying and God forbid someone else to use something so obvious.
<3 Millcent's TBWL does not like you comment.
notapipe @ June 1 2003, 01:55:52 UTC Re: TBWL |
I dunno. I think it's rather brilliant. Though this may be me irrationally defending Lisa.
(parent)samenashi @ May 31 2003, 21:46:44 UTC |
I love the fact that ps has a little blond girl as his literati icon. :))
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 21:53:33 UTC |
So, does this mean that Harry is giving Draco the silent treatment or he's giving Millicent the silent treatment?
Wah. I'm so confused.
imochan @ May 31 2003, 21:58:30 UTC |
I think PS is referring to when Harry was ignoring him, way back when.
(parent)samenashi @ May 31 2003, 21:58:47 UTC |
You're not the only one, man. It's so easy to get lost in NA. :O
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:00:19 UTC |
And now for some reason I'm thinking we're supposed to subsitute in Draco for TBWL as well.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:03:47 UTC |
I was under the impression they were just joking around and teasing just_harry.
imochan @ May 31 2003, 22:06:52 UTC |
Getting confused now. All this analysis is coming back to bite us in the collective squeeing arse. :D :D :D Not that I mind. The excessive TBWL-usage will make my dreams very strange, however. >:D
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:03:24 UTC |
TBWL's headquarters?????
now I'm confused. and lost. very lost.
When in doubt SQUEEE!!!
samenashi @ May 31 2003, 22:05:51 UTC Re: |
:O :O :O You both are mean thieves!!!!!!! I came up with TBWL!!!!!!! >:0!! T_T
Love Lavender.
sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 21:59:56 UTC |
You and me both. I would so love it if Harry dropped in on this. He's not giving Draco the silent treatment at the moment, though, is he? He told him about the sunscreen.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:05:35 UTC |
I have no idea what they're really saying.
::goes back to reading the comments in an attempt to decipher their meaning::
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:07:23 UTC |
TBWL Headquarters.
Oh Man... This is completely worth every ounce of obsession.
Shall I make a "TBWL" shirt for June 20th? I may have to go with a NA inspired shirt... WHAT SHALL I MAKE?!
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:09:32 UTC |
This over use and abuse of Harry's nickname reminds me of a D/H fanfic I-can't-recall-the-name-of but had Hermoine theorising that Draco says Harry's name alot as an endearment. PS is certainly saying TBWL alot. hmmmm
(parent)imochan @ May 31 2003, 22:14:26 UTC |
LOL, sorry, I'm sure it wasn't that, now that I think of it. But "The Boy Who..." is good to, just not the one you were thinking of. -_-;;;
All this non-sleep, I blame it on. [/yoda]
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:16:48 UTC |
wicked^-^ I'll check it out. thanks.
non-sleep N_A side effect it is. Worn out F5 it is like. [/yoda]
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:16:53 UTC |
It's The Silver Chain/Power Play (Power Play is where it's actually in, but it's the sequel) by Dahlia or something along those lines. It's on PSA, I think.
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:27:57 UTC Re: |
Yes. Yes it is. I like H/D like my little ponies smell of flowery plastic
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:30:58 UTC |
Um, ponies? Plastic? Am I losing my mind or is this just some saying I've never heard?
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:36:25 UTC Re: |
No... I'm losing my mind.... My Little Ponies... The toy from being a little kid. It was possibly the worst metaphor EVER that's all. I'm just really caffeinated/distracted. I say really nonsense things sometimes.... apologies
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:38:16 UTC |
Hahaha!! I know My Little Ponies I used to play with them.
I get the metaphor now it just went "Whoosh" over my head before. :D
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:42:19 UTC Re: |
Do you have other IM servicing.... umm... yahoo or... umm... MSN... I'm not sure how they work but I have them both. Due to my email accounts and all...
