neveth @ 2003-08-01 20:51:00 |
(no title)
Mood: bouncy
Let me begin the cheering for our beloved Padfoot's return to his family!
So, WAS it him who showed up and interruped Remus? Oh I hope so! Also, I hope this is past the 5 minute mark, the NA time and mine are always constiantly off....
dragynville @ August 1 2003, 19:04:36 UTC |
have godson, have husband, all is well
I do SO love that man! <3 <3 <3
hobaggins @ August 1 2003, 19:07:01 UTC |
Good. I was hoping all would be in order before the par-tay
larks @ August 1 2003, 19:09:32 UTC |
yeah! yeah! and.... yeah!!!
*squees* nothing better than a family togther! :D
saffronlie @ August 1 2003, 19:19:23 UTC |
Oh yay!! I am so happy! I hope the mission went well.
And, like Ginny, I cannot wait for this party -- N_A always has a few good party tricks up its sleeve.
dragynville @ August 1 2003, 19:20:29 UTC |
I hope there will be lots of posting going on like at/after the wedding! :D
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 1 2003, 19:23:51 UTC |
Hooray!!! I'll bet j_h will have the best night's sleep he's had in a month.
(parent)dragynville @ August 1 2003, 19:43:18 UTC |
Yes, it was Sirius, as confirmed by Seamus.
Charlie/Seamus is soooo cute!
anjenue @ August 1 2003, 20:09:33 UTC |
*snorts* Lupin and Charlie think the same way. It's too endearing.
(referring, of course, to Charlie's comment to Seamus's post and Lupin's comment to Sirius's post.)
ms_potter @ August 1 2003, 20:23:32 UTC |
Am so happy.
Am also having inappropriate S/R thoughts. :)