selene_rain @ 2003-08-04 09:56:00 |
Greeting, info request
Mood: intimidated
Hello everyone. I am new here, and also new to nocturne_alley. I've heard so much about it that I had to see what everyone was talking about. I know little to nothing about NA, so can anyone fill me in with a bit of a backstory? Thanks.
flyingcarpet @ August 4 2003, 10:17:08 UTC |
I was going to say that if you go to there's a link to "backstories," but when I clicked on it, all it said was "I bet backstories complete with linkage would be nice."
Basically, characters' memories are probably the best way to research this stuff, but if I were you, I would start here. There's also a community memories archive here.
babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 10:38:23 UTC |
My advice is to spend some time reading the past diary entries of some of the characters. Not everything is said out-right and because everyone looks at the same situation differently, it's a good idea to read everyone's point of view to get the best picture of what is going on.
Yes, it will take a while, but it's worth it in the end.
onthehillside @ August 4 2003, 12:17:49 UTC *agrees* |
I've been following Nocturne Alley for a couple months now, and it took quite a long time for me to understand the storyline. I suggest to start reading around the month of April, because quite a few things have happened since then. Good Luck!
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 13:57:22 UTC |
This isn't me being helpful, this is a me- "ICON!!!!" post.
So.... "ICON!!!"
Follow NrAged really closely too, oftentimes members will post links to how current issues relate to backstories. It helps to connect everything, things you might not notice on your own
qwyneth @ August 4 2003, 14:14:27 UTC |
The icon most definitely kicks ass (though normally icon discussion happen on na_icon, am I right? But does anyone see (NA at least) Draco being more of the, ah, "aggressor" in such a situation?
notapipe @ August 4 2003, 15:32:46 UTC NA plots in 15 seconds |
Dumbledore made people make journals. Whinging.
Sirius/Remus. Sirius/Severus Remus/Charlie. Sirius/Remus. Marriage. Harry. Party. Wah.
Draco stalks Harry. Harry falls for Draco. Harry tries to kiss Draco. Harry stalks Draco. Harry and Draco play golf. Draco outs Harry. Pain, anguish. Harry and Draco reconcile. Draco is "fine".
Draco's mood: "enraged".
Pansy is a goth. Pansy goes out with Draco. Pansy stalks Draco. Pansy gets sent to Beauxbatons. Pansy loses the goth-look and comes back. Pansy and Millicent sleep together. Pansy attacks Draco's girlfriends. Pansy and Draco become an item, pissing of M.B.. Draco ignores Pansy. Pansy and Millicent sleep together again.
Fred is gay. George is not. Charlie is gay. Bill is not. Ginny is gay. Ron is not. Percy... well.
Cho and Ginny are friends. Cho disguises herself as Terry Boot, kisses Ginny at Bleu Ball. Ginny gets confused/heart broken/sad. Cho levels with Ginny. Cho/Ginny. Ron is an ass. Contract. Happiness.
Soblessa is Ginny's friend. Soblessa is Colin's girlfriend. Colin is a homophobic ass. Soblessa leaves Colin. Colin becomes a poser. Colin becomes a thug.
Neville has a toad, Trevor. Draco dissects Trevor. Lavender becomes a vegan and PETA member. Lav and Neville go out. Lav becomes anorexic. Neville is evil. Neville is not evil, he has a memory block (but he is evil!). Neville and Lavender break up over Neville trying to help her (clumsily). Neville spends the summer with muggles. Neville/Sara.
Seamus and Dean are friends. Dean and Terry are friends. Seamus and Dean are boyfriends. Dean takes Seamus to a football game for Valentines Day, uses l33t speak. Pain. Seamus and Dean are seemingly perfect again. Seamus plays with dolls with Draco. Dean sleeps with Terry. Anguish. Seamus/Charlie at Lupin's. Dean/Terry bum around.
Lisa stalks Draco. Lisa stops (can't recall if restraining orders were involved). Lisa goes out with Morgan. Lisa is very very very cool.
Goyle can't spell. Colin gives Goyle a dictionary. Goyle can spell. Colin and Goyle are friends. (Maybe Goyle crushes on Colin). Colin's dictionary burned. Goyle can't spell.
Okay, that's all I feel up to at the moment. Corrections? Additions?
la_trix @ August 4 2003, 16:08:47 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Voldemore and DEs Apparate into school corridor. Harry turns LV's wand into a fish. In your fish, motherfuckers.
Harry, Colin in comas. Soblessa, other NPCs dead.
qwyneth @ August 4 2003, 18:06:37 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
You are my hero.
On equestion though--Pansy and Millicent sleep together? I've done sooo much backreading but I completely missed that. Tell tell tell!! Please? Someone? Link me?
el_erzulie @ August 4 2003, 20:41:48 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
I missed that too! (O^__^O) Some things making more sense, now...
*builds shrine*
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 01:38:03 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Any references to Millicent and Pansy sleeping together are generally restricted to Pansy mentioning Millicent keeps her feet warm at night, or Pansy asking Millicent to climb into bed with her. So it is quite literally sleeping together as far as readers can tell. Whatever else may go on is completely up to a reader's speculation, although I think both players are quite fond of the idea of PP/MB.
Examples of this:
Before Pansy and Draco Date
During Pansy and Draco Dating
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:38:19 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Haha. Yes. Did you just give me a gold star?
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 14:47:31 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Indeed! A gold star for my favourite girl :>
(parent)qwyneth @ August 5 2003, 17:32:04 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
I have to say that THIS READER agrees MIGHTILY, and might just pass out from excitment if something more overt were to happen!!!
(parent)selene_rain @ August 4 2003, 21:50:40 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Goodness. *worships* Thank you so much. Wow, It's all so very "Passions." I am excited.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 4 2003, 23:55:40 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
*points to your comment* Thanks.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 6 2003, 09:16:54 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
Passions is a Soap Opera. I just love all the drama.
(parent)altricial @ August 5 2003, 04:16:32 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
You are now officially the one to answer to all newbie posts.
notapipe @ August 6 2003, 04:27:34 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
So let me get this straight. I perform a brilliant labor of genius, one heralded by all as the greatest thing since sliced cheese and I get handed the ardous painful task of answering all n00b posts (and a cool official title, though, that's cool)? Am I the only who sees something wrong with this?
(parent)altricial @ August 6 2003, 05:58:09 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
I think you're alone there, n00bs orientation leader.
(parent)tabiji @ August 6 2003, 06:13:04 UTC Re: NA plots in 15 seconds |
I hereby proclaim notapipe as The Presiding Grand Vizier of Cool of Nraged.
*mad applause*
saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 21:57:38 UTC |
I don't think Hagrid is dead. He... went somewhere.