flyingcarpet @ 2003-08-02 23:10:00 |
(no title)
So it turns out Snape's made some improvements while he's been on vacation. *g*
edit: More reactions!
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 20:29:08 UTC |
Yes, he seems to have caught the eyes of all the ladies in the room; and some of the guys too I'm sure. I hope someone gives a detailed description; Lupin might write something about it.
Snape, of course, will say that he had a horrible time at the party and will complain that everyone stared at him all evening.
flyingcarpet @ August 2 2003, 20:30:10 UTC |
I'm waiting for him to start assigning or taking points. :D
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:05:23 UTC |
Or, if he can't take points (I don't know if he could because school is not in session and he can't take points from Lucius Malfoy, who is not a student.) he could glare at them or something like that. However, I don't think the glares will work; in fact it might have the opposite effect--The party might have to be called off due to fainting or mental meltdowns that suddenly came over the female guests.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:11:23 UTC |
Ohhhhhhh, that's yummy! I was thinking the same thing.
Orgies of beautiful men; what wonderful eye and mind candy.
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:29:41 UTC |
When fan-girls attack! I feel sorry for him; this has to be the first time something like this has happened to the poor man.
He needs a hug; I think I'll just get in line. ^_^
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 21:35:02 UTC |
More like fan-MEN! LMAO!
Looshie is on the prowl!! ^_^
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:38:50 UTC |
Yes, he's gone into sexual predator mode. I should have known he'd be the first to pounce.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 21:45:42 UTC |
And now Narcissa is trying to entice a ^^ This is getting better by the minute! =)~~
(parent)shusu @ August 2 2003, 21:30:00 UTC THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
Pile on Sevvie!!!!!
shusu @ August 2 2003, 21:31:53 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
Please destroy me, it's the Malfoys bitch-fighting over potions_master. Cannot. Breathe.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:36:00 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
I hope they don't force him to leave early.
(parent)shusu @ August 2 2003, 21:38:58 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
A little trip to the guest house is in order.
Ladies and gentlemen, fangirls and bishounen, we have TWO LIVE THREADS. The students seem to be at it in the original and the Malfoys are in the latest. Keep us posted if they act up..... *sits back for a night of (n)Rage.*
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 21:49:30 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
Personally, I think the Sevvie doth protest too much ^_~
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 21:56:02 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
I'm utterly amazed he hasn't snarked at Siri yet for that one! XD
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:59:53 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
He's too busy fending off Malfoys to answer.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:05:11 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
*basks in the mental picture for a moment...*
Well, he found enough time to dish out his usual line for Siri's "Sevvie" reference, but nothing else yet. However, Siri's now using the area to lay pick up lines on his own spouse ^^
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 21:32:42 UTC Re: THEY'RE ALL JUMPING HIM!!! |
*dies a thousand deaths from laughing!!!*
That is the best post EVER! LMFAO!!!!
Poor Sevvie!!! ^_______________________^
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:49:18 UTC |
Poor Draco, he has to watch his parents and his Head of House in some hormonal vertical orgy--if his parents have control over the situation. He'll just have to stay at Remus's for the night.
(parent)shusu @ August 2 2003, 21:51:23 UTC |
Perhaps he will have to find Potter to complain... in some isolated bedroom...
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 21:56:56 UTC |
The room doesn't even have to be isolated. Hormones spread like the common cold, I'm sure Harry's parents won't be in any condition to notice what their son is doing. ~_^
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 2 2003, 22:06:11 UTC |
DANCING!! I want to see PS on the dance floor shaking his boo-tay. And some of j_h's obscene dance moves while we're at it.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:08:03 UTC |
HAH! I'd almost forgotten about J_H's little 'dance' from earlier! Woo! =)
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:06:57 UTC |
Damn! Siri's reference to the Bloodhound Gang song isn't there anymore...drat! *eg*
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:12:48 UTC |
Hee...he changed "Play that Funky music"...*adores*
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:13:39 UTC |
LOL!! I wonder what Remus has to step out for? *is curious, nosy, whatever^^*
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:14:22 UTC |
*wishes* Godfatherly advice on snogging, pleeeeeeese....
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:22:45 UTC |
Yes, I guess it's a measure of how very upset the poor darling was with both his men away. ;_;
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:21:37 UTC |
*pout* Oh well, there is still party to be had.
