bookshop @ 2003-04-03 23:27:00 |
(no title)
Mood: jubilant
*cries and cries*
I cannot stand to see the Draco hatred. I am seriously heartbroken for the little git. *clings*
So for all of you who've been taking consolation in the Draco Malfoy song today (and i have heard it. over. and. over.)-- I have written this. I call it *clears throat* "The Ode to Draco."
(to be sung to the tune of Beethoven's Ninth)
Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,
Slytherin Almighty King!
None are worthy, All are jealous,
Of his glorious praises sing!
Bow before the great Draco Malfoy,
Hail him and praise incessantly--
Come and worship Draco Malfoy,
Slytherin Almighty King!
I feel better already! Perhaps you will too!
ishuca @ April 3 2003, 20:31:37 UTC |
but harry just defended him!
:hugs harry:
whoyouinvent @ April 3 2003, 20:33:05 UTC |
*brava! brava! encore!*
That rocks. Really. It was all I could do not to sing it out loud and wake my sleeping roommate.
Yay! Something else to be stuck in my head as I try to get to sleep. Oh, it never ends...
zhonnika @ April 3 2003, 20:41:53 UTC |
Yes, but notice that nobody's really talking about Harry's plagiarism anymore...
luthienlupin @ April 3 2003, 20:44:10 UTC |
Nice song! I'm sure Draco will love it. And don't despair too much since Harry, at least, is defending him. So now I have The Draco Malfoy Song and Ode to Draco stuck in my head. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 20:44:21 UTC |
::sniff:: If Ludwig had read that he'd have written it with those words. ::sniff::
Goes off singing in a shakey voice...
milenalupin @ April 4 2003, 01:46:41 UTC |
Beethoven never texted any of his symphonies.
The "Ode to Joy" verses are written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
bookshop @ April 4 2003, 05:45:22 UTC |
Friedrich von Schiller, actually.
Goethe just wrote ever *other* text in the Romantic canon.
milenalupin @ April 5 2003, 08:38:04 UTC Re: |
*creeps into a corner and cries in shame*
You're so right.
sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 06:47:36 UTC |
Actually, I didn't think he did (I didn't think otherwise either, though, so I'm still learning something!). I just meant that if he'd heard these words he would have insisted they go with the music.
(parent)tromboneborges @ April 3 2003, 21:09:26 UTC |
Freunde! Nicht diese Tone!
Sondern lasst uns angenehmere anstimmen und t00benvollere!
karabou @ April 3 2003, 21:13:13 UTC |
Augh.. yet another Draco song to get stuck in my head!! :P
Sigh. I feel so bad for Draco.. I think he really is enraged this time. He's being meaner to Millicent than their usual banter.
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 21:17:46 UTC |
can you blame him, though? i mean, he got ripped to shreds and unlike harry whenever he's attacked, there was a minimal amount of rushing to defend him (well, until millicent got there).
he has to be hurt. i mean, if he's being "mean" to millicent it's probably because he's really upset and snappy, you know how people get when they've been really embarrassed and/or humiliated.
my heart's broken for him, it really is. *cries*
and another thing-- i don't really see why harry saying "that's enough, colin" is supposed to just make it all better. i mean, colin can't take back what he said. draco knows everybody thinks it's true. the fact that somebody told colin to shut up isn't going to make it hurt less for him.
i just feel horrible. :((((((
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 21:29:10 UTC |
I didn't think he sounded mean to Millicent specifically as much as just a little hurt and angry in general and snapping at anything in his path. He was much calmer with calmer with Colin the first time around, before the rooster head. And Millicent, being the goddess she is, simply refused to be put off. Because I think part of being friends with Draco is you have to help minimize the damage he does to himself when he's angry at the world. I very much enjoyed her interpretation of the card reading, however. Maybe there is something to this tarot business if it involves birds dressed up in robes and interesting weapons...
And of course, Lucius was just Johnny-on-the-spot with that Ritalin for Colin.
karabou @ April 3 2003, 21:32:49 UTC |
And Millicent, being the goddess she is, simply refused to be put off. Because I think part of being friends with Draco is you have to help minimize the damage he does to himself when he's angry at the world.
Good point... but still... *whimper*
And of course, Lucius was just Johnny-on-the-spot with that Ritalin for Colin.
That was hilarious!
