dragynville @ 2003-06-11 21:51:00 |
this is interesting..
Mood: contemplative
Love notes from Draco? He's posting new comments to Harry on old threads.
Two found so far by 'anonymous' and xnera:
Timestamp 2003-06-10 17:23 to 2003-06-10 17:28.
Timestamp 2003-06-10 18:20 to 2003-06-10 18:21.
Has anyone found any more of these? Maybe we can collect them all for 'analysis'?
xnera @ June 11 2003, 22:22:34 UTC |
Wrong thing? What does Draco mean by that? What did Draco say that Harry is hearing wrong (or vice versa)? ARGH!!
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:27:38 UTC |
It almost looks like he's trying repair some problem that they had. Either to apologize for acting stupid for mishearing something, or saying that Harry misunderstood something that he said.
(parent)nabiki @ June 11 2003, 22:29:36 UTC |
yeah, because if they really are friends now and getting it on (maybe ^_-) it'd be his saving-face way of apologizing, which is ooc for draco, but the way he's doing it is very ic :)
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:43:33 UTC |
He's quoting Harry's entry. The one he's replying to.
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 22:26:48 UTC |
And, timewise, that comes in between the other two. Hmm.. very interesting that Draco quoted that line back at him. An apology perhaps?
(parent)philalethia @ June 11 2003, 22:25:34 UTC |
The odd thing is that just the other day, I was thinking what a good idea it would be for them to communicate this way. Weird. Anyway, I found this:
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 23:02:48 UTC |
HA. I can't believe it, but I read this just yesterday while going over PS's old posts, and thought, "Hm, what a coincidence, Draco had a knee injury then, too." Totally didn't realize that it was a new post. XD
(parent)xnera @ June 11 2003, 22:38:13 UTC |
Now this one definitely sounds like Draco thinks Harry ran to Sirius the other night to talk about his relationship with Draco.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:42:13 UTC |
He's quoting Harry's comment to Percy from earlier in that thread.
(parent)xnera @ June 11 2003, 22:50:24 UTC |
Yes, I realize that. :) I suppose Draco could just be trying to get Harry's attention, but it seems to me he's choosing certain phrases carefully. In other words, I think he has a reason for quoting Harry's words back to him.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:52:24 UTC |
He's not. He's quoting it because Harry is talking about him.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 23:07:06 UTC |
But there are other entries where Harry talks about him. Are those the only oblique references? I'm too lazy to check. It's doubtful, though.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 05:08:26 UTC |
what purpose could he actually have in doing that with random phrases?
(parent)la_trix @ June 11 2003, 22:49:26 UTC |
I agree that it seems like Draco thinks Harry went to Sirius to talk about Draco ... but Remus's latest entry indicates Harry went to talk about his scar hurting.
Maybe he wanted to talk about both topics.
Or maybe the topics are interrelated. Could the fight have had something to do with Harry's scar hurting?
xnera @ June 11 2003, 22:33:01 UTC |
I'm really interested in the one I found, because the conversation (more like an argument, actually) they were having at the time was about friendship. Harry had implied that Draco didn't know what it was like to have a real friend. It's interesting that Draco is bringing this thread up now. What does he mean by it? I see two possibilities:
(1) Draco and Harry did indeed have a fight a few days ago about their relationship. I can imagine Harry asking or accusing Draco of hanging around Harry for reasons other than real friendship.
(2) When did this comment occur in the Pansy Birthday going-ons? Because Draco could have been trying to say "see, I have real friends and I know how to be one, too." But Pansy's birthday was today, right? I think this comment came before that. So that doesn't work.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:38:50 UTC |
Harry's response (http://www.livejournal.com/users/potterstinks/2818.html?thread=415234#t415234) here suggests he's saying "I was wrong then, mea culpa, you're my friend now, and it's not about your father buying me brooms either" (okay, that's dirtier than I meant it). Perhaps Draco is airing grievances or trying to apologize. I dunno, but it doesn't feel like the friends comment is a response to an accusastion, you know?
