zorb @ 2003-08-16 14:43:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Lupin tries to cling
Snape kicks him in the trousers
Go you, Sevvie. Go.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 14:52:08 UTC |
The way that all appears, methinks Lupin might have been at fault.
Sirius' and Lucius' flirtations aside...why does Remus sound so guilty? Seriously.
arborwin @ August 16 2003, 15:03:23 UTC |
Perhaps he's starting to understand what Snape meant by him expecting too much of Sirius and himself. I know I'd feel guilty...
(parent)zorb @ August 16 2003, 15:04:55 UTC |
I think Remus has something of a guilt complex, stemming from the lycanthropy. It made him feel like less than a person for so long that he's constantly trying to make up for it by being superhuman. He blames himself when anything goes less than ideally. Poor w00bie.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 15:04:57 UTC |
well from what snape says its just remus's nature to take all the blame for everything going on. maybe he feels guilty because he was the one who gave up. if harry isn't talking to him because of this then it would make sense that he feels guilty because harry isn't happy. he WAS the one who left in the first place.
meh. they're all being idiots. snapes the only one with any sense at all. ^_^
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:33:45 UTC |
That is very true. I guess I just wasn't really looking at it from that point of view.
Then again...when a relationship dissolves, both parties are somewhat at fault. I might think that Sirius is more at fault, but Remus can't be completely blameless.
And they both still love the other, and want them back, and are very upset...so...
What is the problem, exactly? *growls and shoves them into a room and locks the door*
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 15:04:59 UTC |
He only sounded a little guilty (and a lot sad) about Harry to me. Over not being able to give him the happy family he craves.
And he still loves Sirius too. ;_;
moony @ August 16 2003, 15:07:42 UTC |
Your haiku is the
Funniest thing I have seen
In the whole damn world.
zorb @ August 16 2003, 15:23:03 UTC |
Thanks! It cannot do
Justice to Lupin's mad skillz
But, you know, I try.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:26:18 UTC |
Thank you, kind sir, for
Being the levelheaded
Person we cannot.
zorb @ August 16 2003, 15:26:37 UTC |
You obviously need to spend more time in Southern California, Professor. Or perhaps in a public AOL chat.
(parent)peccavium @ August 16 2003, 15:48:48 UTC |
Do we have it in for potions_master as well, then? Was not aware.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:51:10 UTC |
No, we just want him to come and visit us (either by bringing him to America or by dragging him into an AOL chat) so we can all swarm him.
(parent)zorb @ August 16 2003, 15:51:17 UTC |
We <3 him. In fact, I think I'll vote for him for governor.
(parent)dragynville @ August 16 2003, 15:36:39 UTC |
Are you bringing back any manga or doujinshi with you?
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 15:25:11 UTC |
Hey, how did Black/Snape
ever work in the past? I
must read some backlogs.
The speed of weddings
and break-ups is extremely
scary. Take cover.
I almost like you,
Severus Snape. "You are not
alone," indeed. Hm.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:28:11 UTC |
I believe it was
Sharing unpleasant times that
Brought them together
Relationships based
On such situations can
Never really work.
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 15:33:21 UTC *leaving now, will be back later* |
Oh my dear goddess.
You are Anjali as well?
I am quite amazed!
And your words are quite true.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:35:42 UTC Re: *leaving now, will be back later* |
Yes, I am. :)
The first time I saw
Your username it made me
Jump around the room
I thought that I was
Destined to be the only
Anjali around.
It's always nice to be proven wrong about that sort of thing.
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 19:07:14 UTC |
I am quite honored.
Must keep track of Anjalis!
*has made a new friend*
Unlike some others,
I have always loved my name.
Never more than now!
Oh Lupin, you have much to answer for.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:11:21 UTC |
A beautiful name
It certainly is, agreed
I love it as well
Although I find that
It is often easier
To use a nickname
Since many people
Seem to have difficulty
Spelling 'Anjali'.
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 19:18:26 UTC |
They always seem to
put a 'g' instead of 'j,'
don't they? Drives me nuts.
Was once a girl in
my school who spelt it with a
'u' instead of 'a.'
Besides surprising,
the spelling has haunted my
own name forever.
