lunadeath02 @ 2003-06-15 20:15:00 |
(no title)
Mood: good
Gryffindor WON!
And Draco tried to pull a Wronski Feint on Harry, but he didn't fall for it!! :)
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thegirlingreen @ June 15 2003, 18:27:09 UTC |
But, the only person who has really been talking about it is Ron, and a little bit of Hermione.
I'm worried that a live thread is going to explode overnight while I'm sleeping. It's 9:24 pm where I am right now.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 18:54:57 UTC |
maybe it will, but now they're obviously taking their time
guess it must be 'night' in Hogwarts:) Lets wait for the 'morning'!
sheron @ June 15 2003, 19:52:11 UTC |
No it's still at NA evening if we go by their timestamps. Latest post is 19pm I think.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 20:04:33 UTC Re: |
how can it be if the game's finished late into the night?
(parent)sheron @ June 15 2003, 20:06:31 UTC Re: |
But that was yesterday. And Ron hasn't slept in forever...
But I could be wrong, of course.
notapipe @ June 15 2003, 20:31:38 UTC Timestamp warning |
You probably know this, but I figure it bears repeating. We've tried going by timestamps before, and well, let's just say it's a fruitless endeavor. This is pretty word from on NA high, actually. It's best to go by what the characters say, and ignore timestamps (except in comparing comments for order and stuff).
(parent)sheron @ June 15 2003, 20:46:47 UTC Re: Timestamp warning |
Oh okay.
I just happen to have been reading NA's FAQ just today and it says: "How does the timeclock in Nocturne Alley work? NA tends to exist in its own time. There isn't one specific time zone. Largely the time on posts is changed in order to reflect the time that the post should have been written at." so that's why I was so heavy on the timestamps. Normally I don't even notice them.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 20:53:52 UTC Re: Timestamp warning |
but this time time of posting is important. Neville says Ron's been up for 36 hours. What's wrong with him? overexcitation?!
(parent)sheron @ June 15 2003, 20:55:17 UTC Re: Timestamp warning |
He's adorable. It meant a lot to him to win over Slytherin. ...Was he on the team last year when Slytherin won?
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 21:00:39 UTC Re: Timestamp warning |
i've tried to trace the events of the last year's Quidditch Final, but I couldn't find anything in the archives. I guess he was on team back in 5th grade... can anyone say exactly?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 18:35:14 UTC |
Actually, it seemed like he did fall for it but halfway down saw the real Snitch and went after it. Draco noticed this too late to catch up with him. It's possible (can't tell yet) that Draco essentially led Harry to the Snitch with his Feint.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ June 15 2003, 19:01:04 UTC |
i know. i'm just saying that he didn't fall for it.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 19:12:37 UTC |
Okay, now I'm confused. What do you mean "fall for it"?
(parent)lunadeath02 @ June 15 2003, 19:16:01 UTC |
-_- I mean he didn't fall for Draco's trick. He flew back up and got the actual snitch. Just talking about the move that Draco did, but Harry got wise to him. *sweat drop*
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 19:22:53 UTC |
It's all good. I was just confused because Sistermagpie says "I think he did fall for it" and then you say "Quite right, I'm just saying he didn't fall for it", and you're both right in your own way of looking at it, but it was kind of, mental disjunct, you know? *looks rather embarrassed* Move along.
(parent)dragynville @ June 15 2003, 18:36:52 UTC |
I want to see what Harry, Draco, M.B., Hooch, Snape, and Sirius all have to say about the match. But I too hope they don't wait till the middle of the night. (I have to work tomorrow.)
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 18:38:26 UTC |
I love how it sounds as if Gryffindor made just as many fouls as Slytherin, but of course it's only the Slytherin who are Lying Cheating Bastards.... <3 Ron so much
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 18:51:49 UTC |
<3 Ron for skillful use of ALL CAPS.
and for the Griffindor!Lion and the Snitch image:)
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 18:54:53 UTC Re: |
The lion was awfully excellent.
