cadeyrn @ 2003-06-26 23:55:00 |
Mood: amused
Uh oh. Narcissa says that Remus was being cold to her.
It can't just be that she's married to a death eater.
Methinks Harry has said something to arouse suspicions. Or is the timing off? Difficult to tell -- did she catch him before he left to talk to Harry or after? I cannot tell. I would think after, because he wouldn't be cold to her now of all times, unless...
I would love it if Ron were vindicated in his accusals. (Also, Percy was being so damned awesome about it.)
babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 21:08:12 UTC |
It might be because when they talked Harry was still out cold. Narcissa isn't very good at remembering what is going on in other people's lives.
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fourscore @ June 26 2003, 22:18:27 UTC |
I don't think Narcissa was still there when Harry woke up, so I agree. Harry woke up pretty late in the evening. Not totally late, but I don't think Narcissa stayed at Hogwarts past dinner.
(parent)dragynville @ June 26 2003, 21:12:49 UTC |
Well, her post is nearly 4 hours after Sirius' and Remus' posts. So I'm guessing either they've had info out of Harry about DE involvement or they've found evidence of DE involvement. Because she said he was practically refusing to acknowledge anything I had to say about whatever this was that had befallen upon Hogwarts.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 26 2003, 21:27:16 UTC |
I agree. Of course I'm tormented wondering just what though, would make Remus be cold to her in particular. He's never blamed her before for things that Lucius has done. I know that Nraged members have brought up her own possible DE connections and references in journal entries. I have to wonder what connects her personally with Harry and/or the disaster at Hogwarts; I have to wonder what made Ron so sure. But that's the point. Man, they're killing me. I'm not going to be able to read this for a whole month.
(parent)dragynville @ June 26 2003, 21:41:22 UTC |
I took it as just reaction on his part in particular to her suggestions of other causes. And he might suspect that she knows the truth about what happened (either before or after the fact), which would be twice as irksome with her sitting there suggesting other reasons. Especially with Harry laying in the next room in his condition.
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fourscore @ June 26 2003, 22:16:58 UTC |
Harry has just woken up with a fractured skull, though. I really don't think he explained the whole story.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 21:37:17 UTC |
But we don't know if Narcissa finished her chat with Remus, collected her husband, went home, and went straight to the computer or if she just posted at her pleasure before going to bed. (or something of that sort)
She could have seem Remus pre-awake!Harry and if so, he might be out of it because he's worried.
Is it common knowledge that Lucius is a DE? If not, then the below theory is void:
As to DE activity, Remus has always known that Lucius is a DE but never seems to hold it against Narcissa (she doesn't seem to be interested in politics of that sort or anything heavy for that matter). That, of course, can change very quickly.
dragynville @ June 26 2003, 21:47:44 UTC |
Either way, it doesn't really matter. There he is listening to her suggest causes for the disaster, while Harry lies in the next room in critical condition. Whether she talked to him before Harry awoke or not, Remus' reaction suggests to me that he has some definite knowledge/suspicions that it was a DE attack. Otherwise, there'd be no reason for him to be cool to her.
Unless she was acting gossipy about it, then I could see him getting pissed.
babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 21:55:34 UTC |
Very true.
If it was DE the teachers won't be posting that theory in their journals; it wouldn't be good for the students to hear that and it can't be good for the Light to give their ideas away--Lucius would squeal to advance his own standing in DE ranks.
milenalupin @ June 27 2003, 04:33:28 UTC |
Notice that she says he was his usual friendly safe when she arrived, but grew colder during their talk.
I don't think it was because she was gossipy, but maybe she was in denial about the death eater attack and tried to blame it on structural deficits of the building, spell-go-wrong or any other thing rather than dealing with idea of grown people who are ready to kill children.
Remus might be ready to hear her chatting him up - it might even be nice distraction to him - but he certainly would not have her deny things like that while Harry was in such a bad state, would he?
notapipe @ June 26 2003, 21:52:59 UTC |
I can't imagine that Harry hasn't mentioned Lucius's prescense at the end of GoF to Remus or Sirius or that word hasn't filtered back, plus it seems pretty obvious that people BELIEVE that Lucius is a death eater.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 22:09:59 UTC |
I thought that too. But Narcissa has always talked about shopping for a "friend [Voldemort];" she doesn't strike me as the type to have much interest politics.
