dragynville @ 2003-06-07 17:41:00 |
Slytherin wins..
Mood: amused
..however, there were complications. XD
Draco did play both the seeker and beater positions and is currently in the hospital wing.
Ron is not taking it at all well. XD
taradiane @ June 7 2003, 18:06:41 UTC |
Millicent's protectiveness of Draco is too adorable for words ;-)
*ships potterstinks/
dragynville @ June 7 2003, 18:21:07 UTC |
I know! I love that line about making sure he did not die, followed by the last time he got a blister on his toe he started writing up his will. XD
BTW, love your icon!
shusu @ June 8 2003, 11:01:03 UTC |
*chokes* I don't know how I missed this the first time... *snickers* Don't mind me. Just... weird coincidences. ^_^
hermione_like @ June 7 2003, 18:28:45 UTC |
After seeing this comment by Millicent, does that mean Gryffindor now has to play Slytherin? :) Harry vs Draco once again. ;)
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 19:10:38 UTC |
They have to play Gryffindor anyway. I don't get that comment, really.
(parent)hermione_like @ June 7 2003, 19:13:04 UTC |
Ah, I forgot about that. Maybe Millicent did too? *shrugs*
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 19:14:33 UTC |
Hahahaha yeah, actually her player is a klutz at Quidditch, so consider that a boo boo :)) *EMBARASSED*
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 18:41:53 UTC |
You know what's weird? All day I had a feeling Draco would end up in the hospital wing after this game.
Not that this is all that big a deal. The way he plays I guess getting hurt isn't all that surprising. I'm glad they won, though, of course. If Draco beat Harry once there's no point in a final Cho vs. Harry match, especially since Cho isn't even that into Quidditch anymore.
What a little trooper, playing both Beater and Seeker! I hope this victory helps him deal with his possible future...stress.::wibble::
black_dog @ June 7 2003, 19:56:10 UTC |
I'm a little worried, though, that Millicient says they knocked the kneecap "out," and Lisa Turpin says it was "smashed to pieces." We have the precedent of Goyle's finger, to suggest that not all such injuries are repairable. This could be a big deal.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 20:22:33 UTC |
Theoretically, they could regrow the kneecap, but if there's nerve damage... :(
(parent)sheron @ June 7 2003, 20:37:03 UTC |
I am remembering Harry's broken bones -> no bones -> regrown bones incident. I hope Draco will be fine.
(parent)black_dog @ June 7 2003, 21:23:45 UTC Re: |
Yeah, I wondered about that, and I finally went and looked up Goyle's post, where he explained why Skele-Grow wouldn't work because there was no skin and muscle. Don't know whether that applies here, but I'm wondering about the foreshadowing, and why the wound was described so graphically.
But maybe I'm just worrying!
sheron @ June 7 2003, 21:33:41 UTC Re: |
As Draco still has his leg, he has skin and muscle. So by Goyle's explanation it should be okay. Well I'm worrying too, but I try to convince myself it'll be fine.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 22:36:55 UTC |
I think we are meant to worry and that All Will Be Revealed in Due Course.
Will he be ok? Will he ever be able to play the violin again?
Story-wise, though, I can't see them giving us an injured Draco. Too much long-term vulnerability. The viper has to retain more of his bite to keep things interesting and dramatic.
sheron @ June 7 2003, 20:43:04 UTC |
I knew NA would have to give us something spectacular for the game so when Draco (or anyone) didn't post during the day I started thinking that he would get hurt. It made sense for this to happen stylistically, imho.
I just hope it's nothing magic can't heal. Such crisis heaped upon all the other crisises we'd vitnessed in the near past would be over the top, imho. Sure there's a lot that can be done with injured Draco (everyone's read Draco In Darkness at least 2ce, right?) but too much crisis is too much crisis.
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 21:46:04 UTC |
Exactly. Also every little thing gets blown up in this format so it's really too much to deal with a ton of stuff.
(parent)myrddin @ June 7 2003, 19:44:30 UTC |
Now be a good boy and go look for Pansy for a hug.
Why did Millicent tell Ron to look for Pansy for a hug?
theantimodel @ June 7 2003, 21:12:27 UTC |
An update on the Draco situation.