ALL CAPS is possibly my favorite Ron trait
N_A is the only reason i can stand Ron... After book four I thought he was such a git.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 18:59:27 UTC |
frankly I find Ron utterly annoying even in N-A, but his QUIDDITCH POSTS are excellent
and you shouldn't worry too much about the canon. Hero's sidekick HAS to die. Just be patient to wait for book 6 or possibly 7 :)))
1anonymous1 @ June 15 2003, 18:46:08 UTC |
I wonder if M.B. is ok after falling off her broom.:/
(parent)1anonymous1 @ June 15 2003, 19:08:14 UTC |
Hopefully she or draco will post soon...
The whole miranda thing does sound humorous,with the ax and all:D
And when M.B threw galleons at harry,lol
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 19:10:36 UTC Re: |
Where did Draco get the second broom from? He couldn't've been on it all night.....
The galleons and confetti would've been hilarious
1anonymous1 @ June 15 2003, 19:13:25 UTC |
Maybe he left in on the ground?
Sounds like thats where he got it when he was knocked off....hmmmm
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 19:18:16 UTC Re: |
Yeah... but... wouldn't someone have noticed before it got dark that there was a random broom on the ground....
Will have to wait until someone else posts I guess...
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 19:32:52 UTC |
Ron would've certainly noticed!
I also don't understand how the second Broom could contribute to his speed. I don't get the mechanics... It's kinda awkward to sit on 2 brooms and I doubt the speed is doubled...
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 19:47:35 UTC Re: |
I have no idea...... MMmm... brooms....
Does everyone else have major fascination with wristguards? GUH... wristguards... they destroy me <3 wristguards
whoyouinvent @ June 15 2003, 20:00:27 UTC |
I do! I do! And their shin guards, too... but esp. the write guards, with their fingerlessness... sigh.
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 20:03:21 UTC Re: |
They are seriously the hottest thing, ever.
I read this book, Kushiel's Dart, where a character had vambraces.. with like deflecting shield things on them. And he fought only with daggers and the vambraces... and he was really badass... and they were So.Damn.Hot.
gah... wristguards.... ourloveissoonesided
whoyouinvent @ June 15 2003, 20:26:42 UTC Re: |
I think it all started for me when the boy I had a crush on did a demonstration at a skate park. He rollerbladed. Wore the wristguards. Yum.
But yes, I have no clue why they are so hot, but they really are. The guards are the main reason the quidditch seans appeal to me, except for Malfoy's innate snark, which is always good.
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 20:30:21 UTC Re: |
There's a really unbelievable picture of Colin Farrall (how do you spell that?) wearing wristguard/band leathery things somewhere... guh.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 19:53:28 UTC |
Well, one acheives a certian speed by accelerating, and a max speed is achieved when the restrictive forces such as air friction equal the accelerating forces. I assume that broomsticks, rather than magically having a velocity (in which case, you just charm them right and nothing else matters, which seems to contradict everything else), they provide an accelerating force.
Add a broomstick and you double the force, and add a small mass (second broomstick) and you nearly double the acceleration, and while this wouldn't double the speed becaue the restrictive forces increases quadratically with velocity (f(drag) = -1/2*Drag coefficent*density*area*velocity^2), it will signficantly increase the acceleration, and increase his max speed by a factor of the square root of 2.
Proof if you're curious why the square root of 2: v = constant = max speed when F(broomsticks) = F(drag) So assuming the second broomstick is the same as the first AND doesn't affect his sitting dynamics (thus increasing Area or some instability which messes up the whole thing) AND that the second broomstick has no mass (just to make this easy):
F(broomstick)(2) = 2*F(broomstick) => F(drag)(2) = 2*F(drag) => v(2)^2 = 2*v^2 (since the rest are constant) => v(2) = v * 2^(1/2)
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 19:56:37 UTC |
it's clear now. I thought that the speed of one modern broom is high enough, maybe it's not the best idea to increase the speed and acceleration coz it can lead to accidents rather than to advantages...
although it's pity that Draco's cunning plan about 2 brooms didn't work out
notapipe @ June 15 2003, 20:07:48 UTC |
Well, I think there's definetly engineering issues, including the ability to properly turn with that kind of bulk, and to prevent vibrations in the broom with that kind of power, but since every broom seems to speed up (probably as steering and streamlining and vibration issue get cleared up rather than from giving them a big ole magic engine or whatever) I think the impression is that quidditch players can handle it. I certianly agree that with the other, non-speed issues, one doesn't want the two broom setup, especially if they need to dart around and manevour a lot.
