dragynville @ 2003-06-05 21:07:00 |
Mood: amused
bwahaha! Somehow, I don't think Draco will be amused. *grin*
[addendum] And just what in the seven hells were Terry and Dean up to last night?! Quite possibly naked. [/addendum]
sistermagpie @ June 5 2003, 21:12:26 UTC |
That really scared me. Anybody's face that big it just...it scares me. I shudder to think of the possible reactions to this. This could cause some interesting fireworks depending on things go.
And Dean doesn't remember what happened last night... That's might not be good!
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 21:14:54 UTC |
Holy fuck. Poor ickle Tom Felton that really is a nasty picture of him. *cossets*
psychobarfly @ June 5 2003, 21:28:39 UTC |
I cannot help feeling partially responsible for this. . . . Eh heh heh. Woo.
(parent)boot_boy @ June 5 2003, 21:32:45 UTC |
It was nice of you to put up that picture I took. Although I don't understand why you had to photoshop that white hat onto him.
(parent)psychobarfly @ June 5 2003, 21:38:37 UTC |
Oh, I simply felt it would be amusing to force Muggle-type garments onto his person, is all . . . taking into account how vile that would be considered by the abused party. Although it did cover the prominently receding hairline. Pity.
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:19:45 UTC |
I just wanted to congratulate you on your photoshopgraphic skills.
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 21:38:47 UTC |
This could be big. This weekend is bound to be excellent. *Polishes F5*
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 21:54:25 UTC |
But... but... I *like* Dean/Seamus...
Although I do like Terry Boot... his character has been so minor recently. But still... Draco/Seamus.... *wibble*
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bassoonist @ June 5 2003, 22:04:02 UTC |
I agree, Dean/Seamus makes me happy.
Terry should be kicked for the bassoon comment, though. No one appreciates the beauty of a bassoon. Hiss.growl.
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 22:06:42 UTC |
Although we can't have too much contentment.. I suppose this is nice and angsty. ANGST!
(parent)stanharding @ June 6 2003, 06:43:11 UTC |
The bassoon comment totally cracked me up. (And I'm a bassoonist too.)
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:25:05 UTC |
Anyone who can say "But I love the girl who abuses me" when Dean is there is either really fucked up or dedicated. Or a lesbian or straight, but we don't really need to worry about those cases.
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:22:07 UTC |
Based on Dean's comment about wanting to get in Dean's pants, I think it's safe to say that Seamus considers Draco "safe". This is interesting on the whole Seamus/Draco interaction. I think it suggests that Seamus really doesn't consider Draco on the market.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 22:42:53 UTC |
I don't think that follows. Just because Seamus is jealous of Boot, doesn't mean that he doesn't have an eensy crush on Draco.
Actually, I'd say that saying jealous things about Boot-Dean to Dean might just mean than infidelity has been a little bit more on his mind lately...
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:59:15 UTC |
Okay, but if he doesn't think that Draco would want to get in Dean's pants (for whatever reason, not gay, bad blood), why would Draco be willing to get in his? Well, unless Draco doesn't like black guys at all.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 23:58:09 UTC |
One can have a crush (subconscious or no) without thinking logically about it or expecting it to go anywhere. I think Seamus finds Draco interesting. I don't think it hurts that Draco is also supposedly very cute.
I don't think Seamus is making plans to break up with Dean or cheat on him. He just gets a little thrill from being in Draco's company. Because he is a 17-year-old boy and (I think) not as saintly and benevolent as he sometimes tries to come off, I think it's a little more than the thrill he would get from an purely innocent friendship.
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 07:13:40 UTC |
Yeah, that's a lot of how I see it. He enjoys Malfoy's company and he probably only knows that much. He knows Harry likes him, he knows he has a boyfriend. He might have some naughty impulses there but having them and acting on them are two different things.
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 12:53:58 UTC |
I think what I love best about Seamus' situation is that he's suspect. And the decision to trust him or not to trust him is left up to us (for now) and up to Dean (ultimately).