(parent)nabiki @ June 11 2003, 22:39:56 UTC |
the first one where it was under replies concerning hermoine..that seems kinda like a jealousy thing, especially the "it was a long time ago you know"..kinda like if you went through your significant others stuff and found little sentimental notes to an old fling that were kind of funny...they'd say "it was a long time ago!!!"
nabiki @ June 11 2003, 22:42:17 UTC |
oh, just wanted to add a note explaining my view..cause i think the thread was something about a crush that harry had on hermoine, or him asking her out or something...right?
(parent)xnera @ June 11 2003, 22:47:46 UTC |
Yeah, I could see it being that. Harry does sound rather defensive there.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:41:32 UTC |
Well, he's also talking about how Lucius bought Draco's way onto the house team, and how Draco didn't deserve to be captain. Which, in light of the match on Saturday, is a ridiculous assertion.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:33:15 UTC |
So there are only those two in J_H's journal. Did someone go through all of PS's journal, or do we need to search that?
The only other place to look is NA itself, and search PS or J_H community entries.
nabiki @ June 11 2003, 22:38:14 UTC |
i've been searching ps's but I couldn't find any thus far :(
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flyby @ June 11 2003, 22:40:24 UTC |
More likely they'd be in J-H's, since this is Draco poking at Harry in a 'notice me' kind of fashion - Harry would get emailed every time and have to come look.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:41:33 UTC |
Or PS entries where J_H responded. Which, I understand, is very few. I'm going to check the J_H entries in NA, will report back soon.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:55:19 UTC |
Done, only the one found. I'm going to skip on PS to watch X-Files. Good luck with the hunt, all.
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flyby @ June 11 2003, 22:38:31 UTC |
Top-of-head theory: Maybe he just couldn't stand to leave Harry alone any longer? Draco used to 'stalk' Harry, then due to recent events he stopped, and for a while Harry was semi-stalking him. Particularly on that first thread, it looks a lot like Draco's back to his old tricks again.
(parent)black_dog @ June 11 2003, 22:42:34 UTC |
Who do you suppose they are keeping this secret from? Is it just that they can't meet privately because Draco isn't mobile right now? Or is it more sinister -- is he worried about comments beign read by Lucius?
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 22:54:31 UTC |
I think Draco is just reading old entries and commenting on them as he goes along. Not because he's hiding anything, because it seems like he's responding directly to what the entries or comments were about at the time.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 11 2003, 23:02:25 UTC |
Oo, star. Good job.
Hm, sometimes I guess things aren't meant to be so deeply analysed.
xnera @ June 11 2003, 23:02:33 UTC |
Hey, you got a star! :)
I need to put these comments in time-stamp order. If the one below about the stalking is the first, then I could definitely see it as Draco being bored and rereading old journals. I think stumbling across some of the other comments first made it seem more suspcious.
la_trix @ June 11 2003, 23:14:38 UTC |
Draco either:
1. Wants attention. He hasn't talked to Harry in a couple of days, and is stalking his journal as a way to make him notice him, or
2. Is feeling the need to reexamine either himself or Harry by going through journal entries from over a year ago. Maybe he was thinking about how much their relationship has changed. Or just how much he himself has changed.
I think he may be feeling apologetic.
xnera @ June 11 2003, 23:16:26 UTC |
Yeah, now that I see the timestamp order, I have to agree. The stalking post was last. So what's his reason, then?
Here they are in order:
Timestamp 2003-06-10 17:23 to 2003-06-10 17:28: Harry says Draco bought his way on the team
Timestamp 2003-06-10 17:48 to 2003-06-10 17:57: The game wasn't so bad.
Timestamp 2003-06-10 18:09 to 2003-06-10 18:10: I might have to talk to the professors.
Timestamp 2003-06-10 18:13 to 2003-06-10 18:16: Some people hear the wrong thing.
Timestamp 2003-06-10 18:20 to 2003-06-10 18:21: Agititate it.
Timestamp 2003-06-10 18:31 to 2003-06-10 18:59: I'm stalking you.
It's kind of interesting to see that the comments start rather... I don't know, mean? accusatory? and then become whimsical and playful.
tabiji @ June 11 2003, 23:50:47 UTC |
Since Harry asks how Draco's leg is, they still hadn't talked, so Millicent wasn't successful in getting Harry to see him in the hospital (if that's even what she was trying to do). Maybe she just wanted to get Harry aside and find out what the hell happened.
