lazy_daze @ 2003-08-15 11:51:00 |
Mood: excited
First post to this community, so I hope it works! hi everyone - only got my livejournal yesterday but have been following NA since the birth of nraged in March. Anyway, to the point of the post..
Looks like our little just_harry isn't quite as innocent as we once thought! Here (god I hope the html works) he is positively saucy, here he confims he's kissed someone romantically, and HERE he confirms he's had sex with someone! We also learn he's been in love (awww). He says his love life is GOOD 0_0 yet says he's not looking for a boyfriend! So does this mean he already has a boyfriend, or that whatever is making his love life good is just casual sex/snogs? Hmm.
peccavium @ August 15 2003, 13:49:33 UTC Re: :)) |
I must say that your Captain von Trapp is truly the iconification of feistiness.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 16 2003, 02:59:39 UTC Re: :)) |
Your other icons freak me out. This doesn't.
*thumbs up*
primroseburrows @ August 15 2003, 04:40:34 UTC |
I don't think just_harry is the casual sex type.
Note he said "love life" and not "sex life". I don't know if that makes a difference, but I think it does.
takeonelook @ August 15 2003, 08:29:36 UTC |
I really don't take Harry for the casual sex type either, but the question asked about his 'love life' specifically. Maybe if the question would have been 'sex life', then his reply would have been 'sex life.' So I don't know if that really tells us anything.
In other news, I think I may have lasting damage from too much sqeeing.
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chibi_draco @ August 15 2003, 05:03:22 UTC |
Apparently he's never called Draco a pet name either. But his responce to this is has made me giggle since about midnight.
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sourcinderella @ August 15 2003, 05:17:29 UTC |
Looks like our little just_harry isn't quite as innocent as we once thought!
Aww, but looks at those eyes! --
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 05:30:43 UTC |
I seriously doubt it was PS that he slept with. What are the odds on Seamus? *ponders* There was all of that drama going on at the end of Spring, after all.
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 15 2003, 09:47:44 UTC |
Ooh yes. That's a thought - some good old hurt/comfort sex. I quite like the idea of Harry/Seamus actually ^_^
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 17:27:34 UTC |
Heh, not Seamus since he specifically answers that it was NOT a Gryffindor!
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 00:24:41 UTC |
Just go back to the sex question, here:
steph_hime @ August 15 2003, 05:38:06 UTC |
He also said that he likes the way PS twitches in his sleep. Can't forget that.
(parent)noirenails @ August 15 2003, 09:54:11 UTC |
Draco and Harry are together in DW bathroom. Draco just starts to feel drowsy and falls asleep. He's sitting next to Harry. Poor Dracy-poo has a bad dream (or something ;)) and twitches a little in his sleep. Harry looks at Draco a bit concerned and puts his hand around Draco. Draco stops twitching and starts sucking his thumb. Everyone is happy in the HP/DM universe.
But whose thumb is it? Hahaha. *loves self*
kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 11:15:36 UTC |
I just remembered! Draco fell asleep in the taxi he and Harry shared on the way back from the golf! Maybe that's how he knows about the sleep-twitch... I've been trying to work that out for awhile, lmao.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 15 2003, 11:16:54 UTC |
Ah, I never saw that bit, I think that was before I became a die-hard fan.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 11:42:54 UTC |
Aww, those were good times! If you ever get bored and have, like, a whole day/week/month- go back and read it all! *laughs*
(parent)noirenails @ August 15 2003, 11:33:53 UTC |
I can't believe I forgot the Taxi Scene. What kind of a fan am I? Oh well...
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 11:44:03 UTC |
Oh, lord, it took me AGES to get it! I was all "...when has he seen him sleep?!", and as I was reading the comments on this thread I suddenly remembered, heee. And that day was so great, too.
(parent)noirenails @ August 15 2003, 11:57:03 UTC |
Best class trip ever. Let us never forget it again.
(parent)doingfirst @ August 15 2003, 05:38:16 UTC |
Speaking of Harry, relationships and such, his relationship with potterstinks isn't platonic, according to this.
anjaliesque @ August 15 2003, 08:16:23 UTC |
While there are many 'cute' aspects of this thread, I was very much amused by Draco's insistence on Harry being shorter and then Harry's own declaration of being taller. :))
And this is simply absolute perfection. :D
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 08:26:49 UTC |
not to mention the imperfect snog (
(poor harry. but draco might not be so thick afterall. <3333)
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 08:28:01 UTC |
Draco left the discussion at 00:09:53, presumably to go have dinner with Lucius.
Harry left the discussion at 01:31:29 after the sex discussion.
Draco returned momentarily at 01:42:?? to state he'd found something better to do.
What did he find to do (and with whom), and what was his arrangement with Potter? *leer*
takeonelook @ August 15 2003, 08:38:52 UTC |
You know, whenever I read their entries or their interaction on NA, I always try to be level headed and to not assume things. I make an effort to keep the H/D fangirl inside me under control. However, after last night, I no longer believe that will be possible so..... *leers with you*
*gets mental images*
lazy_daze @ August 15 2003, 09:57:08 UTC |
You know, someone needs to count the number of times *thud* has been used relating to all this. If all the Nraged-ers *thudded* at the same time, would we start an earthquake? :D
(parent)bookshop @ August 16 2003, 00:55:43 UTC |
Er, I think it's been stated a few times on here that using timestamps with regard to livejournal isn't the best way to go unles you're going by actual number of minutes elapsed rather than the whole date/time.
