muggleangel @ 2003-08-13 20:08:00 |
Potterstinks posts!
Mood: amused
Draco posts whilst on his vacation, with some observations about Italian women and his parent's current relationship. Not to mention some news with the 'watch incident.'
In other news, he's decided to move to Denmark.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 18:16:31 UTC |
Everything annoys him. Being alone annoys him, being with people annoys him. Being with Harry annoys him and not being with Harry makes him cranky. ^_^
That boy is never happy.
In other thoughts, I think the animosity between his parents does bother him. I don't think he would bring it up if it didn't.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 18:23:18 UTC |
Alas, Dragon taming isn't my thing. I'll leave that to Harry. ~_^
(parent)eponis @ August 13 2003, 18:21:59 UTC |
You beat me to it by thirty seconds. :-)
My first reaction to this entry was squeeing (at general PS and PS/J_H interaction), followed by gratitude to the players for a slight relief for angst, but - on rereading the post - it is a bit sad. There's Narcissa first, of course, who has "locked herself up" away from Lucius. Then, of course, there's Harry.
What we know is that, when Draco came by, Harry took him for a walk (because really, I doubt that Harry seriously thought he lost the watch in the gardens, particularly given that they were looking around long enough to get sunburnt), and it ended in Harry being angry enough to "shove Draco into the corner of the wall." (As much as I'd love for him to be shoving him into the wall for other purposes, this is probably not the case.) If I had to take a wild guess, I'd think that Harry wanted to talk to Draco as someone who wasn't Remus or Sirius, but that he's been so upset and frustrated by this whole ordeal that something sparked him off. (MUCH CAPS-LOCK SHOUTING was involved, I'm sure.) Draco doesn't mention anything about what they talked about, though, which is hopefully a sign that he's being tactful enough to keep it private.
The last paragraph made me sad as well, for Draco: "I've no one to speak to and nothing to do whatsoever. I hate the sun and I hate everyone." I mean, yes, he's being his usual arrogantly self-absorbed self, but clearly all the family tensions are affecting him. I can only hope that his talk to Harry today didn't end too poorly for it to be repeated, as I imagine that it'd do them both good to have someone to speak with.
muggleangel @ August 13 2003, 18:31:05 UTC |
Terribly sorry about that. For the record, you post was better in the Harry/Draco aspect. :)
I also much enjoyed your analasys of the ps/j_h talk. Very good. I was also :| over the 'shoved into the wall' bit, but you hit the nail right on the head for my thoughts.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 18:33:09 UTC |
I also wonder what they talked about. This broken family business is hard on both of them and the tensions between them must be at an all-time high.
I'm wondering if they didn't fight over who's father is at fault. Draco might have said something about Sirius and that earns him a shove into the wall.
eponis @ August 13 2003, 18:42:21 UTC |
That's a really good suggestion, that they fought over their fathers. In all honesty, though, I wonder how Draco can defend his own. He could debate over who's at fault in the separation with Narcissa, I suppose, but Lucius has made frequent and very thinly-veiled passes at Sirius, and I don't know how Draco can excuse those.
Nevertheless. In some ways, I think that this situation may be good for them in the long run: they're seeing each other at a very vulnerable, frustrated position, and if they can get over themselves and be open about what they're feeling, they could really support each other. This is one situation in which I feel like Malfoy, who does seem to have a decent idea of what's going on, might be better than Ron or Hermione for Harry to talk to.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 19:00:00 UTC |
While Lucius Malfoy wouldn't know the word "monogamy" if it bit him on his well-tailored ass, that wouldn't stop his son from trying to blame it on someone else. I think that's some knee-jerk reaction people have--Draco does say in his latest entry that Sirius has been talking to his father, not the other way around.
While Draco is probably the best person for Harry to talk to, it makes it so much harder when Draco's father the one Sirius habitually flirts with.
This is also a huge stumbling block on the road to D/H happiness. Does Harry care enough about Draco to separate Draco from his father? For Draco, how can be prove that he's not about to follow in his father's foot-steps?