So it first looks like Draco was trying to get Harry's attention, and apologize (in as much of an apology as Draco will give). It's like Draco's just missing him and it's his way of letting Harry know that he's over his snit or whatever and wants Harry to know that it's okay to stop avoiding/ignoring him.
Then it looks like he's just sort of realizing and musing at the changes that they've gone through in their perception of each other in the past year.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 23:54:04 UTC |
Maybe she just wanted to get Harry aside and find out what the hell happened.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 00:02:17 UTC |
It was meant to be cool and nonchalant but it hardly is if you're using it with a thumb. You have misused yep.
(parent)la_trix @ June 11 2003, 23:58:59 UTC |
Now I want to know what the hell happened!!
Come clean, ps and j_h! :)
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 23:59:35 UTC |
Then it looks like he's just sort of realizing and musing at the changes that they've gone through in their perception of each other in the past year.
Yep. But he's not apologising.
-The original "Yep" sayer and not the poser Yep sayer above me.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 00:04:24 UTC |
Are we allowed to give out Nopes now? Because then I might have to cancel my hot date tonight to Nope a lot of people.
(parent)dragynville @ June 12 2003, 00:06:09 UTC |
But he's not apologising.
Extending the 'olive branch of peace' perhaps? Offering a truce, or something along those lines?
poser Yep
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 04:26:37 UTC |
I love how it becomes towards the end.. Draco is so adorable. "Stalking your journal, of course."
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:46:16 UTC squee |
Found one on an NA J_H entry! (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/32717.html?thread=1391053#t1391053) It's a whopper, too.
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 22:52:45 UTC Re: squee |
And he admits to blatant stalking. :D double squee!
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 11 2003, 22:55:20 UTC Re: squee |
Aww. How cute and ps-like. <3
Draco admits to the stalking. On purpose. I wonder if, as every new thing happens to him, he feels more and more dissatisfied with his role in Hogwarts. He treats the old!Draco with hidden contemt, it seems.
Poor Harry. I'd be going crazy with mixed friendship signals from him right now.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 22:56:05 UTC Re: squee |
I don't read it as really stalking, I think he's using the word stalking, but he's more... being bored or something. I can't quite place it.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 11 2003, 22:57:59 UTC Re: squee |
Well, yes. But he calls it stalking, and it very nearly is.
Yet, you're exactly right, it's not completely. He's not being malicious (like he used to be, goodness). He's being curious, almost. Testing the waters.
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hobaggins @ June 11 2003, 22:55:57 UTC Re: squee |
I didn't really think before to notice PS's icon. I mean it is Harry inside the sarcophagus Draco's inspecting. Malfoy is thisclose to finding out Potter's in there. Could this be important?
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 05:14:35 UTC Re: squee |
wow, I completely forgot about that. Good job pointing that one out.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 11 2003, 22:46:52 UTC |
I think I've gone through all of j_h and ps, and I haven't seen anything not already posted.
It's poking, but almost in a friendly way. Like a sullen pet who wants attention from his favourite toy again, but isn't going to give it the satisfaction of asking for it outright. [Note: not meant to be read in a bad manner. Run along, now.]
hermione_like @ June 11 2003, 23:37:55 UTC |
One of the anonymous links above (I assume by a player) says Draco's doing this for a reason. The first link you give is Draco commenting on Harry saying basically how Draco doesn't have many friends and even had to buy his way onto the Quidditch team. Then, in the second link, he talks about the word "agitate." Then, here he says his knee is "grossly misunderstood" and "likely" to be okay.
I'm wondering if Draco was going through all past entries and trying to see all the bad stuff Harry might have said about him. His random comment on the "agitating" says to me that he himself is agitated and that he is the "grossly misunderstood" one, using his knee really as a symbol. I wonder if he was trying to figure out why Harry exactly started to like him. Ron always says (...was it Ron? lol) that it's probably because he's good-looking and popular, but maybe Draco has actually realized that Harry likes him for more than that? Because here, he says he is "insufferably curious."
