erniemacmillan @ 2003-08-08 19:18:00 |
(no title)
Mood: concerned
Hullo, have you lot got anything you want to ask me? Or do you only ask questions of non Hufflepuffs?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 10:47:20 UTC |
Why would I tell you that? What a personal question! Why do you want to know that? Going to go hunt it down and start leaving it around where I'd least suspect, is that it? Ha. Not going to fool me, there.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:11:08 UTC |
Justin Finch-Fletchley, of course! Best mate anyone could have.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:16:38 UTC |
And a jolly good double scoop ice cream cone to you also, Al Tricial.
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kearie @ August 8 2003, 10:50:23 UTC |
Why are you so suspicious all the time? Were you traumatised as a young child?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 10:54:19 UTC |
Why do you think I'm suspicious? What do you mean by that? Just because I think on my feet, you don't have to get nasty about it. I mean, did I do anything to you? I don't think so, kearie, but I reckon you do. Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did, but I'm really not suspicious, honest.
What do you mean, traumatised? My childhood was brilliant! My dad always says you have to keep on your toes, you know, and my dad's really great so I take after him tonnes! My brother too! My big brother Sean is really wicked. He's training to be an Unspeakable and I don't even know what they do but I bet it's something wicked. This one time my dad took us all out to this fancy restaurant in Dublin and there was this funny looking waiter so Sean spilt all our drinks on the floor so we wouldn't get poisoned. I might've been killed! That's when I realised Sean was my hero, and you can't have a traumatic childhood with a brother like mine!
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kearie @ August 8 2003, 11:06:25 UTC |
Ah, so you were simply conditioned into your current state of paranoia. It's all so clear now! Thank you Mr. Macmillan.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:08:27 UTC |
You know, it's not paranoia!! I was suspicious about this journal project, and what happens? A bunch of strangers post to my journal and hold big arse conversations with Justin!
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kearie @ August 8 2003, 11:32:07 UTC |
You forgot to log out... No one's fault but your own, you know...
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:32:46 UTC |
Sure, that's what they say. But do we really know?
(parent)![]() |
kearie @ August 8 2003, 12:37:42 UTC |
I don't know, ask your brother. I'd love to hear what he's got to say on the subject!
(parent)sigrun @ August 8 2003, 10:51:37 UTC |
Why do you seem so defensive regarding your House? Are you secretly ashamed of being a Hufflepuff & just overcompensate?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 10:58:10 UTC |
Are you trying to say I ought to be ashamed of being a Hufflepuff? I notice you've got a Slytherin badge on there, pallidamors, don't think I haven't.
Everyone overlooks Hufflepuff, or didn't you notice because you were too busy overlooking it yourself? I see what's going on. Well, you've never been a Hufflepuff. You don't know what it's like. No one ever thinks we've got a shot to win the House Cup or the Quidditch Cup, and even when Cedric Diggory got in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter had to get in too to make sure Hufflepuff didn't get any of the glory. Everyone thinks Hufflepuffs are just filled with rubbish. They think we've not got any personality at all, just read some of their journals sometimes if you don't believe me. Even the Sorting Hat is nasty about it. It said Hufflepuff is just people who aren't anything left. Everyone thinks loyalty is an insult or something! Like it's bad to be loyal to your friends. We Hufflepuffs are just honest, that's all, just good people, and we aren't all obsessed with books or getting far in the world or outdoing one another with brave stuff. You tell people you're in Hufflepuff and they snicker. Everyone thinks being Hufflepuff is a punishment! I'm not ashamed of it. I'm proud of being a Hufflepuff and I'd much rather have friends like mine and know they appreciate me than be in any other house in the world.
nightflight @ August 8 2003, 10:54:28 UTC |
Hello Mr. Macmillian. =) Thank you for joining us today.
I was wondering, from an insider's perspective, what it is about your fine house that you admire so much? I'm not trying to be sarcastic -- I am truly curious, since we hear so much about the Gryffindor pride, the Slytherin pride, even the Ravenclaw to an extent. What do you love about Hufflepuff?
Also, on a less serious note, trout or carp, which would win in a no-holds-barred, gil-to-gil battle?
Thank you!
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:01:12 UTC |
You're welcome! I'm bored, you know, it's hols and I've run out of stuff to do.
I sort of answered this in the comment above this, but I suppose what I really love about Hufflepuff is Justin and Hannah and Susan. I mean, I know they'll be there for me, even if sometimes they get a little off. Eloise too, but she has a lot of friends in other houses which is weird. No one but another Hufflepuff can understand what it's like to be in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw gets overlooked a lot also but they've got their whole "learning" thing going on for them.
