dragynville @ 2003-06-06 03:03:00 |
news from harry..
Mood: curious
Just who was Harry with in the Menagerie last night? And why were they there? *leer*
And evidently his scent was a bit off to Remus. Curiouser and curiouser.
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 03:35:35 UTC |
I wonder if it smelled of Aqua De Goi? Possibly a repeat performance of parseltounge for Draco? Though I think that's rather unlikely, since Draco isn't one for monsters.
Perhaps he still had the stench of burnt plastic on him (I'm figuring that the stuff dumped on Harry's bed was Colin's stuff)?
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 07:23:54 UTC |
Good, I had NO CLUE what that stuff on Harry's bed was! Wasn't from Draco, this time. No action figures for Draco. It would make sense if that was the scent Remus smelled, though. Poor Harry actually BURNS Potterabilia. That's so sad, somehow.
Course, I'd rather have him just have been with Draco and rubbing his little Never-heard-of-it-but-smells-like-Acqua di Gio-anyway body all over his.
*ahem* Did I say that out loud?
sheron @ June 6 2003, 08:44:46 UTC |
Yeah! It would make sense for it to be Colin's stuff. Not to mention the weird smell. Hmm, great. I was comming up with completely unlikely theories for this but what you said made much more sense.
I actually thought Harry sounded unusually bitter, or maybe tired in that post.
(i.e. but I'm just so sick of them I don't even really care if they gnaw their own heads off)
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 09:03:59 UTC |
Yeah, makes you wonder if he's really talking about his fellow students or housemates?
sheron @ June 6 2003, 09:07:29 UTC Re: |
I had the same thought.
(Imho, now is the time for Draco not to rise to the occasion and beat Boot into the dirt. As much as I'd love to see that happen, I would still rather see a Draco that's above useless squabbling over a picture. )
sheron @ June 6 2003, 09:19:35 UTC Re: |
Wait, let me restate that. When I said I don't want Draco to respond to Boot's baiting attempts, I meant that I didn't want him to respond in a similar way. That would bring him to the level of mere annoyance that is Colin. However, I really don't see how Draco can leave this be entirely. He has to respond somehow, and I just hope it's not something incredibly immature. We've already seen so much of that side of him recently that it about to stop being endearing.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 12:29:34 UTC |
Yeah, I'm really wondering about how ps will respond. It's interesting that in the thread M.B. almost takes over for him--Terry says Draco's "still there" and M.B. asks if Boot has a problem with that. So I wonder if that's a sign of M.B. and Draco standing somewhat together on that thread.
In other news, poor Harry. He sounds so weary in his response to Remus and really wants to go home for the weekend and get away from Hogwarts. I'm wondering even more about those runespoors. Harry says:
"the first one was way too far gone to even care I was saying anything, and I think listening to the first one gave the other ones ideas."
Come now. Doesn't this sound like what's happening in his house? He tried to talk to one person about the situation with Draco (possibly Seamus/Draco since Ron already saw something there) but whoever it was didn't listen and then the first one gave the other one ideas--just as the Seamus/Draco thing has now been blown out of proportion by Terry and Dean. And there definitely is some chewing of each other's heads off now, with Dean essentially destroying his relationship.
sheron @ June 6 2003, 12:37:20 UTC Re: |
Oh we're insane to be reading so much into it. But it's fun ;-)
"the first one was way too far gone to even care I was saying anything, and I think listening to the first one gave the other ones ideas."
It does sound like what's happening in the school.
If I had to reach for it, I'd say the first one was Draco and everyone else seems to have "gone berserk" after him. Colin, Lavender, etc. PS's post in April really set off many chain reactions.
Poor Harry, yes. But he's strong. He'll be okay.
I was happy to see M.B. almost defending Draco. April 25th, 4006 haha.
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 12:55:14 UTC |
Actually, I was thinking it referred to the recent thing--but you could be right that the first one was Draco.
I was thinking the first runespoor was Draco or Ron because Harry had successfully gotten a clampjaw on it. Ron's been contained and Harry's fine with him. Draco's "time in the hole" with Harry effectively clampjawed him. But just as he got that one shut up the rest of them started biting themselves bloody.
I wonder about Dean's current explanations, though, that this is all because Malfoy drives him crazy. How will Seamus respond to that? Will he give us any insight into his actual relationship with Draco? I can't see him dropping Draco just for Dean when Dean's done this to him (plus that would be like admitting he did something wrong). Will ps be hurt by the idea that just having tea with Seamus causes this much trouble? It's a mystery...
