kenboy @ 2003-08-17 23:22:00 |
What is Snape trying to tell us?
Mood: thoughtful
A couple of different threads have touched on this (and I think a third, but I can't find it). For any who missed those threads: each time Snape posts a new "travelogue" entry, he adds another letter to a message he appears to be sending. The letter for the entry is deduced from the first letter of the name of the icon he uses for that post. So, if his next post is from Baghdad, but the icon is called "Iraq," it's an "I," not a "B."
So far, we've got EVERYTHINGSNOT, which pretty obviously breaks down to "Everything's not," I think, which leads me to think we're headed for "everything's not as it seems," or some such thing. For a little while, there seemed to be speculation that a message of that sort would somehow be making the point that the Sirius/Remus thing was all being playacted, but I'm pretty sure there's been multiple comments from players to the effect that that whole thing is real, and everyone's wibbling is for good reason.
What's Snape saying?
And more importantly, what does it mean? Is it instead maybe the case that the scenes being playacted are those between the Malfoys? That Narcissa, maybe, has been recruited to the side of good, and is, I don't know, going out of her way to cause a rift with Lucius for some reason? Is there some connection to the whole insulinoma thing? Am I just looking way too deeply into all this? Maybe Snape wants to just say "everything's not worth this much of your time, you obsessed gits?"
I'd love to hear other speculation, however far-out it might be.
1anonymous1 @ August 17 2003, 20:26:26 UTC |
Maybe its an optimistic message saying that everythings not as lost as it seems?
Well, being Snape its probably not. I imagine hes just saying something but it doesnt directly apply to anything going on in NA.
![]() |
cacklebang @ August 17 2003, 20:27:56 UTC |
I, personally, think he's pining madly for Remus, among other things.
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 18 2003, 00:02:33 UTC |
Oh, deffinently. It's cute and bittersweet and blah blah blah. Wether he would admit to it being that, I highly doubt.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 17 2003, 20:46:39 UTC |
I wouldn't assume it's everything's not as it seems--that's a lot of letters left for a few weeks for one thing!:-)
If he's traveling for spying purposes it could be an Order message with something about Voldemort like "Everything's not well" or "Everything's not ready" or...anything. I just can't see Snape getting cutesy with a special private message so it makes more sense to me if the message is either hidden for spying purposes or perhaps just his own private fancy and not necessarily done for everyone's benefit. It's also perhaps supposed to be a complete coincidence that Snape himself is unaware of, though one would think he'd be more consistent about naming places if that was the case.
Iow, I have no idea but go Snape. Your work this summer has been incredible and I'm glad we got to enjoy it. Can't wait to see what's in store for you next year!
dari_brit @ August 17 2003, 21:09:45 UTC |
I could see Snape being very attracted to the message and implict contradiction in "EVERYTHINGS NOTHING." Plus, for remaining letters and remaining time it would seem to work.
Though I did get quite the grin out of whoever suggested "EVERYTHINGS NOT D/H." ^_^
kenboy @ August 17 2003, 21:18:13 UTC |
Heh, that would be a riot.
I'd completely forgotten the "everything's nothing" post...that very well COULD be it. I guess we'll see in the morning if Snape is in Austin or Hawaii, Alabama or a Hardees, and we'll go from there.
Heh, Snape in a Hardees.
anjaliesque @ August 17 2003, 21:06:04 UTC |
I sided with the persons suggesting sometime ago that it was 'everything's nothing,' a phrase from a certain poem. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where this thead is.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 17 2003, 21:12:53 UTC |
:D Found the link too:
Rather nice poem, as well.
tonic_x @ August 17 2003, 21:12:04 UTC |
Everything's not lost?
Title of a Coldplay song. But the song lyrics are kind of fitting. Eh?
'Everything's nothing' seems Snape-ish, though.
notapipe @ August 17 2003, 21:17:20 UTC |
Well, technically it could still be "Everything's nothing".
Also, he doesn't have much more to go, as he and Remus said.
It has to be short. Also, he is in some American city. So it will either be U, A, a state name or a city name. It's likely it's a large to medium large city (note the sleep, etc), and (I'm just guessing) probably on the west coast or New York again (if we want to be technical about sleep). I'm thinking LAS VEGAS. That a place for sleep? I think not.
So what's the message then?
This is where my money is.
arborwin @ August 17 2003, 21:55:49 UTC |
After Orlando, I thought to myself, "I wonder what he'd think of Vegas."
It is true. Night doesn't even come to the people of Las Vegas.
... it would be so like him to encrypt his own optimism.
eponis @ August 17 2003, 22:02:02 UTC |
My vote's for Hollywood and "Everything's nothing." Because Hollywood seems like the sort of city to never sleep, and e.e. cummings r0x0r.
Almost as much as Snape, who is expanding from being my favorite N_A character to demanding a substantial presence in everything I write, all because he's so beautiful and complex and compelling and wonderfully imperfect.
tabiji @ August 17 2003, 22:03:16 UTC |
Yea that's what I'm thinking too.
Either L - Las Vegas, or Los Angeles (or H, for Hollywood)
anjenue @ August 17 2003, 22:48:30 UTC |
I had originally said that my guess was "Everything's not as it seems," but that does seem an awful lot to get done by Sept. 1st.
However, if that was the case, he could be headed to Atlantic City...
But I'm still voting Hollywood.
selene_rain @ August 18 2003, 04:04:47 UTC |
I need a bit of convincing, Professor. How about I do something bad and you prove it to me? I'm really pretty close to Vegas, and you aren't sleeping anyway. You may as well have some fun while you're up.