But it is better
than my sisters, Ahalya
and Aarathi. Ouch.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:27:47 UTC |
Ouch is certainly
The right word to use here since
Our name's hard enough
People mispronounce
And misspell my name so much
I've started to too
The worst spelling that
I ever saw: "Ungaliy"
Painful to see, eh?
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 19:40:33 UTC |
I fear I'm blinded.
Never mispelled that badly,
but pronounced that, yes.
Sweet slumber beckons
(my bed keeps a nice book warm),
I must depart now.
Quite certainly, these
haikus have made my day, as
well as a new friend.
NrAged, I dare not
count the ways I love thee. I
have not room enough.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 15:37:35 UTC |
They had hot wild sex
Sevvie was repressed but he
loosened up with Black.
![]() |
Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 15:43:17 UTC |
They argued a lot
And had anger management
Sev is a screamer.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:44:53 UTC |
Oh, you dirty, lovely anonymous!
I may have to make avs now.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 16:12:32 UTC |
Then Remus joined in
Sevvie screamed even louder
...the rest is X-rated.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 16:57:15 UTC |
The handcuffs and whips
And shameless BDSM
Should be private... NOT.
::is in an insane mood::
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 18:48:08 UTC |
You're not fooling anyone, Black.
Thinking with your lower brain again, are we?
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 18:52:04 UTC |
I fail to see how this is ANYONE else's business or at all pertinent to the discussion at hand. You do not see me informing the masses of your own predilections, do you?
And don't call me Sevvie.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 18:54:02 UTC |
The masses already know my predilections. I am not a neurotically secretive hermit like you.
(parent)potions_master @ August 16 2003, 18:57:03 UTC |
Just because everyone and their dog knows what you do in your free time does not mean that anyone needs to. There is something to be said, Black, for a little decorum.
And I don't bloody scream. Not that you would have been able to tell over the racket you were making.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 18:59:31 UTC |
I could hear you quite clearly, and those were not complaints I heard.
(parent)potions_master @ August 16 2003, 19:03:10 UTC |
I had no complaints, about that at any rate. Your personality on the other hand, the list would fill a thousand scrolls and then some.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 19:06:01 UTC |
I will accept criticism from you about my personality when you acquire one.
(parent)potions_master @ August 16 2003, 19:10:05 UTC |
I have a personality. You merely were never as interested in learning about it as you were in getting into my robes.
A problem that continues to plague you even today, obviously.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 19:12:44 UTC |
What's beneath your robes is the most interesting thing about you, Sevvie.
That, and the screaming.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:24:18 UTC |
Yes, sir, as much as I'm sure we would all like to see beneath the robes, it is your cutting wit that manages to slay us every time.
(parent)anjenue @ August 16 2003, 18:48:08 UTC |
Pardon me, sir, but
Are you insinuating
You aren't a screamer?
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 18:52:24 UTC |
He is in denial
He screamed his bloody head off
Don't let him fool you.
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 18:54:27 UTC |
You, sir, are an ass
And I do not wish to have
My sex life discussed.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 18:58:14 UTC |
I am not an ass
You are a repressed sad man
Who needs to get laid.
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 18:59:39 UTC |
Perhaps that is so
But rest assured that you will
Not have the honours.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 19:02:25 UTC |
I have no need for
Your cold snarky insults now
Go sleep with your cat.
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 19:05:30 UTC |
Always so clever
No wonder that you are now
Sleeping all alone.
Now that you mention
I would like to see my cat
Which Lupin has now.
jadedsirius @ August 16 2003, 19:08:01 UTC |
Ah, the truth comes out
We know that you want to be
Where your cat is now.
potions_master @ August 16 2003, 19:18:06 UTC |
It is fortunate
That you are not Slytherin
Green's not your colour.
I am concerned that
My familiar is in comfort
No need for worry.
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 22:07:13 UTC |
How dare you say such, you mongrel!
I think I shall act upon my craving for human flesh if ever I am unfortunate enough to be anywhere near your person.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:01:54 UTC |
We are a repressed
Community that very
Much wants to see that.
Or am I just speaking for myself, here? ^_^ Oh, and <3<3<3 to you, Sirius.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:03:38 UTC |
I would be willing
To offer my services
If that's what he needs
*grins innocently*
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:05:53 UTC |
If you do not mind,
Perhaps I could install a
Video camera?
