dragynville @ 2003-08-16 03:11:00 |
snape (and sirius') posts..
Music: I Used to Love Her - Guns & Roses
Our darling Snape is in Tokyo and seems to have picked up some various Gundam Wing and tentacle sex doujinshi. XD
And if it (S/R) wasn't over already with that flat business, I think Sirius just put paid to it. ;_; (Forgive me if this particular post has been discussed below already, but I was away in hell [i.e. shopping] for most of it. Ignore if necessary.)
context @ August 16 2003, 03:18:40 UTC |
Darn, you beat me to it. ^^;;
Oh God, GW dj. T_T Ebil.
Who else wishes they had stowed away in Our Dear Professor's luggage?
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 03:20:47 UTC |
Ooo.. one of the many uses for shrinking spells. :D
Can we get him to bring some doujinshi back for us?
context @ August 16 2003, 03:23:35 UTC |
Shrinking spells~~ Hadn't even thought of that.
And if we beg incessantly, maybe? xD
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 03:26:32 UTC |
Maybe if we beg incessantly and then offer to stop once it starts annoying him, which wouldn't take long. XD
(parent)catiadoodle @ August 16 2003, 03:21:17 UTC |
Professor, there is more to Tokyo than Kabukicho, manga and raw fish!
But I see you already found an onsen, this is a good start.
lazy_daze @ August 16 2003, 04:09:19 UTC |
Beat me to it! So it still could be 'everything's nothing,' like people (there is no way i am searching for the link) have suggested.
(parent)zorb @ August 16 2003, 09:15:53 UTC |
Either that or EVERYTHING SNOT. But I'm thinking no. ;-)
So, Haiti? Honduras? Houston?
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 09:30:49 UTC |
I still like EVERYTHINGS NOT ABOUT POTTER or D/H or something like that that somebody had suggested. XD
(parent)zorb @ August 16 2003, 09:44:08 UTC |
Yeah, but Snape would really have to speed around the world to get all of that in before September 1st. *g*
(parent)eponis @ August 16 2003, 13:50:30 UTC |
Has anyone mentioned the e.e. cummings poem with "everything's nothing" in it? I vaguely remember someone mentioning poetry, so they may have.
At any rate, the verse is
but from this endless end
of briefer each our bliss--
where seeing eyes go blind
(where lips forget to kiss)
where everything's nothing
--arise,my soul;and sing
It's a lovely poem, and e.e. cummings is one of my favorite 20th century poets, so it'd make me very happy if that's what he was spelling.
Knowing N_A, though, it's probably something totally unexpected!
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 14:24:44 UTC |
Someone did mention that poem, yes. I don't remember who it was.
(parent)windtear @ August 16 2003, 03:53:00 UTC |
Our darling Snape is in Tokyo and seems to have picked up some various Gundam Wing and tentacle sex doujinshi.
It doesn't have to be GWing. It could be Gadgard or Gundam Seed (mmm, Kira) or Macross Zero or any number of things. In fact, I think them more likely as GWing is from 1996 and Gundam Seed is still playing on TV.
And if it (S/R) wasn't over already with that flat business, I think Sirius just put paid to it. ;_;
I honestly feel like hitting both of them over the head. Did anyone see a movie once called The Ref? (Basically this burglar breaks into a house on Christmas, only to find he's picked a house where the family are home and on the verge of divorce. He finds himself a reluctant mediator of their fights.) I honestly feel like doing what that guy did - tie them both to chairs and make them talk and listen to each other.
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 04:22:35 UTC |
GW popped into my head because I like it, and it's still so prolific in doujinshi. XD
OMG! I remember that movie. It had some very funny moments. Perhaps we could get M.B. on the job. She's very good at it after all. :D
zionsstarfish @ August 16 2003, 11:30:08 UTC |
LOL! I love that idea. Perhaps gunny sacks could be involved.
(parent)tabiji @ August 17 2003, 04:31:39 UTC Snape blending in with the locals.... :) |
Because potions_master will be disgusted by it.
(I miss the tan)
anoni @ August 17 2003, 05:54:04 UTC Re: Snape blending in with the locals.... :) |
Oh my GOD. ::dies::
(parent)![]() |
hobaggins @ August 17 2003, 23:56:41 UTC Re: Snape blending in with the locals.... :) |
THIS is why you are a livejournal interest.