And, I dunno, trout I guess. What kind of fish did Potter turn You-Know-Who's wand into? I suppose it'd be that.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:15:07 UTC |
Well thanks for pointing it out and making a big spectacle! Not embarrassing in the slightest here, Hannah!
hannahabbott @ August 8 2003, 11:23:28 UTC |
Are you saying that you don't want me here, Ernie? Hmm?
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 10:55:55 UTC hmm |
One question Ernie,
What is the story behind your strange affinity with fish?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:02:34 UTC Re: hmm |
I haven't got an affinity with fish! I just think it was a wicked trick of Potter's! It would have been cool if it was a bear or something too, although that might've got loose and eaten us all or something so it's probably good that it was just a fish.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:04:34 UTC Re: hmm |
Your denial runs deep, my friend. There is nothing wrong with having a fish obsession, really.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:05:46 UTC Re: hmm |
I don't even eat seafood. I've never fished in my life! I just think it was brilliant of Potter thinking on his feet that way. It's not the fish itself, man. It's the principle of the thing.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:08:17 UTC Re: hmm |
So, if he had turned the wand into..say, a badger, would you have formed an obsession with them?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:10:33 UTC Re: hmm |
I just want Potter to tell me what the hell went on with the fish! That's the only reason I keep talking to him about fish. He won't tell me what happened! I mean, I just think it's cool the way he saved the whole school and all, and with something that weird, it's just very bloody cool. I'm just trying to tip my hat to Potter, that's all, even though he's completely ignoring me which isn't really surprising. I don't really care about fish otherwise, although I'm starting to think YOU have a fish problem.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:20:31 UTC Re: hmm |
I actually have no problem admitting that I like fish. Fish are great, very tasty. I also am not the one who talks about them incessantly. No need to get all upset about it, fish are great things. Much better to have an obsession with them than say, manticore's. Mean things they are.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:22:01 UTC Re: hmm |
Oh, so the only time anyone pays attention to me talking is when I'm talking to Potter, is that it! How do you like that! I am multifaceted, you know.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:25:40 UTC Re: hmm |
Multifacted as like trout and salmon?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:27:47 UTC Re: hmm |
Look, I probably couldn't even pick out a trout and a salmon if you showed me them! Except salmon are pink, but I think all fish probably are.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:29:44 UTC Re: hmm |
So if not real fish, then is it just the singing fish on the plaque that holds your endless fascination?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:31:37 UTC Re: hmm |
Um, why would it be a singing fish? It was just a picture of a fish some guy caught and mounted on a plaque, fisher people do that and stuff when they catch fish. I just thought it was cool that Potter was being a hero, but I guess only the funny fish part of it is important now.
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:38:14 UTC Re: hmm |
Not at all, I was only commenting on something that I thought was an interest of yours. Harry's triumph over the Dark Lord's wand was a wonderful happening. Forgive my lack of information on the matter.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:40:59 UTC Re: hmm |
It was, but now I'm just a big fish to everyone!
(parent)imochan @ August 8 2003, 11:32:23 UTC Re: hmm |
Hey, that thing could hold Voldemort's endless fascination, eh?
(parent)corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:36:13 UTC Re: hmm |
Yes!! Someone should inform Potter that the way to defeat Voldemort is not through magic, but through tacky bargainstore wall ornaments that have the power to enthrall and enrage simultaneously.
(parent)imochan @ August 8 2003, 10:58:13 UTC |
Did you know at the time when you posted the coded messages that "Erocs eth swonk" is actually Parseltongue for "I am a giant purple radish"?
Much love to you, Erns. :D
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:03:06 UTC |
You speak Parseltongue? I don't think I should be talking to you...
(parent)imochan @ August 8 2003, 11:06:04 UTC |
Oh, no, it's not like that! There's an online dictionary! :>
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:13:59 UTC |
That's not parseltongue. That's the letters h, a, s, a, y, e, t and h again. You can't really type parseltongue, you know? It's kind of a verbal thing. You can't get Ernie Macmillan like that.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 8 2003, 11:00:33 UTC |
Mr Macmillan, Can i ask you what you think of the relationship forming between Harry and Draco?
PS, You rock!!
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:03:56 UTC |
Who is Draco?! Do you mean that Draco Malfoy character? I hardly even know him! What do I care what he does with his time? Honestly, all about the Gryffindors and Slytherins.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:12:26 UTC |
Sometimes, but we stop all the bloody time because she gets on my case about everything and then we fight and then we snog!
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ms_potter @ August 8 2003, 12:50:02 UTC |
(As someone who also plays Ernie in a RPG, I feel your pain, man.)
