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thegirlingreen @ 2003-06-08 14:22:00 |
The Drama Queen Awards
Mood: geeky
Candidate 1 vs. Candidate 2
Announcer 1: Well, Bob, we're back with the Drama Queen Awards, and we'd just like to welcome anyone who's just tuning in. Quite an exciting day, quite an exciting day.
Announcer 2 ("Bob"): Indeed, Betty. It looks like Candidate 1 has a strong holding, what with the camatose factor. And the knee injury. And of course having breasts all around you -- how awful!
"Betty": Too true, too true. However, Candidate 2 does have the entire drama of not knowing her real parents are. Good grief, imagine! The possibility of being a half-blood!
Bob: Don't even joke, Betty!
Betty: I don't think I will, Bob!
(Announcer laughter.)
Betty: Well, Bob, I think it's about time for a break.
Bob: I concur, Betty. Afterall, we still have a live-thread to look out for.
Betty: Back to you, Nocturne_Alley.
Edit: Although, I do have an actual question concerning N_A and summer. Will there be summer holidays? There's talk about it, but I've been skimming through the archives and there doesn't seem to be a summer break/vacation/holiday. There was the Lantern Festival and the Bleu Ball but weren't they still in school? Or are the players of N_A eternally in 6th year?
whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 12:25:30 UTC |
You have a fab announcer voice... to me they're either golf announcers or parade commentators. Because those seem to be the most obnoxious. Golf with the whispering, parades with the huge amount of excitement about the local 4-H float.
But isn't that what we live for? The search for a live thread? Of course, they never happen in the daytime when I have a few hours to kill... nooo...
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Anonymous @ June 9 2003, 09:21:24 UTC b/c i'm really to lazy to log in |
i was going for parade commentators. They really Bother Me. B/c, you know that at a Macy's T-giving/Christmas parade the question is always going to be asked, 'What are you most excited about seeing?' Well, guess what, parade commentators? The answer will ALWAYS BE Santa Claus!
And most certainly we live for live thread. As if there were anything else to live for??
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 12:33:12 UTC |
NA didn't start going by current dates until September. There will be summer holiday.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 17:14:01 UTC |
Yes, yes she has.
I just deleted a previous response to this, as I read Narcissa's comment a few hours ago, and it said... something else. And I don't want to spill the beans if that ...something... is going to come into play later, or if it was a change in the plot...
yes, yes, that was vague. but now I'm curious to see how this plays out.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 17:36:42 UTC |
In the NA chat they held a few weeks ago, the Mod-type people told us that if something was deleted, etc that it was a change in the player's minds. Keeping that in mind, I wouldn't worry about it.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 17:40:06 UTC |
I missed the chat, are there transcripts to it floating around?
I figured as much, but it would have been an interesting plot twist, even if it doesn't happen. I just figured that I would avoid naming it.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 17:45:11 UTC |
My log got messed up, unfortunately. I do believe there are several people who do have copies of it. Maybe at some point it will be posted here on NrAged by one of the NA mods?
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 19:06:02 UTC |
We don't have copies and have been asking for them so if anyone does have a copy, we would really appreciate it if someone gave it to us.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 19:28:19 UTC Re: |
We could have one a week or two after Book5, I suppose. Will have to discuss with other mod!
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 20:55:46 UTC |
I read it too. It's a pity she took it out, because...wow.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 8 2003, 21:13:08 UTC |
Wow is right--if I hadn't read this thread I wouldn't have noticed she took it out!
Still, makes sense to do that. I'm just glad I didn't accidentally start talking about it like it was NA Canon, thus screwing up the player's point!
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 21:26:42 UTC |
I know! Well, I saw she had taken it down for a little bit, but I didn't check it completely to see if she had changed it. I was completely shocked that no one had said anything about it, then I noticed it was gone.
I wonder what the stance is on that? It's a huge plot device. But is it regarded like Draco's Father comment or like the ones that aren't supposed to be commented on?
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 21:28:31 UTC |
That was removed by mod request and will not come back as a plot whatsoever.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 21:38:32 UTC |
Draco's Father comment was deleted by the player and not the character, too. If something is up for thirty seconds and then gone, please don't comment on it.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 8 2003, 22:09:06 UTC |
So I have a couple questions. I'm new to this group and I've noticed some talk about a five-minute rule, and now the whole no commenting on certain posts thing. And I read the very first few posts and checked the memories but I couldn't find an actual list of the rules here. The closest I came was reading the request that characters/players/nraged fans not be bashed. I'm wondering if they are listed somewhere, or, if not then maybe they could be added to the memories, or user info page?
That would be most helpful.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 22:11:23 UTC Re: |
Aja is the mod of Nraged, we're the mods of NA, so we don't really have the rules for Nraged up. We can, however, draft up a FAQ of some sort with Aja if this will be helpful.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 22:30:45 UTC |
It would be very helpful. There are some shady areas, and I'm sure no one wants to upset you guys.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 22:17:04 UTC |
The five-minute rule is really what I just said earlier (this is not the same mod who just commented). A lot of people comment on things that were mistakes made by players and it ends up being really, well, embarrassing and upsetting for the player. If something is up and deleted, basically the guarantee is that the player did so because they made a mistake or changed their mind. But with someone alerting everyone else of these things, it makes it impossible for us to change our minds whatsoever, even within thirty seconds, because if one person sees it before we change it they tell everyone else. So that's why we asked Aja to ask nraged to please wait for things to stay up for a bit before telling everyone about them. If something was deleted by a character or as a plot point, it would be unquestionable. If it is questionable, then it was not done as a plot point and makes us really really uncomfortable when people take screencaps of it and tell everyone.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 8 2003, 22:29:38 UTC |
Okay cool, thanks for replying, my mix-up about all this modly business. I had pretty much guessed that that was the reasoning behind waiting five minutes but I was still a little confused, thanks for clearing it all up. It is most helpful :-)