vellum @ 2003-07-24 21:00:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
snape and cho sunburned in hungary. too funny.
edit: And like an instrument that flings its music on another's strings. in the middle of the very last verse. sounds like his goal.
edit: "Isten hozott! Radomér Lupényi 998 AD": welcome! radomer lupenyi, thank you jeni.
edit again: map.
yo: I must attempt to get some rest without actually allowing my skin to touch the linens. This will require some concentration. ROFL!
the thingy lupin has italicized is the same poem snape used in his subject, only paraphrased.
babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 21:08:37 UTC Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - "THE OCCULTATION OF ORION" |
Title of Snape's post is in the last paragraph.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 21:25:21 UTC Re: orion. |
google's fuuuun.
I agree.
I love Snape's posts. I do hope that sunburn clears up fast; for someone with his skin-tones, the sun is never your friend.
I'd always assumed you were French, and therefore completely useless.
I see the vicious English-French rivalry is still alive and well in Professor Severus Snape. I look forward to reading Remus's response.
snowballjane @ July 25 2003, 02:34:16 UTC Re: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - "THE OCCULTATION OF ORION" |
Ah-ha. That explains the (thank you) then:
Sirius was rising in the east
jenicomprispas @ July 24 2003, 21:23:06 UTC |
"Isten hozott" is welcome or well met. In Hungarian. I ♥ Snape's player.
(parent)tabiji @ July 24 2003, 21:57:23 UTC |
I'm so impressed with Snape's player, and the attention to detail that goes into the posts.
For the record, palacsinta rocks! :)
zorb @ July 24 2003, 21:32:47 UTC |
We need a tracking map. Like one of those storm-trackers that the weather channel uses, except it would be a Snape-tracker.
(parent)jenicomprispas @ July 24 2003, 22:06:12 UTC |
Lol..*breaks out world map and colored push pins*
(parent)vellum @ July 24 2003, 22:16:00 UTC |
i will have it done in under an hour if anyone can tell me where the hell tahiti is. and the exact location of vatican city.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 22:32:05 UTC |
Are you planning on posting your creation? I hope you are. I want to see if there is any sort of pattern to Snape's travels; the man isn't one for meandering around.
Click on the orange-colored Tahiti. It's in what is called French Polynesia. Hope this helps.
babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 22:37:31 UTC |
This map was the best one I could find. The islands are so small you always have to go to a different page to see them.
(parent)vellum @ July 24 2003, 22:50:28 UTC |
thank you, it does, but it does seem like he's just meandering for dumbledore. there's no pattern.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 22:58:13 UTC |
I'm glad it helped.
No pattern? Okay. I thought that maybe a clue or something could have been found if one looked at all the places he's been when on a large-scale (like a map of the world.). This is NA, anything can happen.
notapipe @ July 24 2003, 23:09:21 UTC |
It will spell out "PS LOVES JH" if you connect the dots, it will.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ July 24 2003, 22:33:50 UTC |
Vatican City is north of Rome, on the western coast of Italy.
Tahiti is part of French Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, west of Peru, in the Tropic of Capricorn.
notapipe @ July 24 2003, 23:08:37 UTC |
The CIA world factbook has some nice maps, of things like Europe. My question is this: where did Snape get the Ark? Can we just pretend it's where Indy got it? Where did Indy get it?
(parent)notapipe @ July 24 2003, 23:16:36 UTC |
Er, I guess I should research, huhn? the Ark would be in etheopia. I beleive in africa he was in Alexandria when he wrote. Which is actually up and to the west of the delta
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 23:24:43 UTC |
Wasn't Indy in Alexandria at one time? I haven't seen the movies in a while but something is ringing a bell.
goebtimo, you are a dear. Your map is wonderful.
tabiji @ July 25 2003, 00:14:02 UTC |
GREAT JOB on the map!
I am so in love with Snape right now. I haven't heard "pálinka" (whiskey, pronounced pah-leen-kuh) or "palacsinta" (crepes, pronounced puh-la-cheen-tuh -NOT placenta! ) in years.
notapipe @ July 25 2003, 00:32:45 UTC GMC = Gratuitous Map Comment |
Sweet, informative map. Here's my less informative, Family Circus Style map. Art stolen from comics: palm tree = Far Side. Cho = slightly modded Megatokyo. Snape and Dumbledore = Sluggy Freelance. Map from somewhere on the net, I drew the l33t boat and pyramids and ark myself though.
(parent)tabiji @ July 25 2003, 00:41:08 UTC Re: GMC = Gratuitous Map Comment |
I love it. NA fans are so resourceful and creative.
(Er, and we have way too much time on our hands.)
theantimodel @ July 25 2003, 00:59:08 UTC Re: GMC = Gratuitous Map Comment |
awww so pretty!
I like the snape drawing.
And here I thought you were lazy.
notapipe @ July 25 2003, 02:46:31 UTC Re: GMC = Gratuitous Map Comment |
It's a manip of a panel from a strip from the Sluggy Freelance HP parody. Sluggy = soo good.
(parent)saphywaphy @ July 25 2003, 00:38:52 UTC |
Random thing that probably has little-to-no-relevance:
The first letters of the locations spells out E-V-E-R-Y-T-H (Egypt, Vatican City, Ethiopia, Russia, Yemen, Tahiti, Hungary)
So far, of course - he still has places to go. *shrug*
tabiji @ July 25 2003, 00:44:26 UTC |
Ohh! Good work!
then we could have...
Norway, and
Greece ?
notapipe @ July 25 2003, 01:55:54 UTC |
How about Iraq, Niger and The Gaza Strip? You know, so it's fun.
(parent)unravels @ July 25 2003, 12:25:11 UTC |
Maybe there's more to the message than "everything" - I wonder if this trip is going to last all summer? Though Cho said she thought she'd be home soon, didn't she? *ponders*
(parent)qwyneth @ July 25 2003, 05:47:32 UTC |
Dude. You are brilliant. ::stares in awe:: Now we just have to figure out why "Everything."
Snape's player, I LOVE you. What did we do to deserve you???? ::sniffles:: ::fangirls madly:: NICE with the Sirius rising thing--I am completely in awe of your literature skills. Oh, and tell Snape that he can find anything off the internet. Maybe he can snitch some moolah off his sister. :p
::tilts head:: You know, if you look at it, the family circus map looks like a phoenix. Or a terydactl.
merlion @ July 25 2003, 06:43:57 UTC |
NA is wonderful on its own, but with the discussion of nraged, it's amazing!!!!
![]() |
queeniefox @ July 25 2003, 11:48:10 UTC |
Yet again I am thankful for the wonderfulness of this community. I would have no hope of understanding half of n_a without it, especially Snape's posts!