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:15:48 UTC |
I don't understand what you're asking me, man! Are you trying to confuse me? Oh, Hufflepuffs, we just confuse so easily, is that it? I see.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 8 2003, 11:24:24 UTC |
...Do you wear yellow and black knickers? have too many insecurity issues m'dear. too much house pride does that to you.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:26:44 UTC |
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 8 2003, 11:27:41 UTC |
...but that's not very hufflepuffy. white's not a house colour you know. shame shame.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:29:08 UTC |
I am more than my house colours! What do you think, all the Hufflepuffs only like yellow and all the Slytherins only like green and all the Quidditch players only wear pants with snitches and bludgers on them? For shame, Crimson Stained, for shame.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 8 2003, 11:58:58 UTC |
...I just think you'd be ruddy cute in yellow and black knickers.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 8 2003, 12:10:29 UTC |
...I think maybe you mean pants, or possibly shorts? Knickers are women's underwear.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 8 2003, 17:13:47 UTC |
i still stand by my previous statement. though yellow and black boxer shorts would be cute as well. with a little stinger on the back.
so wee.
qwyneth @ August 8 2003, 11:18:29 UTC |
Hey man, this is brilliant talking to you. Of COURSE we want to talk to Hufflepuffs. Always. :)
Since you're really good at this theorizing stuff, what you so think REALLY happened to JFK???
qwyneth @ August 8 2003, 11:36:52 UTC |
No, that'd be JFFK--Justin Finch-Fletchley Killed. Far as I know, Finch-Fletchley's fine, though possibly still trying to convince his parents that he's straight. Speaking of which, I wonder if his mom's started trying to set him up with nice boys yet....
Anyway, JFK. American President. Prolly a muggle, but really popular with the Americans and Irish. Veeery suspicious assassination. No one knows what happened. Some say the government took him out. O.O
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:39:40 UTC |
Oh, I'm not Irish, I'm Scottish. My mum is Irish, but I was born in Scotland. Mum wanted to move back to Ballycastle when I was seven or so, so we moved back here to Ireland and we've been here ever since. Dad's Scottish though.
I'm a pureblood so I don't know too much about Muggles. I think they're all right and all, but I don't know about presidents and all that and how it works.
anjaliesque @ August 8 2003, 11:47:27 UTC |
Wow, talk about ESP! *high-five* It was nice coloring, though.
(parent)imochan @ August 8 2003, 11:49:33 UTC |
Thankeekindly. :D ourloveissomatrix'd. lol, i'll get out of your question space now. *scampers*
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 8 2003, 12:10:28 UTC |
Your question was quite awesome! And please add any Matrix poking you want, as I'm done and off to the races. ;)
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 8 2003, 11:50:36 UTC |
Your mind makes it real, Ernest. The body cannot live without the mind.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:56:52 UTC |
Uh, okay, I assume you're making some sort of injoke that I'm not getting and I suppose that's the point.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 8 2003, 11:58:38 UTC *bows to the player* |
Do you hear that, Mr. Macmillan? That is the sound of inevitability.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 12:02:17 UTC |
Just so you know, saying weird things to me to freak me out doesn't freak me out. I see what you're trying to do, and you have to get up earlier in the morning to alarm Ernie Macmillan.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 8 2003, 11:42:41 UTC |
Dear Mr. MacMillan:
What's your feelings on the house system, the purpose behind it, and the places of the different houses in it?
With the greatest respect for the Noble House of Hufflepuff,
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 11:51:13 UTC |
Dear S.M.,
I reckon there's good and bad behind the house system. I don't quite understand the purpose of it myself, it seems like the Hogwarts founders just wanted to have their own groups of students each which is a little selfish if you ask me, like they were lording it over every house going, oh, here's my house, la la la. I mean, I don't see why they needed houses in the first place. I get that they were each bringing in what they wanted but it's a bit pratty to only put the ones you want in each of your houses so I suppose none of them was very open minded, now were they!
But I reckon it works out on account of being able to make really ace friends and knowing who you can count on and all that. I don't get how we're all supposed to fit into one stupid adjective for each house, like all Hufflepuffs are totally loyal, which we are but still, it's not the only thing about us. I like to read but no one thinks I do because I'm not Ravenclaw. I don't see why they're Sorted the way they are, I suppose maybe it should be random but I mean I'd rather have Justin and all in my house because we're meant to be friends instead of being in a house with Millicent Bulstrode or someone and becoming friends with her by accident.
