bluekivrin @ 2003-06-14 02:36:00 |
I ship Scorpio/Martin
Mood: thrilled
dragynville @ June 14 2003, 01:48:24 UTC |
parallel!squee :D
I love the fact that so many are certain that Scorpio will be redeemed. Now, I'd like to see someone be daring enough to say they hope Scorpio and Martin get together. XD
eltie @ June 14 2003, 02:11:53 UTC |
Took the words out of my mouth! >:0!
Hmm. I think Nespoir is meant for another.
I shamelessly squeed at that before I saw the rest of the comments. Sissy. Honestly.
theantimodel @ June 14 2003, 01:55:55 UTC |
All I can say is that ernie's journal is getting a whole lotta action tonight. This is hecka funny. I need to sleep, but it's still a live thread *runs for coffee*
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 02:08:37 UTC |
this has made my morning. made me laugh so hard! am heartened by the fact no-one except susan bones ships martin/sissy - cos harry/ginny is like, my 'stab out eyes with a spork' pairing. LOL
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 02:15:53 UTC |
whoever you are, i lurve you for that
spork!squee XD
dragynville @ June 14 2003, 02:19:31 UTC |
I know, Mr. Homophobe himself. Where did that come from? o_O
(parent)notapipe @ June 14 2003, 02:36:30 UTC |
You know, this may be due to a very small sample group, but a guy shipping H/D isn't very... straight.
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 02:52:38 UTC |
Evidently, he doesn't actually ship it. According to him, Martin can't be gay because he's the hero. Denial much? XD XD
(parent)notapipe @ June 14 2003, 02:58:11 UTC |
That's just his way of proving to himself that he's straight.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 02:15:20 UTC |
btw, who is 'johnthe friendly and misunderstood motorcyclist' paralleling? am i being stupid?
(parent)ungemmed @ June 14 2003, 11:12:33 UTC |
Really? I thought it was obviously Sirius. But Hagrid works,too.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 12:06:34 UTC |
I thought so too at first, but then they had a Remus Sirius parallel. I forget what Remus was but Sirius was Orion.
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 02:30:49 UTC |
Oh oh, look out! Lisa's on the job now. lisa!squee
(parent)notapipe @ June 14 2003, 02:33:42 UTC |
This hurts. turpinol ships Scorpio/Sissy (D/G), which is wrong as the day is long on the summer solstice at the north pole. Fortunetly for my illusions of Lisa as a goddess who can never err except in liking Weezerd, she does appear to be coming round to Scorpio/Martin (H/D). Thanks to Colin of all people.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 14 2003, 03:01:34 UTC |
ew, I know. I practically wretched when I read that. Ginny and Draco? That is wrong on a nausea inducing level!!
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 02:37:36 UTC |
I happen to like Scorpio and sissy ,they are my second favourite ship.
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 02:40:09 UTC Re: |
I aim to please.
A day with out irritating you is like a day with out sunshine.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 02:54:02 UTC |
I lived in Portland for 9 months, no sunshine ain't that bad. *drops face at snideness comment*
The thing is that Scorpio/Sissy is probably the only pairing with a complete lack of evidence for it at all, except speculation that Sissy is really screwed up.
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 02:56:22 UTC Re: |
Thats why it's so much fun to ship!
You can always suspect the unexpected with those two.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 02:59:49 UTC |
Actually, I think Reginald/Yuko has the least canon support. But no one ships that. Well, Scorpio/Sissy would probably be the most abusive and fukkered up relationship possible (and completely irredeeming)...
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 03:03:07 UTC Re: |
I tend to be a big fan of the angst and screwed up relationship genre which is why I adore Sissy/Scorpio ship.
However I suspect that this shipping is unlikely to occur in the nocturne universe due to the fact that Sissy is paired with Yuko and Scorpio is currently questioning his own sexuality.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 03:08:56 UTC |
Hey, don't try to draw connections like that. That's just wrong and innappropriate. Don is straighter than Ron, and how could that work if they fit one-to-one with NA?
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 03:12:32 UTC Re: |
I'm sure I have no idea what connections your reffering to.
And what doe's Don have to do with Ron?
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 03:15:37 UTC |
Don't you read Lisa's comments? Especially since everything after the initial Sissy/Scorpio floundering has been gold.
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 03:17:54 UTC Re: |
No, she is not my goddess.
I will go read them now.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 03:24:21 UTC |
She's not my goddess since I'm an atheist and that would mean I have to face the harsh reality that she's fictional.
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 17:16:08 UTC Re: |
You said in a recent post that she was your goddess.
(parent)notapipe @ June 14 2003, 19:13:54 UTC |
I didn't lie, I said she was a goddess, not mine. This works in the same way I can say that Money is God, but I don't say that Money is MY god.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 02:39:13 UTC |
haha and now hannah has proposed scorpio/don!
ungemmed @ June 14 2003, 11:16:14 UTC |
Agreed. I also liked the mini-arc a while back about her burgeoning friendship with Harry... (too lazy to dig up linkage.)
In general I loff everything she says, and have since I started following NA. Maddest of props to her player.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 03:27:20 UTC |
next thing you know ginny will be writing plebey scorpio/martin fanfiction. or at least, i hope so. :-D
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 03:28:30 UTC |
OMG, that would be SO funny to read in her LJ. XD XD
(parent)notapipe @ June 14 2003, 04:48:24 UTC |
Well, there's always the plebe Don/Sissy fic she writes...
(parent)serpensortia @ June 14 2003, 03:41:00 UTC |
I'm waiting for someone (Ginny?) to suggest Sissy/Yuko ;)
(parent)comava @ June 14 2003, 04:26:30 UTC |
Oooh, I am too. And I think it's funny how almost every charecter is posting, while PS and J_H are noticably absent. Okay, so are Pansy, Millicent, Terry, Cho and Padma and many more, but those two are just missing.
No big surprise though...
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jgoreham @ June 14 2003, 07:01:09 UTC |
That entire thread made me so happy. I have something fun to ponder while I'm in HELL (read: at work).
(parent)wednesday_tea @ June 14 2003, 07:26:14 UTC |
Whee yay parallels!
This is why I love NA. Slasher!Lisa is wonderful. One of my favorite threads ever :).
6 days...
mars_daydream @ June 14 2003, 08:36:03 UTC |
This is bloody BRILLIANT.
Kudos to the NA players :)
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 11:35:29 UTC OK, but who really IS going to die? |
I mean, obviously the Martin Miggs thing is a (brilliant) gambit to discuss both OotP and NA pairings and predictions. But seriously: the escalated Voldemort-references are true to book-form...the canon plots all climax towards the end of the year. In keeping with that, Colin Creevey's post about how idyllic the last few days have been, and specifically "how he would be happy to have things continue this way for all his days at Hogwarts" makes me wonder whether something really big isn't about to happen...
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 12:21:49 UTC Re: OK, but who really IS going to die? |
Well, if this were a horror movie, Colin's just set himself up to be the next victim with that all his days line. XD
(parent)theantimodel @ June 14 2003, 12:47:26 UTC |
Now t hat the thread isn't live maybe I can try to make a vaguely coherent post.
I just adore this whole parallell. Really very funny. my favorite parts? Sinistra, she is just too funny here.
And I love how Colin turned everyone else into Scorpio/Martin shippers and then backed out of it cause it made him look too gay. This is pure comedy. Bravo to all the players for this, I was really enjoying it!