Could he possibly be "agitated" at himself for projecting a now "grossly misunderstood" image and is "insufferably curious" as to how and why Harry changed his mind and started to like him? After the game, people were accusing Draco of knocking Cho off her broom on purpose. He is still getting accused of things and yet Harry has somehow altered his opinion of Draco so that he wouldn't think to accuse Draco anymore, whereas, say, last year when he made those first comments to him, he might have said Draco did it on purpose.
Or am I over-analyzing? ;)
nabiki @ June 12 2003, 00:04:53 UTC |
i thought the agitated comment was making fun of harry (gently) for posting from that article on how to get stains out..., like "i cant believe you said that" type thing..cause we all know it seemed like harry was just trying to get dracos attention with his comments back then
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 05:18:07 UTC |
it does seem like that.. in a "you actually quoted it word for word, you amusing git" way. with the "really" it gives it that tone.. I love PS' mood throughout this.
(parent)taradiane @ June 12 2003, 21:14:30 UTC |
No such thing as over-analyzing when it comes to N-A ;-)
I think all your thoughts are probably pretty spot on...it's the collection of theories I'm subscribing to, anyway.
theantimodel @ June 11 2003, 23:56:32 UTC |
So going in timestamp order, in PS' second comment when Harry asks about his knee Draco says that it is "grossly misunderstood".
In his fourth comment he quotes back Harry's line about people hearing the wrong things no matter what you say to them.
It seems that he is trying to tell Harry something here, he must have been picking these entries to post in for a reason, maybe he is calling Harry's attention to something? It definitely feels like he's trying to grab his attention, and in his own post he keeps talking about how everyone is accusing him of hitting Cho on purpose and all of the sorry's about bothering people while being unconscious. And it seems he's doing a whole lot of complaining about being misunderstood.
On the whole, this does not seem like a happy Draco.
black_dog @ June 12 2003, 01:33:45 UTC |
I'm looking for a pattern, too, in the original posts. In interpreting this, I'm giving more weight to what Draco was reading than to anything they say to each other, because Draco's taking the initiative, he's being moved by something in the posts to poke at Harry.
The first two comments seem to have to do with Draco's loneliness, friendliness. The first was one of the most hurtful things Harry probably ever said to him, made worse by the fact that Draco had, really, set himself up for it -- you have no friends except the ones you buy. The second, I think I've quoted before because it's the first time on LJ-NA, I think, that Harry goes out of his way to be kind to Draco. He understands Draco avoided the Hogsmeade weekend because he had no one to go with, and turns the tables on Draco's taunt over Harry's missing the Cannons' game, by thanking him for a recap. In a way, quoting the two together are a confession of Harry's power over him -- that he sees PS' vulnerabilities, and can use that knowledge to hurt him or to make him feel good.
The third quote references a post with one of the nastiest things Draco ever said to Harry -- about his mother liking it "doggie style," and about Harry not knowing his mother. In the fourth quote, Harry talks about being misunderstood by the Fat Lady -- this is shortly after the mysterious "nose punch," publically attributed to Ron, that I think has been suggested elsewhere was actually a secret fight between Harry and Draco over something offensive Harry said -- perhaps the "you have to buy your friends" comment. In the NA chat, there was talk about a fight that happened when Harry inadvertantly hurt Draco, and then tried to apologize for it.
So maybe, the second pair are a musing on their ability to hurt each other. Or the first four together are about the time they first discovered how powerfully vulnerable they were to each other. Interesting, too, that the current conversation, or at least the "incident" after the return from Cannes, is almost exactly on the first anniversary of all this.
The fifth quote is Harry's silly advice on removing algae. This was during the period when Harry was "stalking" PS, after the drunken near-kiss, and I wonder if PS is remembering it fondly, or just hinking about their propensity to stalk each other. Or maybe the key word is "agitate" -- just the need to turn these memories over in his mind, let some of the bitterness dissolve.
The sixth quote I have a harder time fixing but it's shortly after the (Bleu?) Ball and PS and Harry's brawl, back to the time of the first four quotes and perhaps around the time people started to be critical of PS "stalking" Harry. There's a possible link on "stalking," but this could be the one case where the substance of PS' new comments is maybe more important than the post it's attached to -- I felt something friendly, affectionate, in the way that he tells Harry to get used to being stalked, to get used to him rummaging over, ruminating on their past.
