conversant @ 2003-04-02 08:43:00 |
Just a theory (in response to Aja's post)
I've been distracted by RL, so I've missed several days of goodness at Nraged. Have we noted yet that there is a likelihood that just_harry and potterstinks embarked on some degree of illicit friendship (more?) some time ago? This seems the likely explanation of j_h's post in pstinks's journal about needing help figuring out how to do the potions assignment. This post got initial reactions from the fans as an innocuous non-sequitur post meant only to say something bland by way of apology for whatever happened in the halls of Hogwarts that night that j_h was drunk.
But what if that night didn't come out of the blue? What if they were already study-mates and tentative friends? (Lovers? I'm not stretching my guess that far.) And then whatever happened pushed things a bit further.
What if pstinks's gynophobic girlfriend search is not a crisis of sexual identity, but a rather over-played plan to distract Hogwarts from a relationship he has been carrying on with j_h?
Just_harry's desperation at pstinks's refusal to answer j_h's LJ posts suggests that the two of them aren't in agreement on pstinks's strategy. (If what I propose is right, potterstinks must be frantic about j_h's lack of discretion! And wouldn't that be in character for both of them?!)
I'm wondering if Snape's plagiarism accusation is going to lead to a situation where j_h will be threatened with severe punishment (surely not the expulsion Snape hopes) because j_h will refuse to implicate pstinks as his study partner. I'd like to see a scenario where potterstinks must come forward in order to save just_harry from unwarranted punishment. -- Perhaps he would only do so if the threatened punishment were j_h's expulsion, which I think potterstinks could not bear.
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Anonymous @ April 2 2003, 06:00:10 UTC yes |
i so totally agree. i like to think that the 'friendship' or whatever they had was pushed a little too far on that night harry got drunk - maybe with less inhibitions on account of the alcohol he tried to take things further - either in a platonic or non-platonic way - and scared off potterstinks a little? and now potterstinks is paranoid people may find out about -- whatever it was, and is studiously avoiding j_h and desperately distracting people with all these 'girls breasts dates' posts. and yes i would love potterstinks to have to be dragged into this snape situation, not to ridicule j_h as snape may wish but to save j_h from snape's accusations!
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 2 2003, 07:43:13 UTC Re: yes |
Really, he's already sort of drawing suspicion on himself (something Snape would never openly point to but might be freaked out by) because he's not commenting! I mean, since when does Draco not swoop in on a thread like this and take Snape's side against Potter? His silence is deafening!
It does rather speak to more of a relationship between's just...hmmm...although Harry is trying so hard to get potterstinks' attention I still feel like j_h knows what's going on with him and is agreeing to play potterstinks' game. Being Harry he would probably never break a promise to potterstinks, and that would include a promise to never ever tell where his potions book came from. But it would make Harry's, "Gee, I have this new potions book but I'm not sure where to look for the stuff in this assignment..." make more sense (and be even cuter!). And if he and Draco are actually seeing each other in some way maybe there's no reason for potterstinks to reply to him in the lj.
I mean...Harry said he wasn't sure where to start with this potions textbook. Yet he managed to do a pretty good job of it. Did he just take the advice to look in the index? Or did potterstinks simply show up to help him in response? Okay now I'm going to have to go back and re-read everything with this theory in mind and see if there's some kind of code. I already keep thinking about that time when Harry mentioned that taking a date on Prefect Duty seemed kind of boring and wondering if that had some deeper meaning...
Ernie has got to do a lot more work to keep up with us!
anamirza @ April 2 2003, 07:52:13 UTC |
What if pstinks's gynophobic girlfriend search is not a crisis of sexual identity, but a rather over-played plan to distract Hogwarts from a relationship he has been carrying on with j_h?
I have kind of come full circle on this. I think this was similar to some of my original thoughts - hence my comment early on about "pre-emptive damage control".
But now, I wonder. I mean, potterstinks has not really helped his situation with those posts.
la_pensee and
petitemillicent are still teasing him about the bananas etc. And it really is an over-played plan. Surely he has everyone (or many people) wondering if distracting people from something happening with
shakespearechic @ April 2 2003, 10:22:30 UTC |
Okay, because of RL and other things I apparently missed this whole drunken night thing. :D Can someone point me to the posts? :D
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 2 2003, 17:45:23 UTC |
During Remus's housewarming, Harry got on the computer at their house and was acting a bit odd, to judge from his garbled comments. Here he's acting a bit odd, here he shows a repetitive obsession with Draco (which Millicent later describes as Draco being out-stalked), and here Remus goes all maternally panicked. 'Tis all rather entertaining.