syddle @ 2003-06-07 00:34:00 |
(no title)
Mood: wibbly
*cries* Hermione is such a spoilsport. Why? I thought people were pissed at Seamus, not Dean.
Though, I think we all echo Professor Sinistra in this statement.
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 00:40:00 UTC |
Well, Seamus isn't exactly the one who spent the night having naked fun with Terry Boot. The anti-Seamus reactions don't exactly depend on reason or well thought out posistions. Hermoine prefers the reasoned or well thought out posistions.
And yes. Sinistra is right.
dragynville @ June 7 2003, 00:48:13 UTC |
Take if from a werewolf ... trust your instinct?! Wot the hell?!
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 00:52:21 UTC |
For some reason, ever since PoA, I always pictured Lupin as having a Sir Alec Guiness voice and similarity to Obi Wan, which makes it all the more hilarious.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 00:59:58 UTC |
Sweet! And didn't N_A use Ewan MacGregor pix for student!Lupin? XD XD XD
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 00:50:24 UTC |
Possibly what I love most about the Dean/Seamus kerfluffle (which is obviously symptomatic of greater problems that go beyond and predate this one simple fuck up) is that it follows this nraged thread (which is still on the front page) by only two days. Which just shows that N_A had an excellent set up for the crushing blow. It's part of why I keep coming back for more.
Erm, "blow" in the above sentance had nothing to do with cocaine, but it might as well.
dragynville @ June 7 2003, 01:03:14 UTC |
Uh oh.. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." *trembles*
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 01:22:49 UTC |
I think Dean has put his finger on what turns me off Dean/Seamus. I know a lot of people think that they have this GATL that's so pure and sweet and that's a GOOD thing, but it just feels wrong and stale and too "good" to be true. It just didn't feel accurate, especially for a couple of teenaged gay boys. It was much too 2-dimensional And now I know why. They've been having a 2-dimensional relationship, keeping the problems bottled up so it looks like it's perfect and grand, but it's not. I don't think it's been for a while. Seamus's reaction to the Valentine's day thing, for example, is a crack in the facade that quickly got plastered over, and so they, and we and everyone else, just glossed over it. But the fault in the wall, whatever it was, that was hidden before now, got ignored, and it's been brewing, and stewing, and generally discontenting the parties involved. So things break apart, but no one sees it, because they're a picture-book romance except everyone's stuck on the first page and it's a Modern Humorist picture book so one goes to S&M bars with goth boys and gets whipped and the other cuts himself at night because he feels so empty or something.
And ow, that last sentence was really really stupid, but I think I'll leave it in, just to show exactly how fallible I am.
dragynville @ June 7 2003, 01:38:43 UTC |
Yep. In hindsight, their relationship had become all talk and no action.
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 02:01:47 UTC |
No. It's not that. Even with action, they weren't really dealing with the issues that arose. They didn't TALK enough. They just put on a mask, and then had sex. They kept their relationship static when it can't be, in part because a relationship is dependent on the people in it, and they're not static, in part because it's just dishonest to assume or say that things stay the same. Now, it may be possible to have a relationship that's just sex for six months, I don't know, I've never seen that happen but what do I know? But it's not possible for them to have a romantic component that doesn't actually manifest their emotions without it being seriously wrong. So each problem stewed, and eventually blew up. As Dean points out, he's not who he was, but he's in a relationship that hasn't evolved in half a year, which is practically a lifetime.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 02:30:57 UTC |
I meant they seemed to only talk about being in this perfect wonderful relationship, being in love, blah blah blah, but not put it into action. They didn't spend time together except after extreme measures on one or the other's part (usually Seamus).
I think I just confused myself. XD
You're right there. No relationship can survive stagnation.
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 02:18:24 UTC |
Also, this is not exactly hindsight. This is a crystalization of the issues behind WHY they felt wrong. Okay, they've always felt wrong because they were sappy and perfect and they couldn't be and it rubbed me wrong. But it's a fleshing out and an explanation for this.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 02:36:15 UTC |
Hindsight to us voyeurs. Or maybe it's just me since I haven't been here very long. XD
It has been my experience in RL that outwardly sappy relationships are usually hiding something really big festering underneath.
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 08:34:14 UTC |
ITA. Dean/Seamus can be great but the players had nothing to do with them just being happy with small boyfriend troubles. I like that Dean was really angry at himself for just being an extention of Seamus (he thought) because Seamus really was the more aggressive personality.
I do want to hear more about it, though, because it seems kind of odd that Dean was feeling smothered, then freaked out because Seamus stopped smothering him and hung out with somebody else instead.
Well, maybe it's not strange afterall. If Dean felt like he had no personality outside of Seamus then Seamus hanging out with somebody else would bring it to his attention more than anything else. Still rather silly to be going off about Malfoy, though, so I'm glad they're talking about themselves now.
On an even happier note, if Seamus is going to Dogear he and Harry must be fine. Right?
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 08:45:25 UTC |
Wait, it means "I totally agree", doesn't it? I am a clever one!
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 08:47:17 UTC |
It is a good thing I've spent months trying to figure it out, only to figure it out two seconds after I finally asked. Well done!
This is the end of my spam.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 08:54:53 UTC Re: ...I wanted to know too. |
:D You were drawn here by my FABULOUS ICON, I can tell.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 08:58:03 UTC |
Naturally I figured it out the minute I asked. Curses! Foiled again.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 02:40:23 UTC |
I thought people were pissed at Seamus, not Dean.
People it seems are pissed at Seamus/on Dean's side:
People pissed at Dean/on Seamus's side:
Nraged sympathies do not count.
Also not counting Draco as he is generally enraged at everybody and currently distancing himself from the gay Drah-mah by getting his bea-I mean, girlfriend soup.
(Seamus annoys *me*, though. gr. and Lupin! taking sides!)
theantimodel @ June 7 2003, 20:34:42 UTC |
Actually I think we can take Neville off of Seamus' side. He seems to be trying to cheer them both up.
And is Dean planning something? Or this really just about collecting some of his things? (same link as above)
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 13:56:19 UTC |
that is what the "/" was for... she falls into the "pissed at Seamus" catagory as she dislikes him generally.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 08:43:01 UTC |
Thank goodness Dean jumped in and they started to talk anyway. I almost wonder if that was Hermione's plan, to get them to talk. Because otherwise it's the kind of post I'd expect more from Parvati or Lavender, you know loudly whispering to Seamus not to come to the library etc.