anoni @ 2003-08-16 17:10:00 |
(no title)
Mood: anxious
Remus seems to be in an almost violent mood. (Edit: In addition to being upset, of course...) But who can blame him when Sirius is acting like this?
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 00:23:52 UTC |
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:21:52 UTC |
#passes the bad china no one ever really wants to use anyway#
We'll save the good china for when it gets worse. It will feel good to smash #battens down the hatches#
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:27:08 UTC |
I have my uses. Am trying to read all the new PS and JH comments and am almost dead from the ordeal of it. Gargh.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:32:05 UTC |
Well I slept from around 11-3 and woke up. I have no idea why, so I missed stuff that was posted then. I don't know if you missed it
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:45:48 UTC |
#Just got to Draco's description of how he and Potter became friends# and, well, it's so great. Stupid NA keeping me up all night being awesome.....
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:57:16 UTC |
Mandarin on mandarin action.
I don't know. I think I may be on NA overload. They sort of soothed us into submission with that lack-of-very-many-posts and then they blew up with this Q&A session. After session. And and. NA shouldn't be the natural choice between sleep and NA.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:03:59 UTC |
What is this... The Bill
#friends you like mad by the way#
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:11:19 UTC |
#Kicks American television#
I don't even have digital cable, so I don't even get BBC!America. Can't even watch Graham Norton. #mindlessly depressed#
That show sounds unbelievable.
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 00:34:21 UTC |
*softly plays the Asshole song in the background*
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 01:33:35 UTC |
I love you icon.
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 02:00:43 UTC |
Unfortunately, this is not just driving really slow in the ultra-fast lane while people behind you are going insane.
I never thought I would see the day where I would want to stab my favourite character...
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:08:54 UTC |
I know what you mean. However, I am still at the sharp elbow nudge in the general direction of obvious land stage. The stabbing isn't until later.
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 02:22:38 UTC |
Well, Lucius, of course. (Suddenly, the stabbing is alllll explained.)
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:37:01 UTC |
Would'a been my second guess.
Might I suggest tying him down to a wooden table with a crank above it (think like the crank for a well's bucket), slitting his gut and winding his intestine around the crank? I am sure he would love the tradition behind it.
Love to hate that man, and hate to love him. *smirk*
vermithrax @ August 16 2003, 10:15:05 UTC |
You've been reading Poe again, haven't you?
Torture is a good idea, but you don't want to start with the big stuff. I recommend you begin with the good old bamboo-shoots-under-the-fingernails, and work your way up from there.
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 11:51:08 UTC |
Yes. Damn that drunken little man.
Oh, GOD, no. Don't you dare let me write a Poe infuluenced fanfic. It is your duty as my sister.
black_dog @ August 16 2003, 00:38:37 UTC |
I'm trying not to over-react here, but does Remus' abrupt change in tone -- backing off any suggestion of a get-together with Narcissa -- have anything to do with her mentioning Draco? Has Draco chosen to stay behind in Italy with his mother, after his father had suggested he would be accompanying him to London? If Draco made this choice, it would be a big deal, and Remus seems to recognize that.
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:47:34 UTC |
Good point. ::huggles Remus:: See, that's the difference - both he and Sirius are going through tough times, but Remus still puts other people first. It would be really, really sweet if it wasn't so heartbreaking. Sirius, on the other hand... ::sigh::
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 01:00:01 UTC |
It very well might. Draco might not have the best parents, but they are the only ones he knows. It wouldn't be good for him if both of them left while he is hurting.
On a different issue, I love it that Narcissa ended the conversation when SHE wanted it to end, not when that thing did.
black_dog @ August 16 2003, 01:04:21 UTC |
Well, what I meant is that it looks like Draco has chosen not to go to London with Lucius, and that this is a surprise to Lucius, who took it for granted that Draco would follow him. He's been estranged from his mother, and more devoted to his father, so I'm wondering what this means.
(parent)dragynville @ August 16 2003, 01:16:21 UTC |
Probably wants some time away from dear ol' Daddy after that dinner in Paris from which Draco returned somewhat subdued.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 01:17:45 UTC |
I can think of some reasons why Draco would stay with Narcissa.
~Given Lucius's reactions of some of Draco's answers on the Q&A, he might not want to be alone with his father.