Hey, isn't Narcissa going to Dogear this weekend? Doesn't she hope to see Draco as well if it's possible? ::crosses fingers and wishes hard::
Draco should be seeing her, anyway. His mother is sad and he ought to be at her side and trying to help her. I really hope he does spend time with her even if he doesn't see Harry at all.
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 13:08:57 UTC |
Having just read Ron's post perhaps Ron really hasn't been clampjawed. :-)
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 15:52:48 UTC |
You may very well be right about the Clampjaw Theory. :)
I don't think Draco expects Seamus to stand by their friendship at all. In fact I would be surprised if he acted as though he expected Seamus to still want to spend time together.
Besides, I'm sure he has a stray thought or two that Gryffindors are all nuts and is probably not sure if he wants to spend time with that weird bunch.
As for attention his actions so inevitably gather, I don't know if he is sick of it, or if he really likes it. He seems to change his mind every other week. In some posts he is obviously seeking attention, in another he says that he doesn't want to be here at all. We shall see.
And if he does get to see his mother I can only hope she doesn't make things worse.
It should be an interesting weekend -- I'll be checking NA as soon as I'm back from work.
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 16:06:34 UTC |
I don't think Draco expects Seamus to stand by their friendship at all. In fact I would be surprised if he acted as though he expected Seamus to still want to spend time together.
I definitely agree. One thing I love about the way ps is played in contrast to Ron (and Ron is played perfectly too) is that they have the opposite ideas when it comes to who's loyal to them. Draco always seems to expect everybody to betray him and pushes them away before they can: his mom likes Harry better, Harry likes Ron better, M.B. and Pansy laugh at him behind his back.
Ron's the opposite--he tends to demand loyalty to his "side" when it's not forthcoming. So Ron is the one telling Seamus' he should be siding against Malfoy or for Harry. I can't imagine for one minute Draco thinking Seamus would defend him.
I think Draco goes back and forth on the attention too. It's like when Colin flamed him that time--Draco lives for attention, even negative attention, but only when he feels he's controlling it. Otherwise he crawls into a hole and hides. That in itself is sort of an attention grabber since hiding seems to imply somebody should seek for him, but I don't think that's all it is. When he ran to the theater nobody noticed he was gone, yet he still stayed there for days. His hole really did seem difficult to find and he wasn't giving Millicent any hints. And then (psychological babble alert) in some ways he hides all the time behind his persona.
I feel like his interactions with the Gryffs must seem really dangerous and risky to him and make him nervous so that he wants to run off. In his relationships with Harry and Seamus they are the ones that always have to suggest time together. I think underneath it he just doesn't trust that they really like him or that he isn't going to screw it up.
sheron @ June 6 2003, 16:23:38 UTC Re: |
Yes, I think that's it exactly!
When he ran to the theater nobody noticed he was gone, yet he still stayed there for days.
Um...theater? I don't think I know what you're talking about. Something I missed? There are portions of NA back-story that I am not aware of because I was too busy with RL.
I think underneath it he just doesn't trust that they really like him or that he isn't going to screw it up.
I think he knows that they think differently from him. He probably realizes that they aren't going to agree on things (because Gryffindors are just weird that way), and doesn't think there is a relationship to speak of.
I truly doubt that his self-esteem is so bad that he doesn't think Seamus would want a friend like him. I rather believe that he remains oblivious to a lot of things. When people try to talk to him, I'm sure he thinks it's completely natural -- after all, he is irresistible. When they don't, he may assume that he needs to do something to draw their attention to him, to remind them he exists. Because I have a feeling people stop existing for Draco when they're not entertaining enough. And he probably applies that logic to everyone else, thinking they should work the same way.
So when Gryffs behave in a way he doesn't understand, Draco is thrown for a loop. Which is dangerous and probably incredibly attractive to him.
(Just my opinion, of course.)
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 13:38:47 UTC Uh Oh, it's timing! |
I wouldn't call it "standing together" since M.B. comes in the next day, and Draco kind of just acts like a brat/voyeur and doesn't leave so there's not much of a "stand". I agree that M.B. is expressing support for Draco in a way. However, I also think she's writing this message (especially to Boot) saying to Boot "I know what you're doing." Not because she's jealous, nessecarily, but because she likes causing pain.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 15:51:36 UTC Re: Uh Oh, it's timing! |
You said it much better than I did. Really it's just M.B. coming in and saying, "You got a problem with that?" in response to Terry's "You're still here?" to Draco.
