zorb @ 2003-06-28 23:58:00 |
(no title)
The story is revealed!
And I am seriously tempted to make wand jokes, but cannot choose between them. *g*
zionsstarfish @ June 29 2003, 00:02:53 UTC |
...so Harry ran off with the fish while the ceiling caved in.
OMG. Best. Line. Ever.
portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:09:26 UTC |
Well, really, after 12 years spent without a proper body, he's got to be used to missing certain anatomy.
On a serious note, this could give the people fighting Voldemort something of an advantage, couldn't it? Unless the Death Eaters were able to retrieve his wand from the wreckage before they fled.
zorb @ June 29 2003, 00:11:55 UTC |
This is a good question. I think we would have been told if Harry had been found with a fish, but would the DEs really have stuck around to be hit by falling pieces of castle?
Maybe Harry ate it.
portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:14:52 UTC |
Well, perhaps they could have accio-ed it, but we really don't know much about that spell -- certainly, it can get past 'obstacles', but to get something out of a pile of rubble seems more difficult. If it could be done, why didn't the professors just accio the students (which could perhaps have caused more injuries, but I doubt they would be more than minor, compared to what they already had)?
And also. Hahaha. I lack a witty retort.
tabiji @ June 29 2003, 00:17:25 UTC |
Hmmmm...he would have needed some sort of sustenance for three days. Then again, I really really don't want a mental image of Harry eating that wand.
(parent)notapipe @ June 29 2003, 01:15:26 UTC |
I'm sure Voldemort wouldn't be very happy about Harry biting into his wand either.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 02:04:46 UTC |
oh! bad image pipe, bad image! Don't say things like that around here, not when people have their minds fully entrenched in the gutter! yuck yuck yuck.
(parent)notapipe @ June 29 2003, 02:28:24 UTC |
Well, I understand it's a rather large wand, and Voldemort IS a Dark Lord, so who knows.
(parent)tabiji @ June 29 2003, 02:16:46 UTC |
Clearly I was simply showing concern that Harry could get food poisoning or parasites for eating uncooked seafood. What did you think I meant?
quixotic_sense @ June 29 2003, 03:42:01 UTC |
Well, I don't know about you, but now I'm craving a sushi roll.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ June 29 2003, 00:29:53 UTC |
Maybe Harry ate it.
LOL!!! Oh god, the mental images...
babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 01:28:24 UTC |
I too wonder on The Wand Situation. Harry was trapped under that rubble for quite some time. If he didn't get around to eating the fish or otherwise preserving it, it would have started to rot and I think we would have heard about that from Sirius who spent more time as Padfoot than Sirius Black. Dogs have better noses than people and I'm sure rotting fish would have attracted his attention.
I love how Harry gives proper credit where credit is due. Lucius will be very angry that the plan failed due to his Heir's conversations with Harry. I think the chances are very high that Draco will have an unhappy summer.
portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:07:29 UTC |
You know, I'd actually thought of the transfiguring-wand trick before. Though I imagined it to be rather difficult, if not impossible, to transfigure something like a wand, with all the magic imbued into it.
xnera @ June 29 2003, 00:09:14 UTC |
Squee! Harry used a trick that Draco told him about! SQUEE!
So Voldemort did show up at Hogwarts. Interesting. I have to admit, those first few days right after the attack, I had this crazy theory that Harry had been kidnapped. It's just that all the Slytherins seemed so sure that he was alright... and although I do see the Slytherins in NA as being gray characters rather than pure evil, I still can't help thinking that if some evil plan was going down, they'd know about it purely from familial relations.
But then Harry was found, and my theory went right out the window. :p By this point I'm convinced it is the real Harry. Can't be PolyJuice, because you have to take polyjuice every hour. Could be a glamour I suppose, but have we seen glamours at all in HP canon? Besides, he used that trick that Draco told him about! SQUEE! And that's a very just_harry thing to do.
*suddenly becomes suspicious* Unless the person pretending to be Harry KNOWS it's something Harry would do...
--xnera, acting quite like a Hufflepuff tonight.
zionsstarfish @ June 29 2003, 00:14:26 UTC |
I find it intriguing indeed that both Ernie and Lisa are commending Harry for his brilliance and innovation when it was Draco (and Hermione clearly stated in her post it was Draco) who inspired said act...
(parent)xnera @ June 29 2003, 00:20:53 UTC |
Now Mrs. Weasley too! I'm starting to get enraged on Draco's behalf. It was his idea, dammit!
