eponis @ 2003-08-13 15:52:00 |
At last -
Lupin is recovering, last night went badly, and Harry is sulking adorably.
Edit: And it looks like Sirius is playing tug-of-war over Harry. [/cynicism] Or at least, he cares about how Harry's reacting, too.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 13:06:03 UTC |
Everything is as well as it can be it seems. Remus will mend well under Poppy and Harry's care.
Poor Harry, does anyone else think that he might have been near when his parents had their fight?
This is the first time that anyone has mentioned Harry's reaction to this mess. Remus is getting off easy if Harry is just glaring at him from behind his copy of the Quibbler.
I hope Harry is able to talk to someone about it. He's just as upset as Sirius and Remus.
imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:23:09 UTC |
*joins in with the prodding, this time with a poker from the fireplace*
*whispers* fluuuuufff... flufff... fluuuufff...
anjenue @ August 13 2003, 13:24:02 UTC |
*kicks LJ* piece of crap...keeps screwing with my posts.
anyway, what I had said was:
*prods Harry toward Draco, who is somewhat in the middle of his own parents' conflict at the moment*
*whistles innocently*
anjenue @ August 13 2003, 13:28:42 UTC |
I wish I could be there to see the irritated glare on Harry's face...
imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:30:49 UTC |
I really want him to answer this, as am v. interesting as to exactly how "okay" he actually is. I want him to shout at someone. :/ Perhaps am missing canon and COPIUS CAPSLOCK ISSUES. >:D
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 13:41:21 UTC |
That made me laugh out loud.
imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:47:53 UTC |
HAHAHAHAHA!! Thumbs up!
Maybe am scary and weird but does anyone else read ellipses as (dot dot dot)?
>:\ Sample: "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE(dotdotdot) I'VE HAD IT SO HARD(dotdotdot) AM ANGSTY TEEN(dotdotdot)"
anjenue @ August 13 2003, 13:53:42 UTC |
I totally used to do that.
Now I'm addicted to the word ellipses, even though it's often hard to say aloud.
![]() |
Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 13:54:05 UTC |
Dude, Book 5 was so "ANGST ANGST SHOUT SHRIEK WHINE wibble SHOUT SHOUT ignore ignore STUBBORN STUPID WAH wibble - plot?"
*takes JKR's shift key away*
*takes the period key too, just because*
eponis @ August 13 2003, 14:02:42 UTC |
::laughs aloud::
So true.
Makes it great fun to read aloud, though. Particularly in enclosed rooms. With very, very thick walls.
nightflight @ August 13 2003, 14:20:17 UTC |
So you did that too?
It's especially fun with a bit of overdramatic flair thrown in. My sister became very scared when I threw the wretched book down at the ground in the middle of one of Harry's angst fests while reading out loud, although finding my page again was a bit of a problem.
Then again, there is no such thing as overdramatic flair in book five.
eponis @ August 13 2003, 14:28:23 UTC |
Oh, it was glorious. I and a friend were backpacking around Europe for about 5 weeks this summer, so we decided to use the time to have me read through the books - all five of them - aloud. So we were there, reading HP in youth hostels, trains, Scottish castle ruins, even a ferry down the Rhine . . . Once, another girl even asked if she could sit in to listen!
That's awesome, throwing the book down. :-) I think the biggest dramatic flair I used was pounding the table for Sirius . . . though it did get pretty loud in many of Harry's bits.
Also, had great fun trying to make Snape's voice low and cold and deliciously sexy. ::evil grin::
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 13:55:24 UTC |
Sometimes, I do read them as dotdotdot. Usually it's when I do it myself. But it can become a big annoyance to have various dotdotdot's in sentences so I try to skip over it as much as I can.
Hmm, this makes the both of us scary and weird, I'm sure.
imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:57:32 UTC |
You have idea how much of an ego-stroke that was. XD
Can I have your babies(dotdotdot)?
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 13:59:28 UTC |
If you must, dear. :D
How many do you want...? :P
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 14:14:45 UTC |
10 million dollars? Do not try to cover it up, I saw what you were goign to say. Er- type, I mean. Unfortunately I do not have the funds to give out that amount of money. So, sorry.