It's bad because everyone assumes Hufflepuffs are drippy or something, and when did the Sorting Hat ever say that? Everyone thinks the Ravenclaws just care about books but Terry Boot hardly ever reads, he's just funny, like the wit part of it, and everyone thinks Gryffindors are all bold and chivalrous but the only people in Gryffindor who really do anything are Potter and Weasley and Granger. I mean, we're meant to believe that they're all so much more brave than us but I don't see Ginny Weasley off outdoing me in the corridors to fight for justice or anything. Besides, I like fighting for what's right, but I guess that doesn't count because I'm a Hufflepuff.
So it's stupid but it's good because you know a bit about people before you have lessons with them. I mean, some people, it's easy to tell with, like the Slytherins really, but I wouldn't know Weasley was anything like he is just by sitting next to him in Charms.
But I don't like the way Gryffindor and Slytherin have that big rivalry so everyone only cares about what the outcome of their rivalry is. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are participating for House Cups and Quidditch Cups too, you know, but everyone acts like we're not even in the running because they really just want to see if Gryffindor or Slytherin will come out on top. And I don't think it's fair that Harry Potter gets house points for closing the Chamber of Secrets or anything because it's not like that's something the rest of us had a chance to do. With answering questions right and stuff like that we're all at a fair advantage, but if you're rewarding points to Harry Potter for doing stuff like that, that doesn't give us any fucking chance, now does it?
Ernie Macmillan
corsiva @ August 8 2003, 11:59:30 UTC |
ahem...bitter much? You could have tried to go into the Chamber yourself, you know. I'm sure if you would have gotten yourself killed, they would have awarded the basilisk some points.
anjaliesque @ August 8 2003, 12:08:56 UTC |
With answering questions right and stuff like that we're all at a fair advantage, but if you're rewarding points to Harry Potter for doing stuff like that, that doesn't give us any fucking chance, now does it?
I agree with this from the bottom of a Hufflepuff heart. You're a good man, Ernie. What more could they ask for?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 12:12:17 UTC |
Whoever they are, they're apparently asking for a lot more. Oh, well.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 8 2003, 12:56:35 UTC |
Thanks! That's one of the best overviews of the house system (the good and bad parts) that I've ever heard!
I especially agree about other houses not really having a chance if they're going to give out points for things like closing the Chamber of Secrets. Not that it wasn't great that Harry did that, but it's not got anything to do with House Cup points. It's almost like giving somebody better grades because they rescued someone from a burning building. You'd expect the person who actually studied for the test to feel like that was a bit unfair, even if they admired the person for what they did.
Anyway, long live Hufflepuff and best of luck in your commenting next year. Your online descriptions of the last Slytherin-Gryffindor game made me more interested in Quiddtich than I've ever been in my life.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:19:07 UTC |
Thanks! I can't wait to be commentator! I don't see why everyone's so surprised, they think just because I'm afraid of flying I don't like watching Quidditch. But you need someone with a close eye to keep out for fouls!
And yeah, I reckon it's a lot like that. I mean, it's not like they all lined us up and said 'Everyone gets a go at doing this and it's for the house cup!' I mean obviously Gryffindor's going to always win if they give out 150 points at the end of every year when the rest of us are getting no more than 10 at a time for answering piddly questions right.
notapipe @ August 8 2003, 15:20:00 UTC |
I mean, we're meant to believe that they're all so much more brave than us but I don't see Ginny Weasley off outdoing me in the corridors to fight for justice or anything
Ernie, you should be glad that this is a text medium rather than verbal. I read that as, and EVERYONE would have heard it as I don't see Ginny Wealey off out doing me in the corridors and was rather concerned that you felt that somehow Gryffindor or bravery equaled "has copious amounts of sex with random guys". Which I suppose could be very stupidbrave if you didn't use protection.
flyingcarpet @ August 8 2003, 12:01:08 UTC |
How are things going between Justin and Susan? Did they ever work things out?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 12:03:46 UTC |
Oh, I think they did! They were snogging at Dumbledore's party but I left early so I just heard about it later. Susan's a great girl, there's a lot more to her than everyone thinks.
(parent)flyingcarpet @ August 8 2003, 12:07:50 UTC |
Great to hear! Thanks for the inside information. :)
(parent)imochan @ August 8 2003, 12:08:44 UTC |
Ernie, I think you rock very hard, my man. Kudos to your player, too.
finch_fletchley @ August 8 2003, 16:56:57 UTC |
What? I'm only seventeen! I don't want that responsibility, man.
(parent)finch_fletchley @ August 8 2003, 17:39:57 UTC |
I don't know, I reckon it depends on if I'm single. Susan might not go for it, you know.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 18:57:55 UTC |
oooooooh good luck with that! If she doesn't keep me in mind^_~
(parent)flyingcarpet @ August 8 2003, 17:50:30 UTC |
Just trying to find out if you're still single or not. A handsome guy like yourself should keep his options open.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 12:29:18 UTC |
It was wicked!!!!!!!! I don't think I can say what happened cause I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't read it yet or anything but it was really wicked!!!
