akutenshi2007 @ 2003-08-16 01:40:00 |
Sirius Posts.
Mood: depressed
akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 22:43:32 UTC |
*weeps* yeah the toothbrush comment actually made me cry.
(parent)anoni @ August 15 2003, 22:46:34 UTC |
I'm not sure I want to see what Remus' next post will be like...
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 22:46:41 UTC |
anoni @ August 15 2003, 22:49:26 UTC |
Yes... just do, you *must*. Do something before it's too late... you'll regret it if you don't. Just... *anything*. For him. For yourself, dammit. Don't just give up!
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 22:58:07 UTC |
It's ok... erm. No. It isn't. *continues crying*
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 22:54:51 UTC |
Fuck. You got me started again. *cries* I'm doomed when school starts.... *cries harder*
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:06:49 UTC |
uhhh, thats something i don't want to think about. N_A and school work don't seem to want to be in the same sentence.
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 16 2003, 03:06:08 UTC |
Oh my god, I know what you mean. How am I gonna be able to wait till after college to check NA rather than every morning like I do now? And as for homework... -.-
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 22:56:10 UTC |
YOU SAID YOU WOULD FIGHT FOR HIM DAMMIT! DON'T LET HIM THINK YOU DON'T WANT TO TRY! Please please please go to him before it's too late.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 15 2003, 23:01:50 UTC |
Maybe they're meant to be in love..........just not together.
I'm going off to find some S/R smut; I want lots of hot sex, lots of mushy love, and lots of "Happily Ever After."
I feel........broken.
anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:05:00 UTC |
Maybe they're meant to be in love..........just not together.
That should sound wrong. But it doesn't. And this scares me. ::must NOT resign self to a tragic ending::
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:05:44 UTC |
Oh God, I need that to. If you find some wonderfully fluffy happy giddy S/R, please, please, please email it to me, or stick it in my lj. I'm not a regular S/R shipper, and I don't want to risk coming across anything unhappy, (And Idon't want to clog up the board with it either).
Nice icon :)
babytyggeryss @ August 15 2003, 23:13:06 UTC |
I love my "Jessie is angry/sad/depressed" icon too. ^_^ A man who kills in cold blood is some how comforting right now.
I will find some S/R stories and post them under a cut-tag for the reading pleasure of those who want them.
context @ August 15 2003, 23:06:15 UTC |
Ditto on the smut. Cannot cope, as someone put so eloquently earlier.
(parent)nightflight @ August 15 2003, 23:14:16 UTC |
::adds herself to the line::
Someone send me fluff recs at here? Thanks. >
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 23:04:24 UTC |
I think he did put up his fight. And umm. Soup. Need soup. *goes to cry with anoni*
(parent)anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:09:23 UTC |
::cries with you:: He's fought. And given up. They've both surrendered.
Remember when he made soup for Remus? I wish it had worked out, somehow...
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 23:12:48 UTC |
Me too. *sniffle* And Lucius and Narcissa... Arthur and Molly... everythings going wrong... *cries*
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:14:16 UTC |
as somebody said, August is not N_A's month. oO_Oo
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novacancies @ August 15 2003, 23:03:00 UTC |
::whimpers:: i've been walking around the house making little crying noises. this is very tragic :( :( :(
although i'll have to admit that the toothbrush line is a very good quote.
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:08:01 UTC |
and they're not even real...
I do really need to remind myself that. But they feel so real.
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:12:26 UTC |
I know they do get emotional over the interaction. I've seen some of them say they've cried over particularly wrenching threads.
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novacancies @ August 15 2003, 23:09:19 UTC |
well, if they were "real" (whatever real means, what is real? man i've been watching the matrix too much), and i was friends with one of them i probably wouldn't cry about the toothbrush line. but it's them and theirloveissocanon and WAAAAAAAAAH. now i'm all weepy.
(parent)anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:43:51 UTC |
Sometimes the tears blinded the love
We lost our dreams along the way
But I never thought you'd trade your soul to the fates
Never thought you'd leave me alone
~'Tears', X Japan
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 23:20:38 UTC |
She better, or do something that makes him remember that she's his wife.
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 23:26:30 UTC |
Am loving Narcissa right now. She is the Queen.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:18:12 UTC |
is *he* being sincere or not?
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:20:50 UTC |
Isn't that his "smug" icon?
I wonder if Narcissa has ever read 'The Burning Bed'.
tonic_x @ August 15 2003, 23:32:21 UTC |
It's also his default icon.
But if he knew that and used it on purpose, I will steal his pimp stick and shove it far up his rear.