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ex_meiko437 @ June 1 2003, 12:44:47 UTC |
Hermione/Snape <33 I used to be much more interested in it.. I've more or less progressed to other pairings
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:14:36 UTC Re: |
But can only wear one June 20th. Yes... mayhaps I will make lots. Real life friends will stop speaking to me....
I already get punched in the gullet for wearing my Slut!Slytherin shirt. And all my cut up children's Harry Potter shirts....
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:18:48 UTC |
If they don't support your love for HP they can't be true friends! :0!!
Actually, if they don't have HP love themselves they aren't real people. Shame on them!
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:23:02 UTC Re: |
Yes!! *shakes fist* Bastards!
I have one HP fan friend. She even writes fanfic... I think I got her onto NA too... soon she will be completely addicted
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:29:55 UTC |
One? I only have three. But they are only canon whores and one of them hasn't even read Book 4 because "It's too long." So they aren't real fans like us. :P
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:34:57 UTC Re: |
Well one real fan... I have a ton who have read all the HP... but they haven't lost blood sweat and tears for it... Well.. neither have I per se... but I've lost sleep and that should count for something
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:39:33 UTC Re: |
Excellent. Your saying so is law. What?
MY poor F5 button... I can hear it wibbling
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:19:55 UTC |
are there laws against changing shirts every hour?... one way to where lots on the 20th!
And friends are supposed to be accepting(although mine would probably stop speaking to me as well^-^)
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:26:59 UTC Re: |
TBWUTBPBEDHWFTIFTROTPSNHSHFTHAWP is possily more suitable. (Will be lynched most likely... possibly guillotined... how in fuck do you spell that?)
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:39:01 UTC Re: |
subtle is good... but WHAT does it stand for? this is going to drive my crazy! I wish someone would ask him!
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:41:15 UTC Re: |
the boy who utterly tries (to) bed potter, bed every day, harry what fortune tries in for total respect of the potter, snitch now has shapeshifted harry for the holidays, after we poach
yup. thats it.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:09:44 UTC |
I wonder if the cake they're talking about now is the same cake that they were arguing about before. I hope it is, because then Draco ate a cake with MY DEAREST TWBL on it.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:12:26 UTC |
Okay, okay. They are teasing Harry. Which would mean they have all hung out together before would it not? They pulled Harry out of TBWL headquarters (Gryffindor Tower? or something else) and were going to feed him a hexed cake. But then Draco unhexed it because he was hungry. Adnd other stuff happened too but I'm not going to go through it all.
I hope that's all right, otherwise I'm really confused.
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:14:13 UTC |
naw... Draco unhexed it in order to protect Harry under the guise he was hungry
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:16:23 UTC |
Well, yes that is obviously what I meant.
Right, right. It's true but I forgot it.
So confusing.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:19:39 UTC |
I think your theory is a good one!
Also, did anyone else think of the time Millicent said "I rattled me some bones, Susan Bones" when Susan chimed in?
It's funny how this page is being updated faster than the page we're talking about.
untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:22:01 UTC |
Too true.
NA addiction is harsh and has symptoms of rapid-fire posts! Beware of carpal tunnel and many other injuries.
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:43:36 UTC |
Ah! Everything is moving so fast! Nraged, I'm not ready for this kind of commitment!
/rabid bearness
sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 22:17:40 UTC |
Harry finally arrives and I fall off my chair in excitement.
(parent)blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:25:03 UTC |
Oh, yay, me too! Don't you love the way they're all friendly with eachother? <3!
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 31 2003, 22:20:27 UTC |
Love it, love it!
It confirms my previous statement!
<3 Draco's "Oh, hello, TBWL." and Millicent's "Hello, TBWL, my love."
imochan @ May 31 2003, 22:21:40 UTC |
"Take, take, take..."
O_o I have come to the startling revelation that PS is on some form of drug. :DD Purple beans, anyone? XD
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:24:19 UTC |
we might have to start self help groups where we take turns saying "hello, my name is_____ and I addicted to NA." step 1 is acknowledging you have a problem.
