vellum @ 2003-08-09 01:28:00 |
(no title)
hopes no one posts this before i do. five min., right?
snape. singapore.
G: dylan thomas in subject. and this post seems to give much more insight into what snape is doing traveling all over the globe.
O: because i might as well, the map.
E: lupin's in. and this is off topic, but does anyone have the link to the lego tarot cards? harry potter figurines were used in them, along with a few other franchises, but i've been googling and can't find them. if anyone has the link, i'd much appreciate it.
B: lupin quotes john donne. tarot cards, people, anyone?!
T: quoting stuff left and right.
I: i thought so. comment collapse at 50! it is five forty six in the morning!
M: i did realize this earlier, when i was reading his post, but i think snape experienced a chinese lion dancing ceremony thing. or, ignored it. but, still, i love those. the noise. :D
tarot cards? anyone?
bookofjude @ August 9 2003, 01:37:02 UTC |
Was musing about this on my own lj: does his final statement
"Singapore, I believe I will be leaving as soon as humanly possible, and this is one country that I do not care if The Dark Lord does overtake. He can bloody well have it."
Mean that he's going through countries/cities and working out if they'd be weak and easily fall to the Dark Lord? Or perhaps even looking for signs of an overtaking already happening?
Or am I just reading into things?
vellum @ August 9 2003, 01:57:32 UTC |
that's what i'm seeing, too, that he's going around seeing what dark events are happening, or whatever they're called.
(parent)notapipe @ August 9 2003, 02:14:46 UTC |
well, it's possible that he's contacting resistance cells, doing diplomacy, or something. But I think that given the number of thigns he seems to be picking up, that may not be completely accurate.
Also, I don't see why he's in places particularly indefensible. Chicago and New Orleans are bastions of muggle hatred? Or just really bad? And they're in the same boat as Germany, Yemen and Tahiti? Why would Tahiti be especially vulnerable to Lord Thingy?
And remember, he DOES pick stuff up, like in Etheopia (I think that's where he got [what remus implied was] the ark). Looking isn't enough.
zorb @ August 9 2003, 01:37:28 UTC |
And now we have E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G-S. I guess the S is a new word, but it's too early to know what it stands for.
vellum @ August 9 2003, 02:15:54 UTC |
he should put us all in a spin and have two s's after everything.
i just lost my train of thought.
vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:23:25 UTC |
we need to get ernie back in here to give me CAFFEEENE.
(parent)altricial @ August 9 2003, 01:54:55 UTC |
Hahahahahahahahaha best entry ever. This has nothing to do with my distaste for Singapore, of course. Ahem.
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 02:20:23 UTC |
your icons continue to scare me. i expect them to begin moving and waving around a knife.
(parent)tabiji @ August 9 2003, 02:28:35 UTC |
ACK! I was thinking the same thing!
Very "Bride of Chucky"!
notapipe @ August 9 2003, 03:11:15 UTC |
They make me happy. Since they resemble the album art for a Jack Off Jill album. And I like Jack Off Jill.
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:45:43 UTC |
because the club is about you, which means the hypothetical monday is in charge. take it up with the monday.
(parent)snowballjane @ August 9 2003, 02:21:53 UTC |
::Jumps up and down in delight at post title:: (heh - that's the poem I've got in the 'quotes' bit of my LJ!)
So, I take it it's meant in a spirit of "no one cares or notices what I do, but it's done for them"?
noirenails @ August 9 2003, 02:34:34 UTC |
Everything s...? Everything's? Just pondering. Ignore me. Is there a country that starts with '?
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 02:52:10 UTC |
nope. ::waves lupin/charlie flag, realizes it's the wrong one, goes through stuff, waves lupin/snape flag::
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hobaggins @ August 9 2003, 02:57:41 UTC |
GARGH.. stop... must not OP3........ Snape and Charlie haven't even had any interaction.. isn't realistic...
vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:02:27 UTC |
::waves lupin/snape/black op3 flag::
::waves percy/anyone while i'm at it::
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hobaggins @ August 9 2003, 03:04:42 UTC |
Oh God Percy is so hot.. I don't read enough Percy fics.... I love me some Hot Geeks in pajamas.........
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:10:06 UTC |
::fangirl shriek::
the morning hair. the glasses in the books. they need to put percy in glasses in the movies.
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hobaggins @ August 9 2003, 03:11:31 UTC |
God. Do you like evil!Percy too? Because I fucking loved him. Am I bad Harry Potter fan for loving the fact that Percy went bad and ditched his clan
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:21:02 UTC |
i was surprised that he ditched his PARENTS, but, if i had brothers like the twins, i'd be staying as far away as possible, too. percy! ::glee::
(parent)imochan @ August 9 2003, 11:08:35 UTC |
>:O that is SO not on, Lozzym'girl. SO not on.
*desperately tries to hide own SS/RL flag* ;D
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hobaggins @ August 9 2003, 03:41:48 UTC |
In a way Snape being worried about Lupin is terrible, because that makes it really bad. That Prof Snape is so openly concerned with Lupin means there is a reason and more for him to be worried
Being up all night certainly makes one very... eloquent... Argh...
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 10:36:17 UTC |
Yeah, I'm worried about Remus too... pulling up quotes about dying is never a good sign.