Just a reminder. Gah. Nraged probably desperately needs a FAQ, doesn't it? :-?
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 02:39:14 UTC |
Yes I remember that. I was on (and F5'ing) at the time though, and the stamps fit the duration of PS's absence.
That would be fabulous.
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 08:28:39 UTC |
Though since they're all in S1 comments (since all S1 comments are pacific) and we're looking for timestamp similarity, there could be something to it.
Yes it does.
kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 08:53:01 UTC |
It's certainly been an educational experience! :-D :-D
I'm busy transcriping the whole thing for a friend (moonlitpages) who has been away for it, and I know how annoying those thread clicks can be - so if anyone wants it posted up here under a cut, just let me know... if the players don't mind, of course. :-D
Did I mention the players rock? x
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neveth @ August 15 2003, 08:54:49 UTC |
I would LOVE it, I missed about an hours worth (or 2 pages) and it was hell keeping up.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 08:58:54 UTC |
I'm still working on it, and I think I need to add in a few things from the first page - but I'm on the fourth page of questions as we speak. I can put it up once it's all finished, or as it is, but I think it's going to look fuller when the whole thing is finished.
Also, I've only put the questions and answers up, and things that ps and j_h respond to, not the Nraged user bits and pieces! Is that alright? :-D
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 08:57:36 UTC |
That would be fabulous! I had to leave for about two hours shortly after they started. o_o
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 15 2003, 20:29:24 UTC |
I'd love a copy if it's ok! I had a family engagement and missed the vast majority of it. But you might want to hold off finalizing it for a day or two as I found a thread on the 2nd page that Harry recently replied to. (and squee!) There may be more.
Thank you so much!
kat99999 @ August 16 2003, 02:13:58 UTC |
Well, I'm just pretty much making up a new transcript to post up on my livejournal when it gets to a big enough size, and then I guess I'll keep doing that until the threads run out! But of course you can have a copy, save away or whatever!
(parent)eponis @ August 15 2003, 09:15:59 UTC |
See, at the same time this whole thing has been squeeful and wonderful and fun, but it's also so darn frustrating, because we know that, even if they were in a relationship, they wouldn't say so.
My own theory (which is hopefully not just wishful thinking) is that they have done or are some of these things (snog, date, have sex), whether it's as part of a serious relationship or just "experimentation" on Draco's part. In fact, I imagine that Remus and Sirius know that something more than friendship is going on; Remus politely deflected all questions about Harry and Draco, but Sirius slipped in a comment that implies that there's more than friendship (because why would Harry mind Sirius discussing that?).
However, Lucius Malfoy has made it quite clear, in comments such as this, that anything more than mild friendship between the two would probably not be tolerated. Thus, even if they do have something going on, they really can't directly talk about it, for fear of disinheritance, withdrawal from Hogwarts, Harry's death, and similarly unpleasant things. My only hope, really, beyond the sudden death of Lucius Malfoy, is that (now that they're of age) they decide that their Great and T00by Love is more important than all that. Except, no.
eponis @ August 15 2003, 09:20:14 UTC |
Have done or are doing, rather. Silly me.
Also, um, Lucius? When I linked "sudden death of Lucius Malfoy" to "only hope," it was, um, purely in a hypothetical sense, because of course it would be a great, great tragedy to all present if you were to suffer any injury, right?
lazy_daze @ August 15 2003, 09:54:23 UTC |
Yeah - I think that there were too many subtle hints and squee-worthy comments that everyone has pointed out - particularly ps's comment about the platonic relationship, (or lack of it ^_^) - for nothing of that sort to be going on between them. This must be their way of trying to tell us that yes, there is *something*, without coming out and saying it as that would be implausible (at this stage at least I think) considering what people's reactions, e.g Lucius', would be.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 15 2003, 09:58:03 UTC |
Actually, ps saying he was unaware they were undertaking a platonic relationship could just be part of his denials they have any kind of friendship at all throughout the thread. Just thought I had to throw that possibility on that comment out there.
black_dog @ August 15 2003, 10:48:01 UTC |
He's careful not to admit anything, isn't he? He wouldn't even admit that Potter was in the bathroom with him -- Harry had to do that.
I think what puts it over, for me, is Harry's description of Draco sleeping. I can't help reading that as an erotic description, at least as it reflects Harry's feelings. Of course, we know PS likes to sleep with his friends Pansy and Millicient in a completely nonsexual way. Maybe he and Harry have slept together in a way that's somewhere in between.
Like everyone else, I assumed that if they had sex once, they would do it again, and they would become more comfortable with it as their relationship deepened. But maybe it was something they did once, and it was too much, for the moment, for Draco. Yet they still care about each other. When Harry talks about having sex, it sounds like it was a discrete moment, in the past, something no longer continuing. Yet his love life is "good."
So the whole issue could be NA's little joke on us for our our obsession with sex per se. They may have every meaningful ingredient of a relationship, including some physical affection, except for actual genital sex. And they may be perfectly happy with that for now.
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 11:11:34 UTC |
Could it have been the 'Draco freaking out' incident? Did anyone ever figure out what that was all about..??
(parent)black_dog @ August 15 2003, 11:14:57 UTC |
Which time was that?