(parent)imochan @ May 31 2003, 22:27:50 UTC |
If there is a patch I don't want it.
I'm skipping straight to step 3 - denial.
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:19:37 UTC |
Does anyone want to instant message me on AIM?
I want to squee lots but my computer is being all messy and it's getting difficult to handle so.many.internet.explorer.windows
Anyone IM me... my screenname is maykashara.
Wheeee! *runs off to refresh*
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hobaggins @ May 31 2003, 22:28:59 UTC Re: |
Use fake!AIM, you don't have to download it, it just lets you use it. I forget what it's called... AIM Express maybe? Just go to aim.com.... Wheeee!!!
(parent)mimulus_arbutus @ May 31 2003, 22:27:18 UTC |
aw heck, i'll IM ya, nobody else is talking to me anyway
mimulus_arbutus @ May 31 2003, 22:22:12 UTC Super-TWBL!!! |
am so laughing at the idea of the TWBL costume,
"I suspect his TBWL suit is merely his TBWL Hogwarts robes with a TBWL bath towel addendum."
harry jumping around witha towell as a cape? :)
also, i understand TBNDM but WHAT is
also, she locked him in a hole and starved him? when was this?
prettynightfall @ May 31 2003, 22:25:57 UTC |
Im guessing The Boy Named Draco Malfoy? *shrugs*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:29:54 UTC |
also, she locked him in a hole and starved him? when was this?
no idea but it sounds like Harry and M.B. are teasing Draco now^-^
shusu @ May 31 2003, 22:31:36 UTC thread collapse |
the active threads [pops up]
Is anyone else snickering that they're taunting Harry with cake?
(Ah, slang.... the song of the gutter...)
darklites @ May 31 2003, 22:35:07 UTC |
Am snickering endlessly at this entire conversation. 'The Boy Who Lived wishes to be addressed in his full glory!' Hee.
And am intrigued about this secret hideout place of Draco's, as he seems rather protective of it and is reeling over it being called a 'hole'. I've a feeling it could come into play in NA plotting again later...
samenashi @ May 31 2003, 22:37:44 UTC |
I was wondering about that as well..
The whole thing has me giggling.
'but if Millicent is giving you cake, you'll just have to march your little TBWL legs over and get it.'
shusu @ May 31 2003, 22:38:05 UTC |
I Think it's the one Millicent extracted him from, then into the gunny sack... you know what I mean.
It seems harry and draco were both in there?? "You didn't ask" when PS had the tin of toffees. hm.
shusu @ May 31 2003, 22:51:12 UTC yay! |
Note the time stamp. But LJ is not displaying subject lines, so no one else noticed.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 22:52:33 UTC |
I adore the way the Slytherins get Harry to jokingly insist on being addressed as "The Boy Who Lived." Go Harry.
I'm confused, though, about exactly when this captivity of Harry took place in Draco's hole exactly...? Was this post-outing/pre-wedding?
darklites @ May 31 2003, 22:58:48 UTC |
It's after all that. It was when Millicent posted 'I am God' in her entry because it was when they prepared the hexed cake, I think. And they dragged him down to Draco's hole to make him eat it...
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 23:02:08 UTC |
I see it all clearly now...well, okay, just that one little bit. I can't believe I had actually forgotten about the whole "You told everybody I was your boyfriend!" fight. I was casting my mind back to think about their fighting and DUH forgot the most recent one for a second.
(parent)black_dog @ June 1 2003, 02:16:06 UTC Summary of Events? |
So am I following this right -- the other night, just before the "I am God" post, Millicent used force on Harry to bring him to the hideout, where she had left Draco, perhaps under the influence of a charmed cake (which he had already eaten by the time Harry got there.) She was ready to use a similar charm on Harry but Draco prevented it, perhaps by eating all the cake. Was Millicent dragging them together and forcing them to make up after the Ron fight? Or were they just routinely hanging out and either didn't care/had already made up?
