xnera @ 2003-06-16 23:46:00 |
Regarding Mr. Ron Weasley
Mood: worried
Is anyone else alarmed at the things Ron's been saying lately?
You may recall that wehaveseven were brought into the project to help
knight_to_h3 control his temper. While he does seem to flare up a bit less, his latest remarks are rather disturbing. First there was the Quidditch game summary, in which Ron completely ignored the fact that Gryffindor was responsible for as many fouls as Slytherin. He also showed glee at the thought of the Slytherin players being injured. And now he's suggested that
crabbe go commit suicide, and even says it would be funny if he did! Perhaps
potions_master has made the wrong assumption on who will turn out evil.
theantimodel @ June 16 2003, 22:26:03 UTC |
This is an interesting idea, I had actually been noticing Ron's violent urges lately but I handn't put it together or anything. I wonder what's up with him lately, it seems like he needs to stop stressing out so much.
He's always flown off the handle but, seems more prone to violence lately. Maybe this has something to do with Hermione not being there to balance him out. IIRC he's been ignoring her since the veritaserum debacle.
sheron @ June 17 2003, 08:53:45 UTC |
IIRC he's been ignoring her since the veritaserum debacle.
But I think they've made up, if we look at this this and this.
![]() |
Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 22:35:00 UTC |
He was on sugar high though, wasn't he? I think he hasn't come down from the high of winning the match so he is more reckless than usual, but I doubt he really meant to have someone end up dead or something. He gave Arthur really adorable presents as well!
(parent)la_trix @ June 16 2003, 22:49:02 UTC |
I don't think a sugar high excuses him here. He's being awfully vicious.
I despair of him ever accepting Draco and M.B. in Harry's life. He's behaving more and more irrationally. Harry and Hermione may have just enough influence over Ron to keep him from killing Draco, but they certainly can't contain Ron's anger toward him.
notapipe @ June 17 2003, 00:08:50 UTC |
I think he's being rather insane, which can often look like viciousness. Remember, Ron had been laboring under the apprehension that Harry and Draco were an item for some time and while he didn't appear exactly glad of it, he dealt with it and remained Harry's friend, if kind of stupid about it. I think Ron will still be mean to Draco (though he is kind of casual and insensitive about pain in general, physical pain especially seems to appeal to him as cool and funny while a more sensitive other would consider only emotional pain cool and funny, because slapstick is passe), but he's basically accepted Draco already, or at least resigned himself to such an eventuality.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 23:04:01 UTC |
Exactly, as I pretty much said on the other thread, threatening to eat someone's babies is not the normal state of affairs, even for Ron. Either he's not serious or he's delirious.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 23:30:45 UTC |
Are you hitting on Ron, angry little socialist elf? Oh and, .
notapipe @ June 17 2003, 00:02:59 UTC |
Also because the phrase "I'LL BLOODY EAT YOUR YOUNG" is very very sexy.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 23:22:36 UTC |
I'm going to take a quick break from defending sugarhigh!Ron and point out this little gem. Draco 1) suggests that Ron is an asshole and 2) says that Ron is acting like a Deatheater. He's saying that Deatheaters are assholes, which, while a PC thing to say, is not something you would see Lucius go around saying.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 23:35:27 UTC *inviso in* ¡Hola! I am Space Ghost. |
Oh, and about potions_master's conclusions? They're sound.
xnera, I'm going to have to go with
potions_master on this one. Ron simply doesn't have the mental capacity to be evil.
kat99999 @ June 17 2003, 02:03:08 UTC |
Isn't Ron just being Ron? *pets him* When I read things on Ron's journal that are maybe a little bit violent or death-wishing, I think I just take them with a pinch of salt because he tends to make a drama out of everything. I mean, not in a Draco/potterstinks way, but in a very Ron way. He turns everything into "!!!" and all caps and that doesn't necessarily mean he is vindictive or Evil or anything, it's just him being Ron.
Or those are my 2 cents anyway... ;-)