vellum @ 2003-07-02 22:58:00 |
(no title)
is no one online?!
the potions master is in egypt telling by the icon and subject, narcissa is a little irate, draco's avoiding her, and i have absolutely no clue as to what terry and dean are doing.
edit: lupin's changed out his icons again. so has snape. tabiji? whatever came out of that thing you emailed about? you know, the thing?
edit again: does anyone else get warm fuzzy feelings knowing dumbledore's sending his faculty howlers?
edit again: i am absolutely loving this.
::asks why::
vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:11:09 UTC |
no email address. do you have an email address? i'm not posting invite codes for all to see. you wanna email me instead?
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 10:40:17 UTC |
Do you still have one left? I've lurked on Nraged for quite a while now, and the urge to jump into the fray is getting stronger every day. My email is Thanks so much!
On another note, is Sirius' smug icon ( new too? I can't remember having seen it before.
Hey, I guess I've just done it... :)
charmion @ July 3 2003, 16:04:38 UTC |
Never mind, no need anymore! Someone's been so good as to...
absententity @ July 3 2003, 11:50:17 UTC Re: |
sure. uh my email is
always_up_trees @ July 2 2003, 23:08:04 UTC |
I am here. And I see you beat me to the Snape comment. Terry and Dean. *laughs*
(parent)vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:09:27 UTC |
SNAPE! i always look forward to his posts. i don't get what terry and dean are doing. do you? i don't. very, very confused.
(parent)vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:13:24 UTC |
but... nomadic life! = no bathrooms readily available!
::shudders at thought::
always_up_trees @ July 2 2003, 23:15:02 UTC |
I guess there are always walls. And dark alleys. And friendly bushes. :)
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kalte @ July 2 2003, 23:28:51 UTC |
I think I missed something. I know why Dean can't go home, but what did Terry do to end up homeless? Is this something new?
(parent)theantimodel @ July 2 2003, 23:58:08 UTC |
I would assume that Boot has decided to stick with Dean, probably more for fun and as an adventure than because he can't go home, but I'm not sure.
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kalte @ July 3 2003, 00:10:22 UTC |
I don't think so. Dean says he doesn't want to visit Lavender without Terry..
"Thanks for the offer, Lav...but I think I'd feel bad ditching Boot. We're both sort of homeless at the moment, and you know...we rejects have to stick together, right?"
I'm reading that as Boot having problems of his own.
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idlewind @ July 2 2003, 23:29:33 UTC |
Woo! Rebellion, Teenage Style! hee
Still, I went back and looked back through Terry's entries, and I can't find anything talking about his parents. I could have missed something, though... Does anyone know if they're dead? Or does he just hate them? Or, I guess, he could just be legal and not have to live with them anymore.. And I have spent way too much time thinking about this. ^_^
vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:37:13 UTC |
which is why i'm entirely confused about them being nomads.
(parent)siren52684 @ July 3 2003, 00:28:20 UTC |
perhaps they ARE dead...afterall, terry could see the threstrals (sp?), right? so he's seen death...i wonder whose death...
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Anonymous @ July 8 2003, 23:56:55 UTC |
Wasn't that just after he'd seen all the dead Hufflepuff students? I thought that was the point.
(parent)blue_raven @ July 2 2003, 23:10:52 UTC |
Yes,I am here, I am trying not o laugh out loud at the thought of dear p_m tring to glare down a recalcitrant camel.
Oh, it's hard.
vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:14:22 UTC |
i now have that image stuck in my brain...
thank you. :D
always_up_trees @ July 2 2003, 23:15:49 UTC |
It is a rather good image.
To bad camels, in addition to llamas, spit.
zorb @ July 2 2003, 23:12:14 UTC |
*g* My first thought on finding that it didn't exist was to create the journal and use it for something entertaining, posssibly a community where people could describe the revenges they want to get. And then the second thought was, "Um, that could get really creepy and, yeah, no."
I do hope we get to hear more about The Adventures of Dean and Terry this summer. And Rebel!Draco makes me squee very much. I hope he and Pansy can help M.B. escape the tortures she's undergoing.
vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:24:18 UTC |
draco and pansy and mb are always laidback when they talk, so cool.
dean and terry. still can't get over that. seamus/dean forever... ::cries::
babytyggeryss @ July 2 2003, 23:26:45 UTC |
And Rebel!Draco makes me squee very much. I hope he and Pansy can help M.B. escape the tortures she's undergoing.
Sometimes I think that Millicent and Pansy will be coming to Draco's rescue. He has been home for how long and his mother has already used the Glove Icon twice.
I think he misses Harry--I think it's cute.
Well, I think he feels that something is a little off but I'd like to think he's suffering from "Harry Withdraw."
xnera @ July 2 2003, 23:31:15 UTC |
I've been online for five minutes at a time tonight as I constantly reboot my computer to attempt to solve a problem with my display. *sighs*
I'm interested in why Draco is avoiding Narcissa. I wonder if it has something to do with Narcissa's new "empowerment". After all, Draco was raised as a Malfoy, which means being served on hand and foot. The idea of doing something for himself is probably alien and strange; he probably doesn't know what to think of it, and so it is easier to avoid the subject (i.e, Narcissa).