But I'm not sure when Draco left. He drops out of the conversation and might have stuck around for a bit longer after that but do we really think he sat there and watched the two of them? I'd think he would leave in disgust.
sheron @ June 6 2003, 15:53:34 UTC Re: Uh Oh, it's timing! |
She doesn't sound very jealous at all. I think they're using each other.
(parent)dragynville @ June 6 2003, 13:49:20 UTC |
Just why was Harry distracted Wednesday night? And when will we find out, dammit?!
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ June 6 2003, 14:01:05 UTC |
On Wednesday, June 4,2003, 23.03
Seamus did invite Draco for tea tomorrow.
Could it be relevant?
dragynville @ June 6 2003, 14:18:00 UTC |
Oh buggering hell, I hope not. Seamus really seemed to be only interested in friendship with Draco. I hope Harry hasn't let Ron's twittering about them get to him unnecessarily. :\
(parent)takeonelook @ June 6 2003, 15:14:12 UTC |
I thought that Ron was pretty much over the whole Seamus/Draco thing after the ordeal on Seamus's journal, or was at least keeping his thoughts to himself. But in his journal he says something to Seamus about where his loyalties lie etc.. Could it be that Wed. Harry was distracted with the whole tea invitation and brought it up to Ron while they were cleaning his bed? This would make Ron confident again in his assertions about Seamus/Draco, and that's why he's bringing it up again. Though he does mention in his journal entry that he can't say too much or his comments will be deleted so maybe I'm just full of it. He at least probably feels like he's been proven right in a way, Dean was jealous enough to be driven to cheat on Seamus. And if Ron spoke to Harry then that probably influenced him at least somewhat. We all know Harry can be insecure and if he was having doubts about Draco/Seamus, Ron's blabbing helped cement them.
And off I go to the airport.
Here's to hoping there's some nice H/D to read when I get back, and that things work out between S/D.
sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 15:53:34 UTC |
Though that's why I'd imagine Harry wouldn't say anything to Ron if he were upset about the Seamus/Draco tea party. He'd know this would be exactly where Ron would go with it--and he did!
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 15:57:31 UTC |
Though he does mention in his journal entry that he can't say too much or his comments will be deleted so maybe I'm just full of it.
I think Ron stubbornly thinks he knows what's best for Harry and is making a jab at Harry. Harry had previously stopped him from ruffling Draco's feathers and Ron is sure that that's only because Harry is mislead by his emotions. So he is bursting to rant at Seamus, but barely holds back because he knows Harry won't like it. IMHO.
sheron @ June 6 2003, 15:59:13 UTC |
Not to mention he probably realizes that in that situation Seamus had been a better friend than he had. (Seamus was the one who'd deleted the comments.) Ron's feeling threatened enough in his position as Harry's Best Friend. He's not going to take to Seamus kindly.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 16:44:08 UTC |
Oh, good point. I feel like Ron is verrrry cocky in that post and he really is pushing things as far as he dares. By saying he doesn't want the comments deleted he might as well say exactly what he did in the thread where his comments were deleted. He's so sticking his tongue out at Seamus from behind Harry's back.
But I do wonder how Harry feels about Seamus right now. It's possible he feels like he brought this on Seamus and feels badly about it. After all, what if Seamus has been friendly with Draco with Harry's blessing? He did, after all, take his fashion talk with Draco and immediately take Harry out shopping with the information. He was also the one to calm Draco down on the thread where Ron slipped up. Harry may feel like any attempts at romance for him just end up hurting people--Seamus and Dean, this time. There's really not anybody he trusts that seems to approve of it; even Percy Weasley weighs in to say Harry's hurting people by wanting who he wants.
sheron @ June 6 2003, 16:54:01 UTC Re: |
This post by Seamus seems to imply he isn't very welcome by any sixth-year boy Gryffindor. Which includes Harry and seems to support the argument that Harry was upset about the tea-party. But Harry may yet prove to be comletely okay with Seamus -- it's too early to tell, Harry hasn't commented anywhere yet, which means he may not have seen that comment.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 17:00:54 UTC |
Harry may also have left--he wanted to go home right after classes, didn't he?
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 17:07:28 UTC Re: |
Yes he did. Not going to watch R/S game is he. *sigh* He really is upset.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 17:49:13 UTC |
Soooo...are Pansy and Millicent trying to coax him back to Draco or what?