So, you know, I love the way they've just spent the evening all bantering together, and sometimes being inspired and sometimes just being bored idiots together. I loved Draco's giddiness, and the way he slipped out in the middle of the TBWL thread to go back to Harry's opening thread, address him as "Potter," and make arrangements for Monday night. I do sense Harry and Millicent aren't quite all warm and fuzzy yet -- I thought there was sometimes an edge in Harry's remarks that went beyond banter, but maybe he's just adapting to MB's style. Will resist the temptation to make a list of favorite lines.
sistermagpie @ June 1 2003, 08:55:30 UTC Re: Summary of Events? |
Yeah, I'm trying to figure this out...Harry said he "would have stayed" if he knew M.B. was bringing cake and that there wasn't any food for him. Draco had just eaten cake--presumably Harry's even though it had TBWL all over it. But she said Draco reversed the charm. It's possible Draco knew she had charmed the cake and reversed the spell before he ate it. Iow, he knew Millicent was going to do something to Harry but then opted to face an uncharmed j_h.
M.B.'s made it clear in the past she thinks the two of them are idiots and belong together so I'm sure she did want to get them past this little tiff. She seems to have left them alone beyond that because Draco has to tell her Harry's conversational skills go beyond the monosyllabic grunts she heard. It seemed to me that ps and j_h didn't really get to the "fight" stage over Ron's posts. Draco said he didn't want to speak to him and had started to build into a possible tantrum but he also seemed willing to let it go if given an out.
Harry is really interesting with M.B. I think he's definitely wary of her--she probably really did do a number on his windpipe and she's said some pretty true things in the past that he probably really felt (her constant refrain of his life being so hard, for instance). He's probably also a little thrilled/apprehensive about the way he talks to her. Let's face it, when Harry talks to Draco and M.B. he sounds like a Slytherin and...he is one. Could that be something that freaks him out a little? Ron, we've seen, finds it impossible to have a conversation with these two. Seamus can handle them, but he retains his Gryff style when he does it.
black_dog @ June 1 2003, 11:55:59 UTC Re: Summary of Events? |
I love your point about the contrast between Harry and Seamus when they talk with Draco and M.B. There's definitely a sense here of Harry losing himself a bit here, perhaps voluntarily, trying on a new persona that may not quite fit. His snark with MB, going back to the hairy-legs thing, is a bit cruder than the stiletto work he does on Colin, for instance. I commented on another aspect of this in replying to you on the Pansy-MB thread, but kind of superficially. I think you're on to something very interesting, and it's definitely going to be worth watching exactly how much Harry chooses to indulge his Slytherin side. I'm glad Seamus is his friend, too.
(parent)notapipe @ June 1 2003, 02:04:36 UTC |
"captivity of Harry took place in Draco's hole". *pervy laughter*
(parent)jitter_bug @ May 31 2003, 22:37:19 UTC |
Did anyone else notice Draco used his 'brutally attractive' icon on Harry here>
Excuse me while I squee.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2003, 22:39:32 UTC |
My god! I mean this well, but you guys are on the cracky crack! I think it's just a straight-up conversation! What are you all talking about?
(parent)blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:46:08 UTC |
Well of course we're on the cracky crack. This is nraged, isn't it?
(parent)notapipe @ June 1 2003, 02:38:48 UTC |
Yes, you're right, it's all there in text. Harry moans a lot. There is no need to subtext.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:50:37 UTC |
Harry proves yet again he can handle M.B.
*would squee but voice is going*
darklites @ May 31 2003, 22:50:40 UTC |
Whee. I'm enjoying this so much, and I really love how Harry is playing along with this 'TBWL' thing. Before, he'd have probably reacted badly against it even if it was being used in jest or sarcasm. So this makes me really happy.
(parent)imochan @ May 31 2003, 22:54:06 UTC |
"Okay"!! and.. and... "MONDAY"!! ... and...
