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neveth @ 2003-08-03 01:42:00 |
(no title)
Music: FFVIII - Balambience
Due to a command from Fletcher, new post continuing the below snape one.
erniemacmillan @ August 2 2003, 23:42:52 UTC |
All depends what she wants, mate, I can get it cheap.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:45:09 UTC |
Hmmmmm. Bootleg dvd of Pirates of the Carribean. Failing that.... *thinks* Scones, and a minestry nametag.
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:48:11 UTC |
or, really, just a working bootleg of Pirates of the Caribbean.
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neveth @ August 3 2003, 00:01:15 UTC |
*laughs* Nevermind. Hook me up with a minestry nametag and I will sing your praises.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 3 2003, 00:27:30 UTC |
Pardon me? A bit of liquouir to the head for which I do not overexagerate.
If this is what you want, my violet plum, then I shall hunt. You should have asked me for the secrets of potterstinks but it is too late for that.
erniemacmillan @ August 3 2003, 03:01:14 UTC |
I'm sorry, the player here is actually seriously drunk so I have no idea what I was/am talking about.
Surely, though, I could have come up with something. PotC it is in stead.
-player, partied out.
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neveth @ August 3 2003, 00:01:51 UTC |
Nah, got plenty of those, in several varities. *eyes the dried frog pills*
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:44:36 UTC |
Score! And I do mean that in all senses of the word!
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:45:41 UTC |
Well, maybe at least SOMEONE besides Narcissa and her *cough* Cabana Boy will be getting some this evening! ^_~
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 2 2003, 23:46:57 UTC |
Well, the kids are rather quiet.
Justin got to second base apparently.
untiemybinds @ August 2 2003, 23:54:50 UTC |
Was this with Susan? (Can't remember who he's dating.)
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:55:31 UTC |
I think so. She's the one he was 'dating', as far as I know, and no one has posted spiked punch yet.
(parent)notapipe @ August 2 2003, 23:55:47 UTC |
Probably, he is dating Susan. You know, unless it's wtih Draco.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 00:02:50 UTC |
Please, gods no. Well, it would be interesting, yes, but I don't really see it.
All I really want to know is where the hell the kids are at. They need to post something!
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 00:06:12 UTC |
That is the funniest thing I've ever read in my life.
How could he have not known? 'Course if it was his first time... Hmm.
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 00:05:32 UTC |
sorry, no 2nd base.
*dies laughing*
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:46:31 UTC |
Yeah, the Cabana boy thing? Not something I ever needed to read. Ever.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:48:18 UTC |
LOL! I don't think this is the first time that has been mentioned, either...I recall seeing it before. Was much scared then, too! @_@
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:50:46 UTC |
Yep...I was squicked then too. And he's changed it to Gunther and put it up in his and Sirius's thread. Still not an image I want.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 2 2003, 23:55:40 UTC |
Maybe they'll still get their threesome.
Gah, my eyes!
jenicomprispas @ August 2 2003, 23:59:50 UTC |
*cringe* And on that note, I'm for bed. It's been lovely freaking out with you guys! Enjoy the fireworks, goodnight!
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 2 2003, 23:48:33 UTC |
*snickers as Lucius is pictured in white shorts, a loud-print shirt with parrots, flip-flops, and a large straw hat.*
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:49:27 UTC |
*runs screaming!*
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:50:46 UTC |
Oh I don't know. I rather like the image. Now, just to figure out how to print said image onto paper, and owl it to Voldie.
(parent)darkflame173 @ August 2 2003, 23:54:00 UTC |
Bombard snaples ^^ She's the only one who could make me appreciate that image! LOL!
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:53:16 UTC |
Well, Looshie tells Narcissa that Draco will be fine on his own, lets go make wild munkey luv!" Or something to that effect. *digs up link*
Ah, here -> http://www.livejournal.com/community/no
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neveth @ August 2 2003, 23:59:47 UTC |
Poor Remus. At least Snape will be keeping him company.
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 00:04:23 UTC |
*weeps at loss of Puppy Love*
Also, surely a game of quidditch can't be that interesting. Where are the children?!
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 00:07:12 UTC |
The only one that's posting anything is Justin.
noirenails @ August 3 2003, 00:08:45 UTC |
*is waiting for someone to type something intelligent like 'My, is that Harry Potter snogging Draco Malfoy there?'*
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 00:11:27 UTC |
'Hey, what are Harry and Draco's clothes lying in the middle of the floor' sounds better, but I'm good with snogging.
Mmm, snogging...
black_dog @ August 3 2003, 03:08:49 UTC |
Well, according to Mundungus, he does seem to have left his glasses lying around.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 00:15:24 UTC |
Poor Justin. He'll just have to have fun alone.
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:28:32 UTC |
Note to Sirius: He wouldn't be so insecure, if you didn't give him so many reasons to be! xp~
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 00:35:52 UTC |
>:O. Not to mention the Weasley in question doesn't sugests silly things and gives fake thingys at weddings. Plus, the freckly boy has an Irish horse with him.
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:43:02 UTC |
And he doesn't flirt with him incessantly in front of everyone they know and make suggestive remarks about what he was up to when Sirius was away.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 00:53:39 UTC |
Remus is right, they have to think of Harry. That's what good parents do, put their children first. Sirius hasn't learned that when it comes to his habitual flirting with Lucius Malfoy. I sometimes doubt that he sees any wrong doing in his actions.