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 22:08:13 UTC |
"fucking teaparty-throwing, doll-making fucking fuck"
Am torn between love of Draco... and my love of Dean...
but... DEAN!
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:29:31 UTC |
Draco defends himself against the allegations. (Note: Harry isn't a half-blood.) Dean's reaction, though. Kodak moment. Or, icon-able moment (*laments loss of hosting space*).
But apparently Seamus is too busy with schoolwork to notice.
portkey @ June 5 2003, 22:31:16 UTC |
You posted first, damn you.
And I consider Harry to be a half-blood, but then again, we've never been given a true definition in the books. But as his mother comes from a Muggle lineage, he's certainly not pure-blooded, and therefore a Malfoy shouldn't associate with him, correct?
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:38:59 UTC |
Well, he's certianly not prime choice especially in aristocratic concerns, but for the purposes of say, Death Eaters, he's pure enough.
Also, since we don't know about Narcissa's lineage, for all we know Draco could very well be as pure-blooded as Harry (though Malfoy is probably a better lineage than Potter, simply on the basis of the fact that the name IS "Potter").
portkey @ June 5 2003, 22:44:32 UTC |
Pure enough that Lucius would be less than livid if he found out about their relationship?
But your second point is true enough. I'm interested in hearing about Narcissa's parents, myself. Perhaps having a less-than-pure (blooded) wife would help ease the blow for Lucius, so to speak, if/when he finds out about Draco and Harry.
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:56:52 UTC |
I don't think it's the blood that will matter to Lucius.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 22:44:44 UTC |
Agreed. The definition of a pureblood is one who has a witch and a wizard for parents. Harry is a pureblood - it's just not OLD blood.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 07:14:54 UTC |
That's definitely how I see it too. In canon Draco's never had issues with Harry's parentage and that first day considered him a suitable friend for a Malfoy.
(parent)darcourt @ June 5 2003, 22:47:55 UTC |
But apparently Seamus is too busy with schoolwork to notice. I suppose I should be ashamed... I never even considered that Seamus wanted to see Sirius about schoolwork. I assumed it was about the surprise he was planning for Dean. Schoolwork does make more sense though, since it is a school at exam time! :)
(parent)valtyr @ June 6 2003, 11:03:35 UTC Animagus? |
I kind of thought it was both- that Sirius was helping Seamus to become an animagus... heh, that kind of rhymes... and that was the surprise.
Would explain the horse icon too.
portkey @ June 5 2003, 22:29:33 UTC |
Perhaps Draco momentarily forgot that Harry is a halfblood?
babytyggeryss @ June 5 2003, 23:07:18 UTC |
Half-blood: Child of one magical and one Muggle parent.
Example: Seamus
sheron @ June 6 2003, 06:58:07 UTC |
Yes exactly, and both of Harry's parents were wizards... Malfoy never did call him mudblood in the books, only muggle-lover, etc.
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 06:59:02 UTC |
Heh, I rather like how he momentarily forgot to object about the male part of it, him being such a homophobe and all
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 22:31:42 UTC |
Is it just me or does Boot suddenly seem really freakin sober Here. Just by chance, or is he pretending to be drunker than he is? He did remember all of last night afterall... seems like our Terry can hold his drink
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:36:07 UTC |
Corrected Link (too many http://s
He's not pretending to be smashed, he's obviously not a lightweight like Dean. The thing is that occasionally some people can type pretty well drunk if they're not totally gone, so don't hold that against his drunkeness (I am one of those, I've only typed stuff I couldn't read later once, and then I was very very fucked up and had to be helped home and couldn't open my own door, so...)
zorb @ June 5 2003, 22:36:17 UTC |
This is turning into The Duel, Part III: Return of the Whiskey.
(parent)shusu @ June 5 2003, 22:40:26 UTC What are they going to do..... |
Ack Dean don't do anything stupid...
(parent)shusu @ June 5 2003, 22:42:12 UTC OHHH SHIT. |
Dean's using "Mmmmsex" for his icon....
(is this within the posting time limit? helpme squeakdead.)