What exactly are cauldron cakes? For some reason I am picturing urinal cakes here.
At any rate, Millicent seems snarky as ever in regards to Draco's wishes, so I think everything might be ok.
merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:19:21 UTC |
Narcissa should return to Hogwarts, in light of Draco's injury. She could whisk him off to Dogear Wryde for the rest of the weeekend to nurse him back into good spirits. It would show her love towards her son.
And Harry would be close at hand to help ...
dragynville @ June 7 2003, 21:21:11 UTC |
nursemaid!Harry.. think of the sponge baths.. *squee*
(parent)merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:23:08 UTC |
Oh dear lord .... it has WAY too much potential.
And the possibilities for comforting and cuddling ...
We are SO shameless.
merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:26:37 UTC |
Why, thank you.
It just solves so many problems. Draco and mummy get some quality time together. Harry and Draco get some private time together. With Draco immobilized, so he can't evade Harry. And Narcissa and Draco together when Lucius returns with whatever news he has.
Of course, I don't think Madame Pomfriy (spelling?) would be very accomodating. There's always a hitch in the most perfect plan.
rain206 @ June 7 2003, 21:34:43 UTC Re: |
It would be quite the deus ex machina, wouldn't it? (Is that how it's spelled? Drama class was a few years ago.)
(parent)merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:39:59 UTC |
Sure ... I'm not familiar with the term, but after briefly looking it up, I'll have to agree.
Although, I believe Pansy and M.B. are going to spend the night instead.
theantimodel @ June 7 2003, 21:24:04 UTC |
Yes, that, or Harry should come back to Hogwarts because he's worried about Draco. *sigh* thierloveissomeanttobe
(parent)merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:28:37 UTC |
Setting the scene:
The school wakes up in the morning to find Harry snuggled up to Draco in the hospital bed.
The drama THAT would cause.
But so ... snuggly and CUTE.
rain206 @ June 7 2003, 21:37:22 UTC |
Sadly, M.B. and Pansy will be there with Draco all night.
(parent)merlion @ June 7 2003, 21:44:53 UTC |
While not the ideal situation (in an H/D world), I agree that it should be adorable. Slytherian slumber party in the infirmary. The conversation must be hilarious.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 7 2003, 21:55:37 UTC |
Sadly, Pansy will be there as well. I much prefer the Draco/Millicent to the Draco/Millicent/Pansy. But I do hope we get to see some of their slumber party. It is times like these that make me wish Pomfrey had a journal. She could post her complaints of how millicent and Pansy were keeping poor Draco up all night. Then we could have some sort of account of the evening.
In other news, it appears that both Narcissa and Lucius are attempting to contact Draco.
merlion @ June 7 2003, 22:00:10 UTC |
*goes off to read*
That's true. I forgot Pomfrey didn't have a journal. That would definately help fill in the blanks. Unless Cho posts about it, as I think she's still in there, yes?
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 22:26:12 UTC |
I'm dissappointed that they're going to be in the infrimary, which I assume doesn't offer Millicent and Pansy enough privacy. How exactly would they keep Draco up all night? Would they be really loud? Would he watch them? I was under the impression Draco didn't really find Millicent riding someone like a bad bad pony very salutory to his health.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 7 2003, 21:42:31 UTC |
I really wish Draco would post. I'd love to see him talking in the third person and high on pain killers. If he's bad enough to need a translator it's good enough to make my night^_~
Also note Pansy coming on to M.B while her "boyfriend" *cough* is incapacitated. Somehow, I'm not shocked.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 21:30:43 UTC |
It's pretty funny that Ron, who's nothing involving this match, is so outrageously furious at Draco, accuses him of cheating and demands a rematch ( using super big letters). While Lisa, a Ravenclaw herself and other Ravenclaw Quidditch players (according to her posts) seem to think it's Cho's faults. Lisa doesn't blame him at all.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 22:13:48 UTC |
Well, Cho's an honorary Weasley, so of course he's biased.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 22:24:11 UTC |
I'm loving the parallel here between Harry and Draco, of their determination and dedication to the cause. Harry caught the snitch (CoS) after a bludger breaks his arm, and now Draco does it after a bludger breaks his kneecap.
just more evidence that ::theirloveismeanttobe:: <3