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 21:33:28 UTC |
OMG THE RITALIN was SO FUNNY. : ))!!!! I just laughed my ass off at that. *loves Lucius*
I love Millicent. I think she's easily one of the best characters in NA. I just love her. I personally think Draco's been very--calm isn't the right word. I read his first replies to Colin as shell-shocked, and so hurt he couldn't think of anything to say. I mean, as Draco retorts go, they're awfully weak. And ever since I think he's just been moping.
I have a feeling it really hurt him. :(( hence my all-night-long depression. Woe.
karabou @ April 3 2003, 21:40:13 UTC |
I know what you're doing and I understand why you're upset but I really think that you've said enough about it, okay?
Harry is being way too nice!
>:0 Mean!!
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 21:55:23 UTC |
And did you notice that in Draco's second posting he not only made reference to Colin's post by saying he would go back to his "hole" but to Harry's response to that by saying he wouldn't want to "miss the point?"
I think he considers Harry's response of equal importance to anything Colin's said. ::weeps::
When you live to be on stage it really kills you when they start throwing tomatoes. Poor Draco!
anamirza @ April 3 2003, 22:33:47 UTC |
Yeah, it's unfortunate for potterstinks but ... damn if he doesn't deserve it! He's been completely ignoring just-harry since the party, what does he expect? That just-harry showed up at all to pull Colin away I think is remarkable. Plus all the Sally-Anne references lately - if just-harry's given up on him, he has only himself to blame.
*on the verge of shipping Harry/Charlie here*
sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 07:08:19 UTC |
I really wonder about this Sally-Anne. She caused a lot of trouble and then disappeared. I think Pansy needs to have a chat with her.
I agree Harry certainly didn't need to pull Colin off--although it was in his own best interests as well. It's hard to know just how Harry has taken PS's ignoring him because we don't know what happened between them to begin with. At least in the beginning Harry felt he had something he needed to apologize about but who knows what it is? (Knowing it's Harry I doubt it's something that terrible, but still.) However, since Colin seems to be getting a lot of his information from Harry in some ways Draco probably feels like Harry is attacking him with Colin as the mouthpiece. If Harry and Draco really did embark on some kind of friendship Harry would probably feel slightly nauseous to read Colin's catalog of the things Harry thinks about Malfoy. Draco's feelings about Harry, otoh, have always been stated right to his face so there's no nasty surprises there.
The trouble with PS is that he's so vulnerable. When he insults Harry over having no parents, for instance, it's a horrible thing to do but it's not like Harry hasn't accepted that he has no parents. Draco is trying so hard to deny the cold facts of his own life he's got a huge target on him. If I were Harry, even if I didn't like him at all, I wouldn't want to see him get hit this way. It's only going to make him worse. To behave better I think he needs an approach more like Millicent's. (Not that this is Harry's responsibility since Harry's got his own problems.) I don't blame J_H for anything going on now, but in some ways that just makes it more sad. PS's own actions are blowing up in his face and he knows it.
The more I think about it the more significant it seems to me that Draco told everyone it wasn't really blood. Obviously he wanted people to think it was blood in the beginning because he probably thought it made him sound tougher. That he confessed to fibbing and to being less mean than he pretends to be is, I think, as close as one might get to a plea for understanding from him.
anamirza @ April 4 2003, 07:56:26 UTC |
I really, truly hope that's not the case. (Or did you mean it the other way?)
petitemillicent @ April 4 2003, 08:01:54 UTC Re: |
Sally-Anne will perish between the pages of Hogwarts: A History.
Is that clearer?
M. B.
anamirza @ April 4 2003, 08:06:33 UTC |
Much. (A little slow here this morning due to lack of sleep.) And I can't begin to describe my relief at hearing she will soon be gone.
sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 08:16:43 UTC |
I shall consider the matter taken care of. And I hope Slytherin receives the points it deserves for this public service.
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arithmantra @ April 4 2003, 08:19:30 UTC |
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arithmantra @ April 4 2003, 08:23:53 UTC |
Young lady, I did not hear that.
There's a vat of burning oil in Filch's magically-expanding storage room. No one would ever find the bodies.
conversant @ April 4 2003, 14:48:37 UTC |
*fangirls petitemillicent, who is Slytherin goddess*
anamirza @ April 4 2003, 08:02:09 UTC |
I don't blame J_H for anything going on now, but in some ways that just makes it more sad. PS's own actions are blowing up in his face and he knows it.
Yes, they are coming back to get him, and I of all people ought to have more compassion for that, since that is sort of the story of my life (not the rich, terrorist parents part but the things I do coming back to haunt me).