Since when did they care about accidents, though? The wizarding world isn't much for OSHA standards (if you can heal broken bones in the course of a day there isn't nearly as much incentive for it either)...
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 20:16:05 UTC Re: |
I've always assumes that they really do not care enogh for the accidents and related injuries. But the pain DURING the accident doen't change. Hence wizards must be more brave or they just handle the pain better...
for example I reckon people were not enogh concerned about Draco's kneecap. I don't even want to imagine his pain... Poor darling:)
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 20:41:46 UTC |
LOL--though in the state Ron's in I wouldn't be surprised if he were just seeing double. (Though presumably that might have given him two Dracos as well...);-)
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 23:36:18 UTC |
my fandom has science geeks!
Only on account of villany! And by villany I mean the distribution requirements and requirements for majoring in math at my school.
TY, btw.
bookshop @ June 16 2003, 08:23:27 UTC |
HAHAHAHA. I can't stop laughing at this. I'm just going to assume it's all mathematically correct.
Still, I think he got a second broom because falling off a broomstick is as easy as falling off a log--but it'd be much harder to fall off two logs.
notapipe @ June 15 2003, 19:17:51 UTC |
Galleons are a rather expensive way to cheat, if you ask me.
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 19:22:09 UTC |
But they look like snitches all gold and glinty... <3 M.B.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 19:32:52 UTC |
And I guess that Slytherin's team does have their hands in some very deep pockets... I just don't see Ron cheating like that, is all I'm saying. M.B. is excellent, especially with all that bumphing, and probably straight at the Gryffindor stands every time. (parenthetical question (as evidenced by the parenthesis, I guess): Why don't beaters bumph if they know that the other seeker is going to catch the snitch?)
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:10:46 UTC |
I just don't see Ron cheating like that,
Well, of course not. Where's Ron going to get handfuls of galleons to throw! (Remembering Draco first year: "You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's spotted some money on the ground!")
Still, Ron seemed to think it was a pretty good idea when his team was distracting the other one with flashlights, presumably for the same reason. That's the great thing about Ron, that he can be so blatantly biased. How can you fault him? It's not like he's dishonest!
notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:36:51 UTC |
Yes, so very very honest. I certianly can't fault him more than PS or Pansy, this is true, but transparency and honesty are not one and the same. That said, I do love the way Ron paints the fouls, bragging about fouling as if he were Draco Malfoy with less class and the Caps Lock key down.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 16 2003, 06:50:41 UTC |
Heh--that's true, there is a difference. I was thinking more of the way that when pressed Ron basically says that if Gryffindor did it it's good and if Slytherin did it it's bad. He honestly doesn't seem to realize this isn't true.
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ashh @ June 15 2003, 19:45:09 UTC |
Yes, but they're significant. (Or am I just reaching? I'm rather new here.) M.B. seems less interested in expenses than harping on whatever point she's trying to make.
(parent)sheron @ June 15 2003, 19:44:24 UTC |
But why did she throw galleons at Harry? Don't they always throw wealth in Ron's face?
I wonder what her reason was, beyond the fact that metallic galleons aren't as light as confetti and would probably hurt on impact.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 18:48:37 UTC victory |
well, Ron's report sounded ... glorious.
At the moment we know everything only from Ron's POV, and as we all recall he tends to ... twist the truth sometimes.
Draco, where are you when we need you so...?:)
lunadeath02 @ June 15 2003, 19:13:27 UTC Re: victory |
Draco, where are you when we need you so...?:)
Hospital wing?
with Harry?
with Millicent?
pouting in a corner?
getting smacked around by the rest of the Slytherin team? ^_^
sheron @ June 15 2003, 19:25:02 UTC Re: victory |
Ha, I think most of the Slytherin team is in the hospital. I mean, Ron alone fought with Bysmal(he didn't bully her because it was a FOUL) and Haydt(and apparantly her teeth just sort of fell out when he kicked her in the face...) not to mention he pushed Draco off the broom(did his knee heal enough for it not to matter much?). Then later Millicent apparently fell down(...Axe?).
How many players are on a team again? 7?
