notapipe @ 2003-06-16 21:14:00 |
(no title)
Music: Tupac Shakur - 06 - 2 Pac - How Long Will They Mourn Me-
A step away from the drama of nraged and to the drama we came here for,
nocturne_alley: Goyle has put up the cover-art for the new issue of Martin Miggs, and it is beautiful. Does this mean Don will die?
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Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 19:33:02 UTC |
I am in love with their hype for "Martin Miggs". Especially since half of them are mad at Crabbe for spoiling the cover art, and the other half are speculating about the cover art. GENIUS!
And Lavender has a new icon. "Lavie Nespoir" = <3<3<3
Also, I am in love with your userpic. GENIUS!!!
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 19:39:29 UTC |
Indeed. Mad props to Lavender for her new icon, it exceeded my expectations. Crabbe too.
Thank you.
tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 20:01:26 UTC |
Awww Drat! Martin and Scorpio switched hair colours. My icon has now been rendered useless. *sigh* I was so proud of it too.
Ordeal of the Pizza. Oh I hope they post a plot next week^-^ I'm terribly curious as to what could be so terrifying about pizza! (Maybe it was made in the style of Hagrid's rock cakes or the Discworld's Dwarf bread).
Poor Lav. I fear she will be disappointed in Nespoir's redemption. It's far to early for that to happen. Maybe issue 107?
I love the "What would Martin do?" one!
tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 20:05:41 UTC Re: |
Even if I got your hair colour wrong?
dragynville @ June 16 2003, 20:18:51 UTC |
Did you draw that or composite it together? It's fabulous!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 20:32:33 UTC |
I just put it together. I have no idea where I got it from but I believe the site was in some sort of script my computer couldn't translate^-^
I'm working on a whole series. I'll post them on N_A icons when I'm done. I'm glad you like it!
tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 21:06:25 UTC |
While I'm at it, any Martin Miggs characters you want to see?
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 21:21:15 UTC |
Just more Scorpio/Martin and whoever is Sirius/Remus. w00t! w00t! :D
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 21:24:51 UTC |
I don't have any Sirius/Remus pics that would work. Do you know where I could find some?
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 21:42:04 UTC |
Japanese sites with gorgeous fanart (gallery pages):
More art:
They all have some, but you have to dig around for them. I also have a few S/R doujinshi on the comp that I could send you cover scans of.
tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 21:59:26 UTC |
wow! They're gorgeous! I think I can get a really good one! thank you!
(parent)bookshop @ June 17 2003, 00:21:48 UTC |
the icon!!! oh my god!!! i simply adore it!!!! i must have it!!!! may i steal it?? is it stealable?!!! *swoons*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 17 2003, 00:37:34 UTC Re: |
Not this one. But I have a whole bunch of similar and not-so-similar ones. You can steal them^-^
I think I'll post in instalments due to popular demand. Expect the Scorpio/Martin ones before the morning on N_A icons.
I'm glad you like them!
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 20:36:13 UTC |
Just a friendly reminder not to get your hopes up. It's gonna be quiet next week, for... exams... yes, that's it. EXAMS.
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 20:50:21 UTC |
Will we get a cliffie to tear our hair out over during the "exams break"?
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 21:17:47 UTC |
shhhhh.. i'm really fishing around for more quidditch details (game and post-game) ;D
(parent)la_trix @ June 16 2003, 21:38:44 UTC |
Well, they've been hinting at Death Eater activity the past few days ... maybe there will be an attack on the school?
Just a little something to ensure people will still be checking in after the break? :)
saffronlie @ June 16 2003, 22:11:21 UTC |
Oh, pizza *is* an ordeal. Like when you ring up to order and get the new guy that they've just trained that day who has to ask you for your name three times and doesn't know any of the codes and so keeps whispering frantically to the operator next to him, and then accidentally orders you six pizzas instead of two and quotes you 30 bucks. It's scary, man.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 16 2003, 22:17:36 UTC |
Oh God! Has that happened to you? That sucks!
*is now scared of ordering pizza*
saffronlie @ June 17 2003, 04:41:30 UTC |
Well, I exaggerated a little -- he only tried to charge me $20. ;) But I also used to work at a pizza store, and it was hell, so I'm very sympathetic to the confused dears.
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chibi_draco @ June 16 2003, 20:54:50 UTC |
I hate to sit here and wibble but..
Can someone PLEASE explain this Martin Miggs obsession we're all going through? I mean I know what it is, from the cannon but..
Apparently NA has gone and taken it off elsewhere and now it's referenced to the players/characters and.. and..
Could someone link me to the explanations or just tell me what's going on? ;-; I fear I'm hopelessly lost!
rain206 @ June 16 2003, 21:29:09 UTC |
As far as I know, the first thread to mention Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle comic is this one:
The first NrAged thread to discuss it is here:
There is also NrAged discussion here:
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chibi_draco @ June 17 2003, 07:57:05 UTC Re: |
Thanks for all the links! ^^;; I don't feel as stupid anymore about all of this. =D
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Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 21:01:36 UTC |
I believe Crabbe is fast becoming my new favorite character. Seriously. PS and MB better watch out. I LOVE him!
theantimodel @ June 16 2003, 22:36:46 UTC |
Crabbe is very cool. I am really loving him in regards to all of this Matrin Miggs stuff. It's so cute that he is bonding about this stuff with everyone else. Go Crabbe!
(parent)la_trix @ June 16 2003, 21:43:44 UTC What a git! |
What the HELL is wrong with Ron?
Isn't that a little extreme?
Congratulations to Draco for keeping his temper in check as well as he has.
dragynville @ June 16 2003, 21:51:55 UTC Re: What a git! |
evil!Ron? He's developing a some dark traits, isn't he? What with cheating at quidditch and being proud of it and now this. 0.0
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 22:44:57 UTC In Ron's defense |
I think this is perfect, and sufficent reason to absolve Ron of all charges. Even for Ron that's a disproportionate and silly response. I'm not convinced this is evil git!Ron, but playfully gittish!Ron or maybe hyper-git!Ron (then again, I don't think there is a non-git!Ron). I think he's still on a high from winning Quidditch.
Also, I just love a guy who threatens to eat people's young.
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Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 23:13:20 UTC Re: In Ron's defense |
I think he's still on a high from winning Quidditch.!
anjaliesque @ June 17 2003, 06:43:49 UTC |
Woah. I did see this last night, but now- has Crabbe's post disappeared for anyone else, or is it just me? *wibbles*