::whistles... not so innocently::
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:08:10 UTC |
I would not mind since
It would bring some relief to
The wibbling masses
Hot, passionate sex
Is exactly what this group
Needs at this juncture.
*grins and glomps you*
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:14:51 UTC |
Now all that we need
Is for the other party
To give his consent
And then nraged will
No doubt be treated to some
Much needed druggage
::glomps back:: By the way, they're having a *public* snipefest. I'm wibbling and squeeing so loudly that I'm drowning out the music. <333333 ::fangirls::
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:19:06 UTC |
Sirius and Sev
Are absolutely darling
When they start to fight
I, too, am squeeing
And laughing so hard that my
Parents think I'm nuts.
I think that we make
A very good team, don't you?
I shall friend you now.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:25:32 UTC |
Black acts like an ass
Sevvie tries to keep his cool
We wibble and squee
Then the action starts
Repression turns explosion
And... I think I faint.
That, we do indeed
So I shall now friend you back
Hello, by the way. ^_^
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:28:46 UTC |
Hello to you too!
Make sure you remember to
Keep on breathing now.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:31:22 UTC |
Even if I don't,
Seeing the pair in action
Will be a sweet death.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:47:47 UTC |
Why did they stop now?
I hope that it wasn't cuz
Of my last comment.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 19:56:41 UTC |
::is disappointed::
I'm sure it was not your fault
Maybe... just maybe...
The tension rose so
Much that they deemed it prudent
To go somewhere else
And continue the
Argument in another
Manner, so to speak?
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 21:18:20 UTC |
We can only hope
That was really the case and
They're both happy now.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 21:21:57 UTC |
Actually, it seems
They moved their argument to
Lupin's journal now.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 21:34:53 UTC |
And as a result,
I am crying, not squeeing.
I love them, but still...
anjaliesque @ August 16 2003, 19:21:59 UTC |
Now I see. It was
for the screaming. Well, I can
understand that. *wink*
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hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 15:39:37 UTC |
I have changed my mind
Snape couldn't be rebound-guy
It's not in his genes
It would be a love
Hot/Everlasting boy-love
Great and t00by love
black_dog @ August 16 2003, 16:47:45 UTC |
Remus wibbles. Sev
hates wibbling. And they are both
bottoms. It can't work.
![]() |
hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 16:50:07 UTC |
You've made Elise cry
You horrible truth bringer
She's wibbling now, prat.
black_dog @ August 16 2003, 16:58:26 UTC |
Go tell Remus all
about it then. He'll comfort
you. Sevvie will not.
![]() |
Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 17:35:00 UTC |
you forget the fact
that remus is a werewolf
and therefore alpha
i think he would so
top if they were together
and that would be fine
snape and lupin are
the hot, and so bring on the
frantic buggery.
![]() |
hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 17:45:52 UTC |
Hi Anonymous,
Give me your hand in marriage
Please, please, please please please
black_dog @ August 16 2003, 18:02:16 UTC |
Not that I'd ever
Quibble, but if werewolves have
Alphas, wouldn't there
Be betas, too? There-
fore, your theory, while tempting
Fails to convince me.
Moreover, Sevvie
Is evidently a cat
Person. Which is not
To say I would not
Enjoy some hot rebound sex,
But wishes are cheap.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 15:42:32 UTC |
Where did Remus go?
He needs to see the effect
Of his haiku-ing.
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 15:56:23 UTC |
Why don't we leave a
message in his former post
with a link to here?
If he has e-mail
notification on, he'll
get our haiku.
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 15:58:06 UTC |
argh, i meant to write
"haikuage" instead of just
"haiku", should preview.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 16:11:08 UTC |
A community
Gone crazy in its attempts
To imitate 'art'?
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 16:14:52 UTC |
surely a result
of having little reason
lately to be t00bs
![]() |
hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 16:20:50 UTC |
There's always cause
To be to be t00bing about
My, uh, padowan
I have no damn clue
What the correct splleing is
Of, uh, padowan
I wish I knew more
T00by Star Wars words to use
Alas and alack
![]() |
hobaggins @ August 16 2003, 17:59:22 UTC |
I see your icon
Everywhere; It always
Has me in stiches
anoni @ August 16 2003, 16:25:38 UTC |
True. Unfortunately
It does not appear to me
Like that will change soon.