I've always seen her role as "The Wife of the High-Ranking Officer" type--she throws parties, teas, cards, while he takes care of the dirty work.
This theory is most likely wrong.
tabiji @ June 26 2003, 21:21:54 UTC |
Lucius, of course, kept reassuring me that Draco was fine and I took great delight in watching the two men in my life speak quietly with one another whilst I attempted to gain control of my emotions.
Hmmmm. I wonder what the father & son huddle was about? DE-related stuff? Maybe the adoption situation?
notapipe @ June 26 2003, 21:50:39 UTC |
Maybe they were discussing the possibility of getting Draco away from Hogwarts and into some private education. However, I think it was probably just Lucius giving injuctions to his son to behave like a proper Malfoy like his Daddy wants him to.
I don't think they'd talk about the adoption, and talking about DE-related stuff, at least on Lucius's part, in post 6/20 Hogwarts is rather indiscreet and foolish.
tabiji @ June 26 2003, 22:11:13 UTC |
talking about DE-related stuff, at least on Lucius's part, in post 6/20 Hogwarts is rather indiscreet and foolish.
I'm sure he wouldn't be taking credit or anything, but he could be talking DE as far as trying to put a spin on it to make Draco believe he/they were not involved.
The private education thing is an interesting thought. Draco claims to want to leave Hogwarts...if he really wanted to leave he could use this incident to convince his parents, "it's not safe here".
notapipe @ June 26 2003, 22:32:39 UTC |
I doubt he would try if he's cunning, since I think it would probably just make Draco suspicious.
IIRC, last time they discussed the possibility Draco seemed to be less than enthusastic about the possibility of leaving Hogwarts (and he's definetly gotten bad reviews of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons).
babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 22:42:58 UTC |
I think the best move for Lucius would be to act like a concerned parent (with the Malfoy Twist of course). Also, as a rich Alumnus, giving $$$ would be the correct thing to do--he would want his son to continue receiving the "fine education" that has been given to Mafoys since the beginning of the school, yes?
If the DE wanted information on the school, the best course of action maybe to get it through the child of a lower-ranking DE who Harry didn't finger 2 years ago. Lucius must know that people will be watching him.
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fourscore @ June 26 2003, 22:15:27 UTC |
I really don't think NA!Lucius would be confiding that in Draco, either. Draco took that opportunity with the veritaserum to ask Lucius those questions, which said to me that he had asked before and got no answer.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 23:12:05 UTC |
If DE are involved, I will be curious to see how the "Harry Factor" will come into play. Depending on the strength of Draco's feelings and how much Draco wants to follow in his father's foot-steps, this could cause conflict between the two men.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 22:02:05 UTC |
They could also be talking about The Heir's nose as it seemed to be a concern for both men.
But that doesn't idea doesn't play nice with the "between men" talk they had.
tabiji @ June 26 2003, 22:17:30 UTC |
I think she'd be all over her little dragon's nose...she's mentioned it already.
This sounds more like something Narcissa was being excluded from...whether it was her own choice if the topic didn't interest her, or if they intentionally left her out.
notapipe @ June 26 2003, 21:39:03 UTC |
The first paragraph, about how finding out that someone wasn't wearing the real design at a wedding was almost as good as seeing her son after the attack: pure platinum. Narcissa, now there's a woman who has her priorities straight.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 26 2003, 21:44:02 UTC |
She included a new trashy romance novel for Draco; we can expect some interesting posts. But yes, Nacissa does a good job living up to her name.
Is it just me or has Narcissa slipped back into her pre-livingwithRemus behavior pattern? Not all the way of course, but maybe just a little.
dragynville @ June 26 2003, 21:50:58 UTC |
You know, she did seem a little 'united family unit' all of a sudden with that bit about the two men in my life.