I'm also interested in why exactly he abused Dacey the way he did. Yes, Draco strikes me as the kind of person to treat house elves poorly, but I'm wondering if he's the kind of person to take out his frustations on others. Say, his frustration at being home instead of at Hogwarts where he had easy excuses to run into or hang out with Harry.
vellum @ July 2 2003, 23:32:51 UTC |
yeah, but the thing was, draco wasn't beating the crap out of dacey, he was channeling hermione with her spew stuff or harry with dobby.
(parent)black_dog @ July 3 2003, 07:30:08 UTC |
I might be overreading, but I thought what Draco was doing was trying out one of those logical puzzles, as in:
1. I order you to stop punishing yourself for disobeying.
2. I order you to disregard that last order.
Just out of a sort of idle boredom and curiosity, to see what would happen. How very PS of him. And I love it that Dacey just lost it and tore after him murderously.
Could be wrong, but I like reading it that way.
babytyggeryss @ July 2 2003, 23:40:40 UTC |
I think Narcissa is mad at him because he was harming her servant.
Narcissa's attitude toward empowerment is kind of...........mixed. She uses it when it suits her needs and ignores it when it doesn't.
Quite Slytherin.
tabiji @ July 2 2003, 23:44:20 UTC |
Still waiting for a decision/confirmation on that.
*crosses fingers*
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dry_your_eyes @ July 3 2003, 00:08:04 UTC |
oh, I want one *please*
can you send it to
does this: And no, I do not wish you were here. mean that someone's asked to be with him?! ^_^
vellum @ July 3 2003, 00:10:20 UTC |
mean that someone's asked to be with him?! ^_^
yeah, that was me. :P
sending it to you now.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 3 2003, 00:13:39 UTC Re: |
yeah, that was me. :P
so he's finally dumped you... don't worry, you'll find someone else. Look, Seamus is available!^_^
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 01:19:15 UTC |
edit again: i am absolutely loving this
As am I. And now I'm glad I'm not the only one who is awake right now.
Also, I am amused by Sinstra's comments on the Canadian currency. And huzzah, she said "eh". EH!
vellum @ July 3 2003, 01:28:38 UTC |
eh, i say eh all the time and i'm not anything close to canadian. eh's a fun thing to say, eh?
want a code? or are you a player?
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 01:54:24 UTC |
"Eh" seems to be a phrase that is constantly associated with Canada, but is used pretty much everywhere else. However, go into the Ottawa Valley, and you will never want to hear it again.
Hee, I was wondering why Snape wants/needs a toaster, too. WHY?! *puzzles*
And ummm... yes, a code would be nice, if you're giving them away. My e-mail's
(Am very much not a player. I am horrible at RPG type stuff. However, if you're looking for hilariously bad poetry, I'm the person to come to.)
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 02:05:00 UTC |
Hee, I was wondering why Snape wants/needs a toaster, too. WHY?! *puzzles*
Maybe he wants to have toast in his rooms/office while planning new ways to take points from any house that isn't his.
If he wanted a toaster he could have owled Arthur and had him bring one to the next Order meeting; I'm sure he's got a couple taking up space in the shed.
It must be top secret.
shusu @ July 3 2003, 05:06:05 UTC |
Am I the only one totally scared about Terry and Dean? True they are of age but for the whole summer? In London?
It's so bad Lavender is asking them if they're hungry.
tabiji @ July 3 2003, 06:05:10 UTC |
The Terry/Dean thing is really puzzling & concerning me.
I don't think I have to explain to anyone why I'm not at home right now. Meaning that it should be obvious? Or meaning he doesn't owe anyone an explanation?
My first impulse was that maybe Dean's parents were having issues with him being gay, and he ran away. Since he wrote to them (lying about where he is), that probably isn't it. I don't think he lives near Seamus, so it wouldn't be that he's just avoiding his ex.
Terry hasn't posted much. Maybe he's having trouble dealing with what he saw of the deaths? Could he be acting out because of it? Rebelling (if you would call going to poetry readings rebelling) against what he's thinks he "should" be doing?
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 09:35:23 UTC |
IMHO, Terry is doing a very typically dramatic and beatnik-y thing by just trolling around London all summer. I think Dean is still dealing with the aftermath of the breakup, still using Terry as a replacement for that dominant Seamus thing. Remember Dean talking about not knowing quite who he is anymore, how being with Seamus makes it easy to just follow? I think here he's pretty much following Terry, since the normal avenue of going home is closed to him. I do think the choice to wander around London, presumably hitting underground club scenes and such, is an example of both boys drowning their various sorrows: both "who am I?"/"who do I want to be with?" as well as the (somewhat weightier) angst resulting from the aftermath of the Hogwarts attack and YKW's rise.