Looking at the six quotes together, I don't see any strongly articulated "secret" message, but I do see a pattern of PS ruminating on the way he and Harry are drawn together, almost irresistably, vulnerable to each other, alternately hurting each other and making each other oddly happy. And the tone of it feels rueful over past idiocies, tolerant over present difficulties. I think it's as close as PS can get to talking overtly with Harry about the nature of their relationship. And I think in the course of the six posts, Harry moves from being bewildered and defensive to, maybe, understanding that.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 01:40:11 UTC |
this is shortly after the mysterious "nose punch," publically attributed to Ron, that I think has been suggested elsewhere was actually a secret fight between Harry and Draco over something offensive Harry said -- perhaps the "you have to buy your friends" comment. In the NA chat, there was talk about a fight that happened when Harry inadvertantly hurt Draco, and then tried to apologize for it.
!!!! :O !
theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 02:00:16 UTC |
Jesus, you know I'm totally blown away by the depth of analysis you've gone into here. Seriously this rocks. And I think that you are definitely looking at it from the most likely perspective, which is of course PS, and why exactly he picked these entries to post in.
It seems like he is trying to define their friendship, determine when exactly things changed, he's picked a lot of their low points, and yeah, it seems like maybe he's trying to alleviate some of the bitterness. but I agree that maybe there isn't an overt message, on the whole it really seems like Draco is remembering them at their worst, but with the "get used to it" post it seems that maybe he is letting him know that he's still interested in being friends despite the rest.
sistermagpie @ June 12 2003, 07:48:36 UTC |
Wow. The things I miss overnight! I was planning to try to figure out my own impressions of these posts but you've done such a good job here!
The first thing I definitely thought was that this wasn't about Draco apologizing. The theme that seems to come up the most--and this is very common with ps--is being misunderstood. When he says things like, "I'm stalking you because that's what I do," it feels a lot like the kinds of things he said after Colin's post, only not as angry as then ("I wouldn't want to miss the point."). He gets very resentful of people's comments about himself personally, particularly cruel ones like that he has no friends and has to buy them. I also got a strong sense of that in Draco's last conversation with Ron where he said Ron was right and that he was just trying to stir up trouble. Whenever Draco appears to concede a point to a person, it seems to me, it means that he's at his most accusatory. Like he's saying, "Yeah, that would be the way you'd see me. It's the way you'll always see me. You'll always be wrong."
I totally agree, therefore, that this isn't a direct secret message from Draco here as more of an evolving thought process as he goes through the posts. Harry's algae comments make him feel happy so he comments with some affection, some of his other comments hurt him so he responds sulkily or thoughtfully.
With regards to their specific recent fight, though, it seems like there might be some oblique references there. His quoting him about trying to ignore Draco seems relevent since Harry did consciously try to ignore him by not directly asking him about after the match and resisting going to see him. Then there's the quote about some people not hearing what you say no matter what...now, I could be wrong, but that does sound like Draco might be sort of referencing their fight somehow, though which one of them doesn't hear no matter what the other one says is debatable. It seems more likely it's ps who feels he's been misunderstood.
Draco has certainly made things difficult for j_h but I think j_h has made things difficult for him as well. If I were ps I'd find it hard to understand and trust Harry's sudden seemingly friendly interest in me. In these recent posts Harry kept asking, "What are you doing?" and I almost felt like ps was asking the same thing. Or maybe that's just what he was doing--trying to figure out what he was doing. Draco's made as how of doing Potter a favor by spending some time with him when necessary but of course the reality is that Draco seems to have wanted it all along.
Still, there also seems to be a lot of self-reflection going on too. Draco does stalk Harry's journal (or did) and if he's going back and reading all this history at once he must see that clearly in ways he might not have before. I totally agree that Harry starts out defensive but then seems to get it. Harry's ends one conversation with an "okay." That's the word Harry seems to use with ps when he's acknowledging what's being unsaid: Okay you don't have to tell me you're scared of werewolves. Okay you don't have to admit you have fun with me. Now it's, Okay you just want to work some things out about our relationship and you're not starting a fight.