~While we don't know how Draco thinks politically, if Lucius has DE business and Draco has no intentions of following in his father's footsteps, he might not go.
~Maybe he and Harry have planned to get together sometime soon and I don't see Lucius being open to that--and this brings us back to reason #1.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 00:47:41 UTC |
*pulls out a very sharp dagger and begins running at Lucius*
He's oh so casually mentioning that he'll be in London for the next few days.
*bares her teeth and growls at him*
Man, if I were Remus, or Sirius for that matter...he'd be missing a limb.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 00:51:44 UTC |
::kills Lucius for taking advantage of the situation::
::brutally murders Sirius for letting - even *encouraging* - Lucius do so::
::cries for Harry and Remus::
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 00:55:08 UTC |
What, no remorse for Narcissa and what she's going through? It's just lucky for her that she has Remus, someone who can understand what she's experiencing right now. I feel badly for both families all around and hope that they can all eventually reconcile with their spouses. I just think we shouldn't automatically condemn the Malfoys and diminish their own marital problems when their marriage is just as important as Sirius and Remus's - both families have children to think about.
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 01:11:30 UTC |
I like Narcissa, actually, and I am glad that she and Remus are friends and are there to support one another. I'm not forgetting her, nor am I forgetting Molly and Arthur. But the truth is that I'm concentrating on Harry's family at the moment because... well, it's had so little time together. And individually, Sirius and Remus and Harry had each been through so much that I really, really hoped it would work out.
There's also the fact that I'm not sure Lucius deserves Narcissa. I won't presume to judge their family because it's been together for more than a decade, but I don't really approve of Lucius. And as a result of that, my desire for *them* to reunite is a bit more tentative.
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 01:38:51 UTC |
Honestly. What is it with the husbands of NA these days? Aren't they supposed to be making honest little wivesies of their lovers?
*wonders about the possibility of a First Wives club forming*
Right. Now I am scared.
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:14:18 UTC |
And then they link arms, and start singing. (the tall and the small ... *cough*)
Young and free! Young and free! Young and free!</i>
Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick. I need to stop scaring myself and go to bed.
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:40:04 UTC |
Nnf. *rubs eyes and F5s F5s F5s* At this point, I am agreeing with you.
Gwaah. Emails. @_______@
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:51:52 UTC |
Why do we do this to ourselves? xD Why is the crack so goooood?
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 02:08:03 UTC |
I won't presume to judge their family because it's been together for more than a decade, but I don't really approve of Lucius. And as a result of that, my desire for *them* to reunite is a bit more tentative.
Two decades, in fact. And it doesn't matter whether we, the fans, approve or disapprove of Lucius: Narcissa clearly cares for her family -- ALL of her family -- and I wouldn't wish her to be estranged from people she so obviously cares about. It's just like any other marriage: they need to work things out between them. People should be focusing on what they need to work out IN THEIR MARRIAGE, not simply the fact that Lucius is a Death Eater. Narcissa's stated before that she accepts that.
Just my 2 cents.
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:25:24 UTC |
It would help if they were able to converse like adults for more than one sentence. I say they, but really I mean Lucius. Wonder what he is so defensive about? His son worrying him, perhaps? Things not going as planned, I suppose.
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 04:39:53 UTC |
I didn't even think about the death eater bit, actually - that's Narcissa's choice. And I didn't say I didn't want them together either. I *do* want the issues sorted out, and I do wish them happiness, but in the end, that wish isn't as desperate as my wish for Harry's family to be happy. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I do have soft spots, and Harry and Remus happen to fill up two of them, so I guess it's natural for me to feel this way. If that sounded like I don't care about Narcissa or her family, I apologise, but that wasn't my intention in the first place.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 01:11:42 UTC |
I actually feel really sorry for Sirius at the moment. He's obviously really hurting and we all know that flirting is part of his nature.
He seems to really need to feel loved and it really doesn't matter to him who it comes from. He wants affection.
Fair enough, too.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 04:55:55 UTC |
::nods:: He's alone right now. The only person actually responding to him - sincerely or not - is Lucius. I will keep saying that I think Sirius really did try to turn their relationship into a civil-and-polite-exchanges-only type of aquaintance (he was pretty blunt, several times, in the past week), but at this time, he needs someone. And I really can't fault him for latching onto any sign of support out there... or at least, I couldn't after the initial frustration passed. (Though that took most of an hour.) At least Remus has Snape and Narcissa, you know?