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 8 2003, 12:21:36 UTC |
What would you like to be when you grow up?
And what was the first conspiracy you discovered?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 12:31:04 UTC |
I dunno, really! I thought I'd like to be an Auror but Aurors get attacked a lot just for being Aurors. I might like to be an Unspeakable but I mean I don't even know what they do and how could I know if I want to be one if I can't find out what they do?
My neighbour, when I lived in Scotland, kept going through our rubbish bin! It was really weird. We kept coming outside to find the rubbish all gone through and we thought it was a manticore or something but then it turned out my neighbour was looking for glass bottles. Weird, that, but she was a muggle.
1anonymous1 @ August 8 2003, 13:26:33 UTC |
Oh, I can see your already excited...
Lets go some place quiet, shall we?;)
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:31:08 UTC |
I have a girlfriend! And I'm not having any babies!!!
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 8 2003, 13:33:07 UTC |
She doesnt have to know, baby.
I can please you like she never could...
Fine. We'll use one of those anti-baby charms.
notapipe @ August 8 2003, 15:32:14 UTC |
Well, there is a sure fire way to avoid the babies problem. Whaddayasay?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 15:39:26 UTC |
Uh, you want me to look at a picture of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy as a method of contraception? That works for me..
(parent)notapipe @ August 8 2003, 15:42:45 UTC |
Hmmm, well I suppose I was a tad too subtle, so let's move to all out bluntness.
You could do me, none of those silly ovaries or child-producing parts to worry about.
dragynville @ August 8 2003, 17:29:30 UTC |
You must take video. In color. High resolution. I will provide funding if needed.
Ernie x notapipe = <3 x infinity
dragynville @ August 8 2003, 21:12:38 UTC |
whispers: imo, what is 'otp'? I keep seeing it, I have an idea of what it refers to, but what does it stand for?
(parent)![]() |
deadspiders @ August 9 2003, 02:48:20 UTC |
(*whispers back*) One True Pairing. Don't worry - I always forget the current catchphrases too. ;D
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 13:29:16 UTC |
Drat! You beat me to it! Would you mind if he had an affair with me on the side?
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 8 2003, 13:30:39 UTC |
Well, ok. But we have to bring justin in to make it a square.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 8 2003, 13:34:30 UTC |
I dunno, lets ask..
Ernie? Will you and Justin have us ladies?
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Anonymous @ August 8 2003, 13:34:06 UTC |
Hi mate!
Have 3 questions for you:
1) What Hogwarts house did you WANT to go to?
2) What's your least and most favorite subjects?
3) How do you make up all those brilliant codes?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:41:40 UTC |
1) Well I didn't really think about it beforehand! Dad was a Hufflepuff but Mum was a Ravenclaw and I think I take after Dad more, and Mum really wanted me to be a Ravenclaw so I just reckoned whatever I got was good.
2) I like Defence Against the Dark Arts best. Professor Black is really really wicked, oh, but I don't mean that really in you know, like an Azkaban kind of way. I hate Herbology, I'm not really that great with plants.
3) They just sort of come to me, don't ask me how because I can't really reveal that.
athene_51 @ August 8 2003, 13:35:10 UTC |
Knowing how much you love being a Hufflepuff, was it your first choice? Or did you approach the Sorting Hat hoping to be put into another house?
What do you think of us Muggles?
What's your favourite colour?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:42:44 UTC |
Hullo! I just answered the first part in the question above this. I didn't really care, honestly!
Muggles are all right, when they're not trying to burn witches or stuff like that. I don't want to go spend the day with them but I'm not going to start saying they ought to be killed.
My favourite colour is red!
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:49:03 UTC |
Yellow's kind of bright, don't you think? Besides, I didn't pick my house colours, but they aren't my favourites just because they're the house colours.
(parent)athene_51 @ August 8 2003, 13:51:54 UTC |
Oops, sorry about that! It must have been posted while I was writing up my questions.
I hope you don't mind if I substitute a different question instead. Have you every been to this website?
As someone who seems to do extensive research into conspiracies, what is your opinion?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 14:00:03 UTC |
Bloody hell! What is that?! Canadian world domination???? Thanks for the tip!
(parent)athene_51 @ August 8 2003, 14:10:24 UTC |
Thanks for the tip!
Oh, no problem! Just doing my part to spread the word, keep people informed. I am Canadian, after all.
