dragynville @ 2003-06-25 13:32:00 |
Mood: melancholy
Update on Harry's condition, Sirius is singing to Harry, and Remus is crying all over the computer. *bawls*
You are my sunshine.. ;_;
[update] Harry is listed in critical condition and is still unconscious. Sirius! ;_;
babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 13:48:31 UTC |
Poor sweet Remus. I have to admire him; he's breaking up and scared, yet he's still there for his students.
He needs some self-time badly though. A little one-on-one time with his Beloved would also do him some good.
Harry, love, wake up! Your loved ones need you!
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squigeon @ June 25 2003, 13:54:38 UTC |
Actually had trouble sleeping last night because of all of this. Poor Harry! *sobs*
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ex_delz @ June 25 2003, 16:05:35 UTC |
Me too! N_A is interfering with my real life. That is v. v. disturbing, and shows just how amazing the writing is. Kudos to the players, really. I feel like such a t00b.
theantimodel @ June 25 2003, 14:05:38 UTC |
NA is getting progressively harder and harder to read. This is just too sad right now. Harry needs to wake up soon, i think they're all cracking. And poor Lupin, trying to remain stong while he's falling apart.
(parent)greenapricot @ June 25 2003, 14:08:41 UTC |
*stares at screen tears welling up*
*reads entry*
wednesday_tea @ June 25 2003, 14:31:34 UTC |
Oh, god, I'm going to cry. I just keep picturing that in my head and it's so bloody sad. Wake up, Harry! *wails*
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 14:39:08 UTC |
*stupid question* (especially while we're all busy wibbling)
But why muggle songs? Is NA Sirius muggle-born or a halfblood?
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 14:42:50 UTC |
I think some songs are the sort that everyone knows.
cadeyrn @ June 25 2003, 14:48:54 UTC |
A song like that, yes. Muggle or not. It's appropriate.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 14:50:55 UTC |
I think this song is tells exactly how Sirius feels about Harry.
My parents have always told me (and still do even now, when I'm 22) that having children has always been joyful for them; like rays of warm sunshine.
cadeyrn @ June 25 2003, 14:53:19 UTC |
And Remus too. Poor guy. He shouldn't feel in the way. He should be out there with Sirius.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 14:55:16 UTC |
I think the worrying about Harry and watching Sirius worry was getting to him.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 25 2003, 14:57:59 UTC |
He's expressed a lot of conflicting emotions (naturally). But the one I fixed on was the one of feeling in the way, which I would hope he wouldn't feel strongly if at all.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 15:08:56 UTC |
I took that to mean in the way of the mediwizards since he said Sirius was being a nuisance to them.
(parent)la_trix @ June 25 2003, 14:44:20 UTC |
I'm not sure, but whenever Sirius posts in his journal, his music listing is always a Muggle band.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 14:47:45 UTC |
I never noticed that! Must be the rebel in him, they're all hard rock and metal.
And now he's singing lullabies to Harry.. ;_;
dragynville @ June 25 2003, 14:45:29 UTC |
Maybe he thought they'd be more familiar to Harry?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 15:01:36 UTC |
There has been a theory around the medical world for quite some time now that says people who hear the voices of loved ones when in a coma, or otherwise unconscious, wake up faster.
There isn't any evidence for or against it, but there isn't anything saying you can't try either. It also seems to help the people who are doing to talking.
Talking is also a great way to stop the mind from drifting into unpleasant territory.
tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 15:04:16 UTC |
says people who hear the voices of loved ones when in a coma, or otherwise unconscious, wake up faster.
Wouldn't it just be so amusing if Harry heard Draco's voice and woke up?
must laugh to keep from crying... won't wake up? Oh god
merlion @ June 25 2003, 15:36:45 UTC |
Maybe Draco will stop by after Sirius goes off to hug Remus.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 15:39:10 UTC |
I noticed M.B. didn't have to do too much convincing to get him to go with her to the hospital wing! :D
(parent)merlion @ June 25 2003, 15:42:33 UTC |
So true! Although if Pansy was there, he (ps) could've used that as his excuse. But then, M.B. is just reassuring to have around. I'd definately take her to the hospital ward with me.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 15:57:54 UTC |
I love M.B.'s response: bring your darts and a side of flimsy excuses! Does she know how to call it or what? XD
(parent)merlion @ June 25 2003, 17:01:11 UTC |
M.B. is an incredible friend. And person. Just what Draco needs to keep him grounded. Ok, as grounded as is possible for him.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 15:45:55 UTC |
Yes, Remus does need a hug. Go, Sirius! The Dragon can watch over the Knight for a while.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 16:03:24 UTC |
Maybe he'll sneak in during the night when everyone is asleep.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 15:48:42 UTC |
I have a candle burning for Harry. It's a little silly, but I feel better.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 15:56:11 UTC |
*glomps back*
Thank you. It just seemed like a good thing to do. A little star of hope or something.
babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 15:58:55 UTC |
I have 4 more I can burn after this one. The light won't be going out for a while.
*Big Hugs for all who need one*
wednesday_tea @ June 25 2003, 16:04:32 UTC |
*Big hugs*
I think it's time to pull out the supportive icons again. :)
notapipe @ June 25 2003, 17:50:36 UTC |
That rocks.
Now I'm off to pretend I'm nearly as hardcore as you and claim that the candles I burned last night were for Harry and not so that I could read with the power out.
imochan @ June 25 2003, 20:17:38 UTC |
*breaks out the harry iconage*
w00t-w00t. *pets concussed!harry* Get better soon, love, or the whole of nraged will probably begin to suffer from panic-induced heart-attacks.
notapipe @ June 25 2003, 21:02:18 UTC |
While I don't want any harm to come to anyone at nraged, you have to admit, if someone got an ulcer from following NA it WOULD be rather funny. "OMG, is Harry alright? AAAAGH!" And sad and not funny enough that it would be better than not. But funny.
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luna_lovesgood @ June 25 2003, 22:44:37 UTC |
I'm sooo worrrried about Harry! I can't sleep, I can't eat....
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 21:36:51 UTC |
Poor Sirius. He can't do anything for Harry and it's scaring him. He needs to find Remus; they need each other now.
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 22:38:57 UTC |
I <3 Remus so much! ;_;
and thank you for letting me use your icon keywords :D
babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 23:01:22 UTC |
Remus J. Lupin, I do love thee, let me count the ways.....
Remus is a dear; he and Sirius are so lucky to have each other. They need this time together. Lots of hugs and love is what is needed before someone goes to sit with Harry again.
and thank you for letting me use your icon keywords :D
My pleasure, I was only too happy to share. ^_^
dragynville @ June 25 2003, 23:16:06 UTC |
Yes they are. They both need some comfort.
*squee* for you! :D
sheron @ June 26 2003, 10:06:53 UTC |
I was wondering what the rest of the students who aren't helping in the hospital wing and who weren't helping with the excavation efforts (as Draco so obviously wasn't) are doing? Exams are cancelled, I presume and so probably are classes...? What do they do with their time then? Just walk around Hogwarts stewing on what's happened? Having a little holiday to themselves?