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 05:35:40 UTC |
At least Remus has Snape and Narcissa, you know?
Exactly! Sirius is pretty much alone at the moment because he is the 'bad guy'. Even Harry seems to be spending that extra time with Remus. I do feel for Remus, but I also feel really sorry for Sirius.
It's not as if I'm saying it's okay for him to publicly flirt with Lucius while Remus and Sirius are together, but now he's alone and probably scared, and I'm going to start repeating myself if I keep going, haha.
Major XX to Sirius.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 05:47:38 UTC |
Exactly. It's easier to take Remus' side, I guess, but Remus hasn't been absolutely perfect either. And besides... Sirius has spent over longer in Azkaban than any other sane person in the HP world. He was imprisoned for a false charge, and the only reason he survived was because he *knew* he was innocent. Taking that into account, I think it's justified for him to be slightly less balanced, slightly less sensitive and slightly less able to put others first than other people.
And besides... he tries. He really does. Note the bluntness in his exchanges with Lurius in the past week or so. The tentative eagerness he displayed in going to visit Remus after the transformation. The food, for both Harry and Remus - the soup and pizza and more pizza... he's not good with words, but just as Snape displays his concern for Remus through his careful-phrased comments, Sirius does all he knows how to do. He just can't seem to change several things, the most important ones. ::sigh:: It doesn't excuse what he did and what he is doing, but this breakup is not all his fault.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 06:01:43 UTC |
Sirius is just human and sometimes I think Remus expects too much of him. I know how difficult it is to take in account the differences between how people deal with different situations, but Remus needs to attempt to do that, just like Sirius needs to stop his flirting as best he can.
Sirius really cares and he does show it in his own special way. Sadly, Remus isn't exactly happy with the person Sirius has 'turned out' to be. I think he expected Sirius to change once married and is upset because he's dealing with the side of Sirius he doesn't like. He wanted Sirius to change overnight.
It's really sad that this is happening to them, but I must admit I was never a big fan of Sirius/Remus. Maybe after a break they can work out their differences.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 06:19:00 UTC |
Agreed. The truth is that Sirius hasn't asked Remus to change as much as Remus has asked him to. Sure, there's the smoking thing and some other minor issues, but those were never as integral to Remus as things like flirting were to Sirius. Remus also - IMHO, of course - envisioned a more perfect relationship that Sirius did, despite the fact that he said he knew some parts of Sirius would never heal. Remus hasn't accepted Sirius as much as he would have liked to think he had, I think, and he wasn't sufficiently prepared for a relationship with someone who had been so literally stuffed up. Again, that doesn't excuse what Sirius is doing etc., but yeah.
One last thing is that personality-wise, I personally think Remus is more suited as a parent. It's easier for him to play the part of a father. For Sirius, that's another obstacle - caring about someone doesn't necessarily equate to being a good parent, after all.
To tell the truth, I don't follow the fandom (in that I don't read fanfics and the such), so nraged is the only place where I truly get obsessed over Sirius/Remus. I have nothing against them as a couple, but I think that they have made a great pair of close friends too. ::shrugs:: This may sound odd, but within the series itself, I don't really ship anyone. There are some couples I don't care about (Penny and Percy, anyone? XD), but when I first read the series, I was too young to run a test-every-character's-compatibility-wit
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 06:41:18 UTC |
Remus walked into the marraige with the idea that everything would now be perfect and wasn't at all prepared for things to not go his way.
Remus is more suited for the serious side of parenting, whereas Sirius is more for the fun. Sirius wouldn't be prepared for any issues Harry may have as he grows up, but he could surprise us all and take on the role perfectly.
I never started reading fanfiction or anything until I discovered NA, and even then I can't really read it now because I get cranky about how my favourite characters are portrayed. I have this exact image in my head of how they should be and, of course, most fanfiction doesn't fit into that. I'm so surprised that I ended up so addicted to NA since some of the things that go on I'd definatly hate if it was in story form. I'm really for how the books are written rather than how people want them to be written.
I see Sirius and Remus as good friends, rather than in a relationship together. I think the Marauders were meant to be friends, not lovers. I don't despise their relationship or anything in NA world, but elsewhere I wouldn't be happy with it, if that makes sense.