And I think it's great that your favourite colour is red! Canada's colours are red and white, you know so you should have no trouble fitting in to your new society.
Thanks for answering our questions!
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:52:02 UTC |
A Hufflepuff, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin walk into a pub.
The Gryffindor says, 'I'll have a shot of whisky straight.'
The Slytherin says, 'I'll have twice of what he's having.'
The Hufflepuff says, 'I'll have a pint of mead.'
The Slytherin and the Gryffindor keep outdoing each other by drinking twice as much as the other, until they both end up passing out and wetting their trousers.
Someone asks the Hufflepuff what happened and the Hufflepuff says, 'Just another Gryffindor/Slytherin pissing contest.'
corsiva @ August 8 2003, 18:36:33 UTC Justin! |
When will you be gettin in on the q and a session?
finch_fletchley @ August 8 2003, 19:13:35 UTC Re: Justin! |
What, you think I've got time to sit here and answer all your questions? I've got books to read, tele to watch, conspiracies to sniff out!
(parent)corsiva @ August 9 2003, 03:51:32 UTC Re: Justin! |
Gah, you too? What is with you Huffies and your conspiracy theories?
tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 13:44:34 UTC |
What's your opinion on internet security?
Do you ever worry that a computer hacker could be watching everything you do?
How many sneakascopes do you posses?
Have you ever worn a tinfoil hat to protect you from aliens reading your mind?
Do you surf conspiracy theory sites to keep up with the latest threats?
And I love your player bytheway. Much, much love.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 13:54:44 UTC |
Internet security seems really lame! That's why I never put anything on the computer that I don't mind getting out!
...Well I'm worried about it NOW.
I've got this really big one my dad got me when I was younger, and I've got my brother Sean's old one which is kind of broken, but I just keep it cause it's Sean's anyway, and I've got a travel one, so just three!
What's tinfoil?
Sometimes I do! They're totally fascinating! Some girl in here just showed me a really scary one!
tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 14:07:44 UTC |
It's coming man. Canada is a force to be reckoned with. Our entire army has finally reached the size of the L.A.P.D.. We're so proud.
...and you should look into tinfoil. Guaranteed to protect you against 99% of alien invaders. Unless you secretly want to be a slave/lunch meat.
athene_51 @ August 8 2003, 14:13:23 UTC |
Our entire army has finally reached the size of the L.A.P.D.
Yes, people better start keeping their eyes on us! Hee.
tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 14:16:41 UTC |
'cept there were those three soilders that the Americans accidently bombed so actually we're a little behind.
I love the gun policy. I'm going to go invest in cunning staircase grease for when our time comes.
potions_master @ August 8 2003, 14:55:54 UTC |
Why on earth would anyone want to know anything about a Hufflepuff?
tiamet_nox @ August 8 2003, 16:53:40 UTC |
Well, unlike other people I could mention. There's a very good possibility that he might let us have his babies.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 9 2003, 04:44:32 UTC |
You seem curious professor. Are you aware that by asking that question to Ernie - a Hufflepuff - you are expressing a desire to know something about him?
(parent)notapipe @ August 8 2003, 15:04:55 UTC |
Well Ernie, normally there's just nothing you can ask a Hufflepuff, but for you I'll make an expection.
What's your favorite musical?
Who is the most dangerous person in the school? Most dangerous teacher? Most dangerous student?
What do you think about aliens?
Is there anything you feel we ought to know but you haven't really had a chance to tell us? For example, what color socks you have, if that's important to you?
How do you like your ice cream?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 15:21:56 UTC |
I don't know what a musical is... is it a muggle thing?
In the school, I'd say Potter. Saved us all and everything, but he still gets a little cross sometimes and it's a bit off.
Teacher, Professor Sinistra. Snape at least wakes up during the day!
Student, well if I've already used up Potter, Draco Malfoy. He tried to kill Justin.
My dad says that the real proof that there's intelligent life out there is that they haven't tried to contact us! Haven't really got what that means though.
I'm not wearing socks right now, man, it's hot out and all my socks are all crunchy cause I haven't put them in my basket.
I like my ice cream with nuts and fudge and in a cone usually. Dish is no fun. Sometimes a la mode though. I dunno where those funny accents are and I don't really care about looking for them, sorry. I'm lazy. It's hot!
Now I can't really think of anything to say. Oh, yeah, someone over here told me to shut up once because I posted about Malfoy trying to kill me and he really was so I'd just like to say that I'm not always so off base.
notapipe @ August 8 2003, 15:29:12 UTC |
Thanks Ernie. One more question: What do you think of my icon?
Well, muggles make some excellent musicals, but I understand that there are wizarding musicals as well.