I'm with you, if we're assuming they had sex once, it's kind of fun to look for clues in old threads. Maybe it was the day Draco was "fine."
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 11:40:34 UTC |
I think it was the date incident in May/June. They weren't speaking after it, and someone suggested on nraged that Draco had freaked out about something that happened and got a gold star for the freaked out part (I can't find the link!).
We need some proper links so we can ask them about it! *frustrated*
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 15:21:53 UTC |
Found it!
There was the freak-out after Cannes, also the day in the menagerie when Harry's scent was I'm going to make myself crazy going through old posts.
They're just so good at the damn vagueness and double-talk, they could come right out and say "Yep, we're shagging," and we'd be analyzing it, "Gee, what do you think they meant by that?"
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 16:26:26 UTC |
In another thread some time after that, we were talking about the freak-out, and a player was commenting...
...I asked whether anyone had gotten the reason for the freak out right, or they were just not wanting to tell us yet, and the player said that nobody had hit upon it yet.
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 16:29:21 UTC |
Well, I bit the bullet and asked the question.. should I add any details or reword anything? *nervous*
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 16:36:40 UTC |
Oooh, excellent.
Nah, I wouldn't change it. I'd leave it specific. You know how a certain someone tends to sidestep things!
dragynville @ August 15 2003, 16:51:50 UTC |
I have to leave in a few minutes so, if he answers in his dodgey way, keep at him in my absence! :D
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 16:53:17 UTC |
Haha I will try. I don't know that I'm quite up to the task of out foxing that one though!
(parent)anjenue @ August 16 2003, 00:30:59 UTC |
I have a question - when that took place, were Draco and Pansy on a down, or were they still together at the time?
(parent)anjenue @ August 16 2003, 00:39:16 UTC |
Well, damn.
Maybe it's a cover-up relationship? *hopehopes*
*is not willing to let go of J_H and PS just yet*
takeonelook @ August 15 2003, 12:17:09 UTC |
That's a really good point. Who says that they had to continue having sex. And with Draco's sexuality issues, it makes sense that sex with Harry would scare him. In fact in one of the questions PS answered today, someone asked him how he felt knowing that Harry has a crush on him, and how he feels about it now. His answer was, repulsive to the first question, and indecisive to the second. Draco is still having issues with his sexuality, and that says to me that their physical relationship is very experimental in nature, at least on PS's side. Also, that same person asked when was the last time that Draco had kissed someone, and he said August. Yet in the question about his love life he said that he had a girlfriend but had not see her over the holidays. So we can assume that he's been kissing someone other than Pansy, presumably Harry. This could be seen as evidence for your theory that their relationship is at least somewhat physical. Goodness! Everything is assumptions with these two. Even with a Q&A, all we ever do is guess and theorize. But that's half the fun of course.
Also I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your posts. They are thought provoking, articulate, and insightful. Yeah, that is all. ;)
black_dog @ August 15 2003, 13:05:17 UTC |
that same person asked when was the last time that Draco had kissed someone, and he said August. Yet in the question about his love life he said that he had a girlfriend but had not see her over the holidays.
Ooh, nice detection. Although, just to spoil it -- it could have been his mother; it could have been a meaningless social kiss at Dumbledore's party. As usual, the clues are leprechaun gold.
Repulsed. Indecisive. August. You know, I was picking up on his mood, which I felt had deteriorated, and I really fixed on "repulsed" a bit too much. "Indecisive" is, after all, a major, major concession. He's pretty much saying that he's no longer simply repelled at the idea of sex with Harry. It's something he's thinking about. He could have said, "I like him but I'm still put off by the sex thing." But he didn't. Um, this may have been obvious at the first moment to everyone but me, but it just hit me with its full force.
So yes, I can see them exploring something sexual, and Draco saying "this just doesn't work for me," and Harry saying, in his inimitable way, "Okay." If he promised to keep it secret, it would explain why Draco felt so betrayed when Ron "outed" him and he assumed Harry had told him.
I sense, without being able to totally defend the intuition, that the whole issue isn't entirely settled. If Harry has been pushing for a more physical relationship, it might explain why Draco had bouts of sulking and wouldn't talk to him. Draco made the odd and moving remark that he felt "emotionally" alone in the washroom with Harry. Was there something physical going on that Harry wanted and Draco only tolerated? Or that Draco allowed without being sure of what he wanted? If this is all really part of their history, then the great thing is that they are still friends, still working on and making sense of whatever draws them together.
Always fun to bounce around speculations. This is an insanely addictive soap opera.
onthehillside @ August 15 2003, 15:10:32 UTC |
Yeah, but now he's say that he saw Pansy on August 2 at Dumbledore's party. This contradicts what he's already said about not seeing his girlfriend all summer
Covering his tracks much? I wonder what His father said to him at dinner?
athene_51 @ August 15 2003, 20:44:21 UTC |
As long as we're speculating about Pansy and Draco... and Harry.
I thought altricial's question thread was pretty telling. Draco would choose to be adopted by his girlfriend's family? That's got to say something about his relationship with Pansy.
sistermagpie @ August 15 2003, 13:11:30 UTC |
When Harry said he had sex in the spring I thought, you know, people were probably scouring his messages for signs of anything like that and it went by without a blip. This just isn't something I'm going to be able to get from journals most of the time.