I think there should be a cure for NA-Addicts.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 07:03:47 UTC |
I think that Sirius, *together* with Remus, would make an excellent pair of parents. But they haven't yet fully accepted each others' flaws, and aren't cooperating as they would be in an ideal world.
I still don't read fanfiction either. In fact, NA only became an obsession within the past fortnight, though I've now begun the rather ambitious task of going through all the entries from the beginning. And I didn't really give NA serious consideration before that... well, because I find the books perfectly (well, close enough) fine as they are, and I didn't need fanfiction or other interpretations. Because as you said, everyone views things differently, and I didn't want my own image affected before the series was finished. And even then, I would have been very, very discriminating in what fics I chose to read, if any at all.
And yeah, I saw the Marauders as friends. Brothers, even. But... not as a romantic coupling. I don't mind R/S either (rather obviously), but it's only in this context, and I think that's because in my mind, NA has already become disconnected from the canon itself, and is therefore unaffected by preconceptions or suchlike. So you make sense. ^_^
If there was one, would you take it? ::curious::
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:19:44 UTC |
Am no longer pacified by the conspiracy theory posted awhile back about this all being part of the plan
Maybe I will go read the Veritaserum wedding posts so as to be cheery
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:47:01 UTC |
#passes good china, and some of those... boat in a bottle type things#
(parent)noirenails @ August 16 2003, 01:38:22 UTC |
*shakes head in misery* How many couples we actually have now?
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:51:37 UTC |
Harry/His Secret Shag
Boot/Thomas (maybe... god only knows)
Someone said Hooch/Trelawny look'd like it was heating up
and umm.... The house-elves *shudders*
AHahhahaaa.. man... was it NA!Draco who was wondering if house-elves choose their mates by the size of their eyeballs or just some random fic?
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:28:03 UTC |
The very idea of any sort of house elf copulation causes me to twitch, otherwise I would try and help you with that question.
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 03:02:18 UTC |
*is prodded*
I aim to please. >=3
Do not take it amiss if you find yourself slapped silly!
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 03:12:21 UTC |
I can't believe you made that icon. However, then I remember where this is and what time we are upon and I realise that anything is possible.
takeonelook @ August 16 2003, 01:42:08 UTC |
I know that at the moment Sirius feels alone and worthless and desperate. Hence he says that he can't do anything right. And that's why Lucius is such a tempting offer. He can offer Sirius comfort and reassurance, even if it is only through sex. But even more than that, Lucius is an escape for Sirius. Not only does he forget about his current situation, but he feels wanted and needed, which he craves right now. And being promiscuous must be a comfort thing for him. Not only is he forgetting, but sex is something he is good at, the one thing he hasn't failed in yet. Which is obviously unhealthy because it's just cementing Sirius's mentality that he can do sex, but not relationships. And yet, even after trying to understand Sirius I still can't get over this:
My heart is breaking.
And I really need to learn HTML, because having to put the whole address is really annoying, and doesn't look half as cool.
Oh and sorry for my lack of articulation, not that I'm ever that articulate, but I think the time has come for me to retire for the night. Well, more like early morning.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:49:03 UTC |
okay, < a href = "internet addy" > Words Words Words < / a > sans all those spaces. Not as difficult as one would think, eh? I am completely incompetent in any and all ways, and I can do that.
#grins# Hmm... eh?
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 01:52:27 UTC |
And then, likewise:
For italic lettering: < i > Wordses < / i >
Bold: < b > Wordses < / b >
just leave out all the spaces and you're golden.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 01:58:35 UTC |
Man. Together we conquered basic html like a mother.
r0x0rz, d00d
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:06:24 UTC |
Can we have a special team name?
Something ridiculously geeky that all the kidz will writhe in their jealous bones over?
#is bored#
context @ August 16 2003, 02:00:20 UTC |
Heart has been broken for days. T_T
Since the HTML tutorial has been given... What was that line?
--> Wrong answer, Sirius Black. Wrong answer.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:22:51 UTC |
NA recently has made me want to climb into someones lap for a nice good cry. Is that normal?
Very much so not what I wanted to go down.
#a la I Love Lucy# WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:28:00 UTC |
The lap climbing is normal. Can't say the same about the crying really...