But didn't Justin him ask him to? Doesn't that just mean that Draco is a nice guy?
It means your dad reads Calvin and Hobbes.
FYI: If you're on Windows, Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Character Map or Start->Programs->Accessories->Character Map depending on your OS.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 15:34:11 UTC |
It's pretty ace! The fish is kind of scary looking though, but that's just me. Fish are a little gross.
Justin asked him to but really, does that give him an excuse? I mean honestly. If Malfoy asks me to throw him over a building I'm not - well maybe.
Nah, man, my dad said something about that Einstein wizardy person but I still don't get the point. How does he know? My dad's just a genius that way.
I'm on a Portkeys OS....
la_trix @ August 8 2003, 15:30:05 UTC |
Hullo Ernie! Good to see you, man!
Are you staying with Seamus now? Are Hannah and Mandy there?
Hufflepuffs rule; the other houses drool.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 15:35:28 UTC |
Hullo fauxwen!
I'm not with Seamus yet, I'm at home! My mum's cooking supper and I'm starving so I hope she hurries up. Dad says she takes too long on purpose, I think I agree.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:24:03 UTC |
?yad lla edoc gnirehpiced dnuora tis ot stnaw ohW !sterces ruoy sdaer eno on erus ekam ot yaw tseb eht s'taht esuaceB
(parent)notapipe @ August 8 2003, 23:06:46 UTC |
?sterces ruoy ni lla ta tseretni yna evah thgim ohw elpoep fo dnik emas ehT
(parent)bookofjude @ August 8 2003, 16:37:43 UTC |
Someone had to ask: boxers or briefs?
Also, what do you think of attics?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:20:45 UTC |
Pants! White pants! You are obsessed with my pants, all of you.
I dunno! I don't have one. We have a crawlspace but that's about it.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:04:31 UTC |
Well, I guess so, unless this is some sort of trick.
(parent)dragynville @ August 8 2003, 17:16:38 UTC |
Any more secret codes in the works?
And do you really believe all your conspiracy theories, or are you just yanking Justin's chain sometimes?
Cheers! :D
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:19:30 UTC |
All will be revealed in due time, it is for sure.
Why would I yank - WHAT??
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neveth @ August 8 2003, 17:19:44 UTC |
Corgrats on the Quiddich Announcer gig! You deserve it man!
Getting on with it I have 3 questions for you - What is your full name? (middle name(s) too, please!) What is your favorite color? What is your quest?
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:04:05 UTC |
Ernest Patrick Macmillan.
I quest only for justice, my friend.
onthehillside @ August 8 2003, 17:52:20 UTC |
What do you think of muggle music? Got any favorites?
(parent)erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:18:40 UTC |
I can't listen to muggle music! We don't get alatricty! I like wizard music anyway. I like the Smashing Puffskeins and Goblinsmack and Nine Inch Wands although they're getting sort of mainstream, everyone likes them now, and I think the Weird Sisters aren't too bad.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 8 2003, 18:01:21 UTC |
1) What's your favorite food?
2) What class do you enjoy the most?
3) What's the best thing about your Head of House?
4) What does your Common Room look like?
Thanks so much!
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:16:57 UTC |
1) Cheese! I like cheese on everything and cheese sandwiches and cold cheese and all that rot.
2) Defence Against the Dark Arts. I liked Quirrell, except he turned out to be really evil or something, so I didn't like him at all. Lockhart was a total jerk! Professor Lupin was really great and he taught us a lot, and Moody - well, I don't always know how I feel about Moody. Professor Black's been really ace, he and Professor Lupin have been the best DADA professors of all time.
3) Professor Sprout is really funny but no one believes it because she's the Hufflepuff Head. She tells us a lot of jokes and stuff and she doesn't expect us to help out extra in Herbology just because she's House Head and she can't hear really well in the one ear so she doesn't always realise if we're up too late.
4) We're on the ground floor and we've got these really big windows and there's loads of trees right outside so it looks really green and sunny or green and snowy depending on what time of year it is, or you know, wet, but whatever, usually it's green and it's really light inside, because of all the windows obviously. Except sometimes it gets too cold because of the windows but that's all right too. We've got these big round chairs that are really hard to get out of but you can fit two people in them at once, except not me and Justin because I'm not really thin anyway, so I usually just sit in them by myself. The tables are round which is really nice but they're always covered in all these ruddy books and parchments and you can't really tell whose belongs to who unless it's yours so it's kind of confusing. Professor Sprout likes to put plants on some of the shelves, there are some in the walls, and the stairs to the dormitories go up in a cool sort of spiral.