(parent)snowballjane @ August 9 2003, 06:33:33 UTC |
Oh my. Is "Till up in the morning the sun shall arise" the Snape version of writing ::hugs::?
But all of the things that belong to the day,
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.
Aw. Wibble.
nightflight @ August 9 2003, 09:58:43 UTC |
I even posted about that in my own LJ. So I'd say... no, not at all.
::hesitantly waves flag::
dragynville @ August 9 2003, 03:10:43 UTC |
So Harry is dividing his time between the parents. Poor Harry. ;_; Sirius and Remus need to get back together because this child does not need to be from a 'broken home' on top of everything else!
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:21:54 UTC |
yes. also wondering if remus tucked in harry like a good parent.
(parent)dragynville @ August 9 2003, 03:28:59 UTC |
And there is this too. ;_; If anyone bother's to look for me makes me want to absolutely bawl. Evidently, he was posting this while Sirius was 'conversing' with Lucius. *cries*
Link found by black_dog.
dragynville @ August 9 2003, 03:39:55 UTC |
If Harry keeps receiving all his parenting and emotional validation from Remus, Sirius may lose him. Because that is what children of split parents do. The 'fun' parent is great for a while, but it's the loving one they gravitate towards.
Sirius had better patch up his house, as the saying goes. And soon.
Wah. Cannot cope.
black_dog @ August 9 2003, 08:47:48 UTC |
But it's the betrayal thing too, I think, not just sloppy parenting. I mean, Sirius is ruining his family over Lucius. Who works for Voldemort. Who killed Harry's parents and wants to kill Harry. Harry must be turning that series of thoughts over and over in his head, and must not have a clue what to think of Sirius. How crazy is this godfather?
<3333's bobbypin and
dragynville back.
imochan @ August 9 2003, 11:13:46 UTC |
Dragyn! Hurt! Need! Cuddle! ;_;!!!!!!
noirenails @ August 9 2003, 05:14:35 UTC |
Waaah! Those guys are killing me! I'm too young and beautiful to die.
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hobaggins @ August 9 2003, 03:22:12 UTC |
It kills me that I can't read the comments on the pictures in Snape's journal. KILLS ME!!!
When did that actualyl become such a factor for me? *prays no one else changes journal format* I'll die without the little picture comments easily accessible
vellum @ August 9 2003, 03:24:50 UTC |
that's the main reason why i didn't change mine. couldn't read the keywords. people have some damn good keywords.
it's that component style! the alt tags are defunct! ::screams::
vellum @ August 9 2003, 04:19:43 UTC |
::has no fucking clue how to make image absolutely huge.::
slep deprvatipn. uo unaerstand.
vellum @ August 9 2003, 04:52:33 UTC |
what is it with you people and magnets? yes, and a t-shirt of your favorite food color, annnd, a baseball hat. green. dark green. has NA on it.
(parent)notapipe @ August 9 2003, 05:49:51 UTC |
So basically everyone but me gets a t-shirt. You suck.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 9 2003, 08:20:25 UTC |
the onion comment in the remus/snape conversation reminded me of the onion analogy in Shrek, wherein it describes that even an ogre has layers. I think the comparison of their relationship to the relationship between Donkey and Shrek - one of a friendship that won't quit, no matter how much the "ogre" wishes for isolation - is quite fitting, and pleases me greatly.
I could be way off, but I just thought it was a possibility.
I'm also loving Snape's interest in getting Remus to bed. It's nice that we have someone to "tuck" him in at night these days, even if it is via long-distance potion-referral.
anjenue @ August 9 2003, 10:04:18 UTC |
OK, I know I'm a hopeless n00b as far as this goes...but where are the letters coming from...and why?
*hides before people can slap her with n00b stickers*
vellum @ August 9 2003, 17:30:04 UTC |
before i changed them? bobbypin got them. after i changed them? look at my username.
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 10:34:39 UTC |
Not for the proud man apart
From the raging moon I write
Does anyone else think it's interesting that the poem snape used for his subject sounds a heck of a lot like Remus' and Sirius' current marital problems? Since Sirius is very proud, and if anyone qualifies to be the raging moon it's Remus. I figured that that was why Remus started talking to him.
Wouldn't it be adorable if Snape was making something for Remus and Sirius, or at least that will help them in some way as well as helping others? Or perhaps their problems are just weighing on his mind.
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 11:45:46 UTC |
Does anyone else think it's interesting that the poem snape used for his subject sounds a heck of a lot like Remus' and Sirius' current marital problems? Since Sirius is very proud, and if anyone qualifies to be the raging moon it's Remus. I figured that that was why Remus started talking to him.
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 11:45:01 UTC |
M: i did realize this earlier, when i was reading his post, but i think snape experienced a chinese lion dancing ceremony thing. or, ignored it. but, still, i love those. the noise.
More like the Hello Kitty festival.
snowballjane @ August 9 2003, 15:13:07 UTC Lego |
Did anyone already send you the lego link? It came up fairly easily on google uk.
(parent)vellum @ August 9 2003, 17:31:02 UTC you get a free t-shirt. |
cuz like, thank you sooo much, i'm gonna have ten thousand of your babies.