babytyggeryss @ 2003-07-27 10:41:00 |
Weetzie says:
"hy-po-gly-see-me-ah" and "in-sol-in-oh-ma"
snowballjane @ July 27 2003, 08:50:01 UTC |
If you google insulinoma you get a lot of info about ferrets!
However here is some info about insulinoma in humans. Poor Narcissa.
primroseburrows @ July 27 2003, 09:06:19 UTC |
I thing we were doing our research at the same time. *high fives*
primroseburrows @ July 27 2003, 09:04:49 UTC |
Hmm. Insulinoma is a usually benign tumor of the islet cells of the pancreas. Five to ten percent are malignant, though. Hypoglycemia is a major symptom.
Ironically, this disease is very common in ferrets.
I suppose this completely rules out pregnancy. I was kind of looking forward to that possible storyline. Oh, well.
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aurorasinger @ July 28 2003, 07:47:10 UTC |
is that jason isaacs? (in your icon)
what movie is it from?
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aurorasinger @ July 28 2003, 08:44:00 UTC |
My humblest apologies. I have never gotten around to watching that movie.
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aurorasinger @ July 28 2003, 08:51:48 UTC |
My humblest apologies. I have not yet seen that movie.
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aurorasinger @ July 28 2003, 08:56:34 UTC |
Erm. I also apologize for the repeated reply. LJ is currently being an arse.
(parent)qwyneth @ July 27 2003, 09:24:09 UTC | we have to decide whether she is pregnant and this is a side effect, or whether she just had the insulinoma. If she wasn't pregnant, wouldn't she just have been content with wizard sugery food? <a href=">gestational diabetes?</a> Note the risk factors-women who are older, or have had a large, malformed, or stillborn baby previously. What happened with the "haven't had a baby in the manor since 1984" thing? Of course, gestational diabetes is generally a midterm thing, not an early-term thing. But then, Lucius looked surprised but then happy. Happy that it was a correctable, benign problem, or happy to have a new little Malfoy?
(parent)la_trix @ July 28 2003, 06:05:21 UTC |
Lucius looked surprised but then happy. Happy that it was a correctable, benign problem, or happy to have a new little Malfoy?
Or even happy because she wasn't pregnant, after all?
sistermagpie @ July 27 2003, 10:13:17 UTC |
Ooh, I'm quite happy about this. I instinctively react against any and all pregnancy stories usually but had begun to get used to the idea trusting the players to do interesting things with it.
I prefer this, though. Poor Narcissa. The Malfoys just aren't used to having anything wrong with them. Plus everyone's been so dismissive of her symptoms and assuming she's pregnant (in the game, I mean) that she deserves some fussing over now! I'm also happy the Narcissa was not pregnant without knowing it because that just seems kind of demeaning to her. Again, this is just me, but as ditzy as Narcissa can be I like to think she's aware of her own body. Plus she's been pregnant before. (Was her confusion about the dates part of her illness or still an interesting clue to something else...?)
That this disease is common in ferrets is so wonderful I can only applaud. Go NA!
athene_51 @ July 27 2003, 14:48:07 UTC |
Was her confusion about the dates part of her illness or still an interesting clue to something else...?
Ooh, I've been wondering about this too! Confusion is one of the symptoms of insulinoma, but it's often part of hypoglycemia too. Hypoglycemia would also explain the exhaustion, nausea, sugar cravings, and occasional mood swings she's been exhibiting.
From personal experience (Type I Diabetes), saying something like the "no babies since 1984" and mixing up the dates sounds a lot like a mistake made while experiencing low blood sugar. It's like your brain detaches from your head halfway through your sentence. It's not a pleasant experience, to say the least.
dubhartach @ July 27 2003, 10:53:00 UTC |
Narcissa has been suffering from vomiting, weight gain, confusion and a craving for sugary foods. The last 3 are symptoms of a insulinoma and the first is a possible symptom. So I think it is unlikely that she is also pregnant. (Occams Razor)
Gestational Diabetes involves too little insulin/glucose intolerance and is almost the opposite of an insulinoma.
qwyneth @ July 27 2003, 12:06:40 UTC |
True. Ah well, at least we needn't wonder any more. Go Occams Razor. :)
(parent)portkey @ July 27 2003, 13:22:33 UTC Boggle. |
House-elf lovin'.
Why do I have a feeling there will be, "Weetzie/Puggy: OTP" icons soon?