I realized that while I still ship H/D and love the two of them I wasn't as excited at getting confirmations or corrections about specific references like how Harry got a cut lip or how Draco broke the towel rack as I'd have thought I'd be. I feel more at sea than ever figuring out exactly what their relationship was, how far it has progressed physically, if at all, etc.
If I were to pick the two answers that intrigued me the most, though, ps' would be the one I mentioned in the other thread about his happiest moment because of what it says about him: a moment with just one person who's special to him, he succeeds at something, she sees it, etc. Very sweet and revealing, I though.
For Harry it was his answer to why he liked ps: he liked talking to him, his eyes, his laugh, the stories he tells. This didn't interest me in a squee-worthy way, but just because this was what Harry enjoyed in a special way. We know why Harry likes most people he likes; it's harder to understand why he likes ps. It was even more significant given Harry's other posts about love and friendship. He didn't suddenly count ps as his best friend along with Hermione and Ron. He also gave that great answer about loving someone vs. being in love with them, and said how little he trusted being in love. That was presumably directed somewhat at S/R (with the stuff about doing what was important to the one you love) but it also said a lot about H/D. I don't think Harry is yet sure about ps in many ways yet and his enjoying him doesn't change that. They already had that tiff when Harry called him unreliable; Harry may have thought of that when he thought ps hadn't come to see him this summer. If Draco's now indecisive about his feelings about Harry's crush, he might just be mildly disturbed at Harry having sex without him.:-)
Part of what's so interesting with the two of them is they have such different models for friendship. Of for the weekend now. I hope nothing big happens while I'm gone!
black_dog @ August 15 2003, 13:33:27 UTC |
A quick reply which you might or might not see -- I would add to your list of answers, Draco's answer about feeling "emotionally alone" in the washroom with Harry. I totally agree with you that the subtlety of the revelations we've had moves us beyond simple squeeing about shipping.
What I find fascinating is the quality of Harry and Draco's relationship -- the tentativeness of it, the awareness of limits, and yet the deadly seriousness with which they seem to be taking it. It echos so well with all the problematic relationships that they see around them, that they are not "romanticizing" romance, they seem to be exploring the nature and limits of their connection with a sense of great seriousness and respect. It makes them even more impressive as characters.
Have a great weekend!
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 10:45:22 UTC |
Draco is back and answering questions.
Did he really not know that Harry has had sex (, or is he just pretending?
black_dog @ August 15 2003, 10:49:54 UTC |
Perhaps Draco is making a Clintonian distinction here.
(parent)nightflight @ August 15 2003, 17:29:20 UTC |
luthienlupin @ August 3 2004, 17:29:52 UTC |
BD, I love you. :x :x :x!!
And, um, sorry about this being, like, a hundred years late. :D I'm just going through some old stuff and never noticed your Clintonian comment and gold star. *delayed death*
luthienlupin @ August 4 2004, 12:52:36 UTC |
I am. And I think, if it's not a problem, I'll join you all in reread discussions. It's pleasantly strange that I can I still go back and read old threads and feel the same burst of emotions that I felt on first (and often second, third ... etc) readings.
And actually, yesterday I was going through the Goldstars on nraged and that (including magpie's and your's ohsobrilliant comments) has been super fun and revealing. <3!
black_dog @ August 5 2004, 04:01:51 UTC |
That would be excellent! I feel bad about not participating more in xnera's thing right now on NrAged, but I think the reading-in-small-chunks (even though I suggested it) doesn't really give you enough to sink your teeth into at the beginning of the game. I think people need to read at least through the summer, maybe into October, before NA really becomes "itself" that we know and love. I'm up to January now and I'm going to double-back when I reach the kiss in March and maybe post some thoughts on NrAged for anyone who feels the same. I'm thinking that would be after the player Q and A, too, whenever that happens (and the reading-ahead is good for that, too).
(parent)black_dog @ August 15 2003, 11:01:23 UTC |
Actually, it sounds like his father's gotten to him. Looking at a whole bunch his latest answers: he sounds bitter, he's being more abrupt, and he's in full denial, not even flirting with the possibility of a relationship with Harry. Must have been an unpleasant dinner.
(parent)dragynville @ August 15 2003, 11:03:03 UTC |
I can believe that after those few posts of Lucius', the big git. :p
(parent)black_dog @ August 15 2003, 11:06:57 UTC |
I guess in the privacy of a Paris restaurant, Lucius could make more explicit threats than he would dare to do on LJ.
(parent)dragynville @ August 15 2003, 11:08:43 UTC |
Yep. xp How dare he rain on our squee parade?! >.>
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 15:49:54 UTC |
Think we could all pool our money and hire someone to er, immobilize him for a while?
(parent)dragynville @ August 15 2003, 16:46:05 UTC |
Oh yes! Fabulous idea, I like the way you think. *grin*
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 11:55:14 UTC |
snerk. so the last time draco kissed someone was in August ( & on another thread he confirms that he hasn't seen pansy in the hols. not that their relationship not being real is any news to us, but just wanted to share.
i am very intrigued now. & also kind of confused. everything is so unclear and unconfirmed. i have my suspicions but cannot dare believe them. wail. the woes of being an NA addict.
kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 12:10:23 UTC |
That's what I thought - Draco isn't covering his tracks as well as he thinks, maybe? I want to know who he's been kissing, not to mention who Harry has been... seeing! ;-)
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 12:09:18 UTC |
Questions are up to date here and here! Hopefully I haven't made too many errors!
kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 13:07:12 UTC |
*beams* Well, someone had to do it eventually. lmfao
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 15:57:26 UTC |
I'll try and keep up and do the rest too! Boredom and obsession with NA are a funny combination!