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 22:49:22 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Dean... I am not so much angry as... disappointed.
And now you have no righteous indignation points over Seamus.
Also, if Dean caves to Terry, will Terry lose interest as Dean is no longer unattainable?
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 22:53:00 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
I think Seamus bloody well deserves it. -_-
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 5 2003, 22:58:01 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Go find Seamus, please? Yourloveissomeanttobe.
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:00:13 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
That's gonna work when he's drunk. If he listens, he'll probably parade around the school naked looking for Seamus or something. That will go over VERY well, I'm sure.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 5 2003, 23:02:55 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Dean naked? *muses*
No matter what, it's better then Terry! (Oh, um, sorry, Terry. *cough*) Wah. Because Dean and Seamus are so GOOD together. Theirloveissopure.
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:35:48 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
I think that Dean prancing around school naked might be worse, Seamus wise. And certianly for Dean's immediate future, Terry is better.
(parent)misscora @ June 5 2003, 23:00:00 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Your love with Seamus issopure, issotrue, is a GATL! And you're making time with the pasty goth boy?
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:01:47 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
In Dean's defense, he's drunk, and it's a very very hot goth boy. His first mistake was letting the guy get him this drunk.
(parent)misscora @ June 5 2003, 23:07:06 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Poor Seamus... *cries some more*
Am going to be distraught I think. Just a little bit. And maybe write GATL S/D fic to make myself feel better.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 23:01:23 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Fine! But don't come come running back to us after Seamus dumps your sorry drunk ass for getting it on with that wannabe goth Boot!
(he's a mean drunk, man)
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:02:26 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
You *action* very well given your sobriety.
(parent)shusu @ June 5 2003, 22:49:58 UTC Is Draco watching this? |
Because Terry points out that he's hanging around a little. Ah, voyeurism.
(there, three different topic threads to jump on... ^^)
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:55:56 UTC Re: Is Draco watching this? |
He SAID he was going, but... I dunno, I don't see Draco as the voyueristic type, though if he DOES stay around for this, the people who claim he's straight need to all sit down and shut up for good.
Also, if he leaves, does that unlock the door?
shusu @ June 5 2003, 22:57:59 UTC Re: Is Draco watching this? |
He said he would, but he commented after that, to which Boot noted "you're still here."
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:26:10 UTC Re: Is Draco watching this? |
hence the "but". Also, he stopped commenting, which I take as meaning he left.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 23:20:02 UTC Re: Is Draco watching this? |
I'm sure if he were watching he'd have said something in the comments. Draco really doesn't keep his mouth shut.
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:53:02 UTC Re: OHHH SHIT. |
Hol-EEEE... SHHEEE-IT! this is all I have to say about that. Except that Dean/Terry is terribly hot
(parent)shusu @ June 5 2003, 22:59:58 UTC Ellipses..... sexy or awkward? |
Or just suspenseful?
Thank goodness we can fit those easily into an icon.
as she replies to herself again
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:03:42 UTC Re: Ellipses..... sexy or awkward? |
Very RPGesque. I want to find a gothboy sprite and a black sprite for iconage.
(parent)shusu @ June 5 2003, 23:06:36 UTC Re: Ellipses..... sexy or awkward? |
Since we *are* nraged, point out that Dean has a longer ellipse than Boot.
What is that in Morse code?
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 22:48:40 UTC Silliness |
Dean's description of Terry's wants makes me think of Into the Woods.
Agony (Reprise) (By Seamus and Terry)
TB: High in a tower--
Like yours was, but higher--
A beauty asleep.
All 'round the tower,
A thicket of gryffs
A hundred feet deep.
Agony! No frustration more keen,
When the one thing you want
Is a thing that Seamus won't let be seen.
SF: I've found a gay-cage (work with me)
Entirely of glass--
No, it's unbreakable.
Inside--don't even say--
A boy, alas,
Just as unwakeable--
Both: What unmistakable agony! Is the way always barred?
SF: He has skin white as snow--
TB: Did you learn his name?