(parent)dragynville @ June 29 2003, 00:23:56 UTC |
Mrs. Weasley and Percy too. Poor Draco, can't get a break.. or credit for his own idea. I can't wait to see his next post! *gleeful*
(parent)tabiji @ June 29 2003, 00:14:48 UTC |
I wonder if Draco will be smugly satisfied that he technically saved Harry's life ?
portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:17:18 UTC |
I think he'd be more smugly satisfied that people where indirectly complimenting him on his brilliance.
Perhaps I'm being unfair to Draco. Ah, well.
portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:23:56 UTC |
Actually, I take that back. Now that the Weasleys have gotten into the act, it really is bad that Harry is getting all the attention that, and I say this grudgingly, Draco deserves.
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fourscore @ June 29 2003, 00:29:13 UTC |
Yikes. Would Draco want the attention, though? Lucius is not going to be happy that his son's idea fucked up Voldemort's plan. He might be better off with everyone thinking Harry came up with it.
(parent)portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:33:20 UTC |
I doubt he'll be happy that Hermione posted that part of the story, no. But on his behalf, if that's going to be in public view, then he at least deserves credit for it. I don't think his father will be any less angry if people are complimenting Harry, instead.
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fourscore @ June 29 2003, 00:39:55 UTC |
I agree, he does deserve credit. Though I'm not really surprised. But I imagine if people start shouting "Malfoy, you saved Harry in a tough spot" he (Draco) might get a little freaked.
(parent)portkey @ June 29 2003, 00:42:19 UTC |
Hmm. Perhaps Harry can give Draco the, ahem, credit he deserves when he's more fully healed.
Merlin help me, I'm turning into an NA Harry/Draco shipper. The horror, etc.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 01:15:01 UTC |
Merlin help me, I'm turning into an NA Harry/Draco shipper. The horror, etc.
Nothing wrong with that dear, just be warned that shipping H/D in this game requires a lot of patience and a willingness to believe despite the lack of proof.
zorb @ June 29 2003, 00:15:11 UTC |
Ah, but even our favorite Hufflepuff is on Harry's side! Meanwhile the Ravenclaw has completely missed the squeeful fact that Harry got the idea from Draco.
Now I'm really curious about Lucius and Draco's little chat. If Looshie doesn't yet know that Draco was the source behind his master's wand's fishification...ooo, trouble.
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fourscore @ June 29 2003, 00:19:47 UTC |
I don't see how Lucius could know. Harry only just said it was Draco's idea today, and he probably just assumed Harry was behind it.
(parent)zorb @ June 29 2003, 00:23:55 UTC |
Sure he could, as follows:
Draco: What happened, Pops?
Lucius: Damn Potter turned Lord Voldythingy's wand into a fish.
Draco: No way, dude! I just told him about that trick!
Lucius: *glareglareglare*
Draco: Um.
I agree, though, this is not the most likely scenario.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 00:30:03 UTC |
*love* the icon, I'd pay money to see that ppv action.
Would also love to see Draco call His Father dude :D
babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 01:49:27 UTC |
If Lucius is a DE, I'm sure he'll want to know why the attack went so badly (or what seems to be that way). He's a Slytherin and therefore resourceful; I'm sure he knows that the story will pop up sometime on someone's journal.
I had no doubt that he has been keeping a close watch on the new journal entries. He did comment on the number of injured, getting out his funeral clothes out and whatnot.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 01:59:20 UTC |
Unless the point was to prove that Hogwarts is not as safe as everyone thinks, in which case they did just fine. I mean according to harry Voldemort immediately did the spell to make the wing collapse so it seems like that was at least part of the plan. I mean in terms of making a statement about the power of the DE's attacking Hogwarts is a pretty big accomplishment. It proves that the the's are not only back, but are powerful as well. And it shows that Dumbledore may not be as in control as people might hope. So unless they had a big ulterior motive, it sounds like it was a pretty successful attack for them, they brought down a huge chunck of the school, not to mention the apparition wards, and they managed to kill some students.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 02:39:30 UTC |
But if Voldemort was just trying to prove that he could break the wards and that was it, why didn't he just sent DE? He wouldn't have to be there in person to prove he could break down the wards. I think he was after something. Harry might have foiled his plans though.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 01:27:19 UTC |
Ernie cracks me the hell up.
I just love his excitement, and how freaking funny the kid is. That was great. Icon, anyone?
tiamet_nox @ June 29 2003, 01:33:33 UTC |
I love Ernie! He's one of my favorite N_A characters. (hard as it is to choose, they're all so brilliant^-^)
Happy twodaysafterhisbirthday to him as well!