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:20:24 UTC |
Oh, but I seriously adore dominating Sirius! <3 <3 <3
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:27:45 UTC |
*loud booming voice!*
We have achieved thread collapse!!
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Anonymous @ August 2 2003, 22:13:57 UTC |
We weren't certain if it had been released in 1997. *sheepish grin*
Besides, "Play That Funky Music" is just so much better. If you've ever seen Sirius dance to it.
- Lupin's player
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:19:52 UTC |
Sorry, all I'm getting is Sirius SINGING "Play that Funky Music" loudly and dancing to it. It is a singularly wonderful image.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:07:21 UTC |
Brain, tanned, suddenly attractive Snape does NOT equal Jack. No. NOno. However pretty a picture that might be. no.
This is beautiful. Just wonderfully beautiful. I think congratulations should go to Cho for forcing Sevvie out into the sunlight.
shusu @ August 2 2003, 22:27:48 UTC pirates! (no spoilers) |
"ARRR I sailed the seven seas and berthed in Tahiti, the benighted rock! Noted in the log that twas bad luck to bring a woman aboard, but I lost my chance to auction off the strumpet."
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:32:16 UTC Re: pirates! (no spoilers) |
Hahahahahah! *dies of laughter as she pictures Alan Rickman reading the above quote*
shusu @ August 2 2003, 22:35:54 UTC Re: pirates! (no spoilers) |
I'm all for the beads, man. Hey, Narcissa did ask about his hair oil... *snickers*
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:47:02 UTC Re: pirates! (no spoilers) |
Hmmmm. *plots a kidnapping of a rather disgruntled potions master*
(parent)anjenue @ August 2 2003, 22:28:44 UTC |
Come now, Severus...we shall leave these cretins behind...
*takes his hand and pulls him away*
Mwahahaha! *wants to ravish Sevvie*
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:30:29 UTC |
Poor Sevvie seems to have become lost in his own post ^^ I wonder if he will pipe up again soon? *hopes!*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 22:38:13 UTC |
He's gone into hiding or has found someone to hide behind. Or maybe he went home to his cat; quite possibly the only creature he knows who doesn't care about his looks.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:43:17 UTC |
Or he's joining the chase after Remus ^^ Poor Remy!
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 22:44:11 UTC |
And without a picture! I wonder what that will change into...hmmmmm.....
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Anonymous @ August 2 2003, 23:26:44 UTC Re: is a thought... |
it seems as though he's decided to decline from using one...?
theres no little x'ed box so i think he turned it off, perhaps he's too pissed to used one?
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Anonymous @ August 2 2003, 23:28:27 UTC Re: is a thought... |
*reads over thread*
maybe he dropped it because he's got a new look and his icons dont show it...?
just a bit o' musing...
dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:36:38 UTC |
I want to know why Draco is sulking on the couch. But, I suppose we'll have to wait all night for those details. *sobs*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 22:43:49 UTC |
That was a while back and as Draco is a very resourceful young man, I have no doubt that he found a way to keep Harry's attention and isn't sulking anymore.
(parent)ungemmed @ August 3 2003, 08:40:55 UTC |
Gah. Is there a post where the students are talking? Where? I can't seem to find it...
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:44:11 UTC |
Me too..Damn it, why are the students talking to each other instead of posting?!
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:40:35 UTC |
But at least we know what the "L" in Severus L.S.A Snape stands for? Don't we?
(parent)blue_raven @ August 2 2003, 22:40:44 UTC |
Damn, you bet me to it.
Are we goinmg to get V and A tonight as well?
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:02:50 UTC |
*g* You beat me to it! *rolls dice* Come on "S"!
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:14:05 UTC |
*giggle* That would be amusing...but they've already given a nod to Rickman....Salazar perhaps?
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:53:55 UTC |
Drinking and now smoking too?! It seems Remus is a bad influence on Harry.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:45:03 UTC |
Aye, thankee lass.
Alas, no. I got it at [Unknown LJ tag].
dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:44:04 UTC |
WTF?! What is that? Someone want to explain it to me? Because so far it sounds like veiled Lucius/Sirius..! Recent Lucius/Sirius. x_O
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:46:28 UTC |
I don't know...I don't understand it either...meep. Sirius said something in one of his earlier posts that he had run into some unexpected people...meep.