I don't know about the condition of the Gryffindor team, but Slytherins were pretty beaten up just from Ron's account alone...
lunadeath02 @ June 15 2003, 19:29:22 UTC Re: victory |
Yes, true. I wonder who'd be in better condition to type in the journal. Draco probably won't. He'll probably start writing up his will again, or something. ^_^
(parent)sheron @ June 15 2003, 19:34:57 UTC Re: victory |
It'll be interesting to see how Draco handles loosing to Harry and also most of the school's bias against Slytherin.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 20:46:16 UTC Re: victory |
I know! That's what amazes me about it--and this is Ron's account of it so he's making himself (or trying to make himself) sound good!
I figure Slytherin is either in the infirmary or possibly planning their revenge...or coming up with a united front on how to respond to this defeat publically. Frankly, I'm expecting something quite creative. It's only a few days before exams, after all. The team needs a memorable good-bye.
sheron @ June 15 2003, 20:49:52 UTC Re: victory |
Well most of their injuries likely don't take too long to heal -- just scrapes and bruises. Though I wonder if they have Teeth-a-Grow in the wizzarding world or not. It's not the same as Draco's injury in any case. (And besides, S/G games are always vicious.)
But it looks like the Gryffindor team is alright. I mean, Neville and Ron sounded perfectly unconcerned in their little conversation. It doesn't look like anyone's mising from the party.
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:00:28 UTC Re: victory |
Oh yeah, I don't think there are any serious injuries (though the teeth may take some time to grow back!) I just thought the team might be achey today so not posting.
One more thing I gotta say...that's the Quidditch cup? What is the little man doing on the top of it? I guess he's supposed to be riding a broom but he looks like he's going into an interperative dance. It's the gayest trophy I've ever seen. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.:-)
sheron @ June 15 2003, 21:04:04 UTC Re: victory |
Well their egos are certainly achy. :-)
LOL. The player looks very..effeminate? The cloack looks like a dress!
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:06:06 UTC Re: victory |
Millicent has a concussion!!!!! Those bastards!!!
Crabbe, go pound whoever did that!!!!!
sheron @ June 15 2003, 21:09:09 UTC Re: victory |
Er. Wasn't there an Axe involved? I think the other beater threw it at M.B. for some reason.
(...Though maybe she was throwing it at something else and M.B was just in the way? You never know.)
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:14:16 UTC Re: victory |
Yeah, the other Beater threw an axe that chopped her broom and she fell.
I wonder if Harry is going to speak to Ron about thinking M.B.'s concussion is funny and that it served her right, though.
sheron @ June 15 2003, 21:16:30 UTC Re: victory |
It depends on how friendly they are, really. He spoke up for Draco, but M.B. is...not him. And Ron is not Neville. Plus, there was that weird conversation where M.B. was laughing at Harry's scar hurting, and he was actually typing in all caps for once....
I wonder why M.B. didn't move away from the axe.
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:24:51 UTC Re: victory |
I think Harry says things like that on principle, though, and not on friendship (that's more how Ron sees things). He yelled at Ron for thinking Lupin's transformation was cool, which is a totally different situation concerning someone he loves, but still it seems like a very strong pattern in j_h to always jump in when someone is laughing at someone else's actual pain. He might not like M.B. all that much but even knowing her a bit I don't think he'd like her concussion laughed at.
sheron @ June 15 2003, 21:27:11 UTC Re: victory |
Good point.
And ron. Oh he just shouldn't talk on sugar high. He's just admitted that he could see it was Malfoy before he knocked into him.
notapipe @ June 15 2003, 23:52:00 UTC Re: victory |
I don't know. I don't remember Harry ever standing up for comments about hating Colin (you know, after he became an asshole who Harry no longer was trying to be nice to) or Justin or others who he really couldn't care less for/dislikes. During the bed-switching, when Neville was suggesting that the world would be a better place without Colin and that Dean needed grevious bodily harm the only time Harry piped in was when Neville claimed he was glad Draco got a smashed kneecap. Lupin, as well as Draco, is very important to him, and I think he only goes out of his way to respond to these comments when they're people he at least marginally cares about, maybe only for those he cares about a lot. I'm not saying he'd be GLAD that her concussion is being laughed at, only that it's not a major priority to correct that behavior if he doesn't care about M.B. at all.