10 million babies I can deal with though. Babies are cute. :D
imochan @ August 13 2003, 14:28:39 UTC |
Yeah! Dollars don't go poopy every 5 minutes. *convincing*
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 14:33:08 UTC |
Now, now. Every five minutes is a bit of an exaggeration don't you think?
As I already told you, I haven't got 10 million dollars. Would you settle for $10? :D
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 14:29:57 UTC |
Too true.
I was just trying to ignore all the tough parts, see.
I'm quite the silly girl though.
anjenue @ August 13 2003, 13:52:49 UTC |
Good for Harry. SOMEONE has to knock some sense into these two...erm...can't think of a good word to use here.
Too bad it had to be him...*sighs and pets Harry*
imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:56:28 UTC |
I say Puppies. It is a cuddly word, and brings to mind fluff, rainbows and lollipops, thus no one ever suspects it is really a euphemism for:
HOLYMOTHEROF*&^&^%#$)%#$@***%^%$!!!!!! and etc. :D
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 14:36:20 UTC |
"Sunshine, lollipops, and
rainbows and eveything
that's wonderful is sure to come your waaaaay..
When you're in love!
-ba da da dah-
When you're in love!
-ba da da dah-
When you're in love!
And love is here to staaaaaay!"
That's an actual song too. Leslie Gore, circa 1960-something. XD
imochan @ August 13 2003, 18:21:29 UTC |
:O!!! NO WAY.
That is my Happy Song! My mum used to sing it to me! OMG ourloveissochildhoodsongs. >:D
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 18:54:53 UTC |
:O Ö O:
COOL! ourloveissobeachmoviesandlesliegore! =:D
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 13:57:29 UTC |
Stupid adults who always seem to want to fight about something?
Adults never want to just have fun. They always want to fight about money problems or the kids or something else equally unfun.
Silly adults.
therealycats @ August 13 2003, 13:58:13 UTC |
I knew it!! They'll soon be arguing over who can buy his school books and his clothes and his broomsticks and whatever other toys an adolescent wizard will play with. Then it will be the tug of war at Christmas! "No, he's spending Christmas Eve night with ME!" *tears hair out*
You all read "ellipsis" or "dotdotdot"? :| You don't just pause or fade away in the reading? :| Wow... :| :D
imochan @ August 13 2003, 14:05:29 UTC |
I sincerely hope it doesn't get to that point. I also hope that Sirius and Remus are mature enough not to sink to that sort of petty snarking. :| (Personally, I don't think they will, but am sometimes blinded by lurve and whatnot).
I love your icon. I just adore it. OMG. And yes, I do, at least. >_> We are a strange breed. Me, I grew out of the mold on the Nraged kitchen counter. Someone forgot to clean it.
therealycats @ August 13 2003, 14:09:57 UTC |
Ahahahaha...ew...mold. Damnit! See, I like to type ellipses, but I don't read them as such.
My icon thanks you :D
Can you note the bitter tone with which I type this divorce stuff? Unfortunately neither of my parents jumped at the opportunity to buy me a shiny new car when that time came, but the Christmas stuff happened. But yeah, hopefully the dogs (lovely though they are) will get their acts together soon and kiss and make up. And video tape it. And post it online. And give this community the link. Yes, I do realize this is an RPG. It does not matter.
muggleangel @ August 13 2003, 15:33:55 UTC |
Yes, I do realize this is an RPG. It does not matter.
Heartily agreed.
untiemybinds @ August 13 2003, 14:12:03 UTC |
We have a kitchen?! How come no one ever told me this?! It'd help when I get thirsty during the F5 wars, that would. I feel very out out and lied too. Woe.
That Dog/Danny smoochy icon is genius and so is the picture.
I really, really hope they don't start fighting over him. This is already too much for the poor boy. Will he never get a normal life? :((
imochan @ August 13 2003, 14:17:46 UTC |
notapipe had it blocked off for a couple days. He was fixing the stove. ;D Am beginning to think of Nraged as a big old house with lots of people running up and down the stairs and into different rooms screaming things incoherently or wibbling quietly in big quivering piles. Then, of course, there is the Big Comfy Chair room, where people who actually know what they're talking about sit and discuss things and drink tea and french wine. Sometimes there's cheese. :D
Actually, I'm hoping J_H pulls the Canon!Angst!Harry card and does make a big fluffing dramatic deal over the whole thing. I know it's not really in character for J_H, but I agree with what Blue said below, that he really is being very, very introverted as of late and I think, more than ever, that it's important for him to share his feelings on the new S/R developments.
