dry_your_eyes @ 2003-06-19 20:59:00 |
(no title)
Mood: awake
I'm fairly new to N.A. So I was surfing through characters' personal pages and found something strange. Can anybody explain me:
(sorry if it's something you've already discussed but do it again for the newbies:D)
Why did Filch attend Hogwarts? Isn't he a squib??
That was a question. And this I found funny:
Lucius has a free account
Lucius has a free account (not that it really matters or anything. Just an observation:D)
Back to the game itself I want to express my profound interest in what is going on between Neville and Snape. Their interaction is so entertainting.:)
I wish my mother sent me such books !
Trelawney's user picture is great
and the last but not the least: :)
I want to know
who is going to die??!!
notapipe @ June 19 2003, 12:51:44 UTC |
Seriously, I don't think there's any suggestion that someone will ACTUALLY die. I know I say "Someone will die" or "Someone must die" when things that piss me off happen, and yet I don't expect that someone will die (in the context I use, I understand that people die all the time). Draco is not one to embrace his Inner Eye and prophecy people's death.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 19 2003, 13:04:01 UTC |
Draco is not one to embrace his Inner Eye and prophecy people's death.
I know that. :) Just somebody suggested that his statement can be connected with the recent DE attacks and (which is more likely) to the death in OopP
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ex_meiko437 @ June 20 2003, 09:17:45 UTC |
You mean potterstinks really isn't a mass murdering cannibal?
the dissapointment.. ;-; you are cruel, player. cruel.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 20 2003, 09:35:16 UTC |
this playes has to be resolute but
don't underestimate JKR. I'm sure her vision of Draco is much more shocking than all we could imagine! (oh God, at least don't make Draco boring *begs*)!
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ex_meiko437 @ June 21 2003, 22:09:23 UTC Re: |
In all honesty, canon draco makes me bristle and want to tackle him and beat the daylights out of him.I can see his jealousy of harry, but that doesn't make me any less apt to murdering him.. slytherins..
I really just like NA's Draco and the characterization there.
ifyouweremine @ June 19 2003, 14:24:32 UTC Things! ^_^ |
Hey! This post made me laugh, and I am nosey and had to comment. So, here I go!
*The Filch thing--wow, nice observation! I am now v. curious as well. Perhaps Hogwarts admits squibs in a special training program meant to teach them to be self-sufficient in a magical community? (Like a technical school. Only, not. Wait--that made no sense! #shrugs#)
*Lucius—Muahahaha! I, too, find this to be amusing. #laughs quietly to self#
*the Neville thing—I have not caught up on these happenings. I will go scurry off and see momentarily. Also, I loathe canon!Neville greatly, so I am v. impressed that NA!Neville has got me interested. Yay! (Kudos, man. Kudos.)
*New dragonhide boots: 300 galleons
New dress robes: 250 galleons
Renovating the Malfoy mansion: 1,000,000 galleons
Cutting and dying your hair in a posh magic salon: 150 galleons
Draco and Narcissa’s bonding over romance novels: priceless.
*Trelawney’s userpic: It is, it really is. Butitfrightensme.
*Who is going to die?—I was thinking M.B.’s cat (killed by Draco), and then, as a result of this, Draco (killed by M.B.), then M.B. (killer: Pansy), then Pansy (killer: Narcissa), then Narcissa (killer: Pansy’s mom), then Pansy’s mom (killer: Lucius), etc., and there will be a huge Slytherin war. Then everybody will be revived by a magic spell found by Hermione and performed by Harry (with the emotional support offered by Ron and family), after which Draco, overwhelmed with gratitude and influenced by Patriot’s Passion, shall give into his overwhelming (but hidden) passion for Harry by going off and having hotboylove with him. And all shall be well.
*Your icon: Makes me sad. (#Looks around for your potterstinks icon, which astounds her with its greatness every. single. time; loffs it#)
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dry_your_eyes @ June 19 2003, 15:03:53 UTC Re: Things! ^_^ |
*laughs hysterically*
*can't breath*
*falls under the table*
What you've said is marvellous.
I love you for this:
Draco and Narcissa’s bonding over romance novels: priceless.
and for this:
And all shall be well.
my potterstinks icon belongs to wonderful xnera *sends her appreciation*
And it's Brian Molko on my default icon and he's actually laughing :)) *pets Brian*
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dry_your_eyes @ June 19 2003, 15:07:11 UTC Re: Things! ^_^ |
I couldn't not friend you after your post!
*friends* >:D<
ifyouweremine @ June 19 2003, 19:55:54 UTC Re: Things! ^_^ |
#loffs you back#
OMG, I find it terribly, terribly amusing that you said you love me for my comment when I was literally thisclose to making a similar statement about you in it in the first place (more specifically, I was going to mention it in my Lucius statement; I actually deleted something along the lines of “Wow, that was very random and funny! IthinkIloveyou,” but changed it because I did not want you to think me overly-strange and affectionate; but we have moved beyond that! #friends you back immediately#).
How do I meet such loffly people? #ponders#
Also, I’m glad you enjoyed my randomness—sometimes, it pays to be nosey and talkative! #does the wild victory dance of the Rarely Triumphant People#
In addition, I still love that icon, so…#loves you and xnera both now# And it makes me feel much better to know the man in your icon (who I now know is Brian Molko—thanks for the ID!) is laughing—your lj name makes so much sense now! Because, you know, you seemed like a pretty happy person, and I was wondering about the (apparently) morbid name. I guess it really is true, then—when you assume, you make an ass of u and me. (Hahaha—I was also looking for an excuse to say that, and say it often, in the interest of sounding wise but also just to say “ass.” #snickers#)
Oh, I am so OT it’s not even funny. Perhaps I may rectify the situation by adding that I am still in lust with potterstinks and adore him muchly? (See lj profile for further information =o).
Alas, that is all. Bye! ^_~