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 15:59:22 UTC |
You're very welcome! *grin*
And I love your icon! What picture is that from?
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 00:12:39 UTC |
Blast, was forced to delete the post you had commented back on, due to faulty spelling (finger of blame point to nraged).
I tried in vain to find the site I got the picture from, but whatever it was I manipped/upped contrast in photoshop. *offers image for the borrowing and changing to your heart's desire*
kat99999 @ August 16 2003, 02:15:38 UTC |
I would love the image! Would you be able to email it to me? My addy is!
(parent)peccavium @ August 15 2003, 14:01:12 UTC |
*memories* and *memories*
Thank you kindly. *curtsy*
kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 16:00:32 UTC |
Yay, no errors! I bet I could find one in there.. thank god for "Find & Replace..." on MS Word, lmfao, it saved me typing in <lj user=" about a thousand times!
(parent)chinae @ August 15 2003, 15:33:54 UTC |
I've just notice that Draco has posted more responses in the last two pages, about Ron, about kissing three people and the such should you guys care to see.
onthehillside @ August 15 2003, 15:41:29 UTC |
Yes. Apparently he's also spent the night at Dogear Wryde. Hmm...
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 15 2003, 17:41:21 UTC |
Oh my god, the SQUEE! ::eye twitches magnificently:: Devious!Harry, Surprised!Draco, Naughty!Harry, Pensive!Draco....oh, this is getting good.
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 17:51:32 UTC |
Can anyone provide a link to the incident Harry refers to when he says he first realized that he liked Draco?
He mentions that it was during a fight when everybody saw Prof. Sinistra's legs. I originally thought it was during the incident in the 3 Broomsticks after the Bleu Ball when the two of them ended up under the table, but I couldn't find any info about seeing her legs or Remus catching on fire, so I thought that maybe it wasn't then...
eponis @ August 15 2003, 18:38:41 UTC |
::is absolutely dying::
So we know so far that Harry has had sex a few times with someone who is a male current student and a friend, but not a Gryffindor, and who was not dating someone at the time or now. Malfoy evidently knew about the incident but doesn't consider it sex. God save me, the only person I can think of is Boot. Any other ideas, guys?
And we know that Harry was kissed romantically a couple of days ago. Again, has he (to our knowledge) seen anyone his age besides Malfoy in that time? ::is getting very bad thoughts involving garden walls and roughness::
And Harry says that what he feels for Malfoy is "friendship" rather than a crush, but he won't answer whether or not he's in love or loves Malfoy (prolly because he'd freak out).
And he calls Malfoy "Draco" in his head, which is incredibly cute.
Any other adorable revelations y'all want to add? (I can link to those on request, though I'm feeling momentarily lazy.)
eponis @ August 15 2003, 18:53:42 UTC |
Oh yeah, and we know that it "doesn't bother him" that Malfoy has a girlfriend, and that he and Malfoy have "shared a bed in a non-sexual way".
Also, we now know that the person he kissed a couple of days ago is the same person he had sex with, but that was last spring.
Two possibilities come to mind:
- The "not dating anyone" is a red herring (Malfoy and Pansy aren't really dating, or something. Actually, are there any references to Harry saying Draco has a girlfriend? When asked about Malfoy, he evaded actually explicitly saying that Pansy was his girlfriend.) Harry and Draco really are "seeing each other," but Draco was freaked out by the sex thing and doesn't want to repeat it yet.
- The relationship with Malfoy (and whether Harry is in love with him) is complicated because Harry really is seeing someone else. I haven't a clue who, though.
THAT'S IT! HARRY AND GOYLE ARE HAVING A SECRET AFFAIR!!! ::waits patiently for her star::
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 21:01:11 UTC |
I am so hoping that Harry considers Pansy not to be Draco's girlfriend, as Draco considers oral sex not to be sex.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 12:34:26 UTC |
Is that what they were talking about when Harry asked if Draco had a different dictionary?
Here's the link...
notapipe @ August 15 2003, 23:12:52 UTC |
But Goyle has been at school the whole time... though it's a brilliant idea.
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hezzabeth @ August 16 2003, 03:15:39 UTC |
Did'nt Seamus and Dean break up for the first time during spring?
I may be confused because I'm not quite sure when spring officially is in England.
kat99999 @ August 16 2003, 04:53:59 UTC |
But, wah, it doesn't work - Seamus & Dean are both Gryffindor. *whines* I really want to know who it isssss, this is going to be like the time Draco posted the whole TBWL+1 million other letters and I spent hours working it out, lmao. *sits and plays detective*
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hezzabeth @ August 16 2003, 17:26:28 UTC |
I'm determined to work this out in my own journal , hell if I could figure out who my friends mystery boyfriend was this is going to be a snap.
kat99999 @ August 16 2003, 17:39:36 UTC |
The evidence is right in front of us! I think we're all hoping for it to be Draco so bad that we think maybe it's not, so even if it is we (or at least, I) keep doubting the idea. And if not ps, who else?!