tabiji @ August 13 2003, 23:29:41 UTC |
Am beginning to think of Nraged as a big old house with lots of people running up and down the stairs and into different rooms screaming things incoherently or wibbling quietly in big quivering piles. Then, of course, there is the Big Comfy Chair room, where people who actually know what they're talking about sit and discuss things and drink tea and french wine. Sometimes there's cheese. :D
Yes! It's like a frat house (I'd say a dorm, but there are no beds because nobody could sleep with all this SQUEE)! There are squashy beanbag chairs, and there are almost always big bowls of popcorn and pretzels being passed around. The kitchen is a mess because there's always someone cooking &/or eating, and there are a stack of pizza boxes on the counter. The dining room is basically where people go to do their homework, but still stay within earshot of the squeeage.
imochan @ August 14 2003, 06:35:30 UTC |
Yes! Yes! Exact-a-maly! >:D< Well, there might be squashy purple sleeping bags [/canon], but really, who wants to sleep around here anyway! ;D Hahahaha, I bet the dining room has cobwebs. Someone should SO get on that.
have friended you back! :O!! :D!! am hiding under Big Comfy Chair though, as am v. lame!
therealycats @ August 13 2003, 14:25:21 UTC |
That Dog/Danny smoochy icon is genius and so is the picture.
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 14:09:15 UTC |
Wow. So many things:
First off, GOD, THEY ARE SUCH MEN. Talk about your inability to communicate feelings in person! I can't believe the two of them had to write on computers in the same room, mere feet from each other, so they could each ask if the other was okay. Poor Harry. It's bad enough he's pretty much stopped updating his lj (personal thoughts too overwhelming for him as of late?), but he just seems to be more and more introverted each time we see him. Dammit, he needs to be able to TALK to someone.
And if Harry was with Remus today, did he EVER go back to DW the night before?
Moreover, he seemed really upset with Remus for changing in a cage, and... perhaps for the outcome of the S/R conversation? Does anyone get the feeling that Harry doesn't really care who's in the wrong, as long as peace is made SOON? *sigh* poor kid.
And WOO! Remus wants to go on holiday. Maybe he WILL travel with Snape after all?
P.S. Harry's taking his Apparation test on the same day as my road test. I know that's useless info, but it amuses me ^_^
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 14:48:28 UTC |
Ok, call me crazy, but I don't see this as fighting over Harry. It just looks to me like Sirius is taking an interest, taking resposibility, and perhaps trying to make peace with Harry.
I also take the fact that Harry chose to lecture Remus, as opposed of Sirius (when he's appeared to be in complete sympathy with Remus' position up till now), as an idication that Remus was being a bit snappish to Sirius last night and perhaps could have been more willing to hear him out.
These are hopeful things and I am unabashedly clinging to hope.
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 19:47:18 UTC |
Of course... it could also be that Harry was snippish towards Remus because he thinks it's a simple relationship matter (this harry really doesn't seem to think much about his own worth, and would surely be hard put to imagine that the s/r debate is over his security. he'd probably be pretty hurt by that, actually, so I doubt that Remus would present the matter as being anything but a lover's spat anyhow), and, being a mere relationship matter, Harry expects Remus to be able to be the "bigger man" and accept Sirius's apology.
It seems Harry just wants peace, and is sad that Remus "blew the opportunity," while Remus, knowing that the matter is not just about Sirius's love for Remus, is obligingly taking in all of Harry's frustration and refusing to justify himself lest Harry think that he, himself, is the real reason Remus is upset with Sirius.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 20:24:31 UTC |
I don't see how glossing over the Lucius-is-a-Death-Eater factor would do them any good since Harry can read this just as easily as everyone else. *scratches head*
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 20:31:27 UTC |
There's a big difference between being mutually aware of the existence of one aspect of an argument and having it thrown in your face when you're upset.