Then again, it's quite possible I'm wrong and I'm just forgetting when he defended a bunch of Hufflepuffs. Unfortunetly, since we don't really know his relationship with Millicent, a response doesn't really support either contention very well.
I'm going to be interested how he reasponds to Ron saying that it was cool that he knocked Draco off his broomstick. On the one hand, there's the whole "pain to Draco != good", but on the other hand they WERE playing a very rough game of Quidditch, so such actions were completely legitimate.
sistermagpie @ June 16 2003, 06:59:34 UTC Re: victory |
You could be right. I see the difference there being that the other times you're talking about people saying people should be hurt which is totally different than laughing at someone who is hurt because they're hurt. People will joke about someone getting a concussion much more than they will laugh at someone for actually having one. The Gryffindors didn't actually hurt Colin.
I don't think Harry considers it his duty to speak up anytime something bad happens to someone else--he doesn't leap to defend Neville when Snape goes after him or the Hufflepuffs when they got mud and fake blood thrown on them. But I can see him making a point as a member of the Quidditch team to say something to Ron, especially since he does have something of a relationship with M.B. She may not be his best friend but she's helped him in the past, plus she's obviously a good friend to Draco.
I actually wonder if Harry enjoyed this game much at all. He seems to really prefer to play Quidditch rather that cheat. Plus so far it seems like Ron was cheating more blatantly and more violently than anyone else. Knocking Draco off his broom really wasn't legitimate--it's not even like they were going after something together and Ron got rough and cobbed (thank you Ernie, for telling us what that means!) Draco, he just literally flew down to him when they had nothing to do with each other and knocked him off his broom. If Draco had gotten hurt they would have lost a Seeker and I can't see Harry liking that. I don't think he'd get much satisfaction out of catching the Snitch because Draco was out of the game.
lunastarr @ June 15 2003, 21:33:45 UTC Re: victory |
It was Miranda ^_^ Would they pound someone from their own house? LOL
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:50:32 UTC Re: victory |
He pounded Draco back during the homophobia points loss. Yes.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:39:20 UTC Re: victory |
Then it's appropriate that it goes to either Harry or Draco's team.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ June 15 2003, 19:42:56 UTC |
*Dead from laughing*
An AXE?!! XD
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 21:05:34 UTC |
OH MY GOD! M.B. has a concussion! Guess Ron *will* die.
is it a shame to be happy about that?! :D
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:07:18 UTC |
I know! I was horrified!
I hope Draco and Pansy are with her in the infirmary with cake and cold compresses!
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 21:21:11 UTC Re: |
and i hope Draco is not in worse state than M.B. Physically and mentally:(
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hobaggins @ June 15 2003, 21:34:05 UTC |
Ernie says Draco didn't get hurt... so... here's hoping he didn't. But he did lose the match and is bound to be upset. Povre Draco
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2003, 21:49:39 UTC Re: |
here comes the action!
now we'll finally have answer to our questions!
darcourt @ June 15 2003, 21:37:21 UTC |
"Cobbing" is excessive use of elbows (it made me curious too, so I checked Quidditch Through the Ages).
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:27:52 UTC |
So what does McGonogal want to speak with Ernie about? If I were Ernie I'd see the iron fist of Gryffindor reaching out to shut Ernie up even though he appears to be telling the truth!
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 21:29:07 UTC |
Ooh ooh ooh! I stand corrected!!!
I think she's going to ask him to be the new commentator next year!!! Go Ernie!
sheron @ June 15 2003, 21:28:21 UTC |
OMG, yes! erniemacmillan is going to be the speaker! Yes! I think he might actually be fair, since he seems to be as likely to notice Gryff's cheating as other people's.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:53:36 UTC *hyperventilating and going to die of laughter* |
"IN YOUR FACE, MOTHERFUCKER!" Oh my fucking god, that was brilliant.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:58:09 UTC Re: *hyperventilating and going to die of laughter* |
I need some water. My throat hurts from laughing. I'm just afraid I'll start convulsing in laughter again when I'm drinking and choke. Ernie is so brilliant. Oh god, there I go again.
(parent)notapipe @ June 15 2003, 21:44:49 UTC |
I think I've figured out why Hufflepuff is so bad. "Loyal and true".