But j-h seemed so alone in those few days after the party, with his usual friends either busy with other things or upset with him, that PS ignoring JH seemed especially cruel. It's minimizing my pity a bit. Though as you say, we don't know what originally happened so it's probably unwise to assume we do.
darklites @ April 4 2003, 21:37:20 UTC |
Hahaha, I have to agree here. Man, I go offline for one day and it's hell catching up. Everyone's heartbroken for Draco but I don't really feel it (aren't I evil.). Perhaps I've been heartbroken for Harry for so damn long, and Harry *is* defending Draco, dammit. What do people want him to do, yell at Colin and say, "Shut up Colin, Draco is lovely, and I *do* like him"?? It's been clear of late that potterstinks hasn't really appreciated Harry trying to make amends, so I don't blame j_h at all. We can hardly expect him to read between the lines of silence, because it's Harry. He's already doing a lot, and personally I really like this neutrality, because I have to say that the previous almost-grovelling thing was really not like him, and it really killed me. I think these posts make me feel like the scales of balance are starting to come back to an equilibrium. And I, for one, think it shows his 'being on Draco's side' as much as ever.
*pants* Man, how fast does this community move?!
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Anonymous @ April 4 2003, 12:11:40 UTC |
I think he's being 'nice' to Colin about telling him to shut up for more than one reason - because he actually does like Colin, and he can see that Colin does have reason to be pissed off, because he doesn't want to make more of a scene than is already happening, but also becuase it would be even more hideously embarrassing for Draco if Harry were to defend him publicly. I mean, they've got this whole front of mutual hatred going, so Harry has to walk a fine line between seeming to ignore Colin's unpleasantness and blowing whatever cover they have.
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 21:45:14 UTC |
Sadly I agree. Because I was hurt for him. This whole thing really just points out the difference between what potterstinks usually does and what Colin was doing. It sounds silly to qualify insults, but still it's just...when potterstinks is off insulting people he seems to be more interested in his performance and the attention it gets him than destroying the person. I just never get the impression of him doing what Colin seems to have done here, which is to just cut the person right down to the bone.
Do you think Colin knew he was doing that, btw? Because I don't really think he understands potterstinks very well--it seems more like he just blindly said generally mean things and many of them have truth to PS that CC couldn't know about?
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 21:56:01 UTC A Psychoanalysis of Colin Creevey |
About Colin: I think that just because he was abominably mean to Draco (and he was, abominably) does not mean he was not absolutely justified in his own mind for saying what he said! (Perhaps this is me speaking from recent personal experience, but still, I think it is a valid point.) I mean, he is still a really nice guy! I think it is just that he has been trodden upon by Malfoy for forever and he tried to put up with it to be nice and then today he just Could Not Take It Anymore. *hugs Colin protectively*
I also think that Colin doesn't think Draco has the capacity to feel like other people. It sounded to me like he didn't expect Draco to actually listen to him anyway. And remember, who's his number one source of information about Draco--Harry. He listens to everything Harry says, takes everything Harry says at face value--and just because he didn't actually say "Harry thinks you're a stubborn git who doesn't listen to anybody" doesn't mean Harry hasn't given Colin that impression about Draco more than once over the years.
Does that make sense?
So, I think Colin really had no idea that Draco would take anything he said to heart. I think he was just lashing out because he wanted to defend his girlfriend, and probably because, if you'll note in his most recent comment, he wanted to do what Harry would do if it were his girlfriend. (How's that for all kinds of irony?) No, I think he probably doesn't know the first thing about Draco. But then, really, who does?
karabou @ April 3 2003, 21:58:09 UTC Re: A Psychoanalysis of Colin Creevey |
Exactly... Colin snapped.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 22:01:45 UTC Re: A Psychoanalysis of Colin Creevey |
Ah good, that's the way I see it too. Because I really don't see Colin as someone who is vindictive or sets out to destroy people, but in this case he was so angry that's exactly what he wanted to do--all the while never thinking he actually could. I think that's probably part of why Harry's so quick to jump in...he may know Colin's doing more than he thinks he is here.
(parent)karabou @ April 3 2003, 22:03:32 UTC Re: A Psychoanalysis of Colin Creevey |
I think that's probably part of why Harry's so quick to jump in...he may know Colin's doing more than he thinks he is here.
Yes, and why he's being so nice about it... trying to calm him to make him stop flipping out.
karabou @ April 3 2003, 21:30:39 UTC |
I know, it was just horrible! And I agree that what Colin said really effected Draco, so maybe he's questioning his friendships.. plus, I'm sure he's in a terrible mood. He probably feels lonely, too.. *sniffles*
Harry needs to tell Colin off in a big way.
thessamunga @ April 3 2003, 21:36:14 UTC |
*cries and cries* I really feel horrible for Draco. I think I will listen to his theme song on loop and send him happy vibes and feel-better cookies.