I'm sure Remus realizes that Harry can read, but, even if Harry lectures him about his "mistakes," I don't think Remus would ever have the heart to throw that fact in Harry's face. Remus would be more likely to accept Harry's frustration and say nothing. Further reminders that the argument is pretty much all about Harry (as far as we know) would only hurt Harry more, and I think Remus would rather go to Azkaban than do that.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 22:40:17 UTC |
But Harry isn't the only who seems to think that Remus was a bit harsh.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 22:49:44 UTC |
First of all, Seamus is hardly involved in present matters, so wouldn't be "in the know" as it were about the real rammifications of the situation, and I think he was aiming more at the lighthearted innuendo than anything else.
Secondly, even if Remus was "a bit too harsh" it was merely because he still doesn't think Sirius realizes the potential consequences of his actions. As I said before, Harry would see this as too harsh only because he wants everything to be better again, and probably doesn't see the big issue, either. He just wants everyone to be happy again, and, because of this, his lecture was surely just an expression of his worries as the "child" in this familial matter. The lecture was perhaps the first time he has attempted to pretend he has some measure of control in this matter, which is quite brave of him, but while it was important for him to say what he did, I don't think it should reflect on whether or not Remus was justified in turning aside Sirius's apology. If Harry isn't going to care about his own safety, then I'm glad at least Remus is willing to.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 23:37:56 UTC |
As sensitive as Seamus is to others' feelings, and having had a cheating BF (considering the flirting and innuendo aspect alone), he's even more likely to be totally sympathetic to Remus. Yet, he's admonishing him, however playfully or not. And I don't see how he (or Harry either) wouldn't be in the know about the real reasons since Remus stated point blank what they are.
And it's entirely possible for Remus to be wrong in this small issue and still be right on the big issues. And just because he assumes that Sirius still doesn't understand, does not necessarily make it so. I'm just saying that he could have heard him out and given him a chance, but probably did not because of how he was feeling physically at the time.
I don't see Harry as a wide-eyed innocent child just wanting everyone to be happy again because 1) he has no foundation for it; and 2) he's spent most of his time with Remus, has been a little bitter on the subject of Sirius, and was fretting over Remus' condition. Based on all this, he would have been much more likely to go off on Sirius, yet he did not.
blue_lightning @ August 14 2003, 06:24:16 UTC |
Yes, but was Seamus there when Sirius came over? Was Seamus involved in any of the S/R conversations? Was Seamus even around???
What bothers me about what Sirius did was that it seems like all of his "good deeds" are done with the sole purpose of pressing issues for personal gain. What the hell was wrong with going over, giving the food to his suffering husband, and then waiting to talk later? And I still stand by my opinion, which is that if Sirius apologized only for matters pertaining to the S/R relationship, then Remus has every right to be frustrated. Sirius, it seems, has to be aware of how his actions affect their family as a whole, and Remus shouldn't have to keep lecturing him on that.
And as for Harry... wide-eyed innocent was never the term I'd been searching for. As I already suggested, his lecture may have been more about finally voicing some of his frustration, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were doing so with Remus because Remus wouldn't take it personally. Yelling at Sirius, on the other hand... Adolescents do, quite often, have a tendancy to get upset and lash out because there's a problem, and not because the person they're lashing out at is at fault; just because they feel safe lashing out at the people they do. And Remus is safe for Harry to lash out at, because he took it all in stride. No one here is infallible, not even Remus, but I believe he was fully justified in this situation.
sistermagpie @ August 14 2003, 06:47:26 UTC |
I could be totally wrong here, but I didn't immediately think Harry was primarily lecturing Remus on the romantic issue because he wouldn't feel like it was his business. Remus hasn't been taking care of himself--everyone's commented on how awful he looked. Snape's been telling him to sleep but he's been rather dramatically despairing instead. Then he transformed at the Leaky Cauldron in his little cage. It would be more natural for Harry to be angry at him for that than about his love life, imo.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 15 2003, 21:52:24 UTC |
I believe Remus mentioned that there were TWO topics Harry was discussing. One was the cage, and the other was the events of the previous night, which Remus said he wouldn't go into further discussion on.
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gryffindorckr @ August 13 2003, 16:35:23 UTC |
Okay, could someone please point me in the right direction in case I've just totally missed this... but, where is Rosie? I'm assuming that she's at DW, though it seems she's been forgotten in all the drama. T_T
(parent)dragynville @ August 13 2003, 16:57:42 UTC |
Yes, that's what I want to know too. Where is Rosie? O.O