ms_potter @ 2003-06-29 21:06:00 |
What is Ron up to?
He's being very mysterious....
taradiane @ June 29 2003, 18:22:16 UTC |
I have an idea...but I'm not ready to verbalize it yet...
I'll just sit back patiently and watch, as usual :D
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 18:51:59 UTC |
aww c'mon Tara, we all throw out wild and crazy theories, look at notapipe's crazy nEVILle theory. I'd love to know what you're thinking this is about. I for one am hoping that it is some sort of plan about Harry and how he has to stay with the Dursley's over summer.
notapipe @ June 30 2003, 00:34:50 UTC |
I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted at being an example of insane theorizing, though it is my duty to point out that it was Snape's hypothesis, I just gave it legs, a pair of designer sneakers with little rockets in them so it goes really fast and a t-shirt with a skull on it.
theantimodel @ June 30 2003, 00:36:22 UTC |
hah! you are so the insane theorizer!
why are you not on Y!M?????
taradiane @ June 30 2003, 19:06:32 UTC |
Ok, I just pictured Snape in a pair of designer sneakers with little rockets in them and a t-shirt with a skull on it.
notapipe @ June 30 2003, 20:06:38 UTC |
Hot. Certianly more so than movie!Neville flailing around on rocket sneakers with a Punisher t-shirt.
(parent)non_inferno @ June 29 2003, 18:34:58 UTC |
They're bickering! It must be the sign of a D/R subplot!
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 18:45:58 UTC |
I wonder if Ron isn't going to tell him that Harry has to stay with The Muggles over the Holiday.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 18:50:59 UTC |
Ron may have decided that it would be better for his health, safety, and well-being if he didn't have to tell Draco face-to-face; Remus is angry enough for several people.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 18:55:39 UTC |
Ron also says that Harry "told him lat night" and if we believe that Draco was out of bed visiting Harry last night, it is quite possible that Harry told him last night too. In which case Draco's post could be a reassurance that they will still get to see each other over the hols.
(parent)xnera @ June 29 2003, 19:00:42 UTC |
Now, I for one do not believe that Harry and Draco have progressed to the level of physical intimacy yet, but surely it's a good sign that Draco is voluntarily willing to see Harry over the hols. Excuse me while I SQUEE! again. *grins*
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 19:01:21 UTC |
omg *fangirl squee* my first star!
And secondly: oh OTP! *squee* Draco's reassuring Harry, and his comment that "perhaps it's not quite so complicated." I love ps.
My real question is, do the Dursleys have the internet? I certainly hope so because Harry needs to be able to post this summer.
dragynville @ June 29 2003, 19:07:06 UTC |
Draco's reassuring Harry, and his comment that "perhaps it's not quite so complicated."
You beat me to it! That is SO squee!!! <3
babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 19:09:30 UTC |
I think in one of the books, Rowling has said that The Little Whale owns a computer and I'm sure it has internet. The real question is: will they let Harry use it? I can't really see them doing that; he might contaminate it or some such nonsense.
I think it's fair to say that as long as Harry is with The Muggles, the chances are good that he might be cut off from those who love him.
babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 20:06:15 UTC |
The Weasleys and Remus seem to be planning some kind of Mission. Remus wants to be sure that his baby is treated well over Holiday and has recruited most of the The Red-Headed League to help scare The Muggles into submission.
Best idea on the table: Howler from Molly.
tabiji @ June 29 2003, 22:05:54 UTC |
omg *fangirl squee* my first star! Yay! *high fives*
Ahhhh, the wonder of NA. Every time I'm thinking it looks hopeless, and feeling miserably unfulfilled because of the lack of visible OTP progress they give a bit of solid confirmation.
*happy sigh*
I would so love to see what the Dursleys think of Draco! (A seventeen- year-old, legal, able-to-hex-Dudders-into-next-week-Draco!
non_inferno @ June 29 2003, 19:04:41 UTC |
Has Draco deleted his post, or am I just not seeing things?
(parent)notapipe @ June 30 2003, 21:35:06 UTC |
Don't forget how he is the Word made Flesh, JFK's assassin, married to bigfoot and father of Batboy. And who can forget how everyone was moved to tears when he nobly sacfiriced himself in OotP, killing Voldemort in the process.
(parent)non_inferno @ July 2 2003, 21:46:13 UTC |
You know, sarcasm is the protest of the weak. I know this because I read it in a book, so it must be true.
(parent)notapipe @ July 2 2003, 23:33:04 UTC |
So? The weak shall inheret the earth.
Besides, the person who wrote that book has the same last name as Harry Knowles of AICN, so he's probably a dirty liar.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 22:54:24 UTC |
On the bright side, not only is Draco seemingly planning to visit Harry. Sirius has bought him a laptop so at least Harry will still be able to stay in contact with everyone.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 23:42:41 UTC |
I would give anything to be a fly on the wall when Sirius has his little chat with Vernon and when Draco comes face-to-face with The Muggles.
But poor Harry; the sweetie needs a hug. Sirius and Remus need hugs too.