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 22:50:28 UTC |
What does he mean almost anything is possible?! *cannot cope*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 22:55:23 UTC |
Sirius has admitted in the past that he has monogamy issues. He and Lupin have some kind of system worked out. They don't talk about Sirius's many past, and any present, partners.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 22:50:12 UTC |
Sirius has always seemed to be Lucius's backup prey; he can't have Snape, so he moves on. However, since Remus is in the dog-house, at least for tonight, Sirius might be up for some causal flirtations.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 22:55:14 UTC |
I'm wondering about who's going to be in the doghouse personally. Seems Remus-luv has noticed the Looshie Sirius conversation.
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 22:55:25 UTC |
Poor Remus. Nothinghappenednothinghappened *repeats mantra*
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:01:50 UTC |
I'm with you. If this continues I'm going to be reduced to sticking my fingers in my ears and humming. xp
(parent)tabiji @ August 2 2003, 22:44:45 UTC hmmmmm |
Lucius and Sirius seem to be talking around something here.
(parent)anjenue @ August 2 2003, 22:45:49 UTC Re: hmmmmm |
And what about Sevvie's comment about having no shame? *raises eyebrow* Veeeeery iiiiiinteresting.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 2 2003, 22:54:32 UTC |
Lucius and Sirius do seem to be dancing around something...wah! Please let Sirius have been capable of self-restraint...especially in light of Remus's pining. Severus's seeming chastisement of Lucius is also interesting, in light of the little bit of bonding that took place between him and Remus in Sirius's absence...oh what a tangled web they weave!
And yes, hello, I am new to LJ but not to NA! I've been watching since the big party and PS's semi-outing of J_H. I have great love for NA and Nraged, and I feel the communion of the F5 button! Cheers, all!
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:04:02 UTC |
Is anyone else out there thinking "You can Call Me Al"?
(parent)noirenails @ August 2 2003, 23:41:45 UTC |
SS: There will be no wand-waving inthis class...
C: Yes, professor Al.
SS: *stare*
C: *innocent*
SS: Shut...up.
C: Yes, professor Al.
dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:07:54 UTC |
And Remus is throwing Looshie out! What a man Remus!! <3
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:07:54 UTC |
Methinks so. In any case, Remus is not going to put up with an evening of flirtation between Looshie and Sirius tonight, it seems. Sevvie may just have to forgive Remus for the name-thing after the expulsion of the pawing Malfoy.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:12:58 UTC |
Perhaps it is a lack of thought. Remus is SCARILY pissed off. I wonder how Sirius is going to backpedal out of this one.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 2 2003, 23:14:52 UTC |
I had hoped that Sirius could show some tact, especially being as this is Dumbledore's affair... Is this the first major quarrel between Remus and Sirius now that they're married? It's sure turning out to be a huge one, combining both the issue of infidelity and parenting. Yikes!
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:17:40 UTC |
There is no tact when there is a dressed-to-kill Looshie around.
Close enough anyway. There was the debacle during their respective "bachelor" parties.
It is rather scary, although you note that Sirius hasn't complained about the drinking. I think it's just a personal thing about smoking.
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 23:18:52 UTC |
No, they've had other fights. Lucius seems to enjoy coming between them during social gatherings or at any time.
It's one thing you can count on when the three men are together.
babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 23:15:34 UTC |
Lucius had better becareful or people will be calling him "Looshie" again after he is forced to take more of his wife's powerful painkillers.
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:12:29 UTC |
And he shows his teeth to Sirius over it too. Go Remus! <3
I mean really, what was Sirius thinking?! Lucius may have been directly, or indirectly, involved in the attack on Hogwarts that nearly killed Harry! The man needs to stop thinking with his little head, if you know what I mean.
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:13:47 UTC |
Ooh, Sirius. Smoking = bad, however, hints of infidelity = much worse! Not the best way to get leverage with your other half =(
*watches as the party implodes before our eyes...*
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:14:34 UTC |
It wouldn't be an NA party without implosion!
*starts taking bets on how soon someone will ask where dear Harry is*
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:15:28 UTC |
I have wondered that myself... poor Harry!
And poor Remy! Pining away all this time, only to be treated to all of this! *sniffles again*
dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:20:55 UTC |
If he has any sense, he's off playing quidditch and avoiding the adults.
