whoyouinvent @ 2003-06-08 16:29:00 |
peeves and sinistra
well, in the lack of comments from dean, seamus, harry or a comatose draco, at least we can always count on pee ves and prof. sinistra to entertain.
Edit: Well, we have a comment from Draco through M.B., but really, it's rather reminiscent of Lucius' shiny moments, what with the general incoherence. Although, when you think about it, Draco's demand for the girls to remove their breasts from his face does speak volumes. Hmmmm.
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neveth @ June 8 2003, 12:45:35 UTC |
I would be scared of Pansy's breasts. But that is me.
Indeed, it speaks vlumes,a nd makes me want to make a new version of the "shapely girlfriend" icon.
whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 12:49:02 UTC Re: |
that would be the appropriate icon to alter, really. Poor Draco, forced to deal with all those breasts, left helpless to the threatening mammaries. *someone* should go save him.
a strong man in tights, joel?
whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 16:58:59 UTC Re: |
bravo! poor dracie-pooh. he must put up with so much. :-)
(parent)lunadeath02 @ June 8 2003, 12:50:18 UTC |
melons are a thing of the past, I guess.
Bananas and walnuts are always good. ^_^
lunadeath02 @ June 8 2003, 12:52:27 UTC |
melons are a thing of the past, I guess.
oops. I meant oranges. ;)
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 12:54:04 UTC |
i just thought it meant he wanted pansy and narcissa specifically to go away ^_^
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 12:55:40 UTC |
oops. i meant because pansy wasn't really acting very concerned he's probably mad about it. O_O;;;
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 8 2003, 13:00:29 UTC |
Here, yes? Sinistra called that fairly well. I do enjoy her comments. Good and sharp. I need to start paying more attention to her.
(parent)notapipe @ June 8 2003, 13:13:05 UTC |
Sinistra is entertaining, Peeves is... well... Peeves. Potty humor and stupid rhymes (which are fun in the insanity humor sense, I concede) cannot compare to snark.
I'm concerned though. It is possible Sinistra is right about my one true love, Lisa Turpin? Do her comments reflect, not overwhelming sarcasm as I thought, but a general lack of personality? My conclusion? No.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 17:57:34 UTC |
The players are still giving out stars! We just ask that non-players don't do the same or it would defeat the purpose as this is the only way we can give clues to you lot :D
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hezzabeth @ June 8 2003, 17:43:01 UTC |
I myself find Lisa rather dull.
Of course the Lisa in my rpg is a suicidal whiny Mary Sue so I suppose this is better.
notapipe @ June 8 2003, 18:37:15 UTC |
I have developed a rather morphed view of Lisa where everything dull is secretly sarcastic and witty. I think I'm sick.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 18:49:07 UTC |
Lisa may be boring, but the wizarded-up song names and titles are hilarious. I am a huge Weezer fan, and "Weezerd - Broom Wax Brittania" had me cracking up yesterday. (I assume the name alludes to the "nerd-rock" label on the band.) For the non-fans, the original title to the song is "Surf Wax America."
(parent)bookshop @ June 8 2003, 21:09:01 UTC |
okay, honestly, notapipe.
I like your comments. I appreciate your insights and your research that always shows up just when I'm wondering where some thread went. However.
If you make comments like this one again, I will ban you. hezzibeth, the same thing goes for you, and for any other person that I find doing it. Insulting or degrading the players, even in jest, is not acceptable behavior on this forum.
And, while I'm on the subject, neither is insulting the other members of Nraged, or implying that you know better, that you are in some way smarter or more observant. Implying that their hypothesis or theory about a situation is somehow wrong, misguided, or just plain dumb is also grounds for incurring my wrath, the least of reasons being that no matter how dumb anybody else's theories seem to you, your pet Evil!Neville theory makes the rest of them seem quite reasonable.
I don't care if tomorrow someone begins a long and earnest discussion about how draco's stay in the infirmary is a ploy to win favor with the headmaster because obviously Draco is a spy for the Dark Lord, if you want to stay a member of this community, you won't say a *word* about it except to politely offer up rebuttal theories. You will not continue to belittle people around you and infer that you know better than they do.