(parent)context @ August 16 2003, 02:29:52 UTC |
Considering the circumstances, I think the need to have a good cry in anyone's lap is perfectly normal.
(btw, that is a very cute Taito icon)
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 02:25:06 UTC |
Because I always wonder about these things...
Is it even possible to see Lucius's POV in this situation? Does he even HAVE a POV? Normally I am the biggest supporter of the "everyone's human" theory, but I draw the line here!
What could POSSIBLY motivate him to do this? And why Sirius of all people?
*pokes him with a flaming torch in the direction of Narcissa*
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:26:57 UTC |
*redirects aforementioned flaming torch, and pokes him in direction of v. high cliff*
*...with jagged rocks at the bottom*
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:31:31 UTC |
make yourself plain. You think Narcissa should take the git back! *envisions unraveling of 100 years women's rights progress*
to purestblood's player, you know we ♥ you. Feel the love in form of bitter maligning, really!
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 12:51:09 UTC |
to purestblood's player, you know we ♥ you. Feel the love in form of bitter maligning, really!
It's hard to feel the love when people are making suggestions as to how painfully my character can die. One person suggested that they attach Lucius' intestines to a sort of crank thing and slowly turn it.
It's, um, disturbing, to say the least, but I guess I'm doing my job.
--Lucius' player
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adolfa @ August 16 2003, 17:01:53 UTC |
You think Narcissa should take the git back!
Guilty. Mind you, not without their relationship issues being worked out past the point of 'here's some jewelry'.
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:25:16 UTC IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
Perhaps this should start on an entirely new post but... I am not going to be making many friends with this one. Here we go. Break out your angry carrot/colon/letter"o" faces, everyone.
I am bravely going where no NrAger (to my knowledge) has gone before to say that... perhaps Remus is WAY more at fault than we realize. And in worse ways than I feel brave enough to mention.
Allow me to set the stage: the goodbye, threaded
Read this thread. Tell me who sounds like the more guilty party.
From all that we know up 'til now, Remus' transgressions are limited to the cigarettes and petty sundry, yes? And he feels a deep and righteous anger toward Lucius, yes? So why oh why on God's green earth is he not PISSED as HELL that thatsunuvabitch Black is not the man he hoped he'd be? I will grant that lupercusis the model of decorum and kindness, but he is neither of these lately in regards to Lucius. Either he is very weary by now, or he is in no position to tell Sirius to go to Hell. Which means, of course, all is woe. (new and different for us!)
Act II: in which NrAgers take the stage.
Harry is kissed two days ago.
That would be the 13th August. Now, Let us all take a look at the date on this journal entry. They are... disturbingly playful. As for rebuttal, I can't deny (nor would I want to!) that p_s might have been with Harry that same morning, before he left for Italy and hairy women.
I don't know that I particularly ascribe to this R/H theory, especially if it's true that the kisser and the *ahem* lover were one in the same. It's just... well, thought we should prepare ourselves for any eventuality. Let us not forget the N_A motto, after all: Everything. Sucks. Bigtime.
So. That's that. New horizons of crapness. *waves N_A flag, sekritly loves the terrible angst*
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:37:55 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
I thought the NA motto was: "The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale is Improved"
(parent)peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:41:32 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
I thought that was the motto for Snarry fic?
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:44:53 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
Actually it's the Block Island slogan, but c'mon. Frankly, m'dear it hits the heart of every really delicious HP situation that has ever been presented
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:43:18 UTC Re: |
Oh. Dear god. Now my brain is dragging itself through this new territory. Whyyyyyyy you do this to meeeeeeee?
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:46:11 UTC |
SHhhhhhh... #pets#
Harry said he's fucking a student, no worries... shhhhhhh....
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 02:49:03 UTC |
I know. That is a comfort. However ... hmm. Didn't Remus once kiss Seamus thinking he was Charlie at some point?
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:52:12 UTC |
#waves Seamus/Remus/Charlie flag# That's really hot. I'll ship that. Hmmm..... I should read more threesome fics.
I don't know when that would have been... some helpful NrAger will find the link for you I'm sure poppet
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:09:47 UTC |
Remus apologizes to Fred, who he had kissed at the bachelor party-of-d00m-a-go-go (veritaserum, anyone?)
Fred takes leave to "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll
Dur, cannot find others. Was there more?