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:24:44 UTC |
He's berating Remus for letting Harry smoke, yet he goes and hints around about getting it on with Lucius who's not only Mr. Death Eater, but also the father of Harry's love interest?! And possibly did dd it while in London?! *cannot cope*
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:26:10 UTC |
Yes, that whole anti-smoking rant pretty much becomes moot, doesn't it? -_-;;;;;
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:29:41 UTC |
And how is Sirius supposed to get on Harry about the smoking? He's given Harry the perfect ammo to throw back in his face.
I wouldn't be surprised if Harry asks to return to the Dursleys after tonight. -_-
darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:32:20 UTC |
Gah! I love Sirius, but sometimes...just wanna strangle 'im. *sigh*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 23:41:20 UTC |
Sirius isn't the most adult person, as his action clearly show.
As for Harry, he's seen this many times before and while he won't ask to go back to #4(that's very drastic and he would have to be quite desperate), he can't be happy with Sirius's behavior. He never says anything about it but that isn't a big surprise.
dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:59:38 UTC |
Well, all he's managed to do is land himself in the dog house.
Poor Harry.
dari_brit @ August 2 2003, 23:19:55 UTC Malfoy family departure? |
And like the evil goddess Eris, throwing apples of discord to the wedding guests, Lucius is gone from the soiree (bah, I need to learn links). Do you think this means that Narcissa and Draco have left also?
(hopes against hope not!)
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:23:04 UTC Re: Malfoy family departure? |
So if we follow my (skewed) logic, Lucius leaves, takes Narcissa and Draco, which makes Harry sad, which upsets Remus and Sirius, which makes them bicker more...this is a vicious cycle waiting to happen!!!!
dari_brit @ August 2 2003, 23:31:06 UTC Re: Malfoy family departure? |
Yikes. Everyone's going to be unhappy...
Harry, with no Draco, is there in the thick of it all for the next month, with Remus and Sirius ticked at each other, and Remus possibly going through nicotine withdrawal!
Narcissa, feeling abandoned by child and still recovering from her surgery, has to deal with her husband's blatant infidelity, and the knowledge that he stirred up bad blood between two people that she feels kindly towards.
And Severus is creeped out by all the attention he's receiving from various and sundry people. He'll probably be thrilled to grab Cho and go off to a new letter/leg of his trip. I know I would be!
Alas for the sorrow in NA land.
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:34:22 UTC Re: Malfoy family departure? |
But really, would we be happy with Happy!Fluff!NA? The angst is what make it so...addictive. That and the subtext. And the occasional sooooo-not-subtext.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:29:42 UTC Re: Malfoy family departure? |
Narcissa appears to be leaving. No word yet on Draco.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 23:30:51 UTC Re: Malfoy family departure? |
If Draco leaves/has left I doubt it will have to do with his father; he seems to do whatever he pleases, within reason, these days.
Narcissa is Remus's friend and Sirius puts up with her company, to an extent. She, like her son, might leave when she wants to.
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:32:08 UTC |
I adore Snape. "you say that this makes me look "well" then I suppose I ought to say "thank you."
And he follows it right up with:
"You look haggard. Have you slept at all since the end of term?
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:34:44 UTC |
I get the feeling Snape rather likes Remus, but due to his Snape-ish-ness, does not habitually exibit such feelings. I imagine Remus is sitting there thinking, "Well, no, not really, plus my husband has been flirting/doing other things with a certian DE while he was on a mission. Haggard you say?"
(parent)dragynville @ August 2 2003, 23:38:33 UTC |
They are sweetly supportive of each other, in an odd sort of way, when the other most needs it.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 2 2003, 23:43:19 UTC |
The Snape-Remus friendship is excellent and very subtle and manly...but I am naturally suspicious and am just hoping that when Remus mentioned that Snape could probably have many of the spoken-for people in the room, that he was referring to the Malfoys and maybe Sirius, rather than maybe seeking a bit of revenge for himself...
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 00:07:57 UTC |
I think the attraction is there and if Remus wasn't happy being with Sirius the two might have a chance. However, Remus plans on being monogamous and Snape respects Remus too much to put his relationship in jeopardy.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 2 2003, 23:38:08 UTC |
Justin is talking about getting to second base with Mungdungus.
"Nothing funny about a bit of tit, son" - Mundungus
erniemacmillan @ August 2 2003, 23:38:31 UTC |
a desperate fletchr.
purestblood @ August 3 2003, 00:45:10 UTC |
Oh, I can give you something much nicer than that...
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 09:49:25 UTC |
Can it be something shiny? Or Shiny!You?
We do adore you, Monseiur Malfoy.