More angst.
It never stops.
sistermagpie @ August 13 2003, 19:44:30 UTC |
I got the opposite vibe from ps' post, that everything was fine between him and Harry. I took Draco at his word in saying that Harry shoved him because he was getting on his nerves, especially since ps said that was never his intention. I figured ps was purposefully annoying Harry, either by whinging or complaining or teasing and Harry shoved him, probably not meaning to give him A Scrape (gasp!). His post seems full of happy jibes to me about Potter's fascist demands that he pick up his watch (and warnings that he did it this time but won't make a habit of it), Potter's acting like he's the hero of the WW when everyone knows that's ps, his watch doesn't drink. Also calling Dogear Ratshaped Growthe--perhaps he started that during their day together and that's what got him his scrape?
Draco seems pretty over Narcissa and Lucius in this post. Usually I'd see him saying Sirius was bothering Lucius as Draco trying to see things the way he wanted, but here I took it more like an almost criticism of his father. Sort of like in that thread about Voldemort where Draco sort of challenged Lucius? That's what I saw here. I dig at Lucius dressed up in correct language.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 20:03:14 UTC |
Yes, I thought he seemed quite bouyant (for Draco) about the whole watch thing. Very humorous and so on. Though I took the shove & scrape incident as one of their usual 'playful encounters' since that's how he tends to describe them (couched in violent terms).
I thought he was sneering a bit at Lucius too, in a tired of it all sort of way.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 19:57:08 UTC |
I didn't read it as a fight or argument. Draco frequently passes off their 'meetings' as violence encounters:
1. I was forced into a lavatory..
2. I Apparated to Potter's Muggle whereabouts and kicked him in the ankle.
3. ..who hunted me like an evil overlord after lessons and informed me I was going to meet my maker
And so on. It just read like more of the same to me. *shrug*
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 20:11:11 UTC |
err.. violent >.<
I blame it on allergies, I can only see out of one eye. x.O
And there are probably more examples, but I can only see out of one eye. XD
anjenue @ August 13 2003, 22:08:38 UTC |
Maybe Potter shoved him up against the wall so he could snog the living daylights out of him?
Incidentally, I think it's rather funny that we all start referring to Harry as "Potter" when commenting on PS's posts.
tiamet_nox @ August 13 2003, 22:23:48 UTC |
Maybe it's like yawning. Once one person does it, you can't help yourself. (tragically, now I'm yawning. But I'm not tired!) /randomtangent
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 22:25:35 UTC |
I was thinking it was rather reminiscent of the 'towel rack' incident myself. *whistles innocently*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 13 2003, 22:28:49 UTC |
Too true! We may be on to something. Post re violence re Potter = H/D moment of love!
![]() |
Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 22:47:23 UTC |
Is it only way to turn him on? hehe
He should go out and have some fun. Spending too much time in his quarters's quite depressing.
tiamet_nox @ August 13 2003, 23:05:31 UTC |
and then he should post about the 'fun'. in detail.
(parent)anjenue @ August 14 2003, 00:33:41 UTC |
Mwah, oh yes. PS is a masochist. I think he likes it when J_H slams him up against things and snogs him until he's purple in the face.
*whistles* Err...right.
saffronlie @ August 14 2003, 02:23:42 UTC |
Oh, come on, now they're just throwing subtext in our faces. Shoving into corners, indeed. They *want* us to squeee and speculate and insinuate... And boy, is it ever fun. :D
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 13 2003, 22:27:26 UTC |
Thanks (for the other 13, same theme, check out N_A icons)^-^
(parent)dragynville @ August 13 2003, 20:08:18 UTC |
After Harry gets his apparition license, they should take off on holiday together to get away from their parents. Poor things.
Denmark! XD <3's for PS!
(I do SO hope he will do a Q&A! *big chibi eyes*)
zorb @ August 13 2003, 23:16:54 UTC |
I feel his pain on the sunburn. *wibbles in direction of her back* Scalp burn really is the worst, because when it peels, you look like you have the worst dandruff ever.