tabiji @ 2003-07-31 02:49:00 |
Remus visited Harry for his birthday
An update from Remus...
"hang on someone's just apparated into the hall. better go and"
Oh, I so hope it's Sirius!!
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hobaggins @ July 30 2003, 23:55:10 UTC |
For some reason my first thought was that it was Draco. But that doesn't make any sense.
I hope it's Sirius as well
tiamet_nox @ July 31 2003, 00:14:52 UTC |
nope. mine was Sirus. my second thought was "ooooh... what if it's a big bad evil thing from outerspace?"
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hobaggins @ July 31 2003, 00:18:52 UTC |
Can't discount the possibility... And you'd still be partly right if it was a small good thing from outerspace. So, cheers.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 31 2003, 00:30:24 UTC |
woohoo! come on thing of uncertain aliances from outer space!
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hobaggins @ July 31 2003, 00:46:35 UTC |
So... that's two votes for space creature... Hmm.. anyone up for a lively bet?
(parent)mayhap @ July 31 2003, 00:15:01 UTC |
Well, he has been apparating about in an ostentatious manner according to the inscrutable exhortations of his soul, after all.
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hobaggins @ July 31 2003, 00:16:48 UTC |
mmMMm... well truth be told, I imagined several others in rapid succession. Draco was first most likely because I was looking at the nicehair!PoA pic...
I imagined very unlikely scenarios..... re: Pansy and Mr. Weasley in a torrid affair arriving, Hermione wanting to visit on Birth-day, Ron.. because Ron has been notice-ably absent... coming to explain his absence... and then, Chang and Snape arriving... which would also be lurver-ly
I don't think I played any other little thoughts out...
dragynville @ July 31 2003, 03:41:25 UTC |
Mine was Sirius because Remus didn't finish his post. I could just imagine him hearing Sirius' voice (or smelling him with that werewolf nose..?) and running to him and completely forgetting the computer.
(parent)la_trix @ July 31 2003, 00:03:45 UTC |
Yes, please let it be Sirius! It would make them so happy ...
On another note: poor Harry, looking pale and miserable on his birthday, and only a bit cheered when Remus surprised him. Someone needs to get that boy home, asap.
babytyggeryss @ July 31 2003, 00:05:10 UTC |
It's good to see that Harry didn't start his birthday off alone; I was hoping Remus would take him out. It's also good to see that Remus noticed Harry's condition.
Remus has another parent moment: at least harry had the sense to do a sobering charm on himself. he can do that now you know. ^_^ This makes me feel all warm inside.
Please, please let the Mystery Person in the hall be Sirius. He and Remus can go collect Harry and the little family can have some much needed time together.
I <3 Remus; I can't say that enough.
babytyggeryss @ July 31 2003, 00:20:14 UTC |
i've got to be a role model you know because it's not like sirius is here
Something about this sentence sounds.........wrong. It's almost like Remus is afraid that he's not good enough for Harry; like he lacks the confidence to think he's a good parent/role model.
What do others think? Or am I crazy?
notapipe @ July 31 2003, 01:19:21 UTC |
Harry writes on the same subject to Sirius. The poor boy is basically begging Sirius to come back.
(parent)tabiji @ July 31 2003, 02:00:31 UTC |
Aw, and Harry misses him so much he's even looking up his star in the computer. I just want to hug him 'til his eyes pop. Neville too. I want to hug them both to bits.
I'm so hoping it was Sirius, and the reason we haven't heard from Remus or Harry again is because Sirius and Remus went to spring Harry from the Dursley's.
imochan @ July 31 2003, 06:12:56 UTC |
reason we haven't heard from Remus
There is also the sweaty+frantic shag factor. :D
pleasepleasepleaaaase be Sirius!!
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Anonymous @ July 31 2003, 10:35:38 UTC |
The frantic shagging was my guess as well, as to why Remus didn't return :D.
However, given all the spying that's been going on lately, it also occurred to me that he may have not returned because of foul play... since who better to use as bait for either Sirius or Snape? This was the only other reason I could think of that would mean that Remus didn't return to his computer.
slinkhard @ August 1 2003, 04:14:16 UTC |
I wish Remus wouldn't encourage Harry to get drunk.
It appears Draco agrees, with his comment about the 'abhorrent' smell of alcohol.