I have had complaints from a number of people regarding your behavior on this community. I think everyone appreciates what you have to say, but I'm not exaggerating that they're fed up with the condescending way you've been saying it. If you can't treat the game, and the players, and the other fans around you, with the level of respect worthy of the obsessiveness you seem to have for NA and Nraged, then you should seriously rethink said level of obsessiveness, until you can learn to play nicely and be more considerate of other people's feelings.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 23:52:04 UTC |
yeek! i think notapipe really and truly does love turpinol. so, the rest of your points aside, i guess i just think that this is a weird place to put the smack down. i don't think he meant to insult turpinol's player at all. i think he was just trying to be polite when he replied to hezzabeth, whose comment was a different story altogether. *wibbles*
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hezzabeth @ June 9 2003, 01:44:43 UTC Re: |
Your no worse then all those Draco fan girls who see his sarcastic and often cruel barbs as heart warming and endearing.
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Anonymous @ June 9 2003, 02:15:02 UTC |
Before you make a single other comment to this community, I suggest you read vanityfair's reply to notapipe, as it concerns you as well.
(parent)notapipe @ June 8 2003, 20:30:30 UTC |
Don't despair, I still love Lisa and what you're doing with her.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 20:40:59 UTC |
Yeah, I didn't mean to diss the player in any way...I was actually glad for Lisa's levelheaded account of the Ravenclaw/Slytherin match in the midst of Ron's and M.B.'s fury. So, "boring" isn't the right word. "Low-key" is better.
- the Weezer fan.
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kiss_me_again @ June 8 2003, 22:07:25 UTC Stuff |
#is overwhelmed with love for pe_eee_ee_eeves and
I have but a few things to say:
1) Peeves’s off-kilter comments and Sinistra’s snarky wit make me v. v. happy. I would huggle them if I didn’t think there would be severe repercussions. ^_~
2) I do not want to know about the frozen banana.
3) The pe_eee_ee_eeves /
petitemillicent interaction was priceless. Would ship, but. It disturbs me. Also, while we’re on the subject of Millicent’s love life, I am still hoping that
boot_boy can complete his three tasks. I remain confident in his ability to pull it off. #cheers#
4) “I see that on my friends list and wonder who it could possibly be.” Sinistra is the queen of sarcasm. Truly. #loffs her#
5) “I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done.” #dies# Sheismyhero. ^_^
6) The personality comment has evoked mixed emotions. Oh one hand, Sinistra, with the snark; and on the other, Lisa, with the coolness. Cannot choose sides. #wibble#
7) #reading the other comments in this thread# Well. I don’t mean to offend anybody, but I would just like to let Lisa’s character know that, personally, I find Lisa to be a very appealing and well-thought-out character. You are doing a marvelous job at not only fleshing out her personality realistically and in an entertaining fashion, but also at explaining, with seeming ease, the intricacies of her everyday life in a magical community; I applaud you for this. And yes, I know that I must sound very t00by and geeky and OT, but I just wanted you (the player) to know that this is my outlook (and most likely that of many other nragers as well). (PS—Sorry if I embarrassed you with my fangirling. I sometimes cannot control my inner need to say, “OMG! Squee!” at everything that pleases/impresses me.)
8) Have just realized that this reply is rather incoherent; however, I must show off my shiny new icon. #cheeky grin#
altricial @ June 9 2003, 11:41:39 UTC Re: Stuff |
I need to stop stalking you all over the place :)) I love your comments!
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kiss_me_again @ June 9 2003, 12:09:39 UTC Re: Stuff |
You’re stalking me? #is flattered# And here I was thinking that I was stalking you! I was too t00by to comment on your journal because, you know, no to the cling factor (I am a small and petty person afraid of her own t00biness ^_~), but—hey, I won’t say no to a joint stalking arrangement. #Practices her squeeing in preparation for future incidents# ^_^