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hezzabeth @ August 16 2003, 18:29:13 UTC |
Well we have to think about this logically, we need to draw up a list of all males mentioned in the Harry Potter books who are currently in Harry's year but not in Gryffindor.
Then we need to go through each one and attempt to figure out if they were dating during spring , if they are dating now and if they saw Harry at all during the summer holidays.
I'm rooting for Crabbe myself.
kat99999 @ August 16 2003, 18:34:09 UTC |
Ah, Crabbe. I think Harry could personally only dream, as we all know Crabbe is a God among the students. Everyone wants a piece. :-D
The only problem with working out who the suspects were/are dating, is what does Harry consider dating? For example, does he consider Pansy and Draco to be dating or does he have evidence that we don't that maybe Draco is just using it as a convenient cover up?
Too.. many.. questions...
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hezzabeth @ August 17 2003, 01:47:07 UTC |
I think every one just really really wants it to be Draco, maybe I should make a thread about this in my own journal so these replys will stop going to J/H's inbox.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 17 2003, 04:38:18 UTC |
lmao, go ahead with it! :-) *adds you to Friends, if you don't mind*
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 10:22:17 UTC |
This isn't because you're right. It's just because you're so incredibly cute.
eponis @ August 16 2003, 10:38:50 UTC |
::dances for joy at her first star, even if it is a pity-star::
(parent)wednesday_tea @ August 15 2003, 22:31:32 UTC |
Ditto. I mean, who else could really work (who is actually in the game)? Er...the Hufflepuffs. But that is just really scary, so no.
And I don't think that Harry and Boot are friends, really. Right? Right?
wednesday_tea @ August 15 2003, 22:36:47 UTC |
Er, wait, screw that. Harry and mystery boy kissed a few days ago, and as far as we know, Terry and Dean are wandering around being bums still. O.o
(parent)notapipe @ August 15 2003, 23:22:54 UTC |
I think it's Draco, but let's eliminate as nessecary.
We can reasonably eliminate Ernie because Ernie has been spending an inordinate amount of time around Hannah, according to Seamus. I doubt there are opportunities, if both Ernie and Hannah are sneaking off at the same time.
There are factors against Terry, including Terry's pattern of behavior (see below).
Goyle has been at school this whole time. I don't know if he could be considered an option.
Crabbe, well, (?)
If we HAD to pick a non-Draco journaled character who isn't Fred (Harry only adressed Ron, not other Weasleys) Justin is the likeliest choice. Which I'm too blerg to refute specifically right now.
notapipe @ August 15 2003, 23:16:03 UTC |
But LAST WE HEARD Dean posted that big old "BOOT, WHERE ARE YOU????!!!!" post and nothing, and someone (can't recall who) saw Boot bumming around Diagon Alley. And Harry visits Diagon Alley rather frequently.
OTOH, I don't think it's Boot, since Draco doesn't call it sex, and we're talking about Boot. Plus, he never ate a purple bean.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 00:44:05 UTC |
More than likely, it's a non-lj character:
Assuming it's not Draco (I think chances are good on that since it just delays an actual hook up that much more--can't satisfy the fans just yet!), than pretty much all the other male characters have been mostly eliminated. T.B. maybe, but Harry specifically said it was a friend that he talks with, and we know the only person who T.B. considers to be a friend is Dean.
PLUS, it would be complicated story-wise if it were an lj character. Justin, for instance, would forever be known as "The Boy who Boffed Potter" (thus ending his romance with Susan).
Also, all the new book #5 characters have shown up or been referenced to in NA except one...
Yep, my candidate for who this mystery boy might be is Draco-lite, a.k.a. Zacharias Smith.
takeonelook @ August 16 2003, 00:56:01 UTC |
I still have hope that it may be Draco, but I was thinking Zacharias. Someone asked Harry if the person had a lj and he said that he wasn't going to answer because obviously the person was just trying to make him say who it is. So could this be construed as Harry getting defensive because the person was getting to close to guessing? Either way, I was just about to post a question about Zacharias on the thread.