![]() |
a_player @ August 16 2003, 16:47:30 UTC |
I am laughing so
Hard that there is now Coke all
over my whole desk.
- Lupin's player
anoni @ August 16 2003, 17:00:27 UTC |
I think we are pleased
To have brought such amusement
Onto your... er, desk.
Oh, and I love you -
You do know that, I assume?
::glomps you and Lupin::
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 18:37:32 UTC |
We are always so
Glad to bring amusement to
You godly people
We have naught but love
For your mad skillz at jerking
Our emotions 'round
Although we'd very
Much like to see some very
Hot make up sex soon.
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 17:02:59 UTC |
do you imply that
Remus hasn't the skillz to
handle the pussy?
*realises this is terrible, apologises, evil haiku plot bunnies made me do it and they were multiplying in terrifying number.*
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hezzabeth @ August 16 2003, 18:02:51 UTC |
I am now waiting
For notapipe to respond
With something witty.
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 17:12:45 UTC |
I believe madame
that you mock me, which clearly
is notapipe's job.
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 17:29:49 UTC |
*looks dubiously
in your direction* Is it
worth the risk? *thinks not*
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 17:44:01 UTC |
you turn my head with
your sweet words but your icon
spells DOOM. Is this code?
*snerk <3's ernie!*
peccavium @ August 16 2003, 18:16:30 UTC |
now, that is a code
that I can get behind, wouldyou do the honors? <---- utter depravity, filth!
now, that is a code
I can get behind, and quite literally, reowr! <---- also depraved
Isn't that pleasant?
N_A is so wholesome, I
can't end this without making it sound dirty, so I quit.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 18:40:20 UTC |
You are, once again
Absolutely correct in
Your assessment here.
Everything does mean
Another spanking from our
Dear Potions Master.
zorb @ August 16 2003, 18:16:11 UTC |
My poor inbox is
Bursting with haiku. Great and
T00by is my woe.
But the image of
All the fans counting on their
Fingers is worth it.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 18:30:43 UTC |
::pats your poor inbox::
::fills it up with more haiku::
Oh, and I count toes.
But it's hilarious, isn't it? I never realised how difficult it was to count to seven until today. x_x
athene_51 @ August 16 2003, 18:41:09 UTC |
Given his love of
poetry, I would like to
read haiku by Sev.
A shame I could not
use "Sevvie" in last verse.
Must write limerick...
Nocturne Alley is
hazardous to mental health,
excessive wibbles.
Refresh is constant.
I weep for lost social life,
curse NA players (♥)zorb's haiku made me
laugh. For that distraction
from angst, I thank her.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 18:50:55 UTC |
It is becoming
Increasingly hard for us
To count to seven.
(Just pointing out that
Some of your middle verses
Only measure six.)
athene_51 @ August 16 2003, 18:57:02 UTC |
Ack, I know that some
are too short. I am also
cursing livejournal
for giving "page not
found" error, and erasing
original post.
May have to follow
through on threat to write up a
limerick. Beware!
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:01:52 UTC |
Much love for you, girl
This thread is getting way too
Hilarious now
I've been laughing out
Loud and my parents have come
Up to check on me
They really do think
That I've gone completely nuts
And I think they're right.
athene_51 @ August 16 2003, 19:14:22 UTC |
My admission to
mental institution seems
imminent. Oh well.
Much love from me in
return! May just have to friend
you if that's okay?
Haiku must stop soon.
Brain is melting from ears, an
unpleasant feeling :)
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 19:15:49 UTC |
Friend away, my dear
I shall friend you back since it
Seems we think alike.
Brain coming out of
Ears is never a good thing
I know how it feels.
saffronlie @ August 16 2003, 20:11:59 UTC |
Haiku duels are an
Impressive way to pass the
Time, but I must think.
"Do you have to think so much about your little comments?" - my brother in the room watching me count my syllables.
anjenue @ August 16 2003, 21:25:15 UTC |
I apologize
If I was in any way
The cause of thread death.
Since no one posted
Since my last comment above
I fear that's the case.
Sorry to all! *hides* Especially to those of you who were really enjoying Sirius/Severus banter.