SF: No, there's a beater standing guard.
Both: Agony! Such that princes must weep!
Always in thrall most
To anything almost,
Or something asleep.
TB: If it were not for the gryffs--
SF: A gryffs's no trick. Is it gruff?
TB: It's the gruffest.
SF: The quickest is pick it apart with a bean--
TB: Yes, but even one sip--
It's my thing about blood.
SF: Well, it's sick!
TB: It's no sicker than your thing with beaters.
SF: Beaters.
TB: Beaters...
SF: Beaters are very upsetting.
Both: Not forgetting the tasks unachievable,
Mountains unscalable--
If it's conceivable
But unavailable,
TB: Misery!
SF: Woe!
Both: Not to know what you miss.
TB: While they lie there for years--
SF: And you cry on their biers--
Both: What unbearable bliss!
Agony, that can cut like a knife!
Ah well, back to my rider/boyfriend...
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neveth @ June 5 2003, 22:55:59 UTC Re: Silliness |
I love you. Marry me?
Agony is my favorite song from Into the Woods. Squee and glee.
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:42:08 UTC Re: Silliness |
More so than Giants In the Sky and No One Is Alone? Well, I'm not marrying you until you get your priorities straight, missy.
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neveth @ June 6 2003, 06:05:36 UTC Re: Silliness |
Giants in the sky is good, I'll admit to that, but... I don't know. I still hold true to Agony being the most entertaining song there.
(parent)hermione_like @ June 5 2003, 23:54:22 UTC Re: Silliness |
*claps* I love Into the Woods.
And not so off-topic, I'm surprised Draco hasn't really commeneted on the picture of him other than saying that "You put me in your journal" first thing.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 22:57:47 UTC Draco likes to watch |
It seems that Draco is there and not leaving as Terry and Dean *ahem* do stuff in the computer lab.
Natural curiosity? Planning devious black-mailing revenge for the photo?
shusu @ June 5 2003, 23:05:01 UTC Re: Draco likes to watch |
more here
It would be squeeful if he were. He's watching something parallel to his own situation... kinda...
babytyggeryss @ June 5 2003, 23:09:23 UTC Re: Draco likes to watch |
I don't think he's there for blackmail purposes. That wouldn't go over well with Harry.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 23:28:55 UTC Re: Draco likes to watch |
Why do you think he's still there? I think he would find it all rather revolting, personally.
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 23:34:15 UTC Re: Draco likes to watch |
Well, there is the drunkeness factor to consider, but they're both hot.
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Anonymous @ June 6 2003, 00:13:49 UTC Re: Draco likes to watch |
It is unclear, but this exchange implies he caught at least some of the action.
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hobaggins @ June 5 2003, 23:29:34 UTC |
And that's all I have to say about that.
I do heart Boot. And Seamus. And Dean. And Draco. And Harry.... et al....
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Anonymous @ June 6 2003, 00:08:33 UTC A very merry Birthday!! |
According to Dean's user info, his Birthday is on 1980-06-06 (um, perhaps we should ignore the year?). But in any case, Happy Birthday big guy. I don't know if getting some Boot-tay was the best gift to yourself, but... at least this should be one birthday you won't forget.
slinkhard @ June 6 2003, 02:46:27 UTC |
I demand someone iconizes that picture post haste! I will then set it on my desktop to gain the admiration of my peers!
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 07:19:39 UTC |
Personally, I'm amazed that Draco ignored the picture. He's being amazingly controlled in this thread, isn't he? I can't help but wonder why (and hope it's something that reflects well on Draco, of course).
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 11:15:24 UTC |
I think he tends to post about things in his own journal, not in the comments. So I'm waiting for him to update his journal to see if he really has something to say on the topic. And to see how controlled (or not) he is about it.
(parent)shusu @ June 6 2003, 12:27:37 UTC |
I can just see it... "Well it can't be that bad, Malfoy... remember those Potter Stinks buttons?"
Oneupsmanship ensues.
Finally "Well, I have to at least *comment*..."