_audrey @ August 15 2003, 23:22:03 UTC |
*hates Lucius and his smug 'i've-got-a-stupid-pimp-hat' icon*
No love! >:O
zorb @ August 15 2003, 23:24:28 UTC |
Well, I can't say I'm surprised. *sigh* At least we've got some closure, right? Rather than being left wondering, "Will they or won't they?"
Not that anything's ever final in N_A, but you know what I mean.
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shallowfemme @ August 15 2003, 23:30:33 UTC |
At least we've got some closure
Thank god for that. I've been wibbling over this to the point where my parent's are wondering if I'm okay, or sick or something. I'm not. *sighs*
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:24:45 UTC |
Ohhhhhh a reference to her monthly. She's gonna blister him!
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:28:40 UTC |
a beat down is most definitely in order. and she is not amused.
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:29:13 UTC |
Passes darkillusion the popcorn.
"Get him Narcissa! Don't take that kind of lip off him!"
arborwin @ August 15 2003, 23:37:56 UTC |
I joined the community for the sole purpose of putting in my vote that Lucius be publically castrated.
Perhaps that's not a good first impression...
akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:39:31 UTC |
i think its a wonderful impression.
*adds vote*
_audrey @ August 15 2003, 23:40:20 UTC |
I'd definitely pay to see that. :)
It's as good a first impression as any, I'd say. Welcome to nraged! :D
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:49:58 UTC |
Er, is the bow so I have better access for the above mentioned loving?
tabiji @ August 16 2003, 00:05:04 UTC |
Heheh. Okay, because the other would be er, physically impossible on my part :D
babytyggeryss @ August 15 2003, 23:50:30 UTC |
I'm for castration and left forgotten and bleeding in a small, little-used closet.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 00:20:52 UTC |
*glomps Arby*
Thank goodness you're here! I have a wibble buddy now.
tonic_x @ August 15 2003, 23:31:03 UTC |
There are no words.
*crawls under covers*
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 23:31:06 UTC |
i lit a candle for them.... i don't think it will really help...... i just had to do something. :(
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:35:41 UTC |
Hi Draco,
Are you laughing about your parents, or the professors?
potterstinks @ August 15 2003, 23:59:55 UTC |
Actually, I was laughing at the capitalisation and punctuation. I'd been wondering if their candles were Richly Scented, but I've been threatened, so I decided to simply laugh.
(parent)tabiji @ August 16 2003, 00:03:22 UTC |
Threatened? Who would be silly enough to threaten you? Or do you mean warned to not mock the Muggles?
(parent)anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:46:43 UTC |
It's especially cruel when Sirius is so distraught that he's accepting comfort from anybody, sincere or not.
(parent)anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:55:16 UTC |
If he *had* been more hesitant, none of this might have happened. ::mutters with you::
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:02:01 UTC |
I's so damned BLATANT. He might as well say, "Remus has left. Lucius, would you like to come over?"
::wants to KILL::
Doesn't he realise there are people OUTSIDE of Malfroy's family who will support him?
akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:57:55 UTC |
he better be not be drinking at *all* then.
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:53:07 UTC |
I could so hear the same tone as the "Let's hope Mr. Potter is always here to save the day" from CoS.
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:57:24 UTC |
I'm going to have to friend you. Because a friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a body.</b>
I think we will be very good friends.
babytyggeryss @ August 15 2003, 23:39:04 UTC Smut for the Needy |
I'm sure most you have read these already, but I posted some of my favorites.
Lipstick Kissed by Maple Tide, Takes a Licking by Bait, Bundle of Joy by Canis M., This Could All Be Yours... by Damien Kaziah, Hunger by Dawnatello, To Give You the Moon by Dawnatello, Moon Notes by Moony's White Wolf
All stories are posted without permission.
Sites used: Red Moon Rising and AZKABAN'S LAIR
tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:40:52 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
heh...good subject line
babytyggeryss @ August 15 2003, 23:44:50 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
My pleasure; smut is needed in this time of angst.
I thought the subject line was rather witty, but I shan't let it go to my head. ^_^
akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:41:25 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
<333 *thanks profusely*
(parent)context @ August 15 2003, 23:43:39 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
Oou. Anything S/R by Canis M. is good.