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Anonymous @ August 8 2003, 18:25:18 UTC |
People often talk about the Heir of Slytherin or Gryffindor but not Hufflepuff. Who do you think would be the Heir of Hufflepuff?
Only the Heir of Slytherin 'd be able to open the Chamber of Secrets, so what kind of things the Heir of Hufflepuff would be able to do?
Do you think Draco Malfoy is cute? ^-^
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:36:06 UTC |
Me, obviously! No, not really. Helga Hufflepuff's last heir died a few decades ago, they didn't have any children after that so nothing's really going to come of it. Too bad, it would have been wicked to be the heir of something other than my dad's premature balding.
I bet the Heir of Hufflepuff would be the one to make all the houses come together or something because Hufflepuffs are loyal anyway and loyal to Hogwarts especially!
Why would I think Malfoy was CUTE?! He's POINTY. He's all white and gross looking and HE IS A WIZARD.
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hobaggins @ August 8 2003, 18:29:08 UTC !!! |
Hullo Ernie! I've a few questions for you! If that's alright that is.
Have you ever been to a concert?
What do you wear when you're not in school uniforms?
Do you like Acciohead?
Who do you think are the most attractive students in Hufflepuff? In Ravenclaw? In Gryffindor? In Slytherin?
When you were younger, did you have a teddy bear or any sort of animal to sleep with?
Thanks Ernie. I heart you very much. If you don't end up with Hannah, give me a ring.
erniemacmillan @ August 8 2003, 18:40:22 UTC Re: !!! |
Hufflepuff, Hannah Abbott
Ravenclaw, Padma Patil
Gryffindor, Ginny Weasley
Slytherin, Tracey Davis
We don't really have concert things... I mean the Weird Sisters came and played at the Yule Ball but usually it's just stuff like that, there's not really a lot of places to do it in the Wizarding World. They've tried to organise it a bunch of times but you have to get a really big spot that muggles can't see and people don't really want to put that effort out unless it's the World Cup or something.
Acciohead are all right! They're kind of weird though. I mean, what is up with them? They're so experimental.
I had a really small foe glass that I used to sleep with and a blanket but it got eaten, I still don't know by what but I intend to find out.
A ring? You mean jewellery? Because I don't think I can afford that.
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Anonymous @ August 8 2003, 19:29:53 UTC |
What sort of things do you and Justin usually do together when not studying?
In your opinion, who are the top 5 hottest guys and girls in Hogwarts?
erniemacmillan @ August 10 2003, 12:01:48 UTC |
Justin and me do everything together, man. Mostly we just sit around doing nothing and complaining about it.
1 - Hannah Abbott
2 - Padma Patil
3 - Tracey Davis
4 - Ginny Weasley
5 - Pansy Parkinson
saffronlie @ August 8 2003, 20:00:37 UTC |
Did you pass your Apparation test, mate? And have you checked lately to see if anyone's put any spells on you? I'd be worried, if I were you.
(parent)kenboy @ August 8 2003, 21:46:33 UTC |
Justin, what do you think of Queer Eye for the Wizarding Guy?
(parent)tabiji @ August 8 2003, 23:26:04 UTC |
?uoy evol ew hcum woh wonk uoy oD:)
?oot guh a evah I naC
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Anonymous @ August 8 2003, 23:32:21 UTC |
.evol einrE eht no hcum ,sey hO
?esaelp ,llew sa em dnA
kairos103 @ August 8 2003, 23:59:00 UTC Onstant-cay Igilance-Vay! |
An-cay ou-yay anslate-tray any-hay ode-cay or-fay us-hay ithout-way ompromising-cay ecurity-say? Erhaps-Pay, "I-hay am-hay on-hay o-tay ou-yay!!!"?
Anks-thay, an-may!
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deadspiders @ August 9 2003, 02:28:34 UTC |
Is there any chance I could ask you something and receive a straight answer? If so, what would that question be?
(parent)serpensortia @ August 9 2003, 04:56:43 UTC |
I hope I'm not too late Ernie, but I have to ask - what are your thoughts on Professor McGonagall (or Minnie as you have taken to calling her)?
Is there a slight attraction there? Or is she a little too old for your tastes? Of course, I'm not trying to suggest that you'd like her more than Hannah (are you going to see her any time before school starts again?), but...would you like Minnie if she were younger?
^-^ I only ask questions of a Hufflepuff, as we all know that it is the best house to be in. Who'd want to know what's going on in a Slytherin's head anyway? You're far more interesting.
silverchan @ August 12 2003, 12:48:32 UTC |
What if the hokey pokey really IS what it's all about?
If there were no hypothetical questions, what would this say?
Most importantly, will you hug me?