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 03:14:33 UTC |
Hmm. Not that I can readily think of.
However, now I am wondering about our dear sweet Remus and keeping drinks away from him.
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 03:12:04 UTC |
AH! DUH! How could I forget all that angst there and the gay people missing?!
Thank you muchly, Mystery Poster.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 03:37:10 UTC |
If YOU think it's hard keeping track of the gay angst, you should BE the gay angst. *headdesk*
- Lupin's player, angsting in the gay, gay way
hunin_munin @ August 16 2003, 11:55:29 UTC |
Oh, dear me. I worried about that. And the plot only thickens. I am offering to rub your feets now for your wonderful acting. *dorky grin*
And here I thought I had closed the t00bing HTML. Damnit. xD
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 12:57:34 UTC |
Try reading about the various ways in which people want you to die.
--Lucius' player
anoni @ August 16 2003, 20:05:32 UTC |
Well, you're torturing all of us, so it's only natural that we try and think up ways of enacting revenge.
And... ::pouts:: I don't want you to die! Though I *do* reserve the right to retract that at a later date...
saffronlie @ August 17 2003, 00:09:48 UTC |
Don't worry, we're still capable of distinguishing fiction from reality. Aren't we? Well, most of us are... some of us... not many... waaah.
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:43:57 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
Anyway, Harry said that he was boffing a fellow student, m'darling.
I will certainly admit that you threw me for a second, and I briefly considered this a possibility.
And then, I will be more ashamed to admit I sort of really wanted it to be true. Having an affair with your ward! Such delicious scandal a la Mairelon the Magician books, which are, about wizards as a matter of fact. Coincidence? I think not. #waves various shipping flags in hopes of getting it right by chance#
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 02:53:26 UTC NO RL/HP, no sir! |
#waves various shipping flags in hopes of getting it right by chance#
Hee! We are nothing if not thorough.
On a more sirius[sic] note, I am glad to know that there was none of the *woo woo* etc between Harry and Remus, as that would have been sick and wrong and confused me when I read RL/HP smutfic. Is it certain that the kisser was the lover? From whence did this little bit of info come?
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 02:59:12 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
Ah, that m'dear is the prize winning question. There were about a dozen different threads from NrAgers wishing the glory of unmasking the Secret Shag, and thusly, I cannot be assed to go through them and find that particular answer.I really want Draco to hook up with Lupin, though actually, not in NA
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:12:50 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
I find this odd, but sadly it is too OT to discuss in NrAged. Great is my woe. Y!M?
(parent)![]() |
hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 03:17:04 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
Ehhh... do you've AIM?
maykashara if you do. I have Y!M but I'm somewhat suspicious of it, and I'm afraid to check my yahoo email for fear of how much I've been ignoring
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:32:24 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
boots AIM, though should sleep. username= peccavium
(parent)moony @ August 16 2003, 03:09:46 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
Um, if you have RL/HP smutfic, you should link me.
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:16:43 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
linked to you in 10. :D
and then, we shall never speak of this *nodwink*
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:30:16 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
The Eager Student, by Cybele
(parent)moony @ August 16 2003, 03:34:36 UTC Re: NO RL/HP, no sir! |
Waaaaaaaay ahead of you on that one. Where do you think my kink CAME from? ;-)
This thread's gone OT, so if you reply, please do it through e-mail: :-D
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a_player @ August 16 2003, 03:08:03 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
Just to clarify:
There are no teacher/student relations in N_A.
Now back to your regularly scheduled wibbling!
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 03:21:05 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
aye aye! Good to know, many thanks, etc.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 06:54:14 UTC Re: IMHBSR,AU (Humble But Somewhat Ridiculous, And Unwanted Opinion) |
So why oh why on God's green earth is he not PISSED as HELL that thatsunuvabitch Black is not the man he hoped he'd be? I will grant that lupercusis the model of decorum and kindness, but he is neither of these lately in regards to Lucius.
For obvious reasons, Remus hates Lucius and the feelings are returned. Lucius enjoys causing trouble and Remus is always a target. Go back into the back-entries, Lucius Malfoy seems to be the one person who can make Remus Lupin loose all reason.
As for Sirius, Remus knew what kind of person he was when the two married. Maybe Remus thought that Sirius would move on and flirt with someone else after they were married, I don't know.
Maybe we'll never know.