bookofjude @ 2003-08-06 17:36:00 |
In update to Neville's post
Sirius posts, but no word of how he, Remus, and Harry are getting along.
I find this talk of a blend of muggle and magic to be very, very interesting. I can't wait to see what else becomes of it.
Hopefully I posted this at the right journal this time... *headdesk*
bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 01:07:25 UTC |
Very true: another thing one of my friends pointed out before she signed off was that it seems DW is empty. Sirius is at Hogwarts and Remus is at The Leaky Cauldron.
bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 01:31:22 UTC |
I know! It doesn't make any sense. I think he might be back at #4.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 02:50:38 UTC |
Harry went home. Sirius isn't at Hogwarts, it seems.
(parent)tabiji @ August 6 2003, 03:09:57 UTC |
That just ripped my heart out.
My parents divorced when I was young, and I still remember this "I'm-being-civil-to-you-for-the-sake-of-t
tabiji @ August 6 2003, 03:33:13 UTC |
*tries really hard not to wipe my nose on your shirt*
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dry_your_eyes @ August 6 2003, 04:00:39 UTC |
i keep telling myself that it's just a RPG and i DON'T have to cry about it
the only pleasant thing today - is your fabulous icon
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aurorasinger @ August 6 2003, 07:37:02 UTC |
i keep telling myself that it's just a RPG and i DON'T have to cry about it
Hahaha I'll be wibbling about n_a with non-n_a loving friends (freaks, I know) and they'll all just roll their eyes and laugh...BUT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND! *wah* Actually, it's the same with me and all fictional characters. From time to time, as I am reading a book, I'll be irritated when the character is and people will ask me what's wrong, or I'll be teary for the same reason. It's the oddest thing.
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fealindale @ August 6 2003, 06:30:34 UTC |
Exactly how I felt, but I was 5 when they divorced, so I don't remember fighting now, but it's impossible to do anything without one of them accusing the other. Reading this was, in a way, worse, because of course I love my parents, but they' paretns, and I love Sirius and Remus so much...just..the bitterness...
I'm sorry I didn't notify you immediately.
No! Don't do that! He's just concerned about his child....and his husband...just....not admitting it.....
tabiji @ August 6 2003, 08:03:58 UTC |
I was holding my breath, waiting for the bitter accusations to break out from under the civil veneer..."I was worried, and you could have called, you selfish, inconsiderate louse..."
Sometimes NA is just Too Real.
Oooh! I've got it! Operation Parent Trap! We can send fake letters to both Sirius and Remus, each one signed from the other...saying in both letters that it doesn't matter, I miss you, I love you, let's get past this. We'll put a meeting time and place in the letters, and they'll go, and see each other, and talk...and voila...they'll get back together!
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fealindale @ August 6 2003, 09:39:20 UTC |
Operation Parent Trap!
Hahahaha! That's so great! Yes! Now, if only I could find some owls....
But...they're just fighting over petty stuff, I mean, all couples have arguments. It's so useless. I've asked my parents why they divorced and they just babble and mutter and I never get a real reason out of it.
Maybe they just need time apart...even though they already have and then Sirius finally comes back, and hey, look what happens....but I'm just praying...and praying that someone'll update...and I'm sorta confused about Harry...where is he? Hmm...
Well, Remus and Sirius are smart people, you'd think they'd figure out that they really love each other and shut up and go shag, so I'll just give it awhile before we hack into their accounts and begin...
saffronlie @ August 6 2003, 05:07:03 UTC |
So if two wizards have to cast this spell, then who's helping Sirius? (Or did I just miss something?)
(parent)bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 05:22:40 UTC |
I thought that at first, and then I got the opinion that it might've been Neville and Sirius as the two Wizards who had to cast the spell...
(parent)tortietta @ August 6 2003, 06:39:56 UTC |
I took it to mean that Neville was the primary caster of the spell, and that Sirius was there so he could break the spell once Neville was in the trance. Basically Neville does all the work up to the point he is in the trance, the it's left to Sirius.
But, after the day I've had it's entirely possible that I am just reading it wrong.
dragynville @ August 6 2003, 18:03:58 UTC |
Neville described the first session, for anyone who missed it.
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aurorasinger @ August 6 2003, 07:03:00 UTC |
heh, i've posted in the wrong journal before too.... :)
(parent)bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 16:27:43 UTC |
Oh god it is so embaressing. My friend was like "O_o did you mean to make an NrAged post to so-and-so's community?" and I'm like "oh shit" and trying to fix it as quickly as possible but then LJ went down.
Still, embaressing.