BUT HONESTLY. I really do, and am hitting refresh like a madman. Poor boy really does seem to have PMT, but can you blame him? It seems like the world is against him, and I don't think he's really as strong as he likes to think he is. This probably really hurts. :( *cuddles him*
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 21:49:37 UTC |
Also...I think he probably feels very out of control. His joke about the Hufflepuffs was pretty bad but I don't think he thought it would get this much response--particuarly since as he said it wasn't real blood at all. (Damn that Sally-Anne Perks! It was her idea! I TOLD you she was a bad influence and Pansy wasn't around for some reason...gulp. I hope these things aren't related at all...)
Then there was the detention thing which I really don't think he expected--the whole school gets detention for him singing a song? This is's bad. And these things always seem to happen to Draco, unfortunately. It's like the ferret incident all over again, only worse. He is alone and I don't think he's a solitary person by nature at all.
::cries some more::
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 22:03:45 UTC |
*frantic amens to all of that*
*joins in the weeping*
only, how can you say (you said earlier, somewhere) that his parents are being supportive? they're being superficially supportive, but they've never been anything but superficial towards him. his father never answers his owls, as draco indicates in his post, and never even notices him unless he gets publicly humiliated, and then, instead of using the opportunity to talk to his son, what does he do? he trades sexual jibes with the professors. his mother, as she herself said, only places him as most important to her in the world right after her beauty routine, and regularly forgets not only his birthday, but his age, and the most significant events that have happened to him. Hell, she didn't even bother to DEFEND him except as an afterthought. >:0
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, REALLY, *love* potterstinks, and this is the saddest image.
*cries, really*
thessamunga @ April 3 2003, 22:07:19 UTC |
STOP MAKING ME CRY EVEN MORE FOR HIM. I am miserable. *sobs*
(parent)thessamunga @ April 3 2003, 22:26:27 UTC |
You know you love it !!! What do you love?? YOU LOVE THIS
!!! He is so very loved
!!! Who loves him? HARRY DOES
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 22:10:16 UTC |
OH MY GOD!! Here I was going to go to bed having talked myself into a happier state're absolutely right! He really doesn't have anyone except, well, would it be silly to confess how happy I was when Millicent said that Pansy made cookies? I am just pinning all my hope and affection on those two girls.
I've worked myself into such a big Defensive!of!Draco mood tonight--while I was refreshing NA I wrote a big thing on how Hagrid should treat him better in my lj. Hagrid's not even in NA! Everyone's against him! Wah!
sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 06:54:20 UTC |
You know who I have a bone to pick with is Goyle. Apparently he's been telling Colin he wants the Slytherins to gang up on Draco? I can certainly understand Goyle thinking Draco is rude and overbearing--that's a bit like pointing out that he's blonde--but Colin also says that Goyle hasn't said that outright because he doesn't think the other Slyths will back him up? I didn't realize Goyle had such a jr. high girl mentality!
Potterstinks stayed in his hiding place and didn't get any cookies. That makes me very sad. He just can't face anybody. M.B. and Pansy deserved those 25 points. How anybody can say Slytherins don't have friends is beyond me.
And where is Sally-Anne btw? Nobody's yelling at her about the blood incident.
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Anonymous @ April 4 2003, 08:13:13 UTC |
You know, though I really like the Slytherins dynamic in NA, I can't help feeling really bad for Draco because in canon, he doesn't have Pansy and M. B. frantically searching for him if something like that were to happen. :(
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 10:13:46 UTC |
You and me both. Because I think potterstinks is pretty close to Canon!Draco in most other ways.
delfeus @ April 3 2003, 21:32:28 UTC |
Colin: I said the right thing though, right! I mean, you agree with me!!
Harry: I really see why you're mad.
Rather diplomatic answer. I'll bet Colin didn't even realize he didn't say he agrees... :D
But poor Draco. They should just leave the poor sweetie alone...
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princess_draco @ April 3 2003, 22:00:02 UTC |
*stuck in head*
I was playing the fifth symphony today... and now... Draco's Ninth Symphony is going to be in my head all night! lol!
Slytherin Almighty Kiiing
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Anonymous @ April 4 2003, 12:13:21 UTC |
Initial reaction: too, too funny!
Ten minutes later: aaargh... stuck in brain... ::clutches head::