*crying from over-squee*
dragynville @ May 31 2003, 23:03:44 UTC |
I love how Draco switched back to calling him Potter all of a sudden if you look at the previous part of the thread. <3
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 22:56:04 UTC |
but it doesn't make sense with the comment before...
unless this was something previously talked about...
blankcanvas @ May 31 2003, 22:53:44 UTC Theory: |
So when M.B. said she was God, this putting Draco and Harry into Draco's hiding spot was what she was referring to. So they could make up, yes?
Sorry if someone said this already, I can't keep up with this thread.
sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 22:55:17 UTC |
Actually, I was just asking about exactly when this happened. That theory makes sense, though.
(parent)shusu @ May 31 2003, 22:59:32 UTC |
Dude, you hit the star jackpot.
*cuddles her lone star* Told ya they were in the hole together ;)
sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 23:06:55 UTC |
And now we seem to know what was in that famous e-mail M.B. sent Harry. Only she left out that Draco likes ham.
(parent)imochan @ May 31 2003, 23:00:33 UTC |
One Ticket for the Bad Place, please...
I hope they have an in-flight movie. >:D<
beat me to it! <333
non_inferno @ May 31 2003, 23:11:36 UTC |
They could play that HBO special where Tom declares his love for Dan.
(parent)imochan @ May 31 2003, 23:13:10 UTC |
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ex_meiko437 @ June 1 2003, 13:10:33 UTC |
holy batman.. I didn't notice how suggestive that was the first read
wow. I'm squeeing like a school girl!
tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 23:23:15 UTC |
hell yes
and we find out what the charm did. Why did PS break it? who says this is a bad thing?
sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 23:12:40 UTC |
And Harry uses a different icon to say GOOD???? Oh. My. God.
(parent)portkey @ May 31 2003, 23:14:34 UTC |
Anyone else find it interesting that Harry used a different icon here?
And randomly, I'm giggling at 'TBWL.com'. If you type it in, it comes up as a site for health clubs in the UK. Heh.
non_inferno @ May 31 2003, 23:31:23 UTC |
They do not even say what TBWL stands for! The Buff Weight Lifter? The British Wrestling Lounge? This question has been plaguing me for minutes.
(parent)portkey @ May 31 2003, 23:37:45 UTC |
*shrugs* Maybe. And besides, I just took some words from your ideas and put them together, so you deserve all the credit.
(parent)portkey @ June 1 2003, 00:27:08 UTC |
Well, we know that. We were speculating about the website, TBWL.com, as brought up by Millicent here. :p
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 23:23:09 UTC |
This post of Harry's has some great flirty subtext... He's getting really fiesty!
(parent)darklites @ May 31 2003, 23:36:32 UTC |
Oh, he will! He's just too immersed in the scintillating conversation with Harry and Millicent at the moment. *g*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ May 31 2003, 23:53:38 UTC |
but we haven't heard from him in 15 minutes... he hasn't gone has he? or have I mearly lost track of my threads?
(parent)portkey @ May 31 2003, 23:54:43 UTC |
Two words: Pig Latin.
Too many hilarious threads to keep up with. Nocturne Alley, why must you taunt me so?
merlion @ June 1 2003, 00:03:38 UTC innuendo? |
liasantana @ June 1 2003, 00:06:48 UTC |
Millicent has sent the email to Ron... I wonder what's on it?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 1 2003, 00:08:03 UTC |
Information about Draco from what I can gather.
But to Ron? Is this a good idea?
liasantana @ June 1 2003, 00:27:39 UTC |
He is jealous - even Millicent sees. Jealous!Draco - I like ^_^
dragynville @ June 1 2003, 00:29:13 UTC |
OMG, Draco's about to throw a fit! <3 And Millicent calls upon Harry to do something. XD
(parent)liasantana @ June 1 2003, 00:35:18 UTC |
But where is Harry?
I love MB and PS’s relationship – so love/hate.