Link also posted without permission.
moony @ August 15 2003, 23:45:03 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 02:05:21 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
No, just doing a little something to keep the mind-set of NA healthy. ^_^
Thank you for your kind words.
cirakaite @ August 16 2003, 00:29:47 UTC Re: Smut for the Needy |
Mmmmmm. Canis M and Mapletide. I'd lost my S/R links! This comes at just the right time. *weeps*
(parent)context @ August 15 2003, 23:48:30 UTC *screeches* |
ABSINTHE?! *starts up chant again*
akutenshi2007 @ August 15 2003, 23:50:06 UTC Re: *screeches* |
*joins chant* goawaygoawaygoaway.
and he's in a fight with his wife!
anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:50:29 UTC Re: *screeches* |
How *could* he? ::snarlsandthrashesandkills::
(parent)tabiji @ August 15 2003, 23:50:42 UTC Re: *screeches* |
Sirius please don't do it.
_audrey @ August 15 2003, 23:56:41 UTC Re: *screeches* |
Inever drink alone.
Damn you, Sirius Black!
*breaks things*
anoni @ August 15 2003, 23:59:42 UTC Re: *screeches* |
He could have ended it, dammit! But no, he's wallowing in self pity, and... argh.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 07:31:47 UTC Re: *screeches* |
It's never going to end! We'll be stuch watching(reading) the N_A soap opera forever!
Sirius is an idiot, then again, I'd probably wallow in self-pity to, but I wouldn't go for drinks with Lucius who started the whole thing. *eye twitches*
anoni @ August 16 2003, 07:58:59 UTC Re: *screeches* |
Well, I would too. In fact, I spent an entire thread sympathising with him. But still, that doesn't mean Sirius doesn't deserve a good hit on the head. He was doing so *well* at cooling his relationship with Lucius, and then... ::sighs:: Timing is everything, I guess.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 08:02:31 UTC Re: *screeches* |
Am now sympathising with Sirius, but must say timing is very off. Poor Sirius... Poor Remus. *runs to find a Harry thread*
(parent)arborwin @ August 15 2003, 23:57:20 UTC Re: *screeches* |
I will so applaud if Sirius tells him to sod off, in so many words.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 00:14:07 UTC |
hn. quite a shame. makes me wonder what business he's going on so quickly...
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:19:55 UTC |
::nods fervently:: I don't want to imagine how he must have felt when he saw Sirius running to Lucius, who happens to be one of the main reasons for all this trouble.
Another point off both Sirius and Lucius.
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 00:09:54 UTC |
Don't know if this was posted yet, but Narcissa gets violent.
I pity the owl, taking that heavy object all the way to London.
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 00:15:28 UTC |
I think the book will be ok; Lucius has all that hair. It will make for good padding.
On the down side, he might not feel any pain if it's dropped on his head. Maybe the owl should wait until he's sleeping and drop it on that pretty face of his.
Wait, I do feel sorry for that book. ^_^
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 00:23:46 UTC |
I think Remus and Narcissa should both shrink something ELSE. Maybe then their husbands won't be...erm...so inclined to flirt anymore.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 00:25:20 UTC |
*laughs* i was thinking that too.
t'would be a grand solution to these problems.
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 00:28:41 UTC |
Certainly no one needs me here.
Does he forget that his godson is upstairs?!
*extremely pissed*
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 00:32:53 UTC |
another reason to be completely thankful for smut fanfiction.
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:44:47 UTC |
Selfish. Self-pity. Self-absorbed.
I can excuse one or even two of those, at the moment and given the situation, but all three is pushing it a bit.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 08:15:46 UTC |
Those three, drinks with Lucius, and not seeing how Harry feels is really pushing it.
(parent)tabiji @ August 16 2003, 00:49:06 UTC |
How convenient. Lucius will be in London. Sirius is in London.
If Sirius is foolish enough to let this happen, he probably doesn't deserve Remus.
Which may not be all bad, since there seems to be someone waiting in the wings for Remus.
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 01:10:28 UTC |
Snape would be the person in question. However, I don't see him allowing himself to be the rebound-man.
If something is going to happen between them, it will be a long time coming.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 05:53:38 UTC |
I agree. Snape obviously cares about Remus, but it's because of this that he won't let romance happen at such a time.
In truth, I have a feeling that Remus wouldn't either. As evidenced in his exchange with Narcissa (if you go by the theory that he refused the visit to allow Narcissa and Draco time together), the separation hasn't changed the considerate way he deals with other people. Taking that into account, I don't think he *would* go to Snape on rebound.
But as friends, they're still wonderfully sweet. And in time... who knows? ^_^
anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:56:35 UTC |
I'm waiting quite eagerly for Snape's next post or comment, to tell the truth...
(parent)anjenue @ August 16 2003, 01:12:33 UTC |
*brandishes a very mean-looking dagger*
Wait a second. I have a better idea.
*pulls out the longsword instead*