ungemmed @ 2003-06-15 11:43:00 |
Re:cars in love
Mood: hopeful
"You're just as pretty as me!"
Could Lavender be pulling out of anorexia somewhat? Earlier she was somewhat disappointed (or that was the way I read it) in Parvati when she dropped out of their "quest for beauty." But now she's reassuring Parvati that in fact she's perfectly fine. Contrast this with their earlier attitude towards Cho's ::gasp:: musculature as horribly fat. I'm hoping this could be a sign that she's starting to have better body image/better attitude towards "prettiness" vs weight.
Or I could be reading too much into it. (Overanalysis? On NrAged? Never! )
Edit: although this exchange was kinda depressing. just thought of that.
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jgoreham @ June 15 2003, 09:34:10 UTC |
Yeah, I noticed it too... I don't think people wake up one morning and are no longer anorexic, though, I don't think you can just snap out of it.
As a really skinny person, I'm surprised that people think that thin is in. When I look in magazines, I see people who are fit. Britney Spears isn't really thin, Christina's thinner but still quite fit, Destiny's Child (who are no longer a group?) are all in great shape, too. Anyway, that's how I see it...
ungemmed @ June 15 2003, 09:48:31 UTC |
That's not quite what I was saying--while it would be positively wonderful for Lavvie if she woke up one day and rushed down to breakfast, I doubt that's happening anytime soon. But so far a lot of what we've seen from her amounts to a not-skeletal==ugly fixation, and if she's beginning to realize the error of that...
Though even aside from that, there's stil her control issues and her "pretty" fixation. Until she deals with those too she's not going to recover completely.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 10:03:31 UTC |
I've never seen Ginny say such a thing . . . though I'm sure it's hard to witness Lavender's repeated homophobia and not say something mean back. Ginny might normally be concerned for Lavender, but Lav's homophobia is not winning her the friends she could use right now.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 14:17:15 UTC |
Is Parvati's reference to "colour of Spring/Summer '03" another example of her divinition skills? Or is it a FLINT?:))
Just wondering...
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jgoreham @ June 15 2003, 14:24:05 UTC |
XD I've just started lurking at HPfGU so I know what you're talking about!!!!!!!
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 15:28:00 UTC |
HPfGU is a wonder...
but can anyone clear up the situation with season 03!?
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jgoreham @ June 15 2003, 15:52:17 UTC |
I've decided that Lavender is Clairvoyant, or possibly stuck in the future. There, good enough for ya?
Alas, I wish I had LJ code to offer you.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 15:55:22 UTC |
"Alas, I wish I had LJ code to offer you. "
oh, how I wish you had it...
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intern_alley @ June 15 2003, 16:13:57 UTC |
Email vietnam@nocturnealley.net, I'll give you a code.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 15 2003, 16:19:14 UTC |
I wouldn't exactly say it was her Divination skills. Parvati has said before that blue is the coming season's color. I believe that usually styles of the season are determined before the season, through catalogs and fashion shows and such, so everyone can go get their wardrobes in shape. So of course fashion-oriented Lavender and Parvati know all about the styles for the current season: Spring/Summer '03.
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jgoreham @ June 15 2003, 16:44:14 UTC |
True, but I don't think it's '03 in Nocturne Alley land. (Or is it? How "hardcore" are they? Anybody know?)
It's not something that I would say I'm upset about or would loose sleep about, though, I love NA unconditionally =^^=;;
anjaliesque @ June 15 2003, 16:51:37 UTC |
Ohhh, I see what you're getting at with the '03. Well, I think it's supposed to be 1997 or something around there. But NA is smart, by not trying to be in our present time with all the present world's issues, and also not trying to be heavily strict about staying canon in terms of dating. It seems to me that they play loosely and based around the fact that this is Harry's sixth year, with 1997 kept in mind. There's a little about this in the FAQ at the home site. As for Parvati and the '03 season, I think that's said thinking that it is right now June '03. If one thinks of this as a 1997 setting, then it's probably just a slip-up of the player's.
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intern_alley @ June 15 2003, 16:53:59 UTC |
It is 1997 in NA -- the player just had 2003 in mind! ;D
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 15 2003, 17:00:48 UTC |
What, you mean to say that Parvati meant blue was the color of the Spring/Summer '97 season? But she's my fashion guru! I already went and stocked up on everything from sky to navy! I'm absolutely devastated. >:(
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jgoreham @ June 15 2003, 17:04:50 UTC |
Never fear; the fall season is yet to happen, you can start from scratch then, and I'm sure Parv will be right on the ball =)