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Anonymous @ June 1 2003, 00:29:27 UTC OTP!1!!1 |
OMG!!111!! N_A has finally seen the light!!!
M.B./TBWL 4EVA!!!1111!!!
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Anonymous @ June 1 2003, 00:56:55 UTC |
Okay, I am so confused. What are Draco and Millicent talking about and how does it pertain to Harry? It's like I'm reading it, but it seems like they are talking in code or riddles of some sort. And sadly I've having a brain meltdown (and I'm lazy), so could someone please summarize what's going on? Please?
dragynville @ June 1 2003, 00:58:05 UTC |
I go off to get a snack and this happens. More capping on poor Draco. XD
(parent)liasantana @ June 1 2003, 01:03:57 UTC |
What does J_H mean by 'I won't have to now'? Did Draco reply to email..?
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 1 2003, 01:03:07 UTC less than three three three three three |
Forever and ever and ever. NA could steal my soul and I probably wouldn't notice right now.
Hee! Harry entertainment. But what does this mean? *hunts for new comments* Wah.
I love this. I love feisty!Harry and snarky!yet!lovable!Draco and madly!brilliant!Millicent. I love this whole thread with mad, mad passion. I love ps. I love j_h. I love j_h/ps. I LOVE Millicent (pm looks odd...). I love NA.
So much with the love.
liasantana @ June 1 2003, 01:06:19 UTC |
Exactly what I'm wondering - maybe Draco replied to email? I don't know..
(parent)liasantana @ June 1 2003, 01:17:15 UTC |
YAY!! They haven't stopped!!! MB responded - and my sentiments exactly...
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 1 2003, 01:19:39 UTC |
...and now they do.
Guess even mad NA must call it a night.
<333333333 NA. Thanks for a good day.
dragynville @ June 1 2003, 02:15:57 UTC |
Sleeping can be detrimental to your health and well-being. XD
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ June 1 2003, 02:13:08 UTC Pansy? |
Am wondering about the new dynamics of Harry and Millicent getting along (so to speak).
Before we had Pansy and Millicent playfully managing Draco, and Draco generally behaving in public like he couldn't stand Harry, while presumably enjoying his company in private (summoning snakes, golf clubs etc.)
Then Pansy and Draco "got together" which seemed to cause a rift between Millicent and Pansy, but none between Millicent and Draco. And it seems that Pansy and Draco (after the first few days of ostentatious display), don't communicate much now either.
But Pansy's most recent journal entry (http://www.livejournal.com/users/la_pensee/13033.html) hints at changes. "He has taken something as a hobby, but what I am not certain." It seems obvious that she knows something's up, and it's hard to believe she wouldn't be sensitive to the slashy possibilities since she was chased off to Beauxbatons for implying that very thing. It also seems that Millicent has forgiven her somewhat--but Pansy now must come to her.
Now we add Harry to the mix--with Millicent's active approval (or um something), at least she actively tries to get Harry and Draco to make up.
What does Pansy feel about this? Where is she? Is her place in the "Slytherin Trio" now threatened? That cake--was Pansy involved? Is this mostly an attempt of Millicent's to pry Pansy off Draco by setting him up with Harry, or does she think this is good for Draco and Potter isn't half-bad once you get to know him? A mix of both? Will Pansy ever write more of that wonderfully bad angsty poetry? Will I ever get my wish for more backstory on the early years of Pansy and Millicent?
Me, I know nothing and no one tells me. Thoughts of others much appreciated.
notapipe @ June 1 2003, 02:40:24 UTC |
But if we tell you, it will make your last line wrong. That would make something someone at nraged said wrong. At that would mean Neville isn't evil. And that means my world comes crashing down around me.
You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
greenapricot @ June 1 2003, 07:02:36 UTC |
*sputters and giggles uncontrollably*
My god. What a lovely thing to wake up to this morning. I am in shock. I am in love. This is one of the funniest and most confusing things I have read in a good long time.
*<333333333333's NA with the fire of a thousand suns.*