notapipe @ 2003-06-17 03:07:00 |
Potterstinks weighs in on Melvin Muggs
Mood: amused
Draco has posted. He's just bitter because his parents don't let him read Martin Miggs because it's a tool to bring wizards and witches to muggleism, I'll bet. Other things of note I wish to point out so as to reduce the amount of times I reply to my own post:
Draco partnering with Harry in CMOC; very squeeworthy. I'm too tired from having to defend myself from knight_to_h3 throwing himself at me to do so, someone else will have to say the word for me.
Eggs: Draco likes them. M.B. likes them. Harry likes them. None of Gryffindor besides Harry likes them. A few seconds ago, I thought maybe it was a secret slytherin code, like kitties, or even seittik, but now I think this is why the sorting hat tried to put Harry in Slytherin. He could have acheived great success as a short order cook at an egg joint if he had joined Slytherin. Certianly more important than saving the Wizarding World.
Draco is OCD, or very very bored with no M.B. to talk to. He is also rather sweet, he actually risked grevious bodily harm by taking an axe away from a madwoman and cutting her hair. I'd call him a Gryffindor, except I expect he didn't exactly tackle her and try to do the whole thing with his bare hands armed with nothing more than a fierce and indominable spirit and his wiry frame.
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intern_alley @ June 17 2003, 01:47:01 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
They don't play drums.
(parent)notapipe @ June 17 2003, 01:50:16 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
My puppy died late last fall.
(parent)tabiji @ June 17 2003, 01:52:41 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
Is he still rotting in the hall?
(parent)notapipe @ June 17 2003, 01:59:03 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
Mom says Puppy's days are through. She's going to throw him in the stew.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 17 2003, 03:06:17 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
That's sad, but some asian countries would consdier it a nice brew.
(parent)tabiji @ June 27 2003, 12:42:09 UTC Re: I am sorry to spam, but I am bored. |
Considering recent events, I cannot express the guilt and remorse I feel for having had this singalong.
And thanks to notapipe for pointing this out.
tiamet_nox @ June 17 2003, 01:53:08 UTC |
Awwwwwww, M.B. and Draco are picking on Harry again. And PS pulled out the girlfriend icon.
(parent)notapipe @ June 17 2003, 02:01:23 UTC |
I hate to say it (okay, that's a lie), but Ron's not very shapely in that pic...
(parent)dragynville @ June 17 2003, 02:12:08 UTC |
And what is this? Is Draco having some H/G worries? XD
(parent)theantimodel @ June 17 2003, 02:25:11 UTC |
And sometimes all I can do is *SQUEEE*
Plus, they were using Ernie super sekrit code, and Draco counts his steps. It's all very squee inducing. I have missed the Millicent-Draco-Harry posts lately. It's good to know that they're all still getting along after the Quidditch Match. Seriously, I want friends this funny.
theantimodel @ June 17 2003, 02:30:37 UTC |
Millicent admits it!!! I feel very satisfied right now. She actually thinks j_h is funny. She likes him, she really likes him.
(parent)sheron @ June 17 2003, 08:44:54 UTC |
Maybe it's because those old friends are saying his new friends getting hurt is funny.
(parent)dragynville @ June 17 2003, 02:50:05 UTC |
I love it when M.B. insults Draco! It keeps him so humble. XD XD
(parent)notapipe @ June 17 2003, 02:58:55 UTC |
And what a humble (as well as brilliant, noble, handsome, witty, fetching, brave, superior, intelligent, dashing, debonair, clever, resourceful, reliable and rich) boy he is.
Hey, I just noticed he called himself reliable. Which Harry infamously pointed out he wasn't exactly.
dragynville @ June 17 2003, 03:08:12 UTC |
Still smarting over that, or is he trying to subliminally convince Harry he's BF material? XD
(parent)greenapricot @ June 17 2003, 05:41:50 UTC mindless squeeing |
*squeee laugh laugh squeee*
Millicent-Harry-Draco how do I love thee? sofunny. still giggling
zorb @ June 17 2003, 09:28:39 UTC |
He finally pointed out his mother's hair color change, too. I wonder if she'll change her LJ name to match?
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Anonymous @ June 17 2003, 10:32:49 UTC |
And what movie is her icon from? This has been driving me nuts! I recognize it, but can't quite place it...(Pulp Fiction? Riding In Cars With Boys? GUH!)
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Anonymous @ June 18 2003, 17:52:27 UTC Perhaps I am imagining this... |
While reading this entry of potterstinks I was strongly reminded of Harry's old posts that he was forced to write or face Snape punishing the other houses. Chronologically full of tiny details about the day, but ultimately revealing nothing much.
Didn't Draco post something recently about the journals being silly because no one would post anything really important in them? (I cannot seem to find the entry). Which perhaps might tie into Harry saying that there's "isn't really anything" ( in his.
Of course, it seems that Draco cannot help but be judgmental anyway, so this is more than a plodding list of facts, but somehow I was reminded. Very possible that any similarities could just as well be all be in my head .