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:03:15 UTC |
Exactly. And after Harry was so desperate for Sirius to come home. ;_;
Well, maybe this will teach him, but unfortunately it will be at Remus and Harry's expense.
babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 01:17:23 UTC |
But I don't know if he will ever learn. Tonight's spat isn't a new thing; it happens every single time Sirius and Lucius are in the same room.
The only way Sirius might learn is if his behavior placed Harry in a dangerous situation. However, that change might come too late as Lupin, who will always put Harry's health, safety, and well-being before anything else, might do something drastic--like kick him out.
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:21:43 UTC |
Sirius is a rather hard-headed fellow isn't he? He reminds me of my eldest brother, who also has to learn everything the hard way (i.e. usually when it's too late to fix things).
Sirius: take a lesson!
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:47:38 UTC |
Doesn't look like it, and YES! My points exactly! GO REMUS!
(parent)quixotic_sense @ August 3 2003, 03:32:36 UTC |
Hmm. Is it just me, or was Lupin subtly propositioning Snape -- something which Snape picked up on and indirectly said no to?
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 03:37:47 UTC |
Personally, I think Sevvie was getting a little paranoid. Or full of himself. Remus is in the right and I don't think that he'd be dumb enough to give up that position for petty revenge.
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neveth @ August 3 2003, 00:10:41 UTC |
Pardon me whilst I die of laughter.
With that, I go to bed. Boy will I have some catching up to do in the morning.
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:18:31 UTC |
I laughed so hard at this I almost choked to death on an Oreo. Interested..! XD XD XD
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 00:20:58 UTC |
How many Justin/T-Shirt icons do you think we'll get?
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:24:06 UTC |
Oh god, many I hope! And a few 'Fletch the lech' ones too! XD XD
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 00:39:11 UTC |
What I want to know is where is Ernie and why did he go off and leave his journal open? *quirks eyebrow* Very strange behavior for a properly paranoid Hufflepuff. Perhaps there's a snog party going on away from the conveniently distracted adults..?
(parent)zorb @ August 3 2003, 01:43:50 UTC |
I certainly hope so. I would be highly disappointed in them for not taking the opportunity to go nuts otherwise.
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 02:07:29 UTC |
Me too.
(We'd better get some H/D interaction of some sort, it's the only thing that would cheer me up after the Sirius/Remus fiasco.)
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:14:00 UTC |
Oh, now that was way cruel. I'm highly disappointed in Sirius right now.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:15:18 UTC |
I want to see Remus' reply.
And what the hell about Harry anyway? There's someone else who wanted to see you to you big meanie! Grr.
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:18:30 UTC |
The poor child can't get a break. Last time it was the whole baby thing, and now this. You just know he's going to take that statement badly, as sensitive as he is to rejection. Somebody smack Sirius.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:20:49 UTC |
He'll also get upset that they're fighting in the first place. Especially since Sirius just got back and Harry just found out he could stay with them instead of the evil Dursleys.
That poor child, he needs a hug. Maybe Draco's helping with that..
dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:24:44 UTC |
God.. and if one of them should leave over this..! Even temporarily..!
Maybe he'll run away with Draco to Cannes. *grin*
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:29:50 UTC |
That Cannes Draco thing would be interesting, but I really just want Harry to have some happy family time. Stupid adults always ruin everything with their fighting.
Harry hasn't had enough family memories ever... *cries*
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:50:23 UTC |
Can I beat Sirius up? Anyone want to join me?
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:53:26 UTC |
Very good plan! Then we'll switch when my arm gets tired.
babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 01:24:09 UTC |
For those of you who have been around when Sirius and Remus had their last Lucius-induced fight, does this one seem worse than the last? If I'm remembering correctly, they seem to escalate every time.
Sirius needs to grow-up, there is no excuse for his behavior.
anatidae @ August 3 2003, 01:29:22 UTC |
And the impact it must have on Harry. Oh dear.
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hobaggins @ August 3 2003, 01:59:11 UTC |
And just above Sirius was calling Harry "our son"
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 01:49:37 UTC |
I am much agreed.
Sirius is very evil right now. *growls*
saffronlie @ August 3 2003, 04:17:11 UTC |
Yeah, I think it is worse. Waah. Especially because they're actually married now.
(parent)zorb @ August 3 2003, 01:42:44 UTC |
Of course, the funniest thing to me in all this is picturing the characters running back and forth between the computers and their dramas in order to post - and not saying a word to one another. And then there's Remus, posting from outside...
<333 NA
babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 01:56:38 UTC |
Snape has a laptop that he seems rather attached to, maybe he brought it to the party and used it to beat off Lucius and Narcissa.
saffronlie @ August 3 2003, 04:18:48 UTC |
It's so hard to remember that this *isn't* actually happening somewhere.
(parent)dragynville @ August 3 2003, 01:53:44 UTC |
Remus has changed his default icon from the wedding-gift portrait to the lone wolf pic. ;_;
(Anyone know the url to view all of someone's user pics?)
tabiji @ August 3 2003, 02:00:54 UTC |
Ugh. I hate this.
babytyggeryss @ August 3 2003, 02:06:17 UTC |
Ouch, Remus is Royally Pissed--he took down the picture of Sirius and himself. This fight isn't something that can be patched over in the morning after a little chat.
Everyone should dig-in and prepare themselves for angst.