(parent)tabiji @ August 16 2003, 02:18:09 UTC The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
Okay, I'd love it to be Draco. This is not a secret. But, realistically, there are quite a few other possibilities. I am holding a bit of hope because of the kiss from two days ago, but actually, Harry hasn't been updating much, so...he could have seen anyone, and we just wouldn't know. And, this is not a complete list of students...just showing the possibilities
The Slytherins Ashworth, Asia, fourth wrong sexBerger, Marian, fifth wrong sex Bulstrode, Millicent, sixth wrong sex Clarence, Daisy, fourth wrong sexClocker, February, seventh out of schoolCrabbe, Vincent, sixth (probably wouldn't call them friends)Goyle, Gregory, sixth (probably wouldn't call them friends)Greengrass, Queenie, sixth wrong sexGroat, Vivian, seventh wrong sex
Malfoy, Draco, sixthMulligan, Miranda, seventh wrong sex
Nott, Theodore, sixth Parkinson, Pansy, sixth wrong sexPendergrass, James, seventh out of school
Pritchard, Graham, third (eh...a bit young?)Stripes, Hazel, seventh wrong sex Sweetbriar, Holly, first wrong sex Whitby, Kenneth, seventh out of school Zabini, Blaise, sixth gender unknown
The Ravenclaws Auchmuty, Alice, fourth wrong sexBlotts, Steven, seventh out of school
Bolish, Patrick, fifthBoot, Terry, sixth not friends Brocklehurst, Mandy, sixth wrong sex
Byrne, Ronan, fourthChang, Cho, seventh wrong sex
Corner, Michael, sixthFrazier, Opal, fourth wrong sexGrassland, Fern, fourth wrong sexGreengrass, Daphne, sixth wrong sex
Herman, Jonathan, fourthIrish, Melissa, fourth wrong sex
Jones, Cormorant, second (a bit young)
Lansing, David, fourth
Matthias, Christian, fourth
Mullarkey, Morgan, fifth (boy or girl?)Quirke, Orla, third wrong sexPatil, Padma, sixth wrong sex
Shaw, Phillip, fourthSpinnet, Christopher, seventh out of schoolTurpin, Lisa, sixth wrong sex Watt, Marie, fourth wrong sex
The Hufflepuffs Abbott, Hannah, sixth wrong sexArgotsinger, Marjorie, seventh wrong sex
Askew, Paul, second (a bit young)Bolish, Kelly, seventh out of school Bones, Susan, sixth wrong sex
Callaghan, Stuart, fourthChan, Jimson, seventh out of school
Finch-Fletchley, Justin, sixthGallagher, Shauna, second wrong sexMacdougal, Morag, sixth wrong sex
Macmillan, Ernie, sixthMidgen, Eloise, sixth wrong sexOswald, Emily, fifth wrong sexPray, Raven, fifth wrong sexQuitrick, Pergola, third wrong sexSmith, Zacharias, seventh out of school
Theobald, Jeremy, second
Whitby, Kevin, third (a bit young)
Yu, Zhang, second (boy or girl?)Zeller, Rose, second wrong sex
takeonelook @ August 16 2003, 02:52:40 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
I didn't know that Zacharias Smith was a year ahead of Harry and the gang. Hmm. Perhaps I need to go re-read OoTP.
Also, isn't Micheal Corner Lisa Turpin's boyfriend? Hasn't she mentioned that on NA, or am I on crack?
And I don't think it's Justin or Ernie just because they've been dating Susan and Hannah respectably, and Harry said the person wasn't currently dating someone, and hadn't been.
So basically, it's either the Draco theory, or a random students from the list.
The other thing that bothers me is that Harry has never mentioned any other friends. I know that he doesn't post much, and that he's a very private person, but you think we would of at least heard a name in passing at some time or other. This is someone he calls a friend, and whom he obviously likes and is intimate with so you'd think that would warrant a mention.
So it's really starting to look like it might actually be Draco, at least to me. Hmm.
Is there anyone we're missing, or something we're forgetting?
tabiji @ August 16 2003, 03:05:05 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
Good point about Michael, Justin, and Ernie.
Yea, I agree with what you're saying about it being a friend. I do think we'd hear more about anybody Harry was close with...especially that close.
I'm mystified about the person not seeing someone else though, because even if it is the logic of 'Pansy is Draco's girlfriend' as 'oral sex doesn't count as sex', Harry has referred to Draco and Pansy dating repeatedly, in these threads, and in the big "Ron, he's not my boyfriend" incident. Unless maybe events occurred that changed his point-of-view? Maybe one of these many heart-to-hearts they seem to have had, where Draco's revealed that Pansy is his girlfriend in name only?
I just don't see Harry as a casual sex kind of guy. Even if this person IS a friend, I can't see Harry risking the ruin of a friendship unless he had higher emotional stakes in it that would make it worth the risk.
eponis @ August 16 2003, 03:19:05 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
Nice detective work, y'all! I admit I would be sad if it was a non-LJ person, but it does seem like that or Malfoy.
Agreed on the casual sex. But, linking together that Harry kissed this guy 2 days ago but only had sex in the spring, and that he'd have sex again if he could, I'd guess that basically, the other person was unhappy/uncertain/whatever about the sex, but they retained their relationship and friendship.
Also agreed that, beyond people already ruled out, the only person we know with that kind of emotional connection is Draco.
I'm . . . this has been an interesting couple of days. . .
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 07:58:37 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
No, Morgan Mullarky is.
(parent)takeonelook @ August 16 2003, 11:55:57 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
Oh, okay. Yeah I wasn't sure about that. All I could remember was that it was an M name.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 12:35:52 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
I thought Zacharias was younger too...but Draco specifically says he's older, so not gonna argue with that.
In any case, that discounts him.
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 08:04:01 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
First, "friend" could be misleading, but for the time being, let's go with that.
If you can strike Crabbe and Goyle for the "friends" thing then why not go ahead an strike Nott? Indications, from both Harry and Draco are that there's really no evidence for a Harry/Nott friendship.
Where is Rincewind? Is he a Gryff?
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 13:25:09 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
You forgot to go through the Quidditch teams! ;)
(parent)onthehillside @ August 16 2003, 16:03:34 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
Am. on. it. Grrrrr.
(parent)onthehillside @ August 16 2003, 16:29:04 UTC Grr, argh. |
Ravenclaw House
Roger Davies, Chaser/Captain
Morgan Mullarkey, Chaser Has girlfriend
Caitlin Nightingale, Chaser wrong sex
Stewart Ackerley, Beater
David Lansing, Beater
Steven Blotts, Keeper
Cho Chang, Seeker wrong sex
Hufflepuff House
Susan Bones, Keeper/Captain wrong sex
Eloise Midgen, Chaser wrong sex
Claire Chapter, Chaser wrong sex
Zacharias Smith, Chaser too old Victoria Truce, Beater wrong sex
Mary Quinn, Beater wrong sex
Justin Finch-Fletchley, Seeker dating someone
Slytherin House
Draco Malfoy, Seeker/Captain
Audrey Bysmal, Chaser wrong sex
Graham Pritchard, Chaser
Lauren Yellowback, Chaser wrong sex
Millicent Bulstrode, Beater wrong sex
Sally-Anne Perks, Beater transferred, wrong sex
Brooke Haydt, Keeper wrong sex
Roger Davis, Stewart Ackerley, David Lansing,
Steven Blotts, Draco Malfoy.
Does anyone know anything about Stewart, David, or David?
If this *anonymous* poster is steering us in the right direction, then my money is on Roger or Draco
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 16:37:53 UTC Re: Grr, argh. |
No, no I'm not. I'm just giggling at this and pointing out more names. It wasn't a hint at all, though.
(parent)onthehillside @ August 16 2003, 16:43:39 UTC Re: Grr, argh. |
Damn you. That wasn't very nice. :)
(parent)onthehillside @ August 16 2003, 16:45:05 UTC |
It did turn the new name of Roger Davis though. Not a complete loss.
(parent)tabiji @ August 16 2003, 23:07:45 UTC Re: The list of suspects - known male students not in Gryffindor |
i hate you.
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 13:43:24 UTC |
Wow. Yesterday I was chortling at the fact that the j_h/potterstinks thread might hit 800 comments. Now it seems sure to make 1000 at the least. o_O!!
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 18:48:27 UTC |
I'm not a native speaker and would like to ask you people something:
What is `Clintonian distinction`?
There was a gold star under it and I really would like to know. Please...
tabiji @ August 17 2003, 22:28:48 UTC |
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was involved in a sex scandal that involved him receiving oral sex.
He tried to avoid admitting to the affair by saying that he hadn't had sex with the woman (his reasoning - because there had been no penetration). It turned out to be just a matter of playing with the definition of the word "sex".
noirenails @ August 18 2003, 05:32:38 UTC |
Here is a quite interesting anon post followed by a deleted comment. Can anyone tell me what that deleted comment said? Just plain curiosity.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 10:02:28 UTC |
I was the one talking to him, so I did get to read his message before he deleted it, but since he said disregard I don't know if the player minds if I tell what it said. I replied to the comment though, and I'm sure that will at least give you some idea of what it was about.
I really want to say what it was though.
And while we're talking about this, there's a whole bunch of deleted comments on another page. Could anyone tell me what those were about?
noirenails @ August 18 2003, 10:32:00 UTC |
Well. *curses rather violently*
Now I reaaaally want to know what he said...*whines*
sistermagpie @ August 18 2003, 11:21:32 UTC |
FWIW, here are my thoughts on the "Is Harry having sex (by his definition) with Draco or someone else?"
I'm not good at all with working with facts here (like figuring out who's been where on a given date). Draco's answers about sex are all intentionally ambiguous and Harry's not going to tell us who he's having sex with because that's not just his secret to tell. Right now, though, I lean towards it not being Draco, but not because I have anybody else I suspect. It's just that for me, this is what stands out:
Harry says if he and Draco had a relationship he's not sure they'd keep it secret. He says you could say he's seeing someone, but he doesn't want a boyfriend. Harry could mean Draco here and just be following Draco's lead in how he describes their relationship (it's casual, we're not boyfriends). However, Harry also says this person isn't seeing anyone else and it seems to me that Harry has always accepted Pansy as the person Draco is seeing. It just doesn't seem like Harry would consider it his right to say Pansy and Draco's relationship wasn't real if Draco was saying otherwise. I guess he could be speaking from private knowledge Draco told him, I just can't see them working at odds that way on this issue.
Plus, Draco twice indicates he feels he's more invested in this friendship than Harry is. He still seems prepared for the day Harry loses interest and judging by the reply to his deleted comment he's not been happy at Harry's lack of response to his posts. He could certainly feel this way if they were fooling around but I seems that issue would be pricklier between the two of them if they were having sex, no matter how casual it's supposed to be. I wonder if Harry would ever be that casual about dismissing his posts if they were.
Draco's challenge to Harry's declaration of having sex could be due to Draco not wanting to believe he himself has had sex with Harry, but it could also be jealousy--either of Harry's relationship with the other person (which he doesn't want to see as completely consummated) or of Harry himself at being ahead of him. People have assumed that Harry's saying he'd want to do it again means the other person is hesitating, but it could just mean the opportunity hasn't arisen again yet.
If Harry is seeing someone else it would give Draco even more reason to feel unsure of his own place in Harry's life. But as I said there's nobody else that Harry's even seen over the summer as far as we know, so maybe it is Draco. I guess I tend to take the boys at their word if I can. For me it's just easier to imagine Harry finding another gay or bi student and doing a little experimenting while Draco is still figuring out just what his relationship with Harry is, rather than Harry getting into the minefield that dealing with a boy in denial of any homosexual tendencies would be. That, to me, would fit more with Harry's independence and confidence on questions dealing with sex, the same questions that Draco avoids. Yes, it could just be that Harry's more at ease with their relationship, but